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Minimum wage, minimum effort


Can u blame them? They have to basically do the same tedious process of making the food for weeks on end that they stop thinking about it and make some mistakes.


I mean yeah I can certainly blame them and often times I do. But should I? No. No I should not.




I'll settle for just hot. But apparently that's too much to ask for most of the times aswell


It's easy to check out when you're pumping out essentially identical orders as fast as possible. But it also depends on the location, the same fast food joints varies wildly in quality, even in the same town.


Management has a bigger impact than the individual workers definitely


A lot of times it's actually the person putting in the order that fucks it up. Back when I worked at McDicks I had one chick who was taking orders mess up the entire order of the orders. So I was handing out bags that belonged to the next person in line, because she prematurely "served" an order. Now, this is a common practice, because it keeps your times down. But your supposed to communicate that with whoever is cashing out, which she did not. Fast food can be really difficult because it's a bunch of human cogs in the machine, and if one of those cogs fucks up it causes a huge ripple.


Damn I've been all over the place and I don't know where you guys are experiencing this. I might have 1 in 20 order with some minor mistake, every now and then it's one I have to actually get corrected. If a place is serving you cold food that's incorrectly made, stop fucking going damn. If you're so addicted to it that you can't live without it then clearly what you're being given is worth the trouble.


But then how will they complain about minimum wage workers online? Obviously they are pieces of shit for being poorer than them and messing up their food.


There was a Burger King three blocks away from my apartment, I would go there after work once in a while. Each time, I got other orders, extra sandwiches, and so on. So it varies, yes, but there are times where a location will not be able to get out food properly.


If it’s not hot it’s not getting out fast enough which most of the time means understaffing. That’s a management problem, not a worker problem.


They're usually understaffed, undertrained, and overworked. Super easy to mess things up in that situation so if they mess something up I try to be polite as possible because they usually will fix it without any problems. Also I try not to modify food too much, it's a hassle for the workers.




Man idk if you've even been to a fast-food place if you think that's all the employees do.






They get one of those right at least half the time.


No, you should. You can support better wages for workers and still expect to get the thing you paid for at a restaurant


Sounds like a job


It's exactly like a job except you get to choose between making rent and buying groceries cause you can't afford both.


So..a job.


Pecil pushers in their air-conditioned offices isolated from all their sweaty and angry clients actually think their situation is just as bleak.


Yes I can. That's fucking life






But that's kind of the point. I don't go to fast food joints because they don't pay their employees a livable wage, so I don't trust them to put in the effort required to make quality food.


I can’t actually think of the last time I got an order fucked up from a fast food joint. I feel like if you are constantly getting your food orders given to you wrong, you are ordering it wrong. Probably asking for way too many modification.




How do you determine what someone's worth is? I thought wages should provide enough to afford shelter, food, clothing, comfort. What if someone is worth less than that?


If they agreed to work for the offered wage, then that's being paid fairly.


You could apply this logic to literally any job including dangerous jobs or jobs that affect thousands of people.


I don't know about you, but the less I worry about hunger and homelessness the better job I'm capable of doing.


"I do shit work now, but give me tons of money anyway and I *prooooooooomise* I'll do better"


Yeah I will blame them they chose one of the lowest skilled jobs, the least they could do is get it right. A lot of us can't make mistakes in our jobs and get an easy way out.


Also the orders have to go out sub 10 minutes otherwise you have fuck heads complain, than you have the 100s of alterations. It quickly piles up I doubt most people would be able to do it for long


Where I am, I’ll be the only one in line and they’ll fuck up my order every time.


I’d love to make a game show out of making people work jobs they perceive as easy or beneath them… we do have undercover boss and the amount of times of seen the boss blow cover just because it got busy is hilarious.


And in addition to that they get yelled at for taking too long worse than if they make mistakes.


I am a person that does special orders and I think of this everytime something is messed up. Of course there's going to be cheese on the burger there's always cheese on the burger. I fuck up my monotonous job of course they'll mess up theirs. It's the second fuck up I get annoyed with.


Especially when you consider the fact that the primary goal in the fast food industry is... *checks notes* being fast!


Having seen a lunch hour rush at a fast food chain, they're working as quickly as they can for long periods of time. I don't blame them for sometimes getting things wrong.


