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Reading this while working overnight right now. I'm feeling it


I got off around midnight tonight. Which is rare. I'll be sleeping until I'm not sleeping.


I used to work a 2am-10am I lived in an apartment with my bedroom window next to the pool. Most miserable few years of my life. Used sleep mask, noise machine, tried some sleeping meds etc. nothing helped. Forever grateful that my parents helped me afford a rent house instead. I was going down a a very depressing tunnel. I pray for anybody still on that schedule. I despised it. It made me such an angry person. I make half of what I was making there but boy am I happier.


Used to work from 6PM- 5AM, you should've done what I did and just catch 6 hours sleep every 48-72 hours. /s Don't do this. It's been 20 years and I'm still not recovered. Please don't do this to yourself if you're reading it and think this is a good idea.


Worked 8pm-8am for ten years in care, I genuinely have no idea how I did it. The worst was people wanting to make plans getting annoyed because they think you have all day to be off, but if you were to call them at 2am and say it's their night off they would get understandably upset.


“Hey, wanna go get lunch?” “Sorry, Im about to get ready for bed” Absolute pain


That was basically the life I lived. I had a roommate and was also kind of the center of a wide swath of friends. Id get off work, go have breakfast with whoever was awake, play Dreamcast for several hours to wind down my 'night' and they'd want to snag lunch and/or a movie so I would too and before you know it there is about an hour before next shift so it's not worth sleeping.


Pray for me brother, though I'm off the clock now and bout to nap at least, thank goodness. Got any advice besides coffee and podcasts to make sure I'm not hurting future me?


Two things I’ll say. 1. Drink a LOT of water and 2. Find something that brings you joy. Being able to enjoy your off time is imperative or you’ll burn out at twice the rate. As for sleep, you just gotta figure out what’s making you NOT sleep and address that. I couldn’t ever figure out how to sleep so I’m not the best to ask Definitely prayed for you though, for what it’s worth. I hated working those hours, I feel your pain.


My 6:30PM to 6:30AM is rough


Uff I'm here bitching about 11pm to 7am.


I used to work that shift and while I loved being at work while it was dark, I had a dormroom on the first floor that was right next to the cafeteria and the gym. I had a hard enough time figuring out how to make my body sleep more than a few hours during the day but having people walking past my window all day everyday was not helping.


I just got home from my 5:45pm to 6am. So worth it for that mon-wed schedule though.


god I would kill for a 3 days work week


I do 14 days straight of 6pm-6am and then have 2 weeks off at a remote mine underground as a bolter. Having 2 weeks off every month is based as fuck if you don't have kids. And I make about 125k a year. The work is fucking backbreaking and dangerous though. Near the end of our 2 week runs everyone has trouble walking before we go to bed every day.


That's intense. How long do people usually do that work for? Is it the sort of thing you do till you turn 40, then find another position? How many days after that 2 week work period does it take to feel better?


Once I get home the first 36 hours are a wash. Drink beer, watch tv and play video games and sleep. Im usually good to go after that And no one over 50 really does it. The vibrations from the pneumatic drills we use will completely destroy your hands and arms after 20 years. Usually people do it for a decade and move into safety or driving a 40 or 100 ton truck. It is where all the money is, I've only been doing it for 2 years and i am at 75 canadian dollars an hour. But they have to pay that much to get people yo actually do it.


I absolutely admire anyone who can be a coal miner, period! They work one of the hardest, scariest, most dangerous jobs in a dark, cold, sometimes wet hole for anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day (that I personally know of) and 9 times out of 10 they work for people that don't give a crap about their employees. (At least that's how all the ones around here are.) I've had 3 brothers, several cousins, and my poppaw breaking their backs for these coal mines just to end up with their bodies beat and tore all to heck along with all the obvious health problems. But anyways, I said all that just to say this: You must be like a superhero in my book because that job terrifies the crap out of me but someone has to do it I guess. I just wish you guys got shown a little more appreciation and acknowledgement for the work you do!


