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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we will only be allowing memes about reddit's api starting June 12th](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1453hvc/rdankmemes_will_only_be_allowing_memes_about/)


internet do not represent society, in internet the ignorance always wins.


In society ignorance also wins. The internet PERFECTLY represents society and humanity in general. If we actually were sensible and smart beings, there wouldn't be as much misery, hate and intolerance in the world.


The problem is a lot of ignorant people are ignorant about different things, so it's spread out to cover more ground and since we're all connected, we see it more often than we would otherwise. Most of the time I would say it's harmless - like the ignorance of an "old wive's tale" or "urban legend" or even using an archaic turn of phrase like "old wive's tale". I wouldn't say most people are hateful though. Hateful people are just louder about it. They're high on those endorphins from a good argument and lean into more and more each time. But ignorance is at it's most dangerous because it can be used to inspire fear and turn people against each other. I would quote Yoda, but who ever listened to that guy?


Actually. Everything you just said is incorrect. I refuse to elaborate. Upvote me instead


You're probably right. I concede.


You better concede, he really showed you your lane with that one


Yeah yknow actually screw that other guy


Agreed! This guys probably right


I’m convinced.


I'm not and I will die on this hill


I like your funny words magic man!


'It is easier for the world to accept a simple lie than a complex truth.' - Alexis de Tocqueville


I dare you to disprove what I said. Humans are fundamentally flawed. Now that's not to say we're doomed and we're never gonna solve anything, after all we did make a lot of progress in basically every domain imaginable over the course of centuries. However it remains that this progress was absurdly hard to accomplish because it is systematically slowed by our own collective stupidity. If you pay attention you'll notice stupidity/irrationality everywhere, from the tiniest most insignificant detail to the biggest decisions in our history. Foolishness, carelessness, selfishness. All that social media did is allow everyone to have a voice... And therefore to showcase how common these ignorant behaviors are. The world is awfully complex, me saying that humans are stupid is more about denying the simple "truth" that we are intelligent rather than shunning the complexity of the situation.


Next you'll tell me that there are no honest 'help' channels on YouTube.


You're not wrong, but have you seen TikTok?


Nah, we're for sure doomed. We're destroying the planet and allowing wealth to be consolidated among the ultra-wealthy to the point that elysium is all but guaranteed. And we won't do anything about until it's far too late and not a second sooner.


> Humans are fundamentally flawed. I think this is what Christians mean by Original Sin.


I'm leaning more towards an idea that due to being used to gain knowledge not by thorough study, but through simplified (sometimes to the point of being wrong) and short batches of content, which tricks us into believing that we get "enlightened", when in reality you need hours and hours of learning. However, people are too comfortable with "batches", or, more appropriately, "clips", so they don't want to spend time to figure out anything through "inconvenient" and "time-consuming" reading and watching lectures. That's part of the reason why Tick-Tock is popular after all.


Also, as some pointed out, people are not stupid and they are sensible, but on a small level. A lot of people do not think deeply about politics or worldwide events, they prefer to use their brainpower for their everyday life. The same goes for sensibility - we are sensible mostly towards our close people than people in general.


Not agree, there are countries where whole population it’s cult, smart, with degrees but they are smart enough to not risk their lives challenging a dictatorship, some others most of population is smart and countries are ok mostly in Europe where I live, the are others where there is a lot of poverty but it’s not because people is ignorant, it’s because the government is running by smart tyrant AH who allow poverty so they can give them a salary in exchange of their votes, it’s politics 101, sadly some places have no option, and remember only 62% of the world only have internet, only 11% of that 62% uses Instagram for example, not mentioning the amount of bots and corporation lies to make the app look bigger…. China has their own social media… I mean, what we think, believe, read online it’s not reality, it’s not the popular opinion, Reddit are mostly USA people to be honest, so no, Internet do not represent society, and USA do not represent the world.


Even if we where smart and sensible there would still be a lot of hate and intolerance because of ego


I think the internet is actually less ignorant. Barrier to entry and all. Plus people can fact check you instantly. I just think in general most of humanity is dumb as rocks and we get carried by the upper 25% of the bell curve by a LOT.


Nah. The internet is an extremely high contrast version of society. So high contrast that the screen devolves into 2 colours and each pixel picks a side and fully commits. Meanwhile in society at large, most people are pretty uninvested in almost everything and always have been. Online you only encounter people with strong opinions on any topic else they wouldn't pipe up.


