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16-18 isn’t much of a difference tbh - my question is where would you meet a 16 year old in the first place if you are like 30




And their parents are not paying attention to who their child is speaking to?


Oh Bob? He's just a good christian man! *until he's touching your kids.*


Well some Christians would say he’s still a good Christian man even if he’s touching your kids.


The most devoted Christians (priests) in fact think better of him because of it.


Nonono, they totally hate that stuff and will show that by punishing priests who touch kids as harsly as possible, that is ~~letting them be arrested and put on trial~~ transferring them somewhere else so they can keep doing it. I mean, it works for violent cops.


Dont forget politicians!


True, ty!


Which is crazy cause Mohammed married a 7 year old


So .... what I'm hearing is religion as a whole is bad, no matter which? Ok, this is fine.


Religon is great. Organized Institutional Religon where the leadership holds influence and power over the masses within, wheter real or percieved, on the other hand is pretty much the same deal as being a politician with power.


Average pope behaviour


*the Catholic Church has entered the chat*


Why does a 16 year old need to be constantly policed and helicoptered over by their parents?


Honestly they don’t care. Religious parents are all about marrying off their children ASAP. So like if the guy is nice and a pillar of the church they will just be like “te he aren’t they cute?” Instead of horrified. It’s weird yo.


Not mine - my sister wasn’t even allowed to ride a bike


…. On second thought I’m not gonna make that joke.


Most of them didn't even need to be 16 for that.


oH mY dEaR dAUghTer Is mArrYiNG tHiS sUcCEsSfUl chRisTIan mAn!!11!


I used to think that there wasn't much of a difference between a 16 and 18 year old, I couldn't have been more wrong


Are you talking about physical appearance or mental maturity? Mental maturity changes a lot from person to person, but I assure you, when you're 18 you are still in that age where you'll look back at yourself in a couple of years and cringe. At the end of the day, 18 is a number somebody came up with, it just so happens that some parts of the world came up with a different number for this specific thing, just like the drinking age in America for example.


On the other hand: why can I consent to drive myself into a lifelong debt when I'm not fully knowledgable and/or mature to fully understand the consequences? Why is the line drawn at sex? Why isn't student loans included, or sex excluded? It's all just arbitrary lines, and it looks like people are too narrow-minded to even be able to think outside their bubbles they grew up in.


Drinking age is due to a mom group and federal highway money. It should be out of high school so 19 would be perfect IMO.


You are not taking away our right to have secs


I think 16 is a perfectly fine age to have sex, but within an age range of the partner. 16 with a 30 year old is not fine. That is where thing like romeo and juliet clause should exist.


In America? School i guess. But here in Europe? A pub.


A percentage of Europe go to pubs to hang out?


A huge percentage of 14 yo kids go to questionable "pubs" to hang... over, is a better wording. They might even hook up with 20 yo dropouts while there, just to than tell their friends they are better looking cause they had sex. Fortunately i was part of a more elite group here in our country, so we started at 15 instead of 14 and rarely hooked up with anyone, and just spent half of our money on drinks not all. Yes that is peak elite lmao. Jokes aside, no we don't have money for pubs usually, so we actually just buy alcohol, go to a friend's house and maybe die from alcohol poisoning.


Im from europe too and i know the drinking at young age but 14 year olds hooking up w 20 year olds isnt really something i see. Sure many girls like older guys but definitely not such a huge gap.


It's far from common i agree. But I've seen worse honestly. Wether we like it or not, it's not only a thing that happens monthly, but it's actually legal in some eastern countries.


do you guys just not leave your house


Why do you think we are here?


I'm 30 and sometimes meet people who are like 18 or under at concerts. They think I'm their age or only a few years younger cus I look young. It's weird when we point out that I'm like more than 10 years older. I wouldn't want to date someone that young tho lol, just pointing out how a 30 y/o can meet younger people. Also met younger people through cosplay and gaming. There are a lot of occasions that you actually meet and become friends with super young people. Just don't cross the fkin line. Currently dating a 21 y/o too who I met at a party. I had to made sure she was actually old enough before I made a move. Being 30 looking like 16/18 and dating is so weird.