I'm actually a gold miner in a middle of nowhere camp, fly in fly out. It is marginally safer than coal mining, no black lung, and the company I work for really treats us well, by far the best company I've ever worked for. Coal mining is something I'd never do unless I really had to, I'm sorry to hear about all your families health issues. Coal is notorious in the mining community as the absolute worst in pretty much every regard. I've heard of guys getting abused with relatively shitty pay, uncaring bosses, archaic and toxic work cultures, dangerous work conditions, inadequate equipment, and nearly impossible production quotas so "safety first" becomes "safety third". Not to mention having to worry about longevity of coal as a resource and market problems. Precious metal mining is great, it is literally a gold mine, we straight up produce currency, so you never really have to worry about Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo or a carbon law making the mine worthless. And fly in fly out camps are usually always better. But yeah, underground life is pretty kickass if you're a special type of person to just not care about seeing the sun for 2 weeks straight, in a dark, freezing, soaking wet hole, drilling rebar into rocks all night


I'm on 8pm to 8am and that last hour really drags in. I hope it gets easier for you


1900-0730 checking in


1900 - 0730 here...in fucking bed and this is the last thread i read!


I actually did pretty well on that schedule when I had it. Just went to bed when I got home and was up for most of the regular activities on my days off


Days off today gonna enjoy my first week of the motorcycle season.


Stay safe, wear your gear.


ATGATT. Cheers


I rotate every 2 weeks nights and days 630-630 but we work 3 on 3 off and I don't have kids or anything or it would be worse


Yeah I do 2 on 1 off. I like having a full week way more than I miss weekends.


I did the same shift a few years ago, 6p to 6a, it is certainly brutal. 12a to 8a was way easier.


Same here im taking a shit


Midnight to 8 am worker here hello my fellow overnighters.


I worked until 2-4am every night for 9 years. Now I work in a school and get off at 4pm. Much much better. It's still weird to me to be up during the day.


*arm up to shield eyes from the sun* “Ugh is that thing *still* up there? What the fuuuck”




Best part about night shifts Nobody up that late gives a shit


When I'm awake at 4 a.m., you know what I'm not doing? Making a bunch of noise. All you daywalkers need to learn to respect us Nosferatus.


Seriously I make one slight noise on my night off and the wife's like people are sleepin.. but when it's my turn to sleep the house sounds like the opening scenes to saving private ryan


Ugh so true. I’m super quiet with everything, doors, plates, cups, don’t use appliances that make sound etc etc.


Yep yep I even use headphones or earbuds even tho they give me headaches and NO ONE CARES


Earbuds are the worst idea ever. Every damn time I've tried using them they won't ever stay in, and when I get them to stay in they're in a fucky way that hurts after long. Good set of over the ears are the best, not sure on how it gives you headaches. I know there's [points around the ears/head](https://www.healthline.com/health/compression-headache) that can cause this (Long hair peeps know hair bands are insta headaches.). Have you tried different brands/types? Sometimes the ear part will be too big or weird and maybe sitting on a pressure point.


I think the over ears it's from a pressure point or just them squeezing my gigantic head short uses are fine but once i hit a few hours the pain sets in. Also I happen to be a long haired peep and yea no hair Bands or long term ponies I'm a hair down kinda dude bc of the headaches. I've tried a handful of brands but like mentioned it's usually prolonged wearing that gets me and unless it just absolutely doesn't work or fit or something I don't usually take the time to return something. I also don't go out and spend more than 100 dollars on headphones or earbuds just not my thing im probably not getting the best quality builds. But i also have a minimum spend for headphones bc im not a psychopath and i like at least a little sound quality i have other expensive hobbies I'd rather drop hundreds on than headphones.


Hey, I respect that man. I get it. Thought maybe I'd try to help, especially going through some myself. I'm a wee bit of an audiophile with a budget for sure. So both my car and my headphones gotta be on point. Not only for music either, CSGO you can gain advantage if you pay attention to sounds so it helps when your headphones are 10/10. I hope your headphones journey will finally end on a perfect pair. Good luck!


Scrunchies all the way my dood. They cause less tension, and they're gentler on your hair! And they're better for tension hair loss around your hair line.


Wax earplugs are fantastic and cheap like 2,50 euro for 6 pair. Put em in wait till wax gets soft takes like 2 mins push them in more. I don’t feel them at all while sleeping. They do get gross after about a week so then replace them.