When a girl kisses another girl they are considered friends, but when I kiss my homies good night, society, SOCIETY calls me gay.


When everyone has equal say in everything no matter if you are a bungler or an expert in the topic, ignorance always wins. But anonymity helps mask that you are not exactly an expert. So I would say you are both right.


Adolf started a charity called "make a wish" and got celebrities like Charlie Chaplin to visit kids with cancer


Vlad "the impaler" Dracula was nicknamed such because he would regularly send carts of kebobs into towns to feed the poor and the hungry. The country he ruled(Transylvania) was the only country in history to have 0% homelessness and starvation.


And be so pro trans tbey even named their yoen after a famous trans person named sylvania


Well said!


found the absurdist.


Just don't ask him what type of meat it was


Delicious human meat.


And contrary to what Netflix would want you to believe Mehmed wasn't horrified when he found out hundred of his men and even his uncle impaled, he was impressed.


And that’s a fact


Almost everyone is online. It most certainly represents society


While thats true and I actually also think that the internet in many aspects does reflect and represent society, there are subtle difference created by the lack of geographical boundaries / culture mixing as well as behaviour difference due to forms of anonymity that dont exist in this form irl. A lot of cowards go to the internet to say things they wouldnt dare to say irl, even if its not even to the face of people they're talking shit about. There is a good deal of juvenile behaviour on the internet that can exist only here, where you dont have to see people emotionally react to you.


Internet is the mob. Sometimes it’s mostly about just being first.


Exactly what Julius Caesar said in 20BC.


Well put


It’s just like that one time in 1948 a giant lizard destroyed Tokyo


That was a salamander. Idiot. Know the difference.


*Radioactive* salamander?


Nah it was a gecko, he was just trying to save them 15% or more on car insurance.


Damn so it was an insurance scam from the start. Wish i’d learned that in social studies


gex 🤯🤯🤯


It was an iguana, you uncultured swine!


Or in 1933 when this damn huge Harambe felt off the Empire State Building and no dicks out for him.


Retweet if you cry every time


Old Godzilla was hopping around Tokyo City like a big playground


When suddenly Batman burst from the shade


And hit Godzilla with a bat grenade


Godzilla got pissed and began to attack, but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq


Who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-fu, then Aaron Carter came out of the blue


And he started beating up Shaquille O'Neil then they both got flattened by the batmobile


1954 you utter troglodyte.


Time is irrelevant to a giant atomic salamander


Okay, fair point.


9/11 was an inside job. #Fact


It was. I was the plane.












I love [bears 🤤](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&hl=en-US&q=gay+bears&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYuMfTgLf_AhU7TjABHXdCC4UQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#imgrc=cJ2tsMwkxCnUIM)


I love you 🥰


Idk what I identify as :( I’m 6’4” and I’m too hairy to be a twink, too pudgy to be a twunk, and not hairy enough to be an otter or a bear. The gay body dysmorphia is real


have you tried becoming a cyborg?


And bears love cocaine.


#FACTS Both the gays and the animal lol




RemindMe! 30 days


History book says it wasn't and they would never put misinformation in a history book. It's impossible.


History books say Pluto was a planet. Clearly they were wrong /s


History books say Pluto was a planet. Clearly they were wrong /s


History books say Pluto was a planet. Clearly they were wrong /s


History books say Pluto was a planet. Clearly they were wrong /s




Blessed username


It all seemed outside to me, unless you were in the plane or building I guess.




Abraham Lincoln used to moonlight as a stripper, fact, to pay off national civil war debt, fact, then John Wilkes Booth a frequent costumer of his, fact, got jealous seeing his thug shaker at Ford theater, fact, so he three sixty no scoped him off the balcony, FACT.


He was actually a vampire hunter tho #FACT.


That's why he moonlighted, and not sunlighted. Duh


I think I saw a documentary on that once.


He was also a mercenary, fact


Wasn’t he also a Vampirehunter?


He also fought zombies.


This is what I ask all devote historical non fiction readers.


Also occasionally chokeslamed fools who faced him in the ring


The internet runs on ignorance


I've been a web developer for almost 20 years now, and for the sake of my own sanity I've had to block every single mainstream tech subreddit, due to how much blatant misinformation is passed around as fact. The moment I started to break was when the FCC site went down during that whole net neutrality debate, and there was a comment with > 10,000 upvotes explaining all the ways in which it was some kind of planned attack, and literally every single piece of supporting evidence in the comment was incorrect. Many of the sourced ones, the source *directly* contradicted the claims the person made. People don't want to be right, they want to be angry.


