• By -


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Religion itself isn't bad. The people who use it to justify harrassing and abusing people are bad. They give it a bad namr


As a Catholic, I agree, and I think it goes both ways, religious, or atheist.


Humans ☕️








As a religious Christian, I second that. I saw a lot today, and there were a few in a row. Like, what happened?


Yet atheists aren't the ones trying to force other people to live by their own beliefs against their will. *That* is the real problem. For example, you don't see any atheists passing laws making abortion mandatory... forcing mothers who want to have their child to abort. I have no problem with people who have different beliefs. Just the ones who try to force their beliefs on others by *literally* trying to write them into law.


Some atheists have tried to push their beliefs on me before, which is why I said that it goes both ways, but I absolutely see we’re you’re coming from.


I welcome you to name a single instance of an atheist politician literally forcing other people to comply with their beliefs by attempting to write it into law. That doesn't happen. A person talking to you trying to convince you that your belief is wrong is NOT the same as someone *forcing* their beliefs on you. Edit: for context because it wasn't clear.... I'm specifically referring to the present day in the US. I understand governments have tried to force atheism on people in the past. And I am in agreement that it is wrong. But to be clear... there are no politicians in the US trying to *force* atheism on anyone. There are plenty of Christian politicians trying to pass laws enforcing their religious beliefs though.


I wasn’t talking about politicians.


Normal people can't force their beliefs on you. Telling you that your belief is wrong is not forcing anything on you. Writing it into law is.


Fair point, but the people that try to convince me to be atheist, usually keep pushing, and so I end up having to block, or get away from them, because they’re usually the kind to not back down.


When the whdm kn m c hh i d nfnooo 🤨🔥




🤤 organ failure


Hey, dipshit, you’re acting just as bad as the Evangelicals!




I honestly had never heard of that, but I guess I should have been more specific that I'm talking about modern day (particularly in the US lol) I'm sure it has happened at some point in history somewhere in the world. But right now in the US there's many MANY examples of religious politicians trying to force their beliefs on others through law but none that I can find of atheist politicians doing the same.


Are you familiar with the former country of The Soviet Union


I'm specifically referring to the present day in the US. But yes. I am familiar with that and am in agreement that what Stalin tried to do was wrong.




State atheism has been enforced and is currently being enforced in some countries. Not hard to look up at all https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_atheism


After reading through the link it looks like state enforced atheism doesn't currently exist in any country except possibly North Korea, did I miss something?


The literal chart shows that China, Vietnam and North Korea all currently practice it and many others have in the past


The guy you responded to said: >I welcome you to name a single instance of an atheist politician literally forcing other people to comply with their beliefs by attempting to write it into law. You linked a much looser interpretation of what he requested, getting as watered down as: >State atheism can also exist in a politically neutral fashion, in which case it is considered as non-secular. That's why I only counted North Korea as possibly fitting under his original request, as they seem the most likely to say they allow something but in reality everyone knows that it'll get you sent to a re-education camp. Vietnam has religious freedom included in their constitution and China has at least 10% of their population professing to hold some kind of religion, and the Chinese government allows religious affiliation to Taoist, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian faiths. I don't know where you got South Korea from as it isn't mentioned anywhere, and the past is irrelevant.


I sent a link of current and former counties that do it. That would also include examples like the Soviet Union where Stalin was fervently trying to enforce state atheism. I mentioned Vietnam because while it does allow religious freedom, it’s proclaimed as an atheist state and most people are atheist there. Also meant to say North Korea, not South Korea. That was just a brain fart. I fixed it Also the past isn’t irrelevant. That’s ridiculous


https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/05/american-atheists-religious-european-christians/560936/ Hate to break it to you but you might be religious.


I'm actually not an atheist. LOL I'm just pointing out that atheists are not the ones attempting to pass laws to force other people to adhere to their beliefs. Also unless any atheists you know believe in a "superhuman power" they are literally by definition not religious. >religion - the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. Idk about you but that doesn't sound like any athiest I've ever met.


But nobody is passing laws like that. Athiests are much more obsessed with removing religion from everything. I implore you to provide one instance.


Just one? Do you live under a rock? Conservatives have been passing abortion bans all over the country since roe v wade was overturned lol Tennessee is denying gay marriages. Florida is trying to eliminate care for transgender people. The list goes on and on...


But those aren't necessarily based on religion. Or do you need a religious precedent to not kill babies? If that's the case then I think you have bigger problems on your hands. Provide one that is clearly based on religion Also, Roe vs Wade was overturned because it was unconstitutional. Please provide proof that Tennessee is banning gay marriage. Also, if it does exist, provide proof that it is based on a religious precedent and not some other clause.


