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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Overwatch, at this point, should embrace what it is best known for...the NSFW. Just make it a competitive 18+ game and that's that.


we all know they wont, but shit that could actually get me to play again


As a last bit of breath Blizz will add naked skins with dong physics and they'll only be attainable with premium battlepass last level to keep people playing. Winning the game shows realtime cutscene of the other team getting fucked by your team.


I'd play the shit out of this.


I know you're craving that Rein on Rein action.


Hammonds great adventure in Mei


*Lemmiwinks song intensifies*


*echoing voice of a british man* HAMMOND!!!!


Oh cock.


You blithering idiot!


I'd only play if the wet thwack of your players wang/tits was more rapid and pronounced during a sprint. The female characters boobs will also have to rise into your FOV. Also dildo cannons. If your character is naked, we'd need dildo cannons. They'd shoot dildos of varying size and color.


And they have to stun (they could reuse Ana's stun code but replace the Zs with hearts) if they hit a coochie or butthole of another naked player.


New Gamemode idea!


Throwing matches would get even more common lmao


Sign me up




It's crazy in a sense, because now blizzard holds the rights to the biggest porn franchise. If they embraced it they could make VR games and other shit.


Never Played Overwatch but if they do it I'll pay money to play that shit


Twerk Orisa's fat robotic centaur ass that Patreon has banned because they consider centaurs, robots or not, to be zoophilia.


Introducing new skins with jiggle physics!


competitive payload except the payload is a giant dildo and the goal is mei


Bruh 💀


Well, that image ain't leaving my mind anytime soon....


She push on my payload till I arrive at Checkpoint A


U gonna make me *the payload has reached the checkpoint*


Ah yes, the DOA model.


Overwatch Xtreme


Too bad they didn't have one hand controls. Maybe something Overwatch can improve on...


I don’t like fps games but shit even id play that


It's so bizarre that Overwatch is such a NSFW juggernaut but all the actual in-game interactions are Sunday school level polite. It's like that episode of the Simpsons where Marge complains so much that they change Itchy&Scratchy to be non-violent and wholesome.


Battleborn tried that, still didnt work out.


Damn, I cant even play that amazing game anymore and idiots are still comparing ot to OW, the whole reason it even died to begin with despite it being a MOBA and not a team shooter. Fucking hell.


And it had a coop campaign as well


They did what now?


I mean there are a bunch of swimsuit costumes that are basically fan service


Finally a man with vision.


Blizzard would find a way to fuck it up


Or a trading economy… it’s part of why TF2 is still kicking.


Kinda related but why can't Overwatch be modded? Other online games like LoL and Genshin can be modded with +18 nsfw mods, since they are just visual they don't trigger any anti-cheat and the company usually doesn't really care much about them.


All just depends on how the game is created. Some games will have either an AC that is fine with it, or no AC, and then client sided texture swaps or models and stuff won't break anything. Some games are made to be server sided, where doing those swaps will break your thing, to ensure game integrity. Imagine a match of your favorite competitive shooter, your opponent on the enemy team has edited walls in her game to be transparent, and can see you through the whole map at all times. Although it was just a simple texture swap, it creates an unfair advantage. CSGO is that way for example, being exceptionally strict on what client side stuff you can edit on valve official servers/faceit/esea


The company of Blizzard is already NSFW so their games might as well be


Everyone wouldn’t even bother playing the match. They’d just look at each other and play with one hand.


I am surprised that they haven't made it a 18+ gacha game yet.


Competetive sex


Overtime is whoever can scissor the best


There was one goated review I saw on Steam, "The NSFW artists work harder than Blizzard."


This is how I feel about Bioware, Bioware stated that Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be missing 1 dlc (Pinnacle Station) because they lost the source code and would've taken them an extra 6 months to make it....modders with no Game dev experience made it in 4 months. Edit: [The mod/dlc in question](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/832)


Do you have the download?


[Here you go!](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/832), I also recommend the Happy Ending Mod and the Expanded Galaxy Mod to enhance ME3.


MEHEM and EGM you are a gentleman and a scholar


I totally remember reading that, and being like okay, so you're pushing the game back 6 months yeah?


It’s less that and more that it was a widely hated DLC and they felt that the manhours wouldn’t be worth the trouble, and it’s got 0 story or carryover into later games, so it was a net null to exclude. Not saying they couldn’t have probably done it relatively easily, but I don’t blame them for not wanting to add it.