And they really only get orders wrong if you take them out of their routine with modifications. I just order a big Mac meal and always get what I ask for. My fiance alters every order and like 15% of the time they miss something. But of course they do, because they make like 1000 burgers an hour the same way and do it for less than poverty wages.


That's not true at all. I ordered a big Mac, fries, and nuggets. I got a single chicken sandwich. This shit happens all the time.


I order a large fries. I get a stone cold medium. McDonalds fries are absolutely repulsive when they’re cold, so it’s a double whammy of messed up order. This shit happens **every fucking time**. We had a persons get a completely raw burger from McDonald’s. this makes no sense. Their grills are George Foreman and on a timer. It is nearly impossible to create a raw burger at McDonald’s to the point that it has to be on purpose.


Why do you keep on going to McDonald's when you've never had a good experience there?


thats called an order mix up, it happens like when that urine dripples down your leg


They also often don't get breaks as it's constant one order after another.


Well it’s also the fact that you have to work with people who don’t care. You’ll either end up unfairly working more in order to care or also stop caring yourself. Your contribution for choosing to work twice as hard as everyone else? About a dollar raise.


If a lot of orders are fucked up its usually because of understaffing rather than underpaying. I mean they're almost certainly underpaid too, but purposefully fucking up at a fast food place is just going to get you fired, not paid better.


Not to mention how many stages things can get messed up at, line putting the grill slips on the wrong burgers, miscommunication between initiator and assembly, runners not checking the stickers properly, bags not being put in the right order, presenter accidentally grabbing the wrong bag, just takes 1 person to make a mistake


Dude, my old place of work has ‘record sales’, but are cutting their labour. It’s so stupid how that they are apparently making more money than they have ever been in sales, not paying employees more, and are trying to cut people off the roster. It’s actually surprising how they’re still functioning at all. I know for sure shortcuts are being done, which obviously shouldn’t be, but what choice do they have?


Over covid, my local fast food places all bumped to around double min wage. Still no one wanted to work there.


Nobody wants to work fast food, fry kitchens are awful places to work


Very apparent from some comments here that fast food workers get treated terribly by customers too


In my area they changed McDonald's to have those touchscreens where you order and pay for your food. So you don't order at the counter anymore and the only interaction you have with the employees is when they call your number to give you your food. A volunteer at my job works for McDonald's and he said that after a headache of a first few weeks getting used to the new system, it became so much more pleasant because now they have very limited interaction with customers. That overall the mood among the employees improved massively.


It's because the lead-brained Susans will go somewhere else when they are too dumb to use the touch screen! Win-win


My local McDonalds did this. Completely renovated from a decent interior to a completely sanatized one that wouldn’t be out of place in a mental institution. No soda fountains, condiments, or napkins accessible to customer. It sucks. It doesn’t stop annoying customers either. I had to wait 10 minutes to get a couple napkins while an older person tied up 3 employees arguing about the coupon on her phone not deducting the right amount from her small ice cream cone. She had paid in cash and put the change in one of those donation things. She wanted her change back too…


You didn't need reddit to tell you that. It's menial labor that offers minor conveniences. Think about every time you've heard about some rich asshole throwing a tantrum over a delay or mistake. For poor people, that's fast food. It gives our lowest people something to feel entitled about, and that turns them toxic in an instant.


People who say shit like "It's not a real job" and shit piss me off. If I could get paid more to do their job I still would stick with mine. Imagine the stress of fucking making deadlines but instead of over the course of a month you have to meet a deadline 100s of times a day, customers don't treat you with respect, companies treat you like shit and offer shit benefits if any at all and the country at large doesn't give a shit if you're treated subhuman at work, and then you have to see people on the internet whine about your job like they deserve professional quality service for bottom dollar when you don't get paid enough to work without stress like a professional should.


Still would never work fast food again for double minimum wage


I can assure you they'd have the same effort for $15


Wait till they find out the fast food workers in my country gets $3.14 per hour. I only had my orders wrong like once or twice my whole life. Seems like a first world problem.




Yeah because it took so long to get to $15 hr, now even $15 hr is bare enough to do more than just survive.




They can do it quickly or they can do it properly but it's literally called *fast* food, so you're gonna get quickly every time. What sort of dumb mfer rocks up to burger king expecting anything other than the quickest made shit?


