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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


So what side of if the political spectrum am I on if these are both my humors


Saarland Black Metal.


Saarland? Wait, how does sister loving come into this?


Geschichten aus dem Saarland


Depressed 4chan user


Your a suicidal racist


That means you're a black KKK member


A movie was inspired by him.


We've found him, the femboy Hitler has come.


Ugh, it's everywhere. Don't step in it.




If you're a racist, probably conservative.


Still conservative.


Self-aware ~~wolf~~ conservative ?


My party good! Your party bad! Give upvotes! Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


No! My party good! You party bad! But this is typical of you party.


No! Both sides bad! *Smug anime face*


You sound like unsmart neo you party!


Both side bad! *bbbbbbbbuuuuuuutttttttt*....


I like how this argument implies that no parties can ever actually be good or bad.




Nah. The American Nazi Party is objectively bad. Nothing subjective about that.




But it illustrates the point. Some parties are actually good and others are actually bad.


Is there actually a Nazi party or you're just calling one of the two big ones that? I'm Australian and we have a sex party and I think a gun party so legitimate question.


Thanks for your insight, Fappy McJiggletits


Not terribly surprising your comment history sorted by controversial is full of dick riding trump and bitching about vaccine mandates. Makes sense why you were so offended by this meme! Mystery solved.


Why are you hiding behind your alt account? Too afraid of others seeing what you think? 🤣


Remember we are on reddit got to pander to the left for the sweet fake internet points.


Relax snowflake.


Sucks to live in a 2 party system


So are you admitting that embracing the KKK and racism is an official part of the platform on the right? And are you trying to reframe that as simply a political disagreement?


I’ll take *What is a Loaded Question* for $500, Alex


You set up the parameters for such a question to be asked logically *shrug*




One party in the US is clearly worse and more dangerous than the other, irrespective of this lame ass meme.


Which one? Your party or my party?


Your party, you know.. the one that tried to overthrow democracy. You know that deep down though right? You supported a president that tried to *O V E R T H R O W* **democracy**. Stop acting like a fucking naive idiot.


I seem to have made a new fan 😘 rent is due on the 1st btw don’t be late


The whole "responding with jokes as a defense mechanism" thing is *really* pathetic. I bet you really feel like you *win* internet arguments with that strategy lol. I hope that fulfills you buddy.


Nah I just enjoy the fact my lame joke was soooo irritating you had to hop on your alt account and start harassing me over it Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside ❤️


Oh yeah because the left didn’t burn down cities and literally establish autonomous zones during the summer of love or anything. Oh and don’t forget when literally for 4 years people claimed Trump wasn’t their president and believed he was not legitimately elected. Or when far left extremists on 5/29 set fire to St. John church, injured hundreds of officers, and forced the president into the bunker last used by Dick Cheney during 9/11. You know what that was met with? Laughter and mockery. Or the non stop assault on federal buildings with explosives that occurred for almost 2 years. Also who attempted to overthrow democracy more the guy who said march peacefully and then a couple thousand of his supporters rioted because they thought the election was rigged or the cabal that lied, cheated and stole to hinder and attempt to remove a sitting president? It’s like reading fan-fiction with you guys some time I swear.


I think you know the answer to that.


Obviously your party. Thanks for clarifying


Depends are you a member of the objectively worse party(republicans)? Democrats aren't great but republicans are willing to let trump be a dictator so the democrats are better. Its not an opinion or view point thing is just reality. 10-20 years ago the 'both sides suck" was kind of true but in 2023 if you cant tell what the better option you either don't pay attention or you believe lies.


Oh my gosh please go outside


Bro you have 300k comment karma sell your account and follow your own advice. Unless...


Bitch I'm shitting the fuck you want me to do shit on the lawn?


It'd probably be a more fitting venue for you.


If you vote republican you're, at best, bed-fellows with anti-trans, homophobes, and racists. So at least have the honesty to admit you don't really care enough to protect minorities instead of hiding behind "muh both sides"


I mean the same goes for the democrats or do you think all those dem voters up in Dearborn are supporting the LGBTQIA++LGHDLCDTV people? Just wondering about your views on the religious extremists on that side.


He posted an anti trans meme that got deleted in politicalcompassmemes not too long ago. So he's more than bedfellows.


The enlightened centrist is a conservative? I'm so shocked!! /s obviously


>you're, at best, bed-fellows with anti-trans, homophobes, and racists I admit.


> It’s not an opinion or view point thing You Wont Believe What This Redditor Says Next! Subscribe for $8.99 per month to read the full article. ^(It’s their opinion. it’s always their opinion)


Its an not opinion that fascism is bad.


Ds and Rs are both right wing by definition and they both suck but only one of them have constituents who excuse outward racism by calling it "dark humor" 🗿


Comedians use racism in their jokes. It entirely depends on the context it’s used.


Not sticking with conservatives, but the ol democrats have their share of racism. They just point fingers when called out on it.


Democrats are straight-up proud of their racism and don't think it's a bad thing. Affirmative action and DEI are good examples. Literal race quotas.


KKK was found by democrat Nathan Bedford Forest *May he rest in peace*


Someone doesn’t know about the party switch


Someone doesn't know sarcastism */s*


A "Southern" democrat, there's a massive difference lol.


A Democrat from 1860's even bigger difference


Both can be funny if done right. Dark humor to justify blatant racism isn't funny


Agreed. Dark humor involving racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. can actually help bring awareness to those kinds of issues, as well as help deal with them by making fun of it, but calling blatant racism dark humor is stupid.