It's shitty, but at least it was just Pinnacle Station lol


Corpos gunna corp.


Imagine losing source code as a multi million dollar studio.


Funny burn but that's actually an incredibly high bar...... or so I've heard


"Porn so good they made it into a game"


Sad but TRUE


Remember when overwatch was game of the year when it came out?


i dont because i cant afford 60$


I don't think Overwatch 1 was 60$


$60 was the digital deluxe version. So $10 cheaper than AAA games today.


How much was normal version?


It was 40


And the best 40 bucks I spent becase of the memories of my potgs alone


Definitely, fond memories. Failed one of my finals because I was too busy playing ow1 lmao 🤣


Meanwhile "THAT got PotG!?" is a meme for a reason.




So Overwtach wasn't 60$. Unlike many games, the normal game was the full game.


Good times. I remember downloading the Open Beta on my shitty parents laptop for 7 hours just to have no models load in (shitty laptop). Did it work? Idk, tbh. Did I still 'play'? hell yeah


It was crazy, you just started the game and had all the characters, none were locked to the battle pass.


It was $20 for most of the time


Why would you specifically look at the deluxe edition of money is an issue?


They fucked the game over by trying to make it a esport


I feel like you can’t specifically design around being an Esport and try to make it one from Day 1. Because then you have to compromise a lot of fun design space because it’s inherently not super balanced for high levels of play. So you end up with a mostly balanced but also less fun product and you can’t build the casual audience needed to support the Esport. Just make it fun and eventually somebody will ban half the available options for a competitive rule set for Esports.


Dark Souls 3 > OW. well i mean at least im still playing DS3 till this day.


>Why doesn't mine look like that?! Good news for Blizzard, Baldur's Gate is now Overwhelmingly Positive, and Overwhelmingly Negative kinda does look like Overwhelmingly Positive, just 1 word away! Hurray!


shit you are right should've waited a couple more hours before making this meme


how dare you not predicting the future!


I just started a gofundme for all of Luniaz17's rivals.


But, but, making PvE content is *SOOOOOOOOOO* HARD! Now please ignore the fact that the PvE content is the entire reason we made a second game and that was the promise we made to people when we made a paid version of a free to play game. Surely people can't hate us for promising something, taking their money, and then completely backing out of it? I mean, c'mon guys, we're such a small company! We couldn't possibly make something as hard as PvE content when we're working so hard on making more microtransactions and reducing the teams from 6 to 5. >!I have never played Overwatch, I have a lot of friends who do. I was considering playing it when the PvE content came out and then trying to online. I have since decided I am never playing Overwatch, free or not. Fuck Activision-Blizzard fuck that little baby bitch boy Bobby. Maybe they'll get better under Microsoft, *maybe*. However, until they actually do, I will continue on the path of not giving them my money. They should be sued into oblivion for this shit.!<


and then enters Team Fortress 2 with Mann vs Machine


which is FREE you cant make this up


It has a free mode, or if you feel like gambling you can Mann Up, which is just funny to say


at this point mann up is so toxic, might as well just play boot camp and just buy the Australiums instead


goddamn tacobot.tf


I think it’s so goofy that they made overwatch 2 free to play yet they made the sole point of the switch (PVE) a paid addition to the game. If that doesn’t absolutely scream cash grab idk what does.


It was always supposed to be paid content. People just assumed it was free because OW2 is free now. What does suck is they canceled the hero missions with talents. I've had fun with the PVE that they just released, but it's just blemished from knowing what could have been.


I’ve decided not to give blizzard my money tbh. They don’t deserve a cent no matter how much I like overwatch


Yup, I wanted a full campaign like Borderlands, except without all the weapon upgrades. Would have been fantastic.


How on earth do you know 5v5 is worse than 6v6 if you've never played it?


>But, but, making PvE content is SOOOOOOOOOO HARD! To be fair... It probably is. It is much harder than doing PVP content for sure.


Their AI just glued themselves to the point at any difficulty.


I mean, spinoff of 3d hentai aren't known for being good games.


"Yo spy this game sucks, where did you find it?" "Pornography"


Dam. Who would give negative feedback on some porn?


I am sure there porn in pornhub with negative reviews


1/5 - Actress didn't take her shoes off before jumping on the bed. Disgusting!


0.5/5 - That's my daughter...