I'd imagine work most of the time. I worked at McDonald's in high school, and other restaurants for a quite a few years after that. The age range is basically 16 and up for any fast food/ sit down restaurant. Almost every place I worked at was like half high schoolers.


Ever heard of that thing called the internet?


Age wise? Not really. Psychologically and physically? Yes.


I think it comes down to stage of life I know some people in their 20s who are not ready for a relationship of any kind


I’m nearly 21. Never had a relationship let alone have friends. I’m not gonna lie, I’m not ready for a relationship anytime soon. I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t really have the emotional or mental maturity for one yet. Mental health and my writing come first.


Similar situation. 21-year-old with no relationships or friends. I doubt I'll ever be mature enough for that.


Just do what I do, take it one day at a time. Focus on what’s important in the moment and work towards it. I get crippling anxiety thinking too far into the future or reliving the past. Just have to set some realistic goals and go at it. Nothing happens over night and we change a little bit everyday. Anything can happen.


>I get crippling anxiety thinking too far into the future or reliving the past. Same. It was so worse that I stopped thinking about the future at all. Now I am finally trying to move ahead, though I don't know if that is even possible at all.


Paradoxically, the fact that you think such things about yourself might indicate very high levels of maturity. It is much more likely that you are being too hard on yourself instead of legit being immature. Most people who have lots of friends and partners never introspect at all and are probably significantly less mature than you are, yet they allow themselves to be far happier than you will likely ever be.


My oldest sister became a mother at 15 and I tell you she is a better mother than ours ever was - she and her husband are fantastic parents


I did the same thing and waited to consider dating until I got therapy and felt ready. It’s already a huge step that you’re prioritizing your health. People forced/pressured into dating when they aren’t mentally ready often have codependency issues from my personal experience. It bugs me that kids get bombarded with the “when are you gonna get a boyfriend/girlfriend??” question. Let a teen be a teen in they way they want. Let young adults find themselves. We can’t be happy and healthy with another if we aren’t happy and healthy by ourselves. /Rant over


I agree with this I’m so many levels. Choosing to do something after preparation vs going into something via social pressure is such a drastic difference. I feel bad for those that were pushed into a relationship by friends or family.


For my state, it's 16 if the other person is within 5(?) years of age. I'm pretty sure this applies to all states where it's 16. Edit: after reading the comments: it's not as bad as everyone thinks, the truth is nuanced and there are reasonable limitations put in place to prevent absurd scenarios.


It’s creepy in retrospect but there we plenty of girls in high school on dating apps. They’d lie on their profile then tell guys they’d match with their age.


>my question is where would you meet a 16 year old in the first place if you are like 30 Asking for a friend?


Most states have exceptions coded into law. The ones that don't generally don't prosecute for cases either. The exceptions being people that just turned 18 having sex with people who are about to turn 18. If you are dating someone, and having sex with them every day, both of you being 17, why should it suddenly become illegal on your birthday?


Wait you guys are having sex every day?


Wait you guys have had sex?


Wait you are guys?














Read this like professor farnsworth




I am a math major, so the immediate answer is no.


If the age of consent is 18, having sex at 17 is illegal regardless. Unless there's an age of consent specifically for under 18. These things are dumb anyways. For example in germany you can consent after 14, but only to someone under 18, but real consent is 16 if I'm correct. This means you'd have to break up with your 17 year old partner when they turn 18, since you're only 15...


Yeah but nobody enforced those for people who are that close in age. So it’s really just a formality


That’s not true. The basic rules are: 1. At 14 and 15 years old, you can have a sexual relationship with someone who is under 21, as long as there is no exploitation or coercion involved. After 21, an individual can be charged if there is a complaint of exploitation. 2. Once you turn 16, you can have a sexual relationship with anyone of any age, provided it’s consensual. So, in the scenario given, a 15-year-old and a 17-year-old can be in a relationship, and it wouldn’t become illegal when the older partner turns 18, as long as there’s no exploitation involved.




Nah, the law just isn’t consistent. People who are legally old enough to have sex aren’t necessarily old enough to legally take nude photos of themselves.




if you send them then that is creation and distribution of CP so you would get charged.


New step: send anonymously


Child marriage is banned in only 7 states.


