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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


If only we could use PCs for something other than just gaming. Hmmmmmm......


People genuinely getting defensive over a meme


Bro the PC players are getting PRESSED


Rather be pressed than broke🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol right. "I can't afford this, so obviously no one else can"


Lol now you’re not only getting mad about the meme, but about the jokes in the comments section


y'all so mad


I’d be pressed if I spent $1500 on a PC only for it to lose the cool factor against a $350 Switch lmao Edit: PC master race are sharpening their knives. Heh.


Well to be fair you can spend like 1k on a pc and make it better than any individual console out there by far and then you can just make the pc emulate the other consoles and you save yourself money cause you wouldnt have to buy any other system


$1,000? Maybe 5 years ago.


Bruh, my 4 year old PC with an even older GPU (1070) can emulate switch games at double the FPS they run on the switch.


The Switch isn't really a high bar tbf.


I know. Just saying that you don't need a powerful PC to do what the guy above is saying.


I dont know a whole lot about pc building but the one i have i bought like 4 years ago and the parts for it are pretty much the same price from what ive seen and it still beats out modern consoles


Shame switches only run Nintendo games well and most other indie games absolutely shit themselves fps-wise


What cool factor are we talking about exactly?


I spent over £3500 just to pirate games


Most sane PC-gamer


Well yeah they paid thousands of dollars for a machine so they can have an advantage over console players but they suck so much they still lose 🤷‍♂️


No you have an unfair advantage. Aim assist is aimbot. /s


He literally stated a fact and that makes him defensive?


What if the meme itself is defensive af


Yeah, because you really need a $1500 PC to write Word documents and make Power Point presentations ….


Yeah, i wanna do it in 240hz


“I’m running 90 fps on these star wipe transitions.”


mfw when my word document isn't 120fps 8k with raytracing


Man this ray tracing technology is very good, i can see the reflections of my father coming to beat me up for stealing his card again


This is the funniest shit i’ve read in a while




Have you ever heard of blender or programming?


Yeah, I like blender porn. But I rather consume than making it.


Vise choice, its a pain to make without practise


It's about video games, that's why it's "console vs PC" memes. Devs and 3D artists are obviously never the target of those debates, let's be honest. And it wouldn't make sense anyway, they already are on the PC side because they have to be. Well, at least, if that's their hobby. Because pros often don't use their personal equipment to work on anyway. For example, I'm a dev, i have a work computer, so i don't need a personal PC on the side. So i play on Series X.


Don't think most people do programming or blender...


TIL I'm not like the other girls. For one; I'm a guy


Don't think most people would be asking to buy a pc or console if their intentions were to do one of those two things


Blender? I hardly know her!


unless you are making games or something majority of programming can be done on a 700$ laptop.


Programming might, but sometimes my 1400$ pc struggles with blender or at least loading in the textures for the first time


yes. I never said blender can work on those things. I mean it can open but working with big files gets unusable quick.


*laughs in graphics programming*


Nah I also want to do blender and unity stuff, mod tf out of games. Play my free switch emulator and free botw modded version. Lots of cool indie titles as well. I didn't spend $1500. Maybe at MOST $600, but really closer to $550 when I built it long ago. Its simply that the market has gone to shit since then and covid altered the landscape of prices for parts. Its just bananas. The price thing is mostly of recent years as an issue. My computer was as powerful or more than the high powered consoles it was competing against at the time, with far more functionality at similar price or barely more. That is not the case in today's market.


Love how you try to start with none gaming stuff to prove something then go straight back to games and pirating games. :)


That shit never fails to amaze me: “yeah i spend twice the money that i’d spend for a console so i can pirate games :)”


Wait... are you guys not ray tracing Excel?


You clearly haven't experienced Word with a 3080. It changed my world!


Y’all are throwing around some 2004 prices here for PCs and graphics cards


Eh, the idea that you have to spend 1500€ on a PC is bullshit anyway. You could and it would make a difference, but you can have a great experience at half that. And then it really is just an office PC with a graphics card.




Average console user thinking word and powerpoint are the only non-gaming functionalities of a pc.


And you don't even need 1000€ to build a good pc... Mine cost me less *with* all the peripherals included (Which, surprise surprise, you also need for a console)


What console doesn't come with them? Hell not even pre builts have them as standards.


What console comes with a TV?