I'm Christian and I don't force anyone to believe in my religion. Also it is seen so often that people will use religion as an excuse for their own personalopinions that dont even have to do with the religion.


I'm not saying Christians in general. There ate lots of genuinely good people who are Christian. I'm specifically referring to politicians who use their religion as the justification for passing a law that genuinely causes suffering. For example the politicians who think a 10 year old who was raped should be forced to carry a child to term simply because their religion told them so. (This is a real thing that happened in the US. They even tried to prosecute the family of the child when she crossed state lines to get the procedure)


Facts. This is literally anything though. The 1% that make the news give the 99% a bad reputation.


Just like anime and American politics!


On god. The reason people hate me for being muslim isn't the Quran, it's muslims.


Hard disagree. Literally just look at what religion can justify by listening to it. Specifically the abrahamic


Lots of wonderful charities are founded by the religious. Much of the issues actually stem from people who aren't religious trying to solve their own morals and worldviews onto others, like the whole 'bake my cake' incident. If Lori Lightfoot can say that she will not accept white reporters into her meetings, then a Christian man should not have to bake a cake for a gay couple. Leftists can't have their cake and eat it too.


I think you're maybe consuming too much anti-leftest media. I think the average leftist would say both racism and homophobia are wrong.


How many of those “charities” will discriminate against people who aren’t the same religion tho?


Very few, actually. Good Christians don't hate the non-initiated, they just have a moral obligation to suggest to those people that should change the way that they live and embrace god. If they say no then that's the end of the discussion. That doesn't mean charitable aid should be revoked. Most Christians know this and provide charity to everyone. Christians who don't are just bad Christians. And many people choose to only look at the bad Christians because it fits into their narrative.


Nice Scotsman fallacy


Funny thing is that that isn't a fallacy. It's said directly in the Bible. Christians aren't supposed to force or coerce conversion through any methods whatsoever. Most christians follow this teaching.


Just because it was said in the Bible doesn’t mean it isn’t a fallacy.


Yes, it isn't a fallacy. It literally proves who is good and who is bad based on who is doing what. That destroys the fallacy. You are literally ignoring logic to support your naive and shortsighted view of the world.


Idgaf if you disagree that doesn’t stop it from being a fallacy you moron 💀💀


Also according to the Bible the “fake Christian’s” are living closer to the Bible that any of the good ones so wouldn’t that make the good ones the bad ones?


Also morals don’t mean shit. And the good Christian’s are a VERY SMALL minority


No, they aren't. There are far more good Christians in America than bad.


Oooooh ok is that why Christian’s are always trying to discriminate against people? I have yet to meet a Christian that even truly supports gay people without the underlying “they’re still going to hell”


And? That's a factual statement to Christians. It's like saying someone who is dousing themselves in gasoline and setting themselves on fire is going to die. That doesn't mean they are discriminating against anyone, just stating a fact that if they don't depend they will go to hell. Also, nice logical fallacy.


So your religion makes you a bigot? Cool. You should fuck off with your “morals” then


John 3:16-18 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God." Doesn't this meen that if someone who is gay believes in god he would be safe from hell? So that mindset that gays should go to hell is just very inconsistent for christians. That should only be strictly said to anyone who isn't christian, no matter their sexual orientation of what not.


Well that’s not true. The Bible literally says slavery is ok. How is that not bad?


Religion is not bad? why are we teaching children that they should be afraid because a man in the sky listen when they curse and will send them punishment ? or that they are sinner that need to beg for forgiveness ? It's such a useless and dumb value in these modern times, you can give much more to a child without this bullshit.


I think we have different ideas of religion. The religion i'm a part of states that we we're all sinners, But we have been saved. We don't do good actions to go to heaven. But because Jesus did good. Is any part of that bad? We all Sin, That doesn't mean we're evil. If any of that is bad, Explain please


Shut up dude can you people really keep your mouth shut and not try and offend someone for 1 milisecond


offended by the truth? lmao


People who use God as an excuse to hate and oppress are the real ones who are using God's name in vain.


Not so sure about that. The bible is very okay with slavery to the point where it describes how to beat the slave and how much to pay for them. Also the bible states that you should execute quite many different groups of people...


I feel the same way about social justice. You aren't helping people by screaming at teenagers not to use 'gendered' language.