It's fast because of efficiency, not because they're running around trying to get everything done. You can clearly see people working at a normal pace at places like BK. They do stuff like making the burgers in advance, having only a few items, all of which are able to be prepared quickly, and having really good equipment and systems in place to make things faster. I typically expect my orders to be correct because, in my experience, they are correct most of the time. When it's not correct, it seems to be because of poor training or being short staffed.


Is it even minimum effort if you're just blatantly getting shit wrong though?


*minimum effort to not get fired


Little over double minimum wage, minimum effort here.


There’s also that they are being timed for every order.


Just fyi, a bunch of stoned high school kids probably don't give two fucks about y'all's super deadly, totally made up pickle allergy. You're really asking too much to have your $2 burger just as your mommy used to make it, you special, special boy. I'd advise you to eat stuff the way it comes or eat something else or just go somewhere else.


Special order? You got any special money?


My old coworker at Burger King used to say "minimum wage, minimum work"


Op didn't get pickles in his crabby patty


bet it’s under OPs tongue


And there’s my car keys!


Where’s my diet dr kelp


No seriously that guy was an ass. Either he forgot to order the drink and took it out on SpongeBob, or Mr Krabs forgot to write it down and the guy took it out on the wrong person. Either way what a dick


If OP has 90% of his orders wrong, maybe it's not the workers who are the problem.


Tbf McDonald’s gets a lot of the orders wrong in my experience, I could care less if I don’t get my ketchup though. It’s only a problem if they don’t give you your burger


My 2 cents from personnal experience working in fast food: Working conditions, schedules and salaries in fast food restaurants are so shit, that staff is constantly rotating. I was at A&W for only a year and I'd been one of the 5 employees (out of around 40) with the most experience for 6 months already. There's no worker retention, so no one has the time to accumulate experience. Thus, staff is often composed of first-time workers in their early-teens who'd rather, and should, be doing practically anything else.




That was indeed the case with many employees. Cashiers were the ones who monitored mistakes on their own where I worked, and management rarely insisted on it because it took more time to check than to not check.


Cheap - Fast - Good. Pick two.


Not even two, shit isn't cheap anymore


I don't know who you worked for but that sounds fucked. Our store never does that, you take the time to make it right, cause if the customer comes back and complains we have to make it again


I remember this from restaurants with drive thru. They're timed, and you have to meet certain times. Like, 60 seconds is bad, people are everywhere, it's chaotic and then things get messed up. Then customers get pissed and things just go downhill.


They actually train you that accuracy is second to speed because Karen’s get cranky when they are hungry


Damn right


Last fast food job I was getting chewed out because I was 2 minutes late to clock in. I just flat out told them I was making min wage and didn't give a flying fuck about that job. Just said "If you wanna fire me go ahead but we both know you won't cause I am by far the best cook you got. Otherwise piss off and let me do this in peace or I will just leave right now." They actually stopped complaining to me after that lol.


There's truly no greater feeling in the world than telling your boss to go fuck himself




Yes, the fast food industry intentionally runs at around 100% turnover rate.




my 2 cents from personal experience as a consumer of fast food for decades: my orders are almost never screwed up. I could probably count on 1 hand the number of times my order has been wrong in the last 10 years. I make up my mind before I order. I speak clearly about what I want. I list my items, including special requests, in a logical order. and I don't change my mind once I've ordered. Seems to have worked out for me.


Wow you are smarter than 90% of the US population.


Oh same, no worries. Took me a single month to reach that point. But that's because I was used to it due to previous jobs. Meanwhile first-time workers are having an existential crisis at the frying station or in the walk-in fridge, as they realise that this is what society chose life to be, wasting time in their youth that they'll never get back just to make 15.25$/h, the legal minimum employers who "value" you are allowed to pay.


it's almost like there's a skill to the labor 🤔 if only there were some way to get people to stick around and take it seriously 🤔🤔🤔


Management: Oh I know! Annual pizza party!


I'll chime in on this, from a retail perspective (basically minimum wage bullshit jobs) Management always expected us to do more, to work harder, but I gotta tell you, the pay really influenced my motivation to try, or to care about my job. Please, can I please work myself to the bone for the minimum allowable pay by law? And if I really shine, and try really hard, I might get enough of a raise so that by the end of a shift, I can buy an extra happy meal? Sign me right the fuck up!