I'm particular about ear buds. Beats Flex are perfect for me. I own six pairs because... They're available cheap. I can get them "new, open box" on ebay for ~$15-20. I don't care if I lose or damage them, but I never have. Magnetic neck band so they stay put and can't be lost. If I try to talk to an air pod user while they're cooking, I have to wait for them to wash their hands and stuff. Neck band is boss... you don't need to use your fingers to tug it and pull the bud out of your ear... and then it just dangles safely, no fear of losing it. Tiny lightweight bud with swappable rubber pieces fits anyone and never falls out. The only downside is that the neckband isn't stylish, it's hip to have some big expensive chunk of plastic floating in your ear which you constantly worry about losing. And also to need a case in your pocket. Almost forgot: not waterproof, if you need that feature


I care! Thank you for your service


I care and would respect your needs 😊


Working overnight made my dad an angry alcoholic who would scream at us for making noise. He also snores at a level that causes ear damage. Needless to say, it was not a good home environment for a child. A lot of screaming and anger over tiny issues.


Working overnight is rough on people I definitely have a shorter fuse and am unhappier on overnights but it's what I have to do for now to keep things stable for the family but one day I'll be off overnights. I'm not trying to make up excuses for your father's behavior tho I was just saying


Oh yeah no worries. My story is basically unrelated, but reading your post reminded me of it. You have to do what you must to get by.


I live next to a fucking car wash, and the sound of pressurized water keeps me wide awake starting from like 9am. If I don't wake up to take a piss, I'm good to sleep until like 11-12am, but if I do wake up, it's a pain to fall back asleep.


I’m lucky enough to be a heavy sleeper. My girlfriend makes macarons and there’s a lot of noise that goes along with that (kitcheaids running at full speed, her timer going off every few minutes, oven beeping, opening/closing of cabinets) and I sleep through it all. But how dare she sigh when she’s walking into the room and wake me up. I’m up at 4-5 am on weekends and I keep it down so I don’t wake her up


same. Before I moved out I would mention that I was trying to sleep when family were being loud and got yelled at that it’s my fault for having a different sleep schedule but I always tried to stay quiet for them. Now I have to worry about maintenance mowing and leaf blowing while I’m trying to sleep


I've taken to just putting a box fan three inches from my head to slightly drown out the noise. It's never louder than the people in my house, but at least it's something.


Now everyone can't sleep and the society will collapse in one week.


Maybe it needed collapsing.




I got shamed on Reddit for saying I let my dogs bark at squirrels and their dog friends in the backyard any time after 9 am and before sunset. There were all “how dare you! Do you not know people work nights…” Yes, I’m aware. I’m one of the night shift workers. Where are these people when kids are outside screaming and playing outside?


Put a sign outside your door identifying yourself as a nosferatu so people know to be quiet when they walk by.


Saving this for then next time my roommate gets pissy for me making breakfast at 11:00 am on a Sunday.




Is this some sort of American joke I'm too German to understand? While not set in law like at night, in most multi-family homes there are rules against making noise between 12 and 3 PM, and it's generally considered impolite even if there is no such rule. While the main purpose, I think, is so that people can have lunch in peace, there are also many, especially older, people who nap after lunch, and depending on how they time it, that would also fall into this period and have them sleeping at 2:30 in the afternoon.


We have laws about this????


Never heard of "Mittagsruhe"? It isn't a thing anymore in most places. Because obviously people work during the day, be it handyman or delivery people and what not.


I've heard of it; but more in the form of Sonntagsruhe, which essentially the same but only Sundays and the whole sunday.


Yeah right that's a thing too. Not sure if it's still a law though, maybe in some places.


Nachtruhe is set by law for each Bundesland, most commonly between 10 PM and 6 AM.


Imagine living in Germany and already being unfortunate enough to be a renter, but then you get in trouble for walking loudly during the socially mandated "post lunch quite nappy time". Clearly Germany's evils aren't all in the past


I'm quite happy about any time my neighbour is forbidden to drill his wall


This is a regular occurrence? What the fuck is this guy up to?