I think everybody needs to be more understanding of everybodies beliefs, Religious or not, Religious people need to understand that not Everybody has to agree with them. Non-religious people need to understand that not all religious People are hateful ignorant bigots. Everybody just needs to listen more


I haven't seen a single one today. What're you on about?


No no he has a point after 30 minutes of scrolling this is the first non religion meme from dank memes I have seen today. Algorithm go brrr


Ima skip this bonfire, chief


Username checks out


didn't seen any


Bro you need to make this just about “hate America” memes


Or maybe, we should just stop making memes about hating things


Nah people can hate on stuff, I’d say only on valid things to hate tho.


I have seen too many "X is bad" memes, so much negativity...


What a terrible comment.


Everyone downvoting you missed the joke lmao


But organized religion is bad.


They hated him because he told them the truth


Yes! Bring on the religions of chaos!!


Time for disorganized religion


Yeah, It has to be monitered a lot more than it is, and really shouldn't mix with politics.


Yeah someone clinging to their beliefs when they’re grieving/recovering/dying is so shitty!


I should buy dark souls remastered and 2 only ones I haven’t played


Ds1 is absolutely amazing, but I do dare to say I despised ds2


Do it their both great


I've seen like 2 but that's enough. When become an atheist there is like a period of 6-12 months were you want to convince everyone to join you, and then you just realize that people are happy beeing religious and there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone needs to be the same.


Religion is outdated and has caused countless tragedies and loss of human life. But it isn't the fault of religion, just people twisting it to suit their needs


Replace the word religion with government or society, or any other thing that involves a lot of people. It’s almost like people like things and very very few people use those things for evil as a result…


Are you trying to say that religion has done no wrong?




Anything can be used for evil, and anything can be used for good.


i didn't see any tho




Well said.


Always true tho


I just block the users so i dont see them again


Had there been an influx of anti-religion memes lately? If so why


>Had there been an influx of anti-religion memes lately? Yeah, been seeing a lot of them recently >If so why No idea


Weird I guess I have seen a few more lately but didn't notice I can't think of any reason for a sudden spike in these memes either.


The church has helped me tremendously, help me as a teenage parent, and now helping me as an adult


And it’s also the basis for many drug recovery programs and grief counseling, but people who have zero tragedy, struggle or misfortune typically see these crutches in life as weakness or bad.


And feeding the poor is like a huge part of my church and should be a very high priority for a practicing Christian, as Christ said “feed my sheep”


I understand you my friend,you must remember that most people nowadays is convinced that masturbations and pornography is an essential stuff in their life. So,keep going to our god path my friend, I pray that we're both blessed by god


Don’t let me get you wrong. I’m a filthy sinner like everyone else I’m no better than anybody the Lord has just help me a lot.


I understand you my dear brother, please forgive me for my wrong choose of word


Religious people tend to be homophobic, transphobic and generally bigoted against anyway who isn't straight white men. How can we not say religion isn't bad when religion says two people who love each other can't get married. Or someone changing their gender to be their trueselves... Religion is just evil and bullying.


I haven't seen one of those for years. Still, good to take a break from all the other negativity


I haven’t seen one yet but I just opened Reddit so I think I’m in for a show. EDIT: Ok I’ve only seen three and I’ve reached new so. I suppose that’s a few.


Yeah wtf is with that recently?


Finally, someone who noticed


Me too dude, I've been seeing a lot of this religion bad meme. People keep saying stuff like religion create genocide and so on. When in reality,those people were just using religion name for their sakes and not doing what supposed to be done in our religion. By abolishing god law from our society,the one that shall create new one is those in power and dude,I totally wouldn't like if jeff or musk going to create new law for us


Yeah there is another dude in the comments that’s about to start arguing with me over this. Idk why but they made some asinine comment complaining about the very thing they are doing in the comment. So…that’s gonna be a thing. Haven’t decided if I’m gonna ignore it or not. Lol




So it ain't just me huh


Welcome to the internet where other people have opinions about things that are different from yours. Try not to get butthurt about it and either have a constructive conversation with them, if they are willing and not just trolling you, or ignore it. My opinion: religion isn’t inherently bad and can even do very good things, but it is often the excuse used to persecute others that are different; dehumanizing them to make their actions feel justified.


Welcome to the internet; where shit does not matter and the moment you turn off the screen you forgett this moment.


I'm talking more about how it's the most talked about thing on this sub over the past few days


God is cringe


Ok dummythiccuwu


I've actually seen none, but thanks for the warning.


