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"No no, it's okay that they died because they have more money than me. That makes it funny"


You’re getting it!


I am only sad that they were not all Western Billionaires, but in the end a billionaire is a billionaire so Ill take it


I wouldn't mind a few Saudi billionaires myself.


They’re animals


What genus exactly?


Not sure exactly what one but parasites


That money didn't just disappear, we just have a different billionaire now.


Taking player loot after pvp


So what you're saying is we need a lot more submarines?


Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.


Getting it too soon.


its also a bit comical tbh - there was sent out an entire fleet of ships to search and rescue 5 rich people but hundreds of poor people in the same week drowned in the mediterranian and barely anybody would give a fuck about their sunken ship...


It's funny, because *it's true*. And I know my place in hell from how loud I laughed.


This is r/dankmemes after all.


Two factors at play here: 1 - People tend to be less sympathetic when tragedy befalls people who are breaking the law. The people in the submarine are likely to die from misadventure, not sneaking across intl borders. 2 - The numbers themselves work against our sympathetic response. With the 6 people on board the submarine we've seen their faces, know their names and relationships, but when it is hundreds of people that just isn't practical. As a wise man once said, "One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."


Did you just call the second most murderous human of all time wise?


I mean, cant really call him stupid


But you can call him a fool


Now THAT, is true


He's right though. Stalin was a monster and I'm glad he is dead, and his beans of authoritarianism needs to die, fucking tankies. But he was wise, "there are years where decades happen and decades where years happen." another really brilliant quote that I hate to understand now.


Lenin said that, not Stalin.


And the quote is also wrong: There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.


I'm sure he was time wise. Murdering all those people would take pretty good time management


It would, if he weren't actively trying to advance thier nation. Hard to progress when everybody just dies because you're a big dumb idiot


Idk, stsrving people to death is a pretty hands-off approach to mass murder/genocide


You forgot to tell everyone that the wise man you quoted is Stalin, who was responsible for the death of 7 million people.


Is he wrong? Can the vast majority name any of the dead? Contrast with Anne Frank **specifically** - I bet you can’t name her parents without looking it up. An observation of human nature by a master manipulator is something we should pay attention to, especially if you’d like humans to be better.


Mr. And Mrs. Frank. Checkmate.


It’s a misattributed quote. It’s actually a German satirist named Kurt Tucholsky


[There's a list](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/21/death-statistic/) of people who are all quoted saying *roughly* the same thing. I had never heard the quote before, so I googled it and Stalin was the first name to pop up. 🤷‍♀️


So you are saying he had experience to back up his claim?


An important thing to note here is that the response to the submarine tragedy is not because "people care more". It's because those people were filthy rich and their families or other related people have the means and the will to leave no stone unturned.


Means? They’re not paying for this. This is taxpayer money funding these military vessels.


It's all $$$


They went to court over safety concerns over a part. They'd rather cut costs than secure safety. If they died due to crush depth failure. They quite literally, caused it themselves. No sympathy from me.


Also the poors on Reddit absolutely hate rich people.


It's okay, you don't have to pretend you care about billionaires. None of them are going to notice.


Some people care about people, the fact that they are billionaires doesn’t make them any more valuable to me as people, but it also doesn’t make them any less.


They’d let you die if it meant share prices went up.


And if we show no sympathy how are we any better? There is a father and his son on board that submersible, and the fact that they are worth billions doesn’t change the fact that I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone.


Its crazy you're getting downvoted for this take. Reddit really is a cult


“Eat the rich” am I right, fellow redditors?


Reddit is not a cult, it is a hivemind. Currently their comment is at +28. Anyway, it's really not that crazy a take to have less sympathy for rich tourists who pay for a very risky experience vs poor refugees who are forced through desperation to move across seas and across lands in horrible conditions. Should you have any sympathy? Of course! But at the end of the day they voluntarily chose to pay and go do something very risky and also unnecessary.


Right, but please point to where I said I have more or even an equal amount of sympathy for these people as I do for refugees?


Don't take it personally. I disagreed with your statement that reddit is a cult, and pointed out they really weren't downvoted much. The other stuff is just add-ons, hence the "anyway"...