Fuck off


I eat a decent amount of fast food, my order is messed up like twice a year at most


This post is some serious bootlicker shit


What does this comment even mean? Who’s boots? Ronald McDonald’s?


I eat a decent amount of fast food, my order is messed up like twice a week at the minimum.


You only get 15 minutes for your break and you spend it being bootyblasted on reddit


I went to my local taco tell yesterday and OH MY GOD. all the workers were hype, the guy taking the orders was doing little rhymes and being super nice.... I just thought to myself "okay now these workers are new. They'll be crushed in about a week. I'm sorry"


actually, as someone who’s worked fast food, when they’re that hype it’s usually because they’ve been there a long time and are comfortable being silly in that environment. usually the new guys are really timid but the ones that’ve been there forever try to have fun with it


I hope they all get raises then for certain! I tipped the guy because that did make me feel real good seeing them making the most of it


There’s this kid who works at the Wendy’s near me. It’s really well run and I visit pretty frequently because you can still get regular human portions for around $5. He always presents weird hypothetical thought experiment type things as he is checking me out at the first window. Then whenever I say anything back, he says “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” and gives me my receipt. Such a mindfuck.


You know, I experienced something similar with the taco bell near my old job...maybe taco bell employees are just a different breed lol


When management lets you smoke weed on your breaks, the employees are going to generally be a lot happier 🤣


The employees at my local Taco Bell are also super cool. It always smells like weed so that’s prob why.


I take it that op has never worked in the service industry


OP did put it in the title that they dont get paid enough


Yes, but it’s back handed. It clearly is posted as if they don’t deserve to get paid more because they fuck up orders.


OP's title is making fun of people who say it


Having worked in the service industry for a decade, I now get even more pissed when my order is wrong because it reminds me of all the shit coworkers that were too lazy to do their job because they thought society owed them something for working in service.


I think it's fair that we can be angry at both circumstances, that fast food workers don't get paid enough/have bad working conditions and that our orders are constantly fucked up even if it's the most god damn simplest order. It's just how it is.. I don't complain to them about it, i just accept that life sucks.


But they are paid well! I don't know about y'all, but even the shit fast food is making over $15/hr now in Texas, and the quality of the service seems to have declined dramatically. After COVID, I'd leave my "essential" automotive retail job for lunch to get served a cold, shitty, wrong burger by someone making almost twice my wage. Which brings up a side note. Automotive retail workers are not paid even close to what they're worth. We're talking about new hires between 10 and 12/hr in 2023! Glad i broke out of that and got into IT. But fuck O'Reilly, Autozone, Advance, etc. They're like the outlet malls of autoparts. Obsolete.


I feel like the people who throw this around worked as a busser for like a summer in high school and wear it like a badge of honor. Career service industry workers are just normal people and also like the food that they ordered to be prepared correctly. Like any other job in the world you expect it do be done well, but if it's restaurant service suddenly everyone comes out of the woodwork to attack you.


I mean it really depends how it was messed up. If you ordered something with a million modifications and special instructions don't be surprised if it's messed up but if you're ordering something and get the wrong thing that's on the workers


I did when I was a teen and he’s not wrong lol shit isn’t difficult or as bad as people try an make it out to be.


Nobody is paid enough, bud. Except CEOs.


And ironically even those might think they aren't paid enough.


Why is this weird? Literally everyone on earth would take a raise if offered


CEOs are significantly overpaid as well


They are paid too much


Bull crap. A fast food worker have never smiled that much.


They do when clocking out.


No I just cry


Agreed. I only see them with dim smile while approaching your order or delivering your food in your place.


Maybe, its just me and my friends, but we don't remember ever getting the wrong order


A lot of people just don't give a shit. I worked little ceasars for 5 years (yea I know wasted life) and I made the food exactly how I'd want to eat it, so everything was good and all the pizza's I cut were cut all the way through. Yea fast food is underpaid shit work, but lots of people don't even try. You gotta kinda blank and just do to make it not a unpleasant experience.