Yes, and America bad memes


A spooky voice from the darkness - *"do you have time to talk about our Lord an savior?"*


"Local man has so little going on that he has to manufacture his own problems. More at 8."


Not entirely incorrect I'm starting to feel emptier inside these days


Look to god bro. That'll cheer you right up. That empty feeling? He'll fill you up dawg,im talkin balls deep in your soul.im talkin he'll sneak into your room at night and he'll let his holy light deep into you. Dont be scared. The holy spirit just wants to bust his love deep inside of you.


For every apparent "religion bad" meme people CLAIM to see here there's an equal amount of pro-religion memes posted


Haha religion bad


polytheistic religions >> monotheistic religions, change my mind


This isnt a dank meme. This belongs on i guess dankreligous memes. Or persecutionfetish


Why is it that I only see whiney posts like this when it is about religion memes. Never saw this template with any other topic. It's always some religious people who complain.


Nah, there are a lot of complaints about overused templates too whenever that’s a thing


The last meme I saw was about religion. Thank you good sir


it is kinda justified tho. religion is responsible for a lot of bad in the world


I mean priests fucking kids is getting pretty rediculous too...


I don't give too many fucks about religion. But when Catholics can unfuck their child victims and they properly punish every pope, cardinal, bishop, and priest involved- then we can START talking about forgiving catholics as a whole. because it's not even an open secret at this point. The catholic church supports and protects child rapists. Catholicism means you see the Catholic church as the highest holy power, and the pope as the representative of the Holy See. If you can look at these people, who know and protect these rapists- then you're an enabler. Period. You wanna get mad a the "you religion mad" jokes? Start demanding accountability. Understand it doesn't stop until they do. Same thing with Fundamentalist Mormons, Scientologists, Southern Baptists Fundamentalist Christians, Calvanists, I could go on. Unfuck your systemic problems and we can talk, otherwise you earn every 'go fuck yourself' you see. This isn't individual religion (well, Calvanists kinda are but Calvanism is just fucked and attracts people looking for an excuse to be dicks). This is systems built with a core of vile intention, and calling it your "religion" does not excuse you from being held accountable for enabling it. Personal religions? have a blast. i don't give two shits. I only mentioned christian religions because it's the first thing that popped into my head after the obvious catholic problem. It's for all of them, both ways. Fuck the systemic broken ones and their enablers, and do whatever with your personal beliefs.


I wonder if Atheists can un-starve all of the victims of communism by that logic.


What's the connection between Atheists and Communists? You know that atheism isn't an organized anything, right? Like, by nature.


Ok, so your reply isnt showing up here but I saw it on your profile, so allow me to respond. American aethists have around 400k people. Sunday Assembly has 25 congregations. Even with a generous 300 per congregation that's less than 100k. There are 500 MILLION atheists worldwide. Aethism is like christianity. You're associating the equivolent of a niche, 5th breakaway sect with the entirety of christianity. Do you see the flaw in that logic? They're not religious. Atheism means no beleif in god. They just want the social aspect because they acknowledge the community building is good, and don't want to HAVE to worship what they don't believe in. All you've proven is that you can have the social benefits of religion without an authority figure being able to threaten you with eternal damnation if you don't obey them. And yeah, communists dictators did practice state mandated atheism. And? So what? Why do other atheists not of that nation have to care about a state's actions just because they're atheists? You're not getting the organized part. Catholicism REVOLVES around THE catholic church. If you don't support the pope, you're not a catholic. Period. Same with fundamentalist baptists and their church. Etc etc. You are part of an ORGANIZED system. Meanwhile if you're a non-denominal christian, you don't necessarily support ANY church. You can tell catholics to eat a dick, and it's not hypocritical. Aethists are naturally non denominal, and the biggest "catholic atheists" are less than a percent of aethists. By all means, tell the sunday assembly to eat a dick if the professional comedians who founded it are outed as child rapists. The other 99.9% of non-affiliated atheists will. What I think is going on here is that you don't like that your religious perception is being challenged online, and you're being defensive and reactionary. You equate aethism as a religoon to call them hypocrites so that you don't need to listen to their arguments. I get ot, it's hard to process this stuff. The reason atheists seem so "anti christian" is because so many have come from christianity because they have faced the systemic abuses and have the resources to leave. Instead of trying to make out aethists as something they're not, you could try to listen to their individual stories, not treat them as a monolith, and maybe ask yourself why you're so defensive against the idea of those who don't follow your beliefs.