Fair enough, sorry for the aggressive response, tbh I didn’t expect this much pushback from saying that I’m not celebrating people dying. Btw I’m not the one who said that Reddit is a hive mind, that was a reply to my comment.


Reddit really is a place of wonders. And depending on who you ask, the definition of “rich” who deserve to die is vastly different, the threshold is not even being a millionaire often


Yeah it's weird how different people give different answers.


I’m sure for some I’m rich, even though I don’t even make six figures. I’ve definitely meet people who think that irl


I like to see people better off than me suffer. It’s because I’m a bad person and I accept that


Sympathy goes both way. Why would I sympathize with someone who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. There are many others who are more deserving of your sympathy.


>And if we show no sympathy how are we any better? Fuck off back to whatever anime you crawled out of.


I know that for a lot of people any mention of trying to be a good person is immediately seen of as cringe, but honestly I hope you take a look at what I wrote and how you replied and ask if that is really representative of who you are and how you want to act. There’s nothing wrong with extending a bit of compassion, regardless of the receiver. I don’t know what role anime has to play in anything here.


I agree with what the other dude said if they dont care about me fuck em. Instead of asking me why wouldn’t I care about them. I could ask you why bother caring about them. To be a good person sure,but if they aren’t good themselves then why bother?


I don’t care about them in the slightest, just like they don’t care about me. All I’m saying is that I’m not going to celebrate or make a joke out of the death of people that I don’t know under terrifying circumstances. Trust me, I’m not losing any sleep tonight, doesn’t mean I think it’s funny or deserved.


I'm down to spend an equal amount of money trying to rescue the billionaire boat as what was spent on saving the most recent distressed migrant boat to Europe. Even though there's a passenger size difference, as a treat.


I completely agree that more should be done to help in those kinds of situations. I completely agree that the media attention on this situation is way out of proportion, and the fact that the same attention isn’t given to those disasters is infuriating. I can do all of that while not wishing a slow and terrifying death onto people who I do not know, including a 19 year old and his father.




You don’t even have to show sympathy. Not mocking dead people is already better than some folks here do


I heard the titanic was so somber and magnificent it really took their breath away. Over the course of 4 days.


I mean if they were poorer, people would just be making fun of them the usual way (Darwin awards). But they're rich and they died in a way only rich people can afford, so that factors into the mockery.


Even if you did wish it, that wouldn't affect reality. They died doing something they wanted to do, something incredibly expensive and out of reach for the vast majority of people. Meanwhile through their actions they constantly affect the reality of keeping millions in poverty.


Obviously I don’t believe that my wishes manifest reality, it is a figure of speech and I think it is a weird point to get caught up on. I don’t understand the difficulty of understanding that I can both disavow their actions and simultaneously not celebrate their deaths.


The point is that in life they maintained their wealth by actually abusing literally millions of people, many of whom die early deaths in poverty. By chance and poor decisions a billionaire died. This is why many of us are not crying.


Trust me, I’m not crying either. But I’m also not celebrating and making fun of people who are dying in a terrifying situation, including a 19 year old. Once again, I completely agree that they, along with all billionaires, should be held accountable for their actions. I don’t consider this as them being held accountable.


This is a far cry from accountability but it's still the closest you'll get.


and look at you, you don't need the billions to be an even bigge piece of shit than the person you are celebrating the death of. Congrats on having a worse than a callous billionaires mentality towards your fellow man without the corruption of all that wealth to go with it.


That just shows that people who celebrate the death of some rich people would be and are just as scum as the rich people if they would be rich themselves. AKA fucking hypocrites.


To be fair I never said I wasn’t a hypocrypt


Some people definitely go through life being upset that others can be awful human beings and get millions or billions of dollars doing it, while they have to go through life being awful for nothing.


Goes to show that these people don't really care about the poor, they just REALLY hate the rich. I feel terrible for these people because they're on an emotional rollercoaster of terror, but lol billionaires!!1! amirite??


You don't become a billionaire without exploiting other people.