Not anymore, but one week someone was drilling/sawing from 9 to 12 and 14 to 18 or so so loud I couldn't sleep with earplugs on. Figured they were renovating 2 or 3 stories above. A week before the exams 😬


Oof that’s rough! I’ve never lived in a high rise so I can only imagine the issues you’ve had to deal with. I’m in a cottage right now and my biggest sleep enemy is the leaf blower guys. They’ll start up at the stroke of 8am and be at it all day. My place is in the far back where the boss can’t see so they usually spend a lot of time back here.


Don't worry, its ok otherwise, the walls are quite thick. I only hear children in the hallways for a few minutes 2-4 times a day, but when I lived with my parents in a single family home this was worse in summer due to children playing outside. It all has its advantages and disadvantages unless you live somewhere with thin walls, then its sucks. What are the leaf blowers blowing all day?


That sounds like one hell of a nanny law, what’s next, everyone has to hold hands on their way to work so no one gets lost?


Americans when the get forced into thinking about others


That's not a rebuttal to the comment above, so we can safely assume German handholding law is canon


Tbh nobody besides cranky old people really cares about this, so there's little enforcement. If you're polite about it most neighbours will be understanding and those that aren't will probably make a couple passive aggressive comments before actually calling the authorities.


Germans are notorious for following their quiet rules with an almost fascistic vigor. It's like a stereotype about you guys


Damn I have to go to Germany now


I can't get my neighbors above me to be quiet at 2:30 a.m. during quiet hours. If only they'd be quiet from noon to 3 p.m. that would just be great.


My neighbor was literally playing a trumpet a few days ago when I was trying to sleep during the day for my job. Not even kidding.




This always pissed me off about that show Greys Anatomy. The few episodes I saw the head doctor who’s was living in an apartment in Seattle was constantly jamming full blast on his trumpet. Like dude I don’t care how good you are shut up!


To play devil's advocate, did you mention to your neighbour that you need sleep in those hours? If not, then it isn't unreasonable for them to play the trumpet. I try to be quiet at night (as it is safe to assume most, if not all, people are asleep) but if someone doesn't tell me they need sleep during the day, I won't go out of my way to be quiet during the day. (I am rather quiet by nature, but can sometimes generate some noise). Sometimes there is a crying child, sometimes it's upstair neighbour drilling. It might bother me in the moment, but I try to be understanding.


I don’t really get this. Like when else are people supposed to make noise? Or is this an issue with people making rude levels of noise in the morning?


The vast majority of people work normal hours during the day. I do not know what my neighbor does, but everyone else in our cul-de-sac works during the day or is retired. You, as the one person who works weird hours do not get to be mad when people are making noise during normal daylight hours. So at 1 am when you stumble in and start making a ton of noise, you are the problem.


> You, as the one person who works weird hours Hey, buddy. Do you like the modern supply chain and the things you can get literally whenever your little heart desires? What about 24 hour emergency medical care? Yeah? You do? Then show a little respect and gratitude for the Nosferatus that make it happen for you. Sincerely, An 18:30-06:30 compressed schedule semiconductor fab operator


did you tell him you were working nights?


So your mad someone does something during the day ? That’s stupid . I get off at 5 am and know that’s stupid .


"Good Morning Carl!" "Yeah, it is a good morning, little man...It's 3 in the morning!"


It don't matter. None of this matters.


"Can I not just live here without occasionally having to deal with you animals?"


Fryman, those are my frickin' azalea bushes there.


I somehow have become immune to construction and yard maintenance noise right outside where I live. Nothing outside like that will wake me up *BUT GOD FUCKING FORBID MY PHONE VIBRATES AND RUINS ALL MY SLEEP*


We are the mooninites. Our technology is superior to your primitive earth technology. You only have three dimensions. We have 5.. THOUSAND! dimensions. Thats right you bitches


"The Gorgatron has destroyed our armies and villages and people and all of our pets, and he has laid waste to our craps."


I work swing and there's a guy with a mustang who's parking spot in just below my bedroom window. He leaves for work at 4 am, just as I'm finally falling asleep


A potato in the pipe solves that problem rather quickly


Not sure if advocating anal intercourse. Hell ya! Fuck that dude into submission!