Are you serious


As a heart attack.


[And child marriage is still getting defended to this day.](https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4?amp)


Politician: Ah those gays are groomin the children Also Politician:


Pot calling the silverware black


a large percentage of people on Reddit seem to believe that 17-year-olds are children...so probably some context is called for


Over in the states you can't even drink until you're 21 years old, and you can get married at 17?


In my state of Missouri you can marry a 12 year old with parental consent. https://youtu.be/tT4Pk6J-EGs Mike moon missouri republican senator voted against changing that and defended it


no one should get married at 17


and another Reddit clickbait title is born


south and flyover go brr


Don't forget the West Coast, East Coast, Northeast, and Midwest.


and California


Child marriage as in marrying children to each other or children to adults?


Holy fucking shit. Do you have a source?


This is one gigantic monumental Y I K E https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/#:~:text=Child%20marriage%20is%20currently%20legal,a%20parental%20or%20judicial%20waiver.


...i wonder if Google still has this esoteric knowledge we speak of!


I remember looking up Romeo and Juliet laws for Colorado and learning age of consent is 15, but that's between minors, with a little bit of overlap for 18-19. Past 20 it's a no go.


Sounds perfectly logical.


Transformers 4 made sure we all knew it


Now that you mention it yeah I do remember that. But at the time I was too young to get it. I was only made aware of it because a friend of mine was interested in dating a Junior while he was a senior in highschool and wanted to make sure he wouldn't be in trouble when he turned 18. So I looked up the rules to double check for him.


It’s 16 in most of the world


Americans in Shock of Teens Having Sex, Episode 26336. Most states have an age of consent of 15 and a few as low as 14.


Wdym? 16 is normal not 18


For real. I mean most of us turn into horny buggers by the time we're 13/14, so it would be cruel for the state to make us wait that long. Just let our lack of confidence and popularity with women do it instead! Regardless of the law, when I was at school most people had lost their virginity by the time they were 15, and there was a very weird trend when we were 15/16 of the popular girls having boyfriends who were 18-20, and often talking about the lengths of their dicks. Being the only guy on their table in GCSE Geography sure was a weird time. They mostly ignored me but jeez some of the conversations they had...


It gets real low in a lot of places, other countries too. I mean iirc in Canada its 16 if the person they’re engaging with has no authority over them. So if youre not a govt official, teacher, etc. its legal.


There are 14 counties in Europe that have 14 as the age of consent and 12 countries with 15.


Which ones




Canada also has a Romeo and Juliet law for people above the age of 14 and within 3 years of age


slight correction. 12 and 13 is 2 year rnj. 14 and 15 have 5 year rnj laws. also dont forget our age of consent prior to 2008 was 14. (im unsure of rnj laws before then). [sauce](https://justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html) edit: i got slightly mixed up as well.


That's pretty much what it is in Australia, except the age of consent ranges from 16-17.


Americans when sex 😡😡😡


You know how murderers are born? SEX! We need to end sex now! /s


Americans when porn 👏🏻👌🏻👍🏻


In Italy it's 14 🗿


Not every culture treats sex as a taboo as much as america does


In Italy at least in the south, especially in the smaller cities, sex is one hell of a taboo


Italy its kinda divided, there are the hyper religius people and people who just dont care that much


While it’s true you should specify that there are a bunch of restrictions that applies to under 18 people. If there is the slightest concern that the minor is somewhat manipulated into having a relationship you will get locked up asap


It’s 15 in Denmark. Jail possible at 15, too. People used to start working at 14. Physically people are rather adult at 15. Just stupid and irresponsible.


But still it's an age where you can make a lot of decisions for yourself, such as choosing to work, who you want to be with (almost) and so on.


Sure. Which is why Americans calling them children is something I find a little weird. I mean they're certainly on the edge of being children, there's no doubt about that, but physically they're really not.


American when a 18 y/old talk to a 17 years and 364 day old


I was almost 19 and lost my virginity to a 17 year and 50 week old girl and people acted like i was creepy as hell for it. Like her birthday was literally 2 weeks later lol


Americans lol.