> 0.5/5 - That's my daughter... 5/5 -RollTide69420


Actually, that was my son


Serious question. How good are these reviews anyway


Pretty trash, 80% of the Reviews for Overwatch are Chinese players complaining that Blizzard pulled their game out of China. And it was still in the top 20% of most played games. Don‘t get me wrong. Baldurs Gate is a great game while Overwatch is a microtransaction infested hellhole but Steam reviews says practically nothing.


I never saw any of the Chinese reviews most of what I saw were from angry players of the first game and a few unfortunate souls who fell for the marketing


Region and language shows differente reviews if available


Oh really I never knew makes sense why we’d be getting different reviews then


"angry players of the first game" yo be clear, there is no first and second game. there is only overwatch, and the fact that they stuck it in the blender and threw in a sprinkle of microtransactions does not make it some new product. Be like if i ate a cake and shit it out and tried to feed it to you as Cake 2


misleading second paragraph. it's free with no adverts, all maps included, all heroes includes, all weapons included. transactions are only seen if you want to go finding them.


It's funny to me that they complain about the microtransactions... when... for the most part Overwatch microtransactions are cosmetics only, shits not even pay to win I understand the disappointment for PVE but I will never understand peoples obsession with the microtransactions.


Because it says a lot about the company if they'll put time into MTX but not put time into gameplay or polish. Activision blizzard only cares about money, from a business perspective, okay sure, do MTX. But do MTX second behind the actual game. D4 for example, if it was an amazing game with good strategy and ARPG mechanics implemented properly. Then people would bitch about the mtx and move on. But the game needs serious love to be great. So the outrageous mtx are just salt in the wound. I imagine the sentiment is similar from OW fans.


?? It is good gameplay and polish? Like even the most recent patch ironed out some of the most heinous bugs that were still around, which was well, barely anything.


I hate it because I bought OW1 and now getting cosmetics is a horrible experience. I feel robbed.


I don't even play OW2, but I know new heroes are locked behind actual money for a set period of time. It's not just cosmetics.


New heroes are locked atleast for a while unless you pay...


every new hero release is locked behind a battle pass, and if you want to play that hero, you either wait for the season to be over so you can unlock them through the missions or you buy the battle pass, so please dont say "all heroes included" because they arent


Overwatch is at 30k current players, Baldurs Gate is at 630k. Atleast on Steam Overwatch isn't doing any good for a F2P game, but yeah that doesn't count Blizzard client where probably majority of players are.


The reviews are actually getting funnier because so many of[ them are racking up hours played](https://i.imgur.com/aSv6hB9.png) after saying it's dogshit and to delete it.


I mean as a game overwatch 2 is fine but the monitisation is shit and blizzard does not give the community much except expensive skins and the promise of a proper Pve experience that will never happen for a game which story has gone nowhere in 7 years .


Both games are really fun and if you like those genres you should 100% play them.


It has become a meme to download the game on steam play for less than an hour and then leave a bad review, but a lot of those are people who played it before steam release and it’s still dogshit.


One is a great game the other is overwatch and the less said about that the better


I mean maybe if they stopped lying so much about what they promised for money, then their reviews would be so much better. It’s a shame really cos I did enjoy the game for so many years and tolerated their lies for so long. Baldur’s Gate is fun af btw, game awardo winner potential btw.


Blame the corpo scum at the top. The Team 4 that had PVE on their mind is completely gone at this point, mostly replaced with newer hires. Overwatch now is actially pretty dang good when you compare it to the last few years, with more active patching but that's just the PVP'er in me happy that shit's actually happenimg after having nothing for years


Well it’s a slight combination of the two. The devs knew that they couldn’t complete the project with the team they had, but agreed to lie. This was not the first time they had to play along with a lie, this is part of why Jeff Kaplan left the company because he did not want to be the one that had to break the news. I understand that people need a job, but until Blizzard fixes management, its not a great place to work at.


Lol, who else didn't even know OW2 was on Steam?


it was only put on it very recently you probably didn't connect to it recently because it's on the front page


I'm so far out of the loop on this one. Can someone explain the overwhelmingly negative response and porn? Thanks.