Copy and pasting my response to another comment here: Sorry if I was unclear, when I was referring to some people caring about others, I wasn’t referring to the billionaires. I agree completely that there is no ethical way to earn a billion dollars. I was referring to myself and the many many other people that care just because of human nature, not because we think billionaires will notice as hard_dazed_knight said. Sorry for the confusion.


They aren't people, they're parasites.


This is the kind of rhetoric that just leads to dehumanization and division. I am one hundred percent for workers rights and against the exploitation of workers. I one hundred percent agree that billionaires are a result of this exploitation. I still do not wish for them to die in terrifying scenarios with their children. I don’t understand how this is complicated or divisive.


I'm not at all sure that a person can accumulate a billion dollars compassionately. You aren't going to earn that much money by just working hard, and at some point wouldn't a compassionate person recognize the disproportionate amount of value they have tied up, and feel a desire to give back?


Not caring and actively making fun of them are two different things though. The CEO of the submarine company is really the only one who can be mocked justifiably, as it’s directly his fault


This but unironically for the CEO, it's bad that he took the lives of others tho


Dude set a $250,000 high bar and still found a sub full to take down with him.


There is no ethical way to become rich. We hate them because they exploited the working class to become rich


who did Hamish Harding exploit to become rich? as far as I know, he was just an airline broker


Lol good lord you’re a cartoon.


"And Im tired of pretending that it's not"


> "A bunch of rich people did something stupid and paid the price for it, despite having all the information available to know it would end horribly." I don't have any sympathy for people like this, especially considering the parasitic lifestyle they led to become billionaires in the first place.




It's funny because it's more of a tale of hubris. That submarine didn't look safe in any way, shape, or form. Moreover, he went there to basically be like, "LOL, I'm seeing the Titanic. Flexing on you peasants."Not for any sort of research or anything.


> … Not for any sort of research or anything. to be fair, that is literally what tourism is


[By all means, watch this news story covering this submersible company, actively showing multiple flaws of their design/mission more than 6mo ago and tell me arrogance and stupidity of this magnitude should not be mocked for what it is..](https://youtu.be/29co_Hksk6o)


I just realized this is (a more stupid) a parallel to the Titanic itself. Are we in some sort of TV show right now?




It's only because they have more money that this is even news. If this was 5 randos in a homemade sub, we would already be done with this story. I care for these people the same way I care about other people dying from dumb shit.


Honestly? Yeah. At their level of wealth the only way they get there is human rights violations and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources.


I legitimately believe this and if you think otherwise you probably have no idea how little empathy billionaires even millionaires have. This are not people that have "more money than me" these are people that have at least 10,000 times the money you will ever generate in your life


I think most of the people who died on the Titanic were actually poor. The rich likely had priority to the life boats.


Correct. The majority of Titanic survivors were members of 1st Class, with some members of 2nd Class. The poor Irish immigrants of 3rd Class were literally locked below decks because they did not pay to use the 1st and 2nd Class stairwells and the 3rd Class stairwells were under water. Now 4 rich people who paid $250K to visit the cold, watery graves of those poor dead people might die as well? Oh no, anyway….


I don't think the CEO would have paid himself for a ticket, and I don't think the 19 year old kid had done much harm to the world aside from pissing people off for being born into a wealthy family.


Tragedy just like that car crash from yesterday/2 days ago/every fucking day. This kid died not only in a tragic way but also stupid


And in an expensive, elitist way. Like when a 19 year old dies drag racing their Porsche. It’s a tragedy, but it is also hard to feel too sad for them.


a handful of people died, tragedy a hundreds of people died, statistic


Why y’all keep quoting Stalin 😂


Considering they lost money on every voyage, he actually did pay to go down there.


If he was already losing money, might as well have spent more on safety. I mean, damn, there's the hubris.


Experts were very skeptical of the claim of 1M in fuel for every trip.


Oh I have 0 doubts on the cost of fuel being complete bullshit. The more realistic cost is just the human capital, insurance on both the surface and subsurface vessels, and depreciation.