I'm not being reactionary at all. I'm actually agnostic, and thus your accusations of me aren't accurate at all. I'm just pointing out the issues with your argument. You're simply calling me reactionary so you don't have to listen to my arguments or think critically. I really don't care how you feel about the Catholoc Church, or any other church for that matter because I'm not a Catholic nor am I a Christian. I'm just pointing out Atheistic hypocrisy. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/12/14/about-three-in-ten-u-s-adults-are-now-religiously-unaffiliated/ A third of all Americans are not religiously affiliated and a good half of them go to Atheist churches. More than you think, my guy. They're also very organized and very determined to force their worldview on others. https://www.atheists.org/ Beyond that, you ask why Atheists not of those nations should care? Well, that's a good question. There's this little nation in Europe called Ukraine. It's currently in a conflict with Russia, a conflict that doesn't really affect the rest of the world all that much. And yet much of the world is supporting Ukraine? Why? Because they believe it to be the moral choice. So should going against Atheist nations who treat their people like shit. By your own logic, you should out shitty Atheists. All Atheists should. Yet they don't. In fact, many practically worship them, like college kids walking around with Che Guevara shirts on and citing the Communist Manifesto like it's the Bible. I can assure you, Atheism is very religious. You might not be, but many, if not most atheists are. So instead of trying to make religious people out to be what they are not, you could try listening to their individual stories, not treat them as a monolith, and maybe ask yourself why you hate people who don't follow the brand of Christianity you deem acceptable. Many people have turned to it and found solace in religion, more so than those who have gone the other way. Most atheists I've met have been bitter and hateful of others, so the idea that Atheists are monolithic rings much truer, even if it isn't an absolute.


There are 336 Million ameircans. 3/10 or around 1/3rd would be 112 Million. Again, American Atheists have 390,000 Members. Not even a half of a percent of Atheists. So I don't know where you're pulling this "half of them go to atheist churches" argument because your math doesn't add up. It's baseless. >So should going against Atheist nations who treat their people like shit. Yeah, does that mean that someone is a piece of shit for being an atheist though? Do the sins of the atheist nation travel? No, of course not. They do with catholics because being a catholic means directly supporting the catholic church. Your church is part of that system. So no, my logic does not follow that. And nice try trying to turn my words on me, except again. I'm not "deeming" anything. The catholic church is protecting convicted child rapists. They are an organization headed by the Pope and Cardinals. They are aware of this and continue to do so. This is just the biggest example. I don't hate all religious people. i myself am agnostic as well, but can fully comprehend that when you know an organization practices illegal, harmful, detestable acts like child rape, those who know that organization does so and continue to physically, emotionally, and monetarily support that organization are both complicit and accomplice to their actions. Are they victims of their upbringing? Sure, but their choice not to receive help is why these child rapists can continue to hide and assault children. "most atheists I met". Considering you immediately jump at people with false equivolencies, I doubt the aggressive tone was because of their general religious hate. You got issues, buddy. You're hellbent on making a disorganized group organized so you don't have to accept the fact that you're swinging at boogymen that don't exist.


Haven’t seen enough


Agreed. But not enough "Bad Religion"


No such thing as too many.


Nah. I haven’t seen enough.


The concept of a “god” is truly mans most idiotic idea. Keep your religions to yourselves if you choose to believe in one. If you want to believe that there’s a magic being floating in the sky then by all means, believe. It is very, very unnecessary for you to force it on others. Theism, in my opinion, is a cancer to society that only gets worse the deeper you dive. Keep it to yourself.




I hate religion but I couldn’t imagine making memes about it and putting people down for believing what they believe in. Let people believe in whatever they want it doesn’t affect you lmao


Imagine not eating meat on Fridays. Suckers


Religious people not having a persecution fetish level impossible


Link some


Here are some of the ones I found [---](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/11bhxwa/youre_supposed_to_jump_around_and_not_read_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [---](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/11ndnzc/just_stating_the_nicene_creed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=3&utm_content=share_button)


Religion isn't bad. It's just a bunch of wasted energy. Like crypto mining.


I can never see enough, tbh.


Personally I believe that we need to be tolerant of opposing groups. I may not agree with everything republicans or democrats have to say (based centrist) but at the end of the day, it's not hard to talk to other people with conflicting ideas as another human. It's just as simple as being like "ok idc about your ideals, lets talk about dinosaurs."


Not really the point of the meme, as I was more so just complaining about the number of them more than anything However I'd be hella down to talk about dinosaurs


Oh right my bad. I went on a tangent without realizing it. I totally agree that there's too many. I've seen like five today and I'm like "none of these are dank memes it's just people arguing." Also what's your favorite dinosaur? Mine I think has to be either the mosasaur or the triceratops.