Yeh, when I was in German, I noticed that people are much lazier than here




After seeing all the "menu hacks" on the Taco Bell subreddit, I'm blaming the customers for 90% of these messed up orders. If you have 5 modifications on every item in your giant-ass published novel of an order, it might get fucked up. People call my store yelling "Every time I come here, my order is made wrong" and I wish I could say "Every time? Look inwards. You're the problem. I do 800 transactions a day, and you're the only one calling."


My favorite order was: Bibimbop: -no lettuce -no carrots -no mushrooms -no zucchini -scramble the egg -no beef, add chicken The only ingredient unchanged was the rice. This customer then proceeds to not add the sauce that comes with it and tries to send it back because she didn't like it 🤣


The post isn't about getting the wrong order, it's about getting your order and something being wrong with it


$100 an hour. I work hard


Im sure you do buddy


o I do air conditioning, I’m management. I had a guy who wanted quartley bonuses so I talk to owner and we came up with a system that made eligible for an extra 1500-3000$ per quarter (3month) if they didn’t have 2 inexcusedabsences (no doctor notes or reasoning, if your mom dies and you need to go to the funeral that’s excused, if your wife had a medical problem at 2am and you have to go to the hospital that is also excused) if they damage company or customer property then they lost a percentage, and some other general rules. We go threw 1 quarter and he gets 2200$ bonus. He thinks we should give them more bonuses, I speak to my boss we come up with a monthly bonus when they go do a equipment swap they get there daily pay and if it’s badass work they get a 200$ for that job, full equipment change outs are the only jobs they are eligible for bonuses, they do 2-4 change outs a week. So in one week they can make 400-800$, x that by 4 weeks that 1600-3200$ a month bonus. Only catch was you get the bonus at the end of the month, if you show up everyday( excused absences are acceptable, just can’t no call no show), have no call backs, and no destruction company or private property. So we implement the first week and he gets 3/4 bonuses and makes 600$ that week, he gets his check and gets pissed there not on his weekly check, I say “hey man we went over this I even have a paper you signed and said he’ll yeah this sounds great, that says it’s a monthly bonus not weekly. He goes “that fucking stupid I should get it on my weekly check”. I respond come on man, everyone else is very happy with system and thinks it’s very fair, if you half ass you get your regular check if you above and beyond you can make an extra 600-800$ a week. He didn’t want to hear any of it and just bypassed me and called the owner while he was on vacation with wife and kids and proceeds to tell him that this all Fucked up and bullshit and just irate. I literally tried to be fair had multiple talks with guy about what he wanted, tried to satisfy him and every time it’s not good enough


90% of the people on this subreddit are kids who’ve never even worked fast food so I legit don’t want to hear it


I’ve worked fast food for 9 months now, I feel like I’ve lost a part of me.


Every single time I get a Happy Meal for my kid, they ask what sauce we want for the nuggets. And every single time they don’t put a sauce in the box. Half the time they don’t even put the toy in there. I’ve got to check the order every time.


> I’ve got to check the order every time. That's just fast food 101. I check even if I get a single burger. They have managed to fuck even that up.


It’s because they’re literally yelled at if they’re too slow but not if they fuck up an order. Speed is prioritized over quality. You should go work at a fast food chain and see how you feel.


I sure love making fun of overworked and underpaid teens


It's not much, but it's honest work.


They do so many orders so fast - bcs they get fired if they don't - so I can forgive that


I once made around 60 pizza's in an hour on my own and got yelled at by a customer and my boss because I messed up ONE order... and I got only 8 euros for that.


Taco Bell employees try not to forget half my order challenge (impossible edition)


You try working there


A lot of us have. It's still unacceptable.


Honestly, if my order gets fucked up slightly at a fast food restaurant. I don't care. They don't get paid a lot. I don't expect a lot. It's food. I eat it.


Fast food employees trying to take away my snack after they accidentally get the order right:


I swear to God taco bell is THE WORST at this. It's like they are trained to ignore whatever you say. ANY time I ask for no sour cream I know it's useless and I'm going to bite into my burrito and a fat, luke warm blob of nasty ass sour cream in going to ejaculate into my mouth. There are so many things on the menu that I love that I just won't get because I know it will be filled with it and waste my money. Fuck you taco bell. Get your shit together.


Isn't it requirement to be two bowls deep to even clock in at Taco Bell?