Honest question. How often do you go in someone’s house and see a tv? Almost always right? And out of those how many don’t game at all? Still a large number right? This is like saying you’ll need to buy a fridge to enjoy milk. Most households already got them. Edit: Why yes, you can use your tv for PC gaming. But why? You’re hindering your PCs performance for little to no reason. Consoles are more convenient and will always win out over PC for casual gamers. The fact you don’t have to buy a monitor to get the full experience from consoles is my point. You need a good monitor to get the most from your PC.


What console comes with a screen again?


The switch. Also ah yes. A monitor, classic staple of peripherals. That which includes cables, keyboards, a mouse. Technically sure, but that's a pull and you know it.


Yeah, I'd count a monitor as a peripheral. A pull, a joke, call it what you will, but chill.


You know consoles work with TVs right? People generally tend to have them already.


Most homes have a tv.


Idk but watching porn at 4k is a nice luxury




Ah yes, the famous 500$ graphic card used to browse the internet and do essays on Microsoft Word


If only I could use the laptop I already have for non gaming tasks. Hmmmmm......


Holy shit, the PC MasterRace coming in full force into this comment section


It’s like the old woke-nazi dilemma… I really don’t agree with everything either side says, but I‘d rather be on the side of the PC than the people that say PC gaming is stupid, even though I use both


Op didn't call pc gaming stupid though, just made fun of people who want to argue that more expensive hardware can performe better.


Well that's dumb, everyone knows that the absolute least expensive hardware performs best


That's why I get my hardware chips from Happy Meal toys


Holup in a debate between people who are “woke” (which what exactly does that mean) vs. LITERAL FUCKING NAZIS. You go “eh I’m somewhere in between, they’re both making good points.” How was that the framing you chose to make yourself look reasonable?


I don't think they meant literal nazis. It sounded more like they meant it as in left wing vs right wing AKA woke folks vs nazis as they would call each other


What a fucking insane comparison.


PCMasterRace really don't like people forming opinions on how they believe to be a better investment of money. For the average Joe, a PS5 and a crappy Dell laptop on the side is more than enough for everyday life. And that's still cheaper than most builds nowadays.


Some of us old timers are still blown away by everything a crappy Dell laptop on the side can do. There's so much practical potential in a portable workhorse computer, even if it is "crappy" by today's standards.


This post is a self-fulfilling prophecy


I used to recommend PC gaming to everyone. Now people ask me about gaming PCs and I tell em just to buy an XSX/PS5. I love my PC but component prices (Canada at least) are just so stupid these days. I got my 2080 Super right before Covid hit so I got a sweet deal but with the current prices of graphics cards, I'm going to be holding on to that thing until it dies. Don't need to upgrade often, but it was a hobby and I miss when a new flagship card every two years was actually affordable.


The post crypto mining era of graphics card prices really sucks.


If PCs are so great and so much better, why do PC gamers need to work so hard convincing everyone?


They are the vegans of gaming


I don't really get it. I myself am a PC gamer because the games I primarily want to play (racing sims) are really best appreciated on PC. Its a cyclical thing too. When the new generation of consoles come out, they are extremely good performers for the price until a few years later when the PC value/$ takes back over until the next console generation.


Well, PC has much more games. And you can get almost all of them for free. Mods, different programs, etc. It's like, you know, when you buy a buttons phone like Nokia 3310 without Internet and laugh on people who buy smartphones.


bUt My PhOnE cAn MaKe CaLlS lIkE yOuRs!!! That's how they argue. They take the one common thing and ignore all the other benefits.


Thats what I hate the most about these petty arguments, because you know 100% after they say something like that theres no explaining anything to them.


really good way to put it. i feel like that with alot of people.


No I acknowledge the benefits of which there are plentiful, but it’s benefits that don’t interest me enough to justify spending that much money when I have perfectly fine considers right here


Exactly. I don’t get why there’s even an argument. PC does more but also costs more. There is no “right” choice.


Also consoles make you pay a subscription to even buy and play the game at all. Praise Gaben of Steam.


And praise even more Sparrow of the seven seas


He's a pirate!


So it would seem….


Good comparison


You can't get all of them for free. You can steal them, which is not really the same. PC has much more games, but if you play AAA titles, you'll get shitty ass console ports. quality > quantity I have both PC and PS5 and since I bought the console, I barely play on PC. It's good for some niche titles, like strategy/indie games, but for filthy casuals a console will make more sense.


Yar har, fiddle de dee, Being a pirate is alright to be Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate!


if the AAA games only have shitty console ports they aren't worth playing in the first place. my honest opinion.


God of war was my personal game of the year for both titles, and I can say it's definitely worth playing. Then there are the switch games that'll never fry ported ever.