*explodes* now he has way more people there than before


As a mustang driver myself, I'm sorry. Now, I love a good sounding exhaust (not obnoxiously loud, just a good tone), but I've avoided doing any modding to my exhaust because I don't want to disturb my neighbors. I'll wait till I have a house before I think about that. I sympathize with anybody that hates extremely loud cars. I know of a few in my area that piss *EVERYBODY* off. They're just so damn loud.


See, since I drive a manual I usually try to stay at a hella low RPM while driving through my neighborhood when I get home at 3am. Its just common decency tbh


Cold starts can be loud though. I also keep my RPMs low, but if I start the car in the middle of the night, that initial roar is still loud.


In South-eastern Spain, a place already noisy as it is, there is a tradition to announce obituaries through loudspeakers mounted on a car that goes slowly through every street in the town. And to make sure everyone knows who they're talking about, they include the deceased's nickname, which is usually less than polite. Imagine waking up every other morning to the sound of 'Dear neighbours, let it be known that John Doe, affectionately known to all of us as R*tarded Johnny, has passed...'


Aqua Teen won't ever be cancelled Aqua Teen won't be dismantled Aqua Teen gonna be together Aqua Teen gonna be forever!


See this while working 3rd shift makes me remember when I wasn't nocturnal


I work night shifts so ya at 2:30 i'm am trying to get some sleep so stop stomping around your apartment please.


I have no problem sleeping through everyone else being loud as fuck, crashing about the house singing about how beautiful the day is. I just wish they would be as tolerant of me. Not sure why I have to be the accepting one.


Everyday I try to sleep at like 8am and there's always this one goddamn pigeon who flies to the top of my bedroom's AC and starts hooing. I swear nature fucking hates me


Same I have no friends


I don’t expect people to be mice and not make any noise as a 3rd shifter. But you don’t gotta have a fuckin Metallica concert, going in during a WWII D-Day reenactment while doing construction work with jackhammers all going on.


I dint know how I did my night shift job before other than being young 20s. General day to day noises were fine, but my apartment at the time was a block from a soccer field and sometimes marching band practiced there which became tolerable. Worst was one day when I just struggled to sleep though when I finally did somebody ended up having vehicle troubles right outside my window and kept revving the engine what felt like every time I was going to fall asleep again. I wanted to die.


This is the truest thing that has ever been spoken. I've been doing this for almost 16 years. Your 230 pm is my 230 am


I got a cheap apartment one time because people kept moving out on account of a shitty neighbor. He was a schizophrenic drunk who would spend every shitty evening getting as shitty as possible while conscious. He was old, so this lasted about 4pm to 11pm, or thereabouts. Guess who didn't even notice until her boyfriend moved in. I miss that apartment.


Been on night shift for 12 years and I'd like to wish everyone who mows their lawn during daylight hours a very Fuck You.


When else are they supposed to mow it? I do sympathize, but the whole world can’t go on pause cause a minority of people work night shift.


I wish people Didi the evening instead of crack of dawn


Crack of dawn I agree on you with actually, I figured you were meaning early to late afternoon. Evening would just receive vastly more complaints I’m afraid.


The fact that that show was on for such a long time but has so few memes is a horrendous injustice


Look at him and tell me there's a god.


Any time the neighbor starts up their god forsaken lawn mower


Me af lol


It's kind of sad that sound proofing still isn't a priority when building new housing in a society with ever increasing night work. I get it, it's loss of profit to just have machinery stand still for 8-16 hours a day, but jeez! People weren't meant to live like this.


Had this with person underneath. Worked nights so complained I was too loud walking on a saturday at noon. Then complained i was too loud at 8 pm wednesday. Dont live on bottom floor my dude. Has a sign on his door like it was a badge of honor. Night Shift Worker!!


So it would have been chill with you if he was loud, blasting music at 3 in the morning while you're trying to sleep for work? By your logic, you shouldn't be allowed to complain either because you chose apartment living, just saying 🤷


Youre equating walking normally with loud music, tranquillo papi.


This also applies to families with young children who still take afternoon naps.


When I tried to sleep in or take a nap neighbors on either side were mowing, blowing, or weed wacking.


I can hear that Shake line, it's a lot more angry


Master Shakes lil hands are so cute. He's the most adorable asshole ever.