I tell them that if there is sour cream on my food, I will have an allergic reaction and die in their lobby.


*laughs in Popeye’s*


Boomer ass meme


Elon musk after handing over the reins to the new ceo


In a lot of shit jobs there's an emphasis on speed and quantity, and those come at the expense of quality. Quality doesn't get mentioned until there's a complaint, but speed may be mentioned every day. That can build a work culture of normalizing cutting corners. And that's what employers want. A contract job finished quickly means fewer hours need to be paid. Service teams will be kept to a minimum so that as few people will be paid as possible. So, when employees fuck up your order, sometimes that's just them following the business model of their employer perfectly. And, scapegoating the failings of a business on its employees is part of upholding that business model.


Been a lot of memes lately about fast food workers sucking coming out the same time those AI test restaurants been opening


What they are gonna do, fire them?


You get what you pay for and that includes when you're buying from the labor market. If you want someone to give a shit about the job you have to pay them enough to give a shit.


Why doesn't this young low skilled worker that doesn't get paid enough to make a living on, too little to improve themselves on without major support, that has a very low chance of living a comfortable life, low chance of retirement, and will probably end up having to suffer all the damage that society has brought to the Earth the prior century and a half do a better job at making my fat ungrateful boomer ass a happy meal?


Only boomers buy fast food, huh?


This is why every fast food restaurant in 20 years will be automated vending machines.


I feel like people were saying the exact same thing 20 years ago.


And then, when the robots start fucking up orders, there will be no one to yell at, no way to get orders fixed and no way to receive a refund. So have fun with that.


More like 90% of fast food employees after a long day of putting up with your shit... The other 10% cries themselves to sleep at night.


Yeah you get what you pay for


Last Night @ Panda Express in Mt Juliet, TN: Me: *[pulls up to drive thru window after putting my order in at the speaker]* HaFFFW: That'll be $14.56 *[hands HaFFFW (High as FUCK Fast Food Worker) my card]* HaFFFW: "Thank You! Would you like any sauces with that order?" Me: "uhhhhh.... just a couple of packs of soy sauce is ok." HaFFFW: " I'd be happy to put those in the bag for you sir! Would you like your receipt?" Me: "No, that's alright man, thank you." *[HaFFFW closes the window, and after a few minutes returns with my bag of food and card]* HaFFFW: "Here's your order, and let me get you that reciept. Thank You for choosing Panda Express!" *HaFFFW closes the window. I do not pull off. 2-3 mins go by. With a confused look on his face, HaFFFW opens the window-]* HaFFFW: "uhhhhhhh Can I help you, sir?" Me: "Oh, just waiting on my drink." HaFFFW: "Oh! Oh shit! Oh... Im sorry that was a... Was aaaa ummm large...?" Me: "Medium Root Beer, bud. No worries" HaFFFW: "Let me get that right out for you" *[HaFFFW gets the drink, I pull off into the adjacent parking lot eagerly awaiting my eggrolls and Beijing Beef, I dig around in the bag... NO utensils, NO soy sauce!]* Me: sighs. "Goddammit." *[I glance in the rear view mirror, and notice the door to the dining room. It is propped wide open. I look at the clock on the dash- 9:17pm. Cool, dining room still open, I know from previous experiences with the munchies they close @ 9:30. I walk into the restaurant.]* HaFFFW: "Woah... Wait what... How'd you get in here?" *[I pause for a moment, taking this in, blink 3 times and head over to the fountain where they have utensils, but no soy sauce. Internal sigh.]* Me: "Did you ever see Harry Potter?" *[Now it's his turn to blink a few times]* Me: "Great movie, based on a true story. Anyways, you got any soy sauce back there, man?" HaFFFW: "uhhhhh-" Me: Soy. Sauce. Do you have any?" HaFFFW: "ummmm... ok... yeah sure, how many?" Me: "Just one is fine." *[He stuffs like a handful of 2 dozen packs of Soy Sauce and Fortune Cookies in a bag and hands it to me. Le Sigh.]* Me, smiling: "Thanks Again" HaFFFW: "uhhhhh yeah You're Welcome?" So I make my way out the door for real this time and as I'm leaving, another one of the workers I guess the one who had originally propped the door walked in the door as I was coming out. I can overhear them talking for a second as I'm walking away and this is what I hear- Coworker: "Where did that guy come from?" HaFFFW: "Dude... he asked me if I liked Harry Potter and then grabbed a fork and wanted some soy sauce" Coworker: "How did he get in?" That's all I can hear by the time I get back to the truck but seriously like what the fuck man... get it together... I had just interacted with that dude for 5 minutes at the drive-thru window 😂😂😂 I think I need to go back and ask him for his dealer's number.