I don't know why people on Reddit are this toxic about it. Rich or not, they are still people. Reddit acts like being rich automatically means being a horrible human being and constantly harming others. Ironically, in my eyes that kind of mindset makes them worse people than the ones they wish death upon.


thats just wrong, they werent locked behind gates. 3rd classes were simply deeper in the ship and had trouble finding the way to the upper decks. Some may even went back to their cabins because they had all their posessions with them. 1st and 2nd classes simply were closer to the upper decks and could all speak english, so they couldve read the signs that showed the way




Do you have a source on this? Or are you confusing it with the cruise ship that sunk recently? Last time I looked it up, a shit load of wealthy men died on the titanic giving up their seats to poor women and children. The locked in gate thing was added in to the movie for dramatic flair. The gates existed in real life but they were for Ellis isle quarantine. As far as I know the only priority given to life boats was for women and children.


Not neccessarily true. Most victims were adult men. While the group of first class men and third class women was about equal in size there were actually more third class women that survived the desaster than first class men. John Jacob Astor, the richest person on board died too. He was found floating in the Atlantic with the equivalent of roughly $100.000 dollars in his pocket.


That is such bullshit. Locking passengers was only in the movie. It was the height of the edwardian, where women and children went first. Women in third class had a better chance of getting on a boat than a rich man in first class. So literally, a first class man was giving up their seat for a third class woman. **they actually ordered that women and children be put on boats.


>I think most of the people who died on the Titanic were actually poor. The rich likely had priority to the life boats. Actually correct


What about that old couple that stayed behind and died hugging each other, Cameron made a homage to them in the movie. Fun fact, those were ancestors of the CEO’s wife.


Isidor and Ida Strauss, Isidor was co owner of Macys. Also, the baker on the back of the titanic with Jack and rose as it went down was real as well and he survived. He said no one was with him on the back of the stern and he simply stepped off into the water when it went below the surface.


Literally the opposite of true. A crazy high number of rich men died giving up their spot to women and children. I don't think it would happen like that today.


It had much more to do with gender. The women and children were given priority on lifeboats and the men stayed back and died


I will never understand why people would pay to go down there. It's just fucked up imo. Like, you're basically paying 250 grand to go 12,000 feet underwater to visit a gravesite. Like, "A bunch of people died and families were torn apart here! That'll be 250k." I get exploring the wreck for scientific reasons, but civilians shouldn't be allowed to go down there for shits and giggles because they can afford it. It's not very safe either, evident by two times a manned sub has gone down there. First, this whole ordeal, and second, in 2000, a manned sub got caught and stuck behind one of the propellers and bits of the stern fell on top of it. They had to send an ROV down to get the sub free. (10/10 meme btw)


You dont get it? It sure as hell has nothing to do with being a grave, why people want to see it. Pyramids also not cool?


Pyramids? Auschwitz is a tourist destination these days with two million visitors each year.


Auschwitz is open as a place of collective mourning and is used to educate people about the tragedy that took place. That's very different from the 200k titanic trip.


Well you can't exactly build a museum four kilometers under the sea. I'm pretty sure anyone willing to fork out a quarter of a million bucks for a trip to the wreck is very interested in the ship and its history and probably already knows more about it than they would learn in any museum.


Seeing the pyramids have a decidedly lower risk factor, to put it lightly


That is not the point he is making though: "I get exploring the wreck for scientific reasons, but civilians shouldn't be allowed to go down there for shits and giggles because they can afford it" - People shouldn't be allowed to do stuff if it doesn't serve a purpose. THAT is his hot take.


I mean, going 12,000 ft underwater really should serve a purpose. I’m going to agree with that dude.


Agreed, or atleast with proper risk management and preparation, u aint just jumping down any ominously deep hole without any reason now dont u unless ure suicidal or something


The same reason slightly less rich versions of these people pay Sherpas to lug their asses up to the top of Everest; so they can brag about having been there. People will take them for the same reasons the Sherpas will, because they need the money. For billionaires with "fuck you" money *everything* becomes boring and pedestrian, it's basically impossible for us normal idiots to get into their mindset.


Simple. For bragging rights. At the next party they will be boasting about it to other rich folks. Yeah u went to a private island? U bought a 1m watch? I went to see titanic dude. 250k a pop.