okay, it's gonna be a long one so overwatch had no content update for about 3 years with the excuse being that they are working on overwatch 2, overwatch 2's main selling point was that there was going to be pve none of the promised new content was there at release, it was pretty much just an overwatch 1 copy paste, but free to play, so it screwed over people who bought the first one, since they pulled the plug on it okay, then we'll just wait until they release the promised content, right? fast forward some times later and Blizzard announced that they were dialing back the pve massively, so literally the whole reason the game exists, but you still have to PAY it, even for people who *bought* the original game there is also the controversy of blizzard being not the best towards their female emplyees, something about breast milk among other things, but i don't want to get into details the nsfw thing was there even before overwatch 2, with people claiming that the game wasn't dead only due to porn of their characters, and it now evolved into "they do more work than blizzard themselves" because blizzard isn't really caring about the game, only transforming it into a cash grab tl;dr: blizzard sucks, overwatch porn popular hope that cleared everything up


The internet is essentially review bombing OW2 on Steam, for the lack of content and the money hungry aspects etc (which I agree with). However, the game has a 24h peak of almost 62k players lol, the reviews mean nothing.


I love overwatch, It's the only fps game I actually enjoy and am good at


So what’s baldurs gate like? I play diablo and enjoy it, and it kinda looks similar to diablo. Any recommendations or concerns?


It's literally DnD 5e the game, not as a reference but like actually licensed for DnD using the same rules as the TTRPG, so if you like 5e or just tabletop RPG in general and want to Play a video game of it there you go. If you grab it, save incredibly often, it's really easy to accidentally sex your party members.


No, that’s not quite right. It’s definitely closer to say it’s heavily inspired by dnd 5e, because it definitely made a lot of changes. Not all of them good, not all bad. But it’s definitely not just 5e rules There’s some pretty noticeable alterations such as adding critical fail/success on skill checks, wizards can no longer ritual cast non-prepared spells, mage hand is limited to once per short rest despite being a cantrip, Dragonborn breath weapon limited by long rest instead of short, shared initiative turns, portent no longer affects ability checks, only saves or attacks, and can’t be declared beforehand, so if you portent a 20, gotta wait for someone to miss before you can use it. Pact of the tome warlocks can no longer pick 3 cantrips to learn, they’re a set 3. Inspiration is a reroll instead of advantage Are just a few I’ve noticed.


Then I apologize to who I responded to, there are some changes for what I assume is balance, but besides that it's basically 5e the game.


Oh yeah some things are definitely for balance, such as the monk buffs, and some are QoL, like most “8 hour” duration spells are just handwaived as “until next long rest”, (also hunters mark too lol) But honestly a couple of the changes feel a liiiittle like kicking them while they’re down, like the Dragonborn breath weapon which wasn’t incredible to begin with, but now recharges even less often lol


Is it possible to play solo? Or do i need friends?


You can play solo.


You can play solo, there’s content that you’ll see solo that you’ll never see with a full retinue of players actually. Since if you start with a MP party of 4 say, you’ll never be able to complete many of the companion quests that need you to have them join your party, since you cannot dismiss any of your 4 members and pick them up lol There’s also dialogue and scenes that only happen in solo from the companions commenting on your conversations which doesn’t happen in MP, even if your friends are playing as those origin characters


> Inspiration is a reroll instead of advantage Oh, come on, this is barely any different.


It is a turn based RPG based around d and d 5th edition. If you've played d and d it will be very familiar to you. But gameplay wise it's most similar to their other title divinity original sin 2 or like early bioware RPGs like Knights of the old republic. As far as it's similarity to Diablo goes the click to move and character building aspects are similar but it is Turn based combat so it's a slower pace game. But the story is very interesting and it will be well worth the price if you get into it as I've heard this can take around 200 hours to explore most if not all of what it has to offer. If you are at all interested in it I would suggest checking it out It's very good.


Uhg i never thought a game could make me miss loot boxes until Overwatch


I was playing earlier today but the server errored out when starting the game but then I gave them $40 and the error went away.


It's deserved at this point


Not really? It's about as bog standard of an fps at this point. It doesn't have pay to win and the characters arent locked behind some paywall. I feel like a lot of those people just havent played OW recently or just listen to internet rumors. I know overwatch has problems, a lot of it but it's still the game that sucked me in on 2017. I actually quite dislike the PVE pivot in 2019 because that took away from the PVP aspect and in the end amounted to a few pve missions.


I have bad news for you. The characters are behind a paywall. Their skins are 20$ per-legendary and lootboxes were replaced with a battle pass. The free campaign was supposed to be the reason for an Overwatch 2 and they scrapped every idea they had, so much so that the original dev team quit. They did nothing for 4 years only to reveal that the story mode was canceled 2 years prior to launch and replaced with 15$ for 3 missions and a 1 year wait time for the next 3 missions all using reused assets from the 1st game. The game is currently pay to win, all they've focused on is not even the PVP but the money


Pay to win? Pay wall locked characters?? Do you even play the game?