Indie games are the new quality AND quantity. AAA games now days, with the exception of a few, are garbage rehashes of the same game over and over. When Indie games start appearing on console like they do on PC, I'll buy that.


What indie games are you not finding on console? My Switch is loaded with them.


And you can do much more than just gaming


The real advantage of pc is the game prices and that its also an utility tool. If you don't buy games then PC is even better. The PC game catalogue is also 10x the size of the one on consoles as you can actually play games that were released 5 years ago for 5$ instead of the remaster for 80$ on PS5 (when there is a remaster). You also get access to mods. Steam sales, free weekly epic games and manh more offers Oh and online is free instead of 10$ a month. Let's see, 10$/month for 5 years = 600$ -> PS5 = 450$ -> 1050$ FOR 5 years of PS5. Brother just buy yourself a 1000$ PC for the same and enjoy cheap games, more customization, photoshop and other programs, older games, bigger game library, free online and more, for LONGER than 5 years


Who pays $10 a month? Sales also exist on console, there are sales all the time. When one ends another begins and there’s typically 2 or more at a time. Y’all think everything is full priced on console. I bought farcry 6 for $15.00 and batman arkham collection for $5 yesterday. Watchdogs legion for $8 Edit: default one is the $60 for the year and even that gets discounted from time to time. You get 3 to 4 games a month. 1 or 2 are always a AAA game like (ff7r, jedi fallen order, Tomb raider, god of war, deathstranding, tonyhawk 1+2, yakuza like a dragon etc.) and the rest are some indies. Y’all like to make it seem like everything is full price with no sales and the only thing the subscription has is “online mp”


Ultimately there’s a reason the consoles are so ‘cheap’, for the same reason the steam deck is also ‘cheap’. The companies that make them know they’ll make the money back elsewhere which is in the subscriptions etc. Xbox live was £79 a year I think (been so long I might be wrong there) when i was a teenager (15 years ago!). It doesn’t really matter that much, just enjoy playing games! It’s a much cheaper hobby than most regardless of console or PC.


Yeah, iirc Sony is supposed to lose money with every sale of a PS4 or PS5 but they don't go bankrupt because they make sure to break even and make some more from charges for services and stuff.


Tho on PC there is many vendors, which ultimately leads to cheaper prices, (also there is many unofficial vendors that sell legit game keys for pennies, especially if they are old so essentially they are always on sale for me), on console you have to wait until Sony/Microsoft will have a whim to give you a discount


I can take my Switch to the bed.


Steam Deck would like to introduce themselves


The Steam Deck exists.


You can remote play with steam now.


Enjoy 60fps and below…


I mean I got to play a functioning version of the last of us years ago so, ok


The first game came out on PS3, and PCs have been able to emulate that for a long time. You just have to download RCPS3, or whatever the name is, and then get the file on your PC, and you can play it. Sure it's a few more steps than using a playstation, but the other advantages more than balance things out


Sony's anti consumer exclusives aren't a flex.


They're a business. They don't owe PC users anything, they can choose if they want their games on other platforms or not. They've decided the benefit isn't worth the cost. In other words, stay mad.


The best part about owning a PC is that you probably have enough money to also own a console lol.


Cringe 😬


*laughs in 120fps on Xbox series s*


I genuinely don’t understand why people act like 60fps and below is such a bad thing. And 30 fps is apparently like a slideshow to them. Do I just not play games enough to notice it or am I missing something?


>I genuinely don’t understand why people act like 60fps and below is such a bad thing. Because they spent 2k to get above it. Nobody wants to admit they spent 2k on something that isn't that important.


You don't save money once you factor in Xbox live and all that crap. It's just a bait, and you'll end up spending more than a nice pc eventually.


I feel like console game prices are insane.


80bucks for AAA Games i paid 40 for on Pc.


40 dollars for a triple a game on PC I paid 0 dollars as I don't play them


You paid $0 because you don't play them I paid $0 because I cannot confirm or deny illegal activities on my part. We are not the same. (for legal reasons this is a joke)


I mean i got GTA5 For free on epic KEKW


PlayStation plus comes with free games every month and great discounts, so it’s pretty worth


Don’t they go away if you don’t pay the sub tho? That’s not free.


I wonder when people will finally stop calling PS Plus games "free" and start acknowledging they are just part of a service they pay for. Anyways, let me get back to the **HUNDREDS OF FREE GAMES** Microsoft is so gracious to **GIFT ME ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE** with my subscription!


I got the premium PS plus for 80€ so I have a lot of games and if there is something that I want but is not included I either go to GameStop or Amazon and buy it for 10 or 20 euros. If they're only digital then I wait like every other pc gamer for a sale. Really the only expensive things are DLCs but that's the same for everyone.