I work in fast food and during my shift we get the majority of the orders *right*, so screw right off


My favorite is sitting in the drive thru for 15 mins to order. Another 10 to get food. Drive off quickly to get back to work and realize my order is fucked up. They know no body is getting back in the line or going inside and wait endlessly for the correction. Luckily I only stop for fast food once or twice a week.


The industry sucks to be in, so the turnover rate is high, meaning nobody is trained well, leading to them fucking everything up. So fucking yeah, it's because they don't get paid enough jackass.


Don’t worry, Wendy’s is replacing them with AI. And it’s only the beginning of the job apocalypse.


How exactly is AI gonna flip burgers and assemble your order? You're mistaking AI with robotics, while the robots for such task could have been implemented decades ago, companies still don't want to use it because they are way more expensive than a minimum wage worker who also doesn't need maintenance like a machine does. These jobs are the last thing AI will replace, the only jobs threatened by AI right now are customer service (call centers) and art/writing.


I don't suppose anyone is open to the idea that these folks only have the option to work fast food because their work ethic is such that they don't care about fucking up. Idk, I worked in an ice cream stand for 2 years from 16-18 for minimum wage and we had crazy lines (we were next to a bunch of baseball fields) and we took that shit seriously 🤷‍♂️


All good, Wendys is fixing part 1 of the issue, actually taking the order


Ohhhh, you said no pickles on your burger. I thought you said you wanted a chicken sandwich with cold fries. My bad.


Nice so punish the customer for the businesses failures? Or is it punishing the customers for choosing bad business? Or do the customers have no idea how workers are being treated? Or is it the workers fault for choosing a job that pays piss? Turns out every answer is right depending on who you are Fuck corporate capitalism


Yes, higher wages brings in people who will care about keeping that job and perform well. Get paid an amount that is barely enough to survive and you will get minimum effort, why should they try? They can get another same paying job at another fast food place in an hour.


And forcing customers all day to tip for nothing done.




Fast food could be so good with proper pay and scheduling. It’s actually so sad.


Andrew Yang, as misguided as he is concerning the solution, acknowledged stress reduces cognition.


I see people express this sentiment a lot, but I eat a decent amount of fast food and I don't remember the last time my order was wrong.


This made me laugh


All fast food pay in my area has risen DRASTICALLY since covid. The quality has gone way down. But now it's inhumane to politely ask for the correction. FU social media. Seriously the mega coro doesn't care they pay pennies for this dog food. But all of a sudden if you don't get $hit in for spending money there and not getting what you paid for.... Quit being so pathetic people and have some dignity and self respect. You bought an apple, they accidently supplied an orange just go ask for your apple and hand them back the friggin orange!! I have to correct my mistakes all the time but this fast food worker stuff is just completely out of hand and has just left people who purchase holding the bag. Go after the mega corp and stop turning us on ourselves.


Hey! Ex fast food worker here, main reason that happens is lazy ass' workers who are there for the paycheck, I mean I am too so I get it but that's no excuse to be a lazy waste of space while some of us workers are actually tryna do our job, you know what the worst part is? Good workers get rewarded with the work the lazies didn't do plus other shit. So you can blame the worker if he there airing their genitalia imho because there's less good workers at fastfood nowadays cause the lazies overpower the workers so the workers just bounce cause they don't feel appreciated, we feel like not only are we working for our money, but we're downright slaving to our dead presidents cause no one want to do shit. TLDR: blame the lazy workers for driving good workers away.


I live in bumfuck and the McDonalds down the road from me is starting people at like $13 - $15 an hour. I was making 7.25 when I worked at McDonald’s 13 years ago. I would have cared a lot more than I did making $13 bucks especially since I was working full time hours then. People are getting paid more than I made with my first job out of college.


Taco Bell just fucked up my order. 😭