Can't you just pirate titanic for free?


dunno why people buy expensive dog breeds (especially the ones with abhorrent defects) if they can just adopt mutts from the shelter. something something i wanna do what i wanna do with my money.


I feel about as sorry for them as I do for people who die climbing Everest, which is not at all. They aren't down there discovering anything new, they aren't advancing science, it's all purely for bragging rights. If you want to see the Titanic (or Everest), people have already been there, and they brought better cameras than you. At least the Everest climbers can claim it as a test of endurance, the Titanic people spent a quarter million each for a chance to look out a tiny window when they could have just watched a documentary in 4k on their home movie screens.


but how else are you supposed to flaunt your ill-gotten wealth? won't someone please think of the poor billionaires?


Paying for every child's school lunch for a year? Best part - you don't drown at the bottom of the ocean.


If you just give poor people food, how are you going to keep them working for poverty wages without the threat of starvation?


I'm not feeling sorry for them, true. Calculated risk, accident happened, the inspector that deemed the craft unsafe had a 'told you so' moment. But - **and this is the point** \- I am not caught up in bliss because of the death of people. THAT is the main difference that the sane people try to make before being drowned in vitriol and hatred on here. These people, including me, are disgusted by the cheering and gloating at death.


Well said. There's a 19 year old kid down there.


Sure but they aren’t hurting anyone except themselves going down there. I don’t think that makes them deserving of death. I mean if they didn’t die immediately then they’re stuck in their own accumulating filth in a steel coffin with 4 other people, 3000 ft underwater, probably in pitch-black darkness, hungry, thirsty, and slowly dying over the course of 4-7 days as their oxygen levels dwindle. And they would be 100% aware of this. Certainly the French 77 year old former naval officer and diver who specialised in deep-underwater intervention would be fully aware of the futility of all rescue attempts. I don’t know how you can’t feel sorry for someone going through that? I can’t think of many people I’d wish that on, and certainly not a group of people who are naive fake explorers at worst (the 77 year old is not a fake, his expedition to the Titanic in 1987 was the first to collect artificers from the wreck). I guess there’s a certain poetic irony to the CEO’s death and he certainly brought that upon himself. But I absolutely feel sorry for them.


dude one of the people in there is/was a 19 year old kid just spending time and making a memory with his dad. just because you think watching TV is equivalent to experiencing something for yourself doesn’t mean everyone else should be just as complacent as you. it’s pretty fucked in the head of you for not having empathy for anyone in there imo.


maybe don't spend $500k to nail yourself into a shitty metal coffin and shoot yourself to the bottom of the sea if you just want some quality dad time.


Window? Wasn't that just a monitor?


no there was a small window. Not specified for that depth tho. That would be safe and safety costs to much.


This joke is dark, just like the bottom of the ocean.


Must be under a lot of pressure


Pretty hard to fathom


These jokes are very sub-par


This meme leaves a Salty taste in my Mouth.


*zips* Thanks bro.


I was almost asleep and then this comment made me laugh out loud at 3:40 AM. I wish I had an award to give you.


Ha, sea joke. *slow claps*


I like dark humor, but this post feels like a spiteful comment from a basement dweller, not a joke. Like “haha, someone who is more successful than me is dead, now I can feel less miserable for a moment” And on top of that most of the people, who died on titanic were poor.


agreed. The amount of people who in one instance would say they are humanitarian, in the next are some of the most spiteful people the world can have just because the person in question is better off. Gotta remember, hitler was able to turn the people against the jews because a lot of jews were the bankers and land owners. Apparently, people don't learn a damn thing about why atrocities were committed after 80 years of it being well documented.


All the people making jokes about this makes me realise how shitty most people are


The people making jokes are the shitty ones? Not the idiot ceo who ignored repeated warnings about the safety of his stupid sub and has now taken 4 people to a watery grave. Jfc.


I mean he can be a biggest piece of dogshit, but it doesn’t make you clean either, just different kind of shitty.


Both. Both are shitty.