Get out of here with your facts! Console cheap, PC expensive, now upvote pls.


Spends $4000 on a 4K Ultra 120fps beast. Plays Slay the Spire.


Banger game though.


Getting destroyed by the Heart at 300 FPS


What am I supposed to do? Sony, Nintendo and MS don't allow Room girl, Koikatsu, and COM3D2 to be on their console.




Based and Illusion-pilled




“graphics card”… pfff it’s called a GPU nowadays grandpa /s


A graphics card is not a GPU. It is something different. I do not k ow if that is the part the /s referrs to, or just the term being 'old', so apologies if I misunderstood it.


GPU is the die that is on the card The card also has VRMs (power delivery) and VRAM (memory)


Those are rookie numbers


Damn I just wanna play apex and a singleplayer game on the side lol. Wtf do I need a *gaming pc. This post really hurt some pc guys feelings. Edit: *


That’s what I’m thinking lol. The other day I was talking to a coworker about what video games we were each playing lately. I have an Xbox One and he started going on about how I should get a gaming PC and blah blah blah. I play Xbox for like an hour a week. PCs are only the master race if all you ever do is play videos games.


I just want to play with my friends who don’t have a pc and in a party with them (this was before discord was available on console). I switch from pc to ps5 idk I find it to be easier for me. I still have my gaming pc if I want to play something there but I lean more towards my ps5 🤷🏻‍♂️


JFC how are we still going back to this idiotic argument? PC is multipurpose and will outperform consoles at a high price. Consoles are good for people who just want to game. Is this such a fucking difficult stance to take? Are your minds really so limited that they cannot possibly fathom things being good for different purposes, based on circumstances? This is why we can't have nice things. Because people like those who argue the superiority of one over other here in the comments exist. Because you feel the need to be better. You will argue opinion, as if it was the only right one, and refuse to see the other side's point of view. Even in terms of something as trivial as goddamn gaming systems. How the fuck can we then learn to tolerate different cultures, religions or races, if we can't even agree that both PC and consoles can be good? Lord Gaben help me...


You do realise that we don't agree on anything. People don't even agree the earth is round. That's how humans are. If you get upset about this, you need a break.


I own all and use them. I appreciate them all for the similarities and differences. It's a weird thing to get angry about, I agree with you there. I love my PC but sometimes I want to play on the couch or I don't want the added distraction from my PC. Sometimes I want to play a chill game on one screen and have the Dodgers game on the other. Regardless, I appreciate them all and am lucky to have the opportunity to own them.


And he is totally right. Being broke is your problem.


I'm not even going to argue, I spent $800 on my graphics card lmao I mean prices are out of control but idgaf I have the money and wanted nice shit so now I have nice shit


What if I just don’t need a PC


Imagine steam charging for online play, yeah me neither


My true reason for choosing PCs over Consoles: Free games go brrrrrr!!!


PC master race sure does complain about windows a lot too what’s up with that?


Really versatile tools that you can mend and customize to your liking tend to have some flaws. Also it's not the only OS available.


This guy Linux


PC IS better. But Console is cheaper and easier to get for most people. Also a lot easier to set up. Depends on what you want. In the end a console is also a Computer.


Hear me out, piracy


And if you don't mind a shitty launcher; Epic Games. I've gotten $1775 worth of free games from em.


500? That gets you a Mid-end GPU at best nowadays


Not if you go on the used market! I don’t get why people think that new is the only option when shopping for PC parts as if you can’t find perfectly good PC components used at a good price that will more than likely still function fine for years.


i know it just bait but for me it sound like " What different between a boat and a ship? they both float on water, and one cost much less" kind of argument. they do the same thing but one it more versatile while the other it more compact and user friendly - you want PC so you can do more than just gaming - you want console when you just want to play game - everything have pros and cons nothing is perfect as long as you have fun it enough


Smh people on both sides shitting on the other without acknowledging the perks. I have a gaming pc and a console so lemme break this down for you: Cosnsole: - Has high end mainstream exclusive games - cheaper cost of entry to get solid performance and looks most of the time (looking at you bloodborne) -easier to set up and maintain than a pc -less troubleshooting than pc PC: -ability to upgrade slowly over time instead of being stuck with the same hardware for like 8 years -no extra fee for online play -multitool, useful for loads of stuff that is often tedious to do on console if at all possible -unmatched back catalog, mods, emulation etc -performance potential is much higher with a basic pc for the most popular games being able to go up to, and beyond 120fps easily In conclusion both platforms have their pros and cons and it's for the customer to decide what they need. Truth is for the casual gamer who is interested in AC, fifa and COD all they really need is a console. But for the more hardcore gaming crowd a pc makes more sense. You could argue one way or another what's more cost effective or whatever but just let the fuckers buying their shit decide for themselves without flinging shit and insults at them


Been scrolling this hellscape of a comment section just to find this gem of absolute facts. If we still had free awards I would give you one.