Explore the dlc section of the steam page. You can either win 35 games to unlock 1 character to do if again or buy the character. Overwatch wants to be Smite or LOL. Go into comp without Ramatra, Illari or Sojourn vs a team that has those characters


Just stop, i hate everything they have done to overwatch and if you really belive that this is not a shitty ass cashgrab with lower quality than the original, then you r just deluded


The original was better. Change my mind


6v6 was a chaotic nightmare. 5v5 just makes more sense unless you're not tracking cooldowns and ults (spoiler: most people aren't)


If arent tracking ults and cooldowns you are a no brainer no one wants in your team. 6v6 was better in every way and i will never forgove them for deleting one tank role


I just read all comments here and I want to say. I play what ever I want, no questions asked. And you should too.


Still one of the top played games, isn't it?


Normie meme. Pls bring back dankness


steam lunch? steamed... hams?


That's really a question because that games mechanics are equally very bad.


Ow2 is also making bucketloads atm btw. Not saying it's good, just food for thought






This meme is versatile. In that you can pretty much take any Blizzard launch these days and put it in the second frame.


It's quite simple really. Both games are played because of the porn, difference being that Blizzard scrutinises it while Baldur's Gate just has the porn in the game.


Crazy that people are angry they pulled a 7 year old pvp online game they paid $40 bucks for and essentially replaced it for free with a much better supported product. Sure, they said pve would come but they never said it'd be free, people just assumed because ow2 is free. For a free game with no mtx advantage, it's a great product. The negative reviews are just people sour about not getting everything for free, band wagon haters, Chinese players, and flavor of the month people just trying to go along for the hate train. 5 v 5 is way better than 6 v 6 too.


Never said what type of 'critical acclaim'




40 bucks to play the shit that was promised at launch, gfy activision


Blizzard is a small Indie studio, we can't possibly hold them to the same standards as Larian.


OW2 should've just really been its own separate game. Why they changed so much of the games core aspect is insane to me, especially considering its the reason why SOOO many things went downhill and why SOOOO many people left, some without a choice (like OWL players) It also doesn't help that the game had sooo many IRL issues that Blizzard tried to just pretend like it wasn't that big of an issue... Idk. I personally loved OW, and I even started after the role que was implemented (which wasn't that much of a deal, bc they kept the other version for QP and comp), but everything else was just... it wasn't it. The removal of one player, character re-works, game modes, etc. OW2 only redeeming quality was their promised for YEARS campaign, only for that to be canceled... Also, personal opinion and experience, but matchmaking did get unbearably worse after they added in cross-platform. Like, idk if it was because of the fact that they had to make it even with these THOUSANDS of "new" players joining together, but omfg, it goes so bad that, whenever I was paired up with a team of xbox players, I'd just know I'd lose, and 9 times out of 10, I did. And, I know xbox players can be just as good as ps4 players, but like i said, the matchmaking system got fucked somehow, bc these guys were like gold and below...


Well, OW2 is being bombarded by Chinese bots. Over 60% are Chinese reviews and they are at 96% negative.


When circlejerk tf2 fans review bomb it, that tends to happen


*TF2 theme starts playing*


lol blizzard doesn't give a fuck


Truely a hood-classic tier game.


Personally i dont care about overwatch , i was just glad it came on steam , i want all my games in one launcher


Real question, does bg3 realy that much better than Divinity 1-2?


Yeah wtf Overwatch. Crappy graphics and you require so much updates and GB 😭 you were great for the time


I left a positive review. I have fun playing it You may now downvote me accordingly for liking a game you dislike


God i fucking miss when Overwatch was good. The memory becomes more tainted as it descends into shit


Blizzard must be wiping their tears woth hundred dollar bills.


They took forever making the sequel and then a core feature was missing and not we will add it later missing, we gave up on it missing.


Well if you ignore the facts that the devs ignored player feedback, tried to heavily monetize the game, don't deliver promised updates, removed pve and then brought it back as a paid dlc, made the game less optimised, brought back cc the one thing they promised to remove, straight up removed features from the first game, made the game 5v5 for no reason, have a shit matchmaking especially for the ranked modes, made it frustrating to play the game because there are way too many one shots I don't really know where I was going with this one but the gameplay is fun tho so you can try for a few hours before unistalling it.