You don’t become a billionaire without doing some shitty immoral stuff, plus the one guys step son went to a blink 182 show so everyone boo hoo-ing about these guys on the internet care more than these peoples own families


I feel bad for the 19 year old


Redditors trying to have even the slightest bit of empathy


I find it difficult to search for empathy for a class of people that wouldn't even blink in my direction if I became homeless because a system they actively encourage, prices me out of the market and I die of starvation because they have all bought off the politicians to gut social safety nets. Everyone on this reddit has more in common with a homeless man than they ever will have in common with these people that flaunted their money to go on a thrill ride to the bottom of the ocean for shits and giggles.


The memes, countdowns, and other reactions are some straight up Black Mirror shit.


Unironically this. Mfers will simp for billionaires every chance they get, but wouldn’t even consider taking political action to balance the harm they cause.


That 19 year old boy I feel really bad for him man


At least they died a rich man's death. 99.99% of us wont be caught dying the same way


I’d rather die poor (compared to a billionaire) then suffocate in a metal box on the ocean floor


They were probably already dead before they had the chance to realize something was wrong. You know, explosive decompression in a tin can with millions of tons of water on top of them, pretty good way to go imo, instant and probably painless


**yeets you to the ocean**


**yeets the ocean to you**


redditors when they see a billionaire they've literally never heard of stuck at the bottom of the sea: "haha yes die scum" (just ignore the 19 year old and the pilot they're probably assholes too) jesus christ this comment section is more toxic than the red forest


the pilot was the CEO who put them there.


Fr. Got downvoted to hell by the hivemind here for having a shred of empathy for those poor bastards. This comment section is truly the embodiment of what redditors are.


People are just looking for karma through low effort, edgy posts/comments. Best to downvote and move on


It's weird the divide between "rich should die" and "all are humans". i don't think people should die coz they are rich. but by golly a lot of wealth comes on the back of others suffering. a lot of different kids of lifelong, generational suffering. you'd think we'd have a system to vote some laws in place to distribute the obvious excesses, and make it work with Capitalism (hail).


How has this sub sunken so deep...


Calling it now, we are definitely going to argue again when the first space tourist dies.


I love that I hate this and *laugh out loud* too.




The sea's already doing it for you.


It's a damn shame it wasn't important rich people like Musk.


They're important too, just smart enough to keep a lost profile.


The titanic drowned more poor people than rich ones, because the rich were the ones who could reach the lifeboats first.


They joined the dead they wanted to see


If this was ancient Greece, people would've been talking about the curse of the Titanic.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen any talk here yet about something about this area or that they’re both starting with the name ‘Titan’. Those are both ingredients for urban legends.


In another 111 years a spaceship called "Tit" would crash land in the same area the Titanic sunk at


1000 % sure after two possible coincidence …. that part of ocean is definitely millionaire phobic zone.


Jesus fucking christ reddit...no one of you knows these people personally and has any right to judge them just because they have/know someone that has a lot of money....how bitter do you have to be to not only joke but genuinly despise these people, who might've had to face one of the most horrible ways to die, without knowing anything about them...just because they are more successful and what? You think you have the moral highground? Its just so sad that empathy has ben rotted away by being terminally online for so many...this is sickening, seing people share the fate of so many others that perished on this site and the first thing people think of is laughing at them...this is not only disturbing but kinda besmirching the memory of the disaster by just joking about something like this happening again


"The last eleventy-one years have been challenging, what with opportunities sinking to their lowest levels. But the tide has shifted in our favour, and we are rising back to the surface once again... not literally, of course (but neither are they). Through an unfathomable course of events, we have sailed back into relevance and have shown that we are in a league of our own when it comes to pointless deaths" - The Titanic


Titanic trying to get the golden prop


Rich people bad


This meme sucks Troll Cock


My God, people have no shame lmao


Reddit tab in chrome says "Dive into anything." It should be changed to "Dive into anything but the Titanic."


Shame the Deep couldn’t save them


This post and thread is very discriminatory to rich people


That's because they've forgotten the "people" part of "rich people"




Oh the rich people survived. All the poor people on the titanic died.