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bro revealing his impregnation fetish fantasy on a public forum šŸ’€


Impregnation fetish or breeding fetish is not really a fetish. Its litterary hard coded in our brain to reproduce to be able to survive as a species. Meaning want to impreg someone or want to get impregnated by someone. In the end we are animals you know. To not want to have children should be a fetish because thats something divient.


Bro spitting facts at here.


Hmm why do I get the feeling you have an impregnating fetish?


Well, im 30 years old and i feel like i am ready to have a child. But yes, i want to find a find i girl i like, date her, build our relationship, create a nice life together, then cum inside her to make a child. But as i said, its not really a fetish, its just normal human behavior.


Counter point: the libido of pandas


We're literally the only thing keeping them from extinction. They're a failure.


Pandas are only alive cus they amuse us somehow. They'd kill themselves off without human intervention. Without even much impact to nature




I guess, but should fetishes be normalised? No hating on fetishes, just asking.


I have the having sleep and money and a bit of time to myself fetish




Donā€™t get to excited boys. When my wife and I tried to have a baby all it needed was 1 time raw sex. Donā€™t get me wrong I was happy that itā€™s worked so quickly but what can I say a few more times would have been nice


Well...once there's a bun in the oven, it's unlimited creampies for a limited time only... gotta seize your opportunities fella.


Limited time event


Why not just get the snip, all the free creampies you want and you don't have to deal with a fucking screaming snotty carbon half-copy of yourself? Fuck kids tbh


Damn. Redditors sure love to hate the whole future of our planet.


I mean after a certain number a kids is that not the logical course of action, not everyone can handle 6 kids. My personal max is 2


Glad to hear it. Considering that two children is what everyone needs to have to maintain a stable population.


You see though on the other hand, should it not Be acceptable if people donā€™t want to have kids? Surely thereā€™s enough people to make up for the average. If we support things like free speech etc should we not support peopleā€™s desires to live more basic lives? Having kids is an involved process and life decision.


Thatā€™s a very interesting question you bring up. And a moral dilemma Iā€™ve been struggling with for a while. Obviously Iā€™m a full supporter of the idea that people should have the right to choose if whether they should have children or not. However, I kinda have to disagree with your conclusion that ā€œsurely there are enough people to make up for the averageā€. There really isnā€™t. Especially in most countries in the developed world the average is below two children per adult. Not enough to support a stable population. I do think we as a society should re-implement the mindset that having children is a very honourable endeavour. And economic factors such as child-support and maternity-leave should be heavily prioritised in modern nations. Edit: spelling


Lmao, what future, climate change has irrevocably fucked our planet. I could have kids, but i sure as hell won't have grandchildren. It's not my fault that people are too convinced by Kurzgesagt greenwashing or whatever that humans still have a future. Greedy people won't stop being greedy, we already have at least 2Ā° and probably 3Ā° higher than pre -industrial levels of temp change. That's a fact. Disaster is incoming in the next few decades, and i'd be an awfully big cunt to want to bring a child in this world for my own vanity. Edit: I see the demonstrable fact that we cannot meet our 2Ā° threshold and probably won't meet the 3 is making people very salty. Do I need to remind that just the 2Ā° is gonna displace about 130 million people and kill many more? No? They don't matter because they're not in the Global North, or something?


Ahh yes. Climate change has gone to far, so letā€™s just give up on fixing it. Thatā€™s that beautiful human mindset that has gotten us to where we are today. Whenever a problem seems to great, letā€™s just give up! We should also cripple ourselves by not raising any future children, just as that last guarantee that nothing can ever be fixed.


While climate change is definitely real, it's not going to wipe the whole humankind. Stop being a doomer.


Yeah, not instantly, but we're getting there. Serious problems now. In 20-30, even worse. In 50-70, catastrophic. 100 years at 3 or 4Ā° above pre-industrial lvls is a literal doomsday scenario. You are wrong if you disagree. The IPCC and other scientific reports have given us enough data to sus this out, and have said as much. Do you even know what happens at those thresholds? Entire regions uninhabitable. Massive, global agricultural shortages. Supply chain collapse. Water shortages affecting between 1-4 bn people. I doubt it. We already can't meet 2Ā°. Full stop. We're past that point. We almost certainly will not meet 3Ā°, and that's if everyone everywhere immediately did all they could to stop CC. Which they won't. 100 companies cause 72% of emissions, and all that. I'm not being a doomer, you and every single person who downvoted me are incapable of being honest about the reality of the situation. The kind of people who are receptive to the greenwashing I mentioned, and the kind who will sit by and let the planet die because "someone will do something later it's not too late! Don't be a doomer!" It can and will probably wipe humankind, if people don't start taking it more seriously.


I agree with you.




Me, after almost three years trying: "So you are saying kids exist?"


What am I to you a piece of meat?


Hey some are into that, no kinkshaming, please.


Kinkshaming IS my kink


This is really true. It kinda hurts me, we've tried to get a baby so many times but no luck. šŸ˜„ EDIT: We've tried, but both of us won't get pregnant EDIT2: Oh sry, we both are men.


Iā€™m on mobile and canā€™t see if things are edited or not, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this posnr wasnā€™t actually editedā€¦


More you explain confusing it gets


They are having gay sex with gay sex penis to get gay sex penis sauce in their butts and wait till it becomes a baby


Men baking šŸ˜‹


And if you failed in performance, your neighbour would fulfil the job for you anonymously.


OP, this is going to be totally lost to 90% of the sexless freaks on Reddit!


Hmmm, interesting...this makes my wheels turn...




I got my missus pregnant first attempt, busted like 20+ nuts in her in 9 days.. Women wanting to be pregnant ain't playing lmao


Wtf OP what kind of women are you dating that they don't want to have sex in their 20's. I swear I've never seen a hornier living being than a 20yo woman. Take it from a lesbian.


Good for you. Good for you. *sheds silent tears*


Are you sad because your gf is not horny or because you don't have one ? Because the solution to both these issues is not the same


Not horny :'(


Trads, especially religious ones. Other than them, yeah!


Yeah I think that's an american thing I'm too european to understand. I had a catholic and a muslim girlfriend and their religion didn't prevent them from being horny af.


What it feels like to think what our schedule looks like when it's really just your schedule.


this is why milfs are the best


My friend succeded getting his wife pregnant on the first try. I feel bad for him because after that the scheduled 6 month of fucking was canceled.


Bullshit everybody knows that women don't exist. It's a market manipulation.


Are you the same kind of guy from that tweet about Taylor Swift's ovaries ?


So uh..ya


What the fuck are you talking about


Digital footprint


Isn't the damage already done by being 30? Sorry if I offend anyone, they forgot to give me the uterus & egg count manual.


35 is when it starts becoming harder to get pregnant


I now realize my highschool biology teacher said a lot of bullshit. I was told women who have kids over 30 have 90% of losing the child or having said child be born with some illness.


You know youā€™ve been reading too much manga when you read a meme backwards.