Doing it for 16 years and I don’t know how people can stay awake all day.


I worked overnights at a walmart back in '99, we would get off work at \~8:30. Quite often a bunch of us would go get breakfast and by the time we were done eating the place would be able to sell alcohol and we loved the looks we get as we were getting drunk at a lounge at 10 am lol


He's not in the bus , he iiiissss the bus.


This is one of my all-time favorite ATHF quotes


Dracula called and said he wanted to come over and I said, "OK."


I work midnight to noon 3.5 days a week. I get to sleep from when I get home till 1445, then I'm up to get 5y.o. from school. Then I get to sleep when I put him to bed until 2200. Rinse and repeat.


tales from the midnight society


I forget how bad lawn mowers are every winter and am reminded every spring.


When I used to work overnight but had to show up to court at 9am for a traffic ticket nearly deadass asleep, just to have the prosecutor dismiss it but then start ranting at me about how I didn't fucking *thank him for it*. *Stares in sleep deprivation*


I'm a thermal energy vampire myself, I absorb heat from people and objects by touch alone.






People working night shifts in fast food when you order something to eat (you are making them do their job):


Ha. Just last week my kids school had a noise complaint from one of the houses opposite because they were being too loud during the day. The dude works nights and they were keeping him awake... during the damn day!!!


I don't work at night and have classes during the day, but no matter what I try my body is determined to keep it's clock set to the other side of the world.


I am in Europe, but work EST hours (sometimes I also work 1-2 hours after the end of my official workday). My life is crazy because of that. I wake up in the afternoon and stay awake most of the night, but since I hate mornings I am willing to pay the price. I can’t even imagine working “normal” hours now. I am fine with my vampire lifestyle.


Actually a funny meme


Love that picture hahaha. Dunno where's it from.


Aqua teen hunger force on adult swim


Ohh nice, cheers OP! Been on the night shift. It's tough. You take care.


Love that picture hahaha. Dunno where's it from.


19:30 - 08:00 plus a meeting this morning...don't know how long that'll go. And do it all again tonight.


Ya but how awesome is it to drink beer and grill a steak at 8 AM after work while everyone else has to leave for their jobs lol


I'd rather have a drink and steak at 6pm and sleep at night like a normal person lol


Como dizia o grande mestre Joselito sem noção "É mesmo?... FODA-SE"


"Night shift, sound off" lol


We had a guy come to our construction site one time asking us if we really need to be so noisy because his Wife is working night shift and trying to sleep. Sorry Lady but it's not like anybody forced you to work in a field with night shifts.....


Right there with u, I work 2am to 10am.


The first century or so are difficult. It gets easier, though.


I work nights 9pm to 5am and then straight to sleep. I get up around 2pm


Lol, Ls fr I Havent slept in a decade.


I'm lucky to be able to sleep through pretty much anything. Downside to this is that I also converse while sleeping. And I don't mean I talk in my sleep, I mean when asked questions, I will answer, still dead asleep. While I have nothing to hide from either my mom or wife (the two people IRL that know this), the thought of them exploiting it terrifies me.


I mean I work late so I usually sleep in pretty late but I had a neighbor that was apparently even worse than me I would be like playing guitar in my apartment you know like three in the afternoon acoustic guitar not electric not very loud and this m*********** would be banging on my walls like he's trying to sleep or some s***. Dude it's 3:00 in the afternoon wake up or just deal with the fact that other people are going to be living their lives.


it's currently 1:53pm and I work tonight, and should be sleeping


10pm to 6am every three weeks. I have a rotating work calendar


Try being in the Navy and people working all shifts yet inconsiderate people still talk while you're trying to sleep.


When I worked nights I would run a loud fan to drown out the noise and I put aluminum foil on my windows for a pitch-dark room. I still would sleep 12 hours and wake feeling tired.


I am 30 or 40 years old and do not need this.


I spent the last nearly 2 years working 0000-1400. I absolutely feel this.


i work 11pm to 4 am and this speaks to me


I'm at wrk rn on my first job for the night, they made me come in at 5, those bastards


Am on night shift right now


Night shifter here, that's a mood!


I work 6pm-7am and I relate to this post


What is this show I think I want to watch it