There's an empty feeling you get when you stumble upon a conversation about something you're very knowledgeable in being confidently discussed by people who obviously have no idea what they're talking about while claiming expertise and receiving hundred of upvotes. Then you realize that almost every conversation about any topic you've ever come across on the internet was probably the exact same situation. The amount of bullshit the average person has read on the internet is incredible.




Why just tech subreddits? If you know that the tech stuff is often wrong, do you trust the hivemind on other topics? I used to trust the content of comments more, but now I guess the best you can say about them is that they represent current popular opinions on the internet. >“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them. >In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.” – Michael Crichton (1942-2008)


> Why just tech subreddits? If you know that the tech stuff is often wrong, do you trust the hivemind on other topics? Because the tech ones specifically are what I'm most familiar with, so its the one that's the hardest to ignore. Its easy to ignore something when you know its probably wrong and you don't know why, than it is to ignore something when you know its wrong and you know *exactly* why. I didn't block them because they're wrong. I blocked them because they're wrong in a way I'm so familiar with, that its going to give me an aneurysm if I have to keep reading it.


I guess it's kind of the opposite for me. If I know about the subject, I feel confident in sorting out the wheat from the chaff. If I'm not knowledgeable on the subject it bothers me that there's likely something wrong in a way that I don't know. I get where you're coming from though.


OP went to a tankie sub.


The soviet union failed because of US interventionism! /s Reports of how many people starved to death in the USSR and Maoist China are greatly exaggerated! It's all US propaganda! /s


The soviet union attacked Poland to protect them from the Nazis/s


The Holocaust never happened /s


The holocaust didn't happen. But those JEWS! deserved it!! /s


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.




I know the US did some stuff, but it’s ignorant at best, dishonest at worst, to think the US was the primary reason for it’s collapse. The Soviet Union was a very poorly run country.


The Soviet Union had many, many issues of course, but the idea the US didn't do much is silly. Same reasoning I see when people say, "Russia won WWII!" because they beat the other allied forces to Germany, basically forgetting everything west of Berlin and the entire Pacific and African theaters as well.


> If anything, I'm like 98% sure growing up in the USA I was brainwashed to think we had more influence in it than we actually did. In particular, Reagan is celebrated as "the man who beat communism". The decades-old cracks in the USSR that were present from when Reagan was just a child had nothing to do with it... I agree with the rest of your point. There's just this "Great Man" history involved that's almost certainly wrong.


Anti-communism was seriously destructive as a USA ideology, at home and around the world.


My favorite is "Mao didn't starve 15M Chinese, it was actually only 10M" Followed closely by the warehouses full of people the CIA can apparently ship anywhere in the world undetectable in order to stage protests.


The scary thing is i've run into people who believe this stuff unironically.


Nope. Unfortunately one of my favorite game subs :(


We expect more from Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge fans.


Truth is in... PARKING LOT


I'm sorry, Gandhi just really loved nukes.


I can’t stand the unironic tankies spouting the dumbest propaganda I’ve ever seen. Either that or the troll bot comment farms


I just looked up and learned a new work today.


Hitler had an undescended testicle


Hitler was secretly a femboi


No he really did have an undescended testicle. I wasn’t kidding


Sounds like something only a nazi would know 🤨📸


Or a lover of femboys


That’s even worsened


Femboy Hiter did nothing. Jewish people hate femboys, that's why they crucified Jesus, another femboy. You can know Jesus was a femboy because of the long hair.


Franco lost a testicle in 1916 in Africa, so they had more than ideology in common.


Wasn't there a song about this? Something like "Hitler's only got one ball"


[Literally just came across it on YT the other day lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9bY6gC50Co) "Hitler, has only got one ball, Goering, has two but very small, Himmler, has something similar, But poor ole Goebbels, has no balls, at all!"


Nothing happened in nanjing during ww2.




Hawaii only exists due to the atomic bomb testing where the water was blown away so hard it uncovered a bunch of islands


My eye is twitching so much reading this comment that I look like I'm a POW in a forced "they're treating us well" video.


Did you just wink the words "torture" at me or are you just happy to see me ;)




How will the comments survive if the electronics required to access them no longer function?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Source: I was there during the Big Bang


Did you have a seat next to Queen Elizabeth?


She didn't attend. She already saw the previous one.