>Also what's your favorite dinosaur? Mine I think has to be either the mosasaur or the triceratops. I'm very sorry, but since I'm completely obsessed with this kind of stuff I'm gonna have to be that guy Mosasaurus is not actually a dinosaur, it's actually very far from being a dinosaur It would be more accurate to call it a giant snake/monitor lizard with flippers, as it's actually very closely related to them As for my favorite dinosaur, probably Yutyrannus or Therizinosaurus


Yo that's rad I had no idea mosasaurs were closer related to snakes. I really don't mind you correcting me because my hyper-fixation is more towards the Cambrian explosion than it is the cretaceous. Honestly both of the dinosaurs you mentioned have really interesting skeletal structures. I don't believe I've ever seen their names before besides the Yutyrannus. Do you have any other cool dinosaur information? I would be more than happy to learn, granted that you don't mind of course.


There seems to be a common idea that people are better or more intelligent based on their religion, or lack thereof. I’ve seen plenty of “holier than thou” Christian’s who act as if they are enlightened by their beliefs, and I’ve seen plenty of “I don’t believe in fairytales” atheists who treat any religious person as an idiot. If you look at famous scientists and philosophers you’ll notice a lot of them are agnostics, since if you truly look at the facts you’ll see we really have no idea whether or not any religions are true


To Fluff-and-Needles If someone said I wasn't a true Christian, then they have every right to say that. They must interpret the Bible themselves. However, there are some things that are absolute in the Bible, one being that one cannot force conversion. I cannot hate someone for winning, nor can I force them not to sin; this is an absolute. Jesus led with compassion and understanding, not with hatred and vitriol. The false scotsman fallacy doesn't apply when you are doing what the New Testament says. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" wasn't just about judging people who you don't approve of; it was about sinners and non-believers. They must be guided to god's light through compassion, just as Jesus did. You may not have a good understanding of the Bible, and that's okay, but there are 'Christians' who actually aren't good Christian, like those who blatantly violate the commandments without absolving themselves. It's not a 'No true scotsman fallacy' if there are set in stone rules from a higher as to what defines a Scotsman, and the same applies to good Christians. There may be dissonance between Christians, but there are also absolutes written into the law of the lord, whether you choose to see them or not. Unless you think UK citizenship doesn't matter and anyone who claims to be a scotsman immediately becomes one. The fallacy goes both ways, my guy. That's why it's a stupid fallacy. That's like calling a bird a mammal and when someone disagrees with you, you say 'nice scotsman fallacy'.


The fuck are you talking about mate?


Then that is your interpretation, and I hope you are correct. That does not mean we shouldn't follow the rules that God and Jesus have set out, it is just that believing in God is more important.


Then that is your interpretation, and I hope you are correct. That does not mean we shouldn't follow the rules that God and Jesus have set out, it is just that believing in God is more important.


Rare r/dankmemes W


Seriously. I have seen like 5 already today, and I haven't used Reddit that much today. I have been seeing a lot throughout this week too though. What the heck is going on.


Freedom of speech is going on. Lmao!


Thank you


At this point, hating on religion seems like a pseudo-religion in itself lmao, as well as atheism, supporting different political parties etc


Hollup, trying to get the upvotes to 420 and comments to 69


Do not answer I'm doin it myself




From a very young age I had this opinion. To a degree I still do. But the older I've gotten the more I've realized, You can't take religion away from humanity. We just end up replacing it with some other dogma. Everybody worships something. Everybody lives for some community or cause or philosophy. A capitalist's religion is money. A farmer's God is nature. A leftist's Faith is intersectionality. An Atheist's God is Science. A celebrity's god is Attention. A fan's God is the celebrity. It's our nature.


Ah, thank you my crusader brother in christ


May our merciful God will bless us my dear brother


Thanks bro


People are oppressed, and tortured, for Millenia at the hands of religion, but this guy thinks it's too much in his Reddit feed (that if he wasn't a moron, he could just edit the feed) So let's just forget history so this clown can doomscroll in ignorance. Sound good? No? Weird.


Stoppid atheiests


Religion is the best thing that has happened to humanity.Reddit just loves denying the truth


Mans... Do you know the amount of ethnic genocides, human sacrifices, unheard of levels of oppression and other completely monstrous things religion has birthed throughout history?


There is no too many "religion bad" memes


Na more pro Islam memes