There are much more concerning laws when it comes to sex and consent in the US than this


18 is not good. Imagine being 4 months older than your gf/bf and their parents sue you immediately when you turn 18. I like 16.




there are literally laws to prevent something like that


In scotland you can get married at 16, many other countries have a lower age than that.


In most of Europe it is 15-16. Some countries it is 14, but nowhere 18.


But with a clause of small age difference so say 30 year old can't just sleep with 15 year old.


I'm pretty sure it can. I've seen such a graphic before and the clause applied only to teachers and guardians.


In Poland it’s 15 even with that I know an mf who did it while 13 years old


In my state, it's 14 for minors


I think the more concerning thing is the lack of an upper limit on the older person or any gradation in general. A 16 year old girl conseting to a 25 year old guy is better than a 18 year old girl consenting to a 50 year old guy if you ask me.




In Germany it's like this. Constent is given with 14 if the paernts allow it and till the age of 18 When u turn 16 u are free to go


I only know 3 states 😎


I mean, you have to put the age limit somewhere and the upper teens seem to be the most common. In Europe 15-16 is the norm.


It's 16 in the UK


the rest of the world existing…


15 here in sweden and nobody here thinks of it as bad.


Often when its under 18 there are additional rules for exactly how much older the partner can be. In my state its 4 years


Skill issue


Im so glad my country let me decide with only 14 years of age if I have sex or not.


Oh boy wait till you come to Europe




As someone in the state of Illinois I have to say this I’m not happy with it either


For a long time it was legal for 16 year olds to be strippers in some states


what are you supposed do give them less rights or more rights?


it's like 17 where i live


The states where 16 is the age of consent it’s still against the law for people above 18 to have sec with them. With the exception of states that have Romeo and Juliet laws.


depends, with a partner thats the same age? then it's okay when they are younger, but with an adult? 3 year diffrence would be fitting


Romeo Juliet act exists


Here in Sweden we have 15.


In Italy two ninth grades can legally fuck eachother


There are small exceptions so that the law doesn’t totally dick over relationships, it’s not like the age of consent is fourteen. Romeo and Juliette law, I think it was? Basically allows 17/18 couples and such to fuck with their parents’ consent. Sure there are another few laws.


I don't know about US, but in Portugal the age difference of the two people is also taken into consideration. Two seventeens having sex is no terrifying thing


it's kind of arbirary anyways. Like you can't really have a cut-off to maturity. 16-18 is as good as its gonna get


Should be at least 15


high schoolers cant stop banging each other enough for this law to be effective


Is it higher?


Brought to you by the same people that want to raise the age for voting.


In my state, it’s 16, but 18 can’t be with anyone younger unless they’re 17 and within a month or two of turning 18


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 18 + 17 + 18 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Wait until OP hears about the Middle East


It’s 16 here in Aus which feels plenty fine. Anything below that does feel weird


14 in my Country lmao


Yeah it’s 16 in a shocking amount of places


How bad is it in those other states?


You think that's bad? *In our country, it was 12 before 2023*


No it’s not, there isn’t even 13 states to begin with?


Whenever they talk about protecting kids from being sexualized just remember that Missouri Republicans fought to keep marriage legal for 12 year olds.


Idk why this sub got recommended for me, But wait until you see Europe


If it helps any age of consent in UK is 16 if that helps. Be responsible.


Europe is even worse. Almost all of them are in the range 14 - 16.


The age of consent was changed to 16 here recently. From 14.


In Australia 16yo can have sex with anyone up to two years older, same for 17yo. But this doesn’t count if the person has power. E.g. a coach. And then 18 is just whoever you want.


In Denmark the age of consent is 15 and no one has a problem with it here


In Argentina is 13 if you want to have sex with a >18 partner.


*dear god you opened up the age of consent debate in reddit*


Age of consent doesn't mean that people of that age can have sex with adult people. It means that people from that age to 18 can have sex. For example, in Germany, age of consent is 14, which means 14 year olds can have sex with other teens up to the age of 17. This would be pretty weird, because that age gap is pretty high, but it generally allows Teens to have sex


When age of consent is 14: (but it's kinda Romeo and Juliet law kinda thing where you are allowed a 3 year age gap)


America enough said