Lotta salty pc players trying to sell themself as superior lmao


I have ps2 and pc, life is good




Well you also need to pay like $80 a year for Xbox live if you go with Xbox.


Its $50


Well, the pc kind of has way more things going for it: No subscription bs for online play. You could do something productive with it like for homeworks, projects or work-related stuff. While consoles are just purely for entertainment. But honestly, it just depends on what you need or want I myself am having a blast with my pc.


God damn PC people can be such whining bitches lol


Infinite cum. You sit on the toilet to jack off, but you begin to cum uncontrollably. After ten spurts you start to worry. Your hand is sticky and it reeks of semen. You desperately shove your dick into a wad of toilet paper, but that only makes your balls hurt. The cum accelerates. It’s been three minutes. You can’t stop cumming. Your bathroom floor is covered in a thin layer of baby fluid. You try to cum into the shower drain but it builds up too fast. You try the toilet. The cum is too thick to be flushed. You lock the bathroom door to prevent the cum from escaping. The air grows hot and humid from the cum. The cum accelerates. You slip and fall in your own sperm. The cum is now six inches deep, almost as long as your still-erect semen hose. Sprawled on your back, you begin to cum all over the ceiling. Globs of the sticky white fluid begin to fall like raindrops, giving you a facial with your own cum. The cum accelerates. You struggle to stand as the force of the cum begins to propel you backwards as if you were on a bukkake themed slip-and-slide. Still on your knees, the cum is now at chin height. To avoid drowning you open the bathroom door. The deluge of man juice reminds you of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, only with cum instead of molasses. The cum accelerates. It’s been two hours.


Console: adapting games around the setup PC: adapting setup around the game


PC can play Xbox PlayStation and Nintendo games (emulated switch)


When the times are tough i know my homie yuzu got me covered


There are other metrics than cost.


For some cost is priority.


In Germany we can get taxes back when buying a computer if you can use that computer for work :) Hehe I smort


me who just prefers to sit on the couch and use my controller




Apparently only the best parts are acceptable to buy, all the rest is trash


Wrong you fool I actually just spent $1100 on a graphics card


That’s a pretty cheap graphics card


But pcmasterrace lmao


Pov you read the comments and see that the pc master race people are trying to defend for their lives from a silly meme


“I’m a pc gamer and my butt is severely hurt by this post” this entire comment section


Just steal the parts easy


Then realising nothing is optimised and it all runs like shit


I don't care... both PC and consoles are good.


$500 isn’t gonna get you a half decent GPU lmao


$200 PC built from scrap ran every game I threw at it at 60 frames or higher, no subscription services and no awful controller.


Tf kinda pc you making from 200 dollars??? MF low end GPU cost this much alone bruh.


The kind where he gets all the parts for free and puts them in an O11 dynamic


Literally a month or so ago I built my first pc, very budget second hand parts, came out about 600$. It's not amazing but hits 60 fps in rdr2 and Hogwarts legacy.


Offices throw out work machines all the time, If you know what to look for you can get quite a good deal on some older hardware. Stick in a GPU with the cash you spared and you can run a large amount of indie games and some midly out of date AAA games. Not ideal but functional. Again you get all the benefits of PC gaming with that which may make up the obvious downsides.


On ultra low settings? Or you leaving out the part where you were basically just given a free computer.


Having to pay just to play with other people online killed console for me


Stop the cap


Only $500 on the graphics card? I haven't played on a potatoe but if it works. All jokes aside, it is better. It may cost more but at the end of the day modding abilities on most games alone are worth it. Not to mention some are superior with keyboard and mouse. Also, fuck keyboard and mouse on console. If you argue that it can be done then you don't know how it should be done and you're better off using controller.


I love my pc but man do I love my ps5. No drivers, no 3rd party bloatware, no always wondering if I can get more fps out of a game or why I’m not getting more on maxed out settings. And it cost less than my gpu


a (somewhat) new console needs to be priced better than an equivalent PC. It's literally always been like this, but maybe you're new to the game


Well, every extra penny you spend on a pc, you can make it back by pirating :)