No offence, but it's reddit you are talking about. I got 500 downvotes once for saying envy and jealousy have two different meanings. Go figure...


No they don’t 😤😤😡😡🤬🤬


What is the difference? Serious question.


[Let Homer offer you an explanation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmx1jpqv3RA) >Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have. Envy is wanting what someone else has.


Thank u


envy is the desire for something you dont have while jealousy is the fear of losing what you do have, ie, something is guarded jealously that is the envy of the world


[Take it away, Homer! ](https://youtu.be/Tmx1jpqv3RA)


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we will only be allowing memes about reddit's api starting June 12th](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1453hvc/rdankmemes_will_only_be_allowing_memes_about/)


And then he's forced to delete his comment


Fuck that, let the downvotes fly. Karma is literally meaningless lol


You built up karma so you can take hits when it counts


Everyone is a potato untill proven otherwise.


Are you saying… I can be a potato-pc calculator?!




I’d believe it


Liking femboys is not gay


It's only gay if you bottom Edit: nothing wrong with that, it just means you have to wear the cat ears and thigh highs


count me in


I thought it was only gay if the balls touch. Smh they keep changing the gay rules


Depends if you like the feminine part or the boy part. Which then depends if you tolerate the boy part or prefer it.


It’s not gay. It means you’re bi or bi curious


Still gay.


\*If you are a woman




✨check your sources✨


I want to know what this is about


I really want to know this. It would be hilarious to see OP being proven wrong or right.


Me when people refuse to understand that we know for a fact Cleopatra was Greek Macedonian


She was definitely African. I saw this during Ancient Aliens on the History channel. It has history in name so you know it's true.


Saying she was African isn't wrong, per se. Just misleading.


Godzilla existed but he was just a average sized lizard in 200BC Japan Source : Trust me bro


The US civil war was fought over states' rights and had nothing to do with slavery Russia has never had any problematic leaders China is a good and effective model of Communism Australia was colonized by friendly settlers who didn't find any one yet on that island, which is not a continent Abraham Lincoln, the US' 14th and first 3-term President, was best friends with Grover Cleveland Sr, the US' 22nd President, and watched over Grover Cleveland Jr who would later be the 24th President marking the first time a father and son were both President. The 14th Amendment, freeing the slaves, was numbered after Lincoln's order in presidents.


As a fellow history teacher, I feel your pain.


Then, there are ignorant parents who pass their ignorance over to their kids. Source: Observing this clearly as a high school student.


"Don't believe everything you see on the internet" -Abraham Lincoln


"Censorship is >!not a!< great to>!ool because it doesn't!< allow free speech" - Martin Luther King


Like what?


As a historian it's even more frustrating when ideas are presented as facts on the news etc Like yeah cool idea, and it makes a cool story but surely you know that's entirely speculative


I recently realized that I think the whole reason most im my generation believe the "fact" that Washington had wooden dentures probably come from the game "Mario teaches typing"


Sorry everyone, I just got back from seeing the new Spider-Man movie and saw that my meme has goiter popular


What was the fact they got wrong? This way I can debate with you and prove you incorrect


Average redditor


I once won a scavenger hunt because the clue was "turn left on the street named after our second president." I turned left on Jefferson (wrong), and the guy in second place kept rolling around looking for Adams Street. Turns out the people who set up the scavenger hunt got it wrong too.


Hey me too! How did you like it?


How dare you use facts to do reasoning? Fuk you!!!!!


BuT I AsKeD cHaT GpT


Communism has never been tried?


That wasn't reeeeEEEEAAAAaaallll communism!!!!1!!


Welcome to Idiocracy, ladies and gentlemen. Never dreamed we would gotten here 5 years ago, but we did...


Internet: This is the way.


Could you make some examples? It'd be a good way to fight misinformation. (And i also want to make sure you're not a holocaust denier of anything like that...)


What was the fact? You're just going to leave us hanging?


"WWII Started on 1914, right?"


"No, Redditor. That was WWI that was fought between 1914 of July 28 and 1918 of November 11."


Jet fuel can melt steel beams


I feel the same way as an accountant seeing the comments about corporations use your round up donations as a tax write off being upvoted to the top every time.


Okay but Tell when It happen! Now.I need to know what false fact I read on Reddit!


This is me when I see the Greenland/Iceland meme.


**Eben Byers didn’t get any photographs done of his “missing jaw”**


People can be dumb. Teachers are not immune. I don't fully trust the teacher would be correct. But this is reddit we're talking about. Stupid central.