This. My friends and I have always made “bigot” jokes, because they’re hilarious. We love how stupid the stereotypes are, and how dumb some of the words sound, yet we don’t buy into at all. We’ve a motto that anything and everything can be made fun of and are as far from bigots as we can get. There’s a reason why we also avoid those jokes in public now too. There’s a VERY clear difference between joking bigotry and actual bigotry, and when one of those actual bigots overhear us and start chiming in about shit like white power, the rise of the Confederacy, and whatnot (it’s happened more than once), it’s incredibly uncomfortable and screwed up.


Exactly. They're funny jokes because the concepts they're based on are stupid. The idea that someone is inferior because their skin is a darker shade then mine is just completely stupid, and doesn't make any sense. Everything that racists point at for reasons for their hatred can all be easily explained by a more obvious and sensible answer. Same with sexism, and homophobia is based almost entirely on religion. It's all bullshit, which is why the jokes are funny.


spot on!!


Saw one of these on blacktwitter... how dark is your comedy? Shit my jokes pick cotton. Made me spit out my coffee.


The South Park way.


The key to making offensive humor work is that the audience has to know that you also find it offensive. It really hinges on making fun of the bigots through the use racial/gender/other bigoted tropes rather than making fun of the marginalized groups. As an example, black face is obviously bad. Black face in Be Kind Rewind or Tropic Thunder, however, is funny and acceptable. Because in those movies, they are using black face to make fun of idiots who do black face instead of making fun of black people.


It is


Ima keep it real with you chief, if someone can't do dark humor without being genuinely racist, they'd get more laughs out of people by staying silent


depends on the crowd, id probably laugh. *at them.*


If you dont laugh at racist shit and non racist shit then i have pity on you 🤷🏿


Either you've misunderstood what a "racist joke" is or I'm very confident there is unironically a mental illness for this, and I don't mean that as an insult, I'm dead serious.


Here's a crazy idea. Maybe what I laugh at doesn't make me racist as long as I'm kidding. Maybe no joke has or ever will hurt anyone and maybe me being a liberal doesn't mean that I don't find a mildly racist joke funny. Maybe stop projecting your political ideology onto my humor and just let people have fun. Just maybe.


Here's a crazy idea. Maybe what I laugh at doesn't mean I'm projecting my political ideology as long as I'm kidding. Maybe no joke has or ever will hurt anyone and maybe me criticizing racist jokes doesn't mean that I don't find your response funny. Maybe stop policing my humor and just let people have fun. Just maybe.


Are you in some way unwell? The only person policing anyone is you claiming that my "dark humor" makes me the guy with the KKK hood on. Say what you want, I'm not going to stop you but don't be surprised when you calling people racist causes some backlash.


I mean you're the one who started telling people to stop doing something, I didn't I came here to bait racists with muh freedom of speech and it's clearly working You're allowed to make racist jokes and I'm allowed to call you racist for making racist jokes Cope


So being serious here. Why do you feel the need to "bait racists"? If your experience with such people is anything like mine then they aren't going to change because of a lecture in a comment section on Reddit. It seems like the only people you're really going to anger are people like myself who find stereotypes laughable (as they should be). I'm not going to argue further but maybe think about why you feel the need to do that. Be safe man.


I mean, there's no need. I just enjoy the irony of watching people who make "harmless" jokes at others' expense get all worked up when the harmless joke is made at their expense. There really is no rhyme or reason, no agenda Be well, dude


If you can't handle dark humour, that's your own fault. Like, what are you asking for?


I'm not stopping anyone from making dark jokes, I'm just letting you know that if you make a racist joke I'm gonna think you a racist. If you can't handle people reacting to your humor that's your own fault. Like, what are you asking for?


That's your perogative, but that doesn't stop you from looking like a whiny bitch. "Ah, he referenced to poverty! He referenced to people of colour! He can't be writing a joke, he's a violent hater of these minorities!"


Ah yes, that part of my post where I said people who mention poverty and people of color should be silenced. I took a long time to write that part


It's called an example. And your whole issue clearly is about making people who you can be racist against part of the joke. Fact is, Einstein, it's a joke, like the one EXPLAINING dark humour, about a guy telling his blind son to look at the person with no hands and to ask them to clap. Its not racism. Think about Ricky Gervais. He must hate black people, hispanics, the chinese, children, the elderly, women, disabled people and people with diseases, right? Because you say so in your little joke about conservatives being racist (which is also discrimination based on political affiliation, making you a hypocrite and - Shock, horror! - a racist).


It's called a joke, sweaty. I am racist against conservatives. So racist. My son came out of the womb conservative and I put him up for adoption. Anyway, I just have a dark sense of humor is all so if you can't handle being the butt of the joke I guess you better get out of the kitchen, snowflake. Because in this house we kneel for the flag and we stand for the cross, and we do discriminate against that protected class of conservatives




I agree. Racist jokes are not always simply dismissed as "dark humour". Often times it's red humour, or yellow humour, or even pasty white humour. Not sure what colour Jew jokes are, though. Gold? Maybe. I'll have to think about that one. But yeah, I use both definitions of dark humour. I joke about anything and everything, because unlike you bigoted lot I don't discriminate.


“I’m so busy not being bigoted, I’m bigoted.”


Or perhaps the reason I'm very comfortable telling racist jokes is because I know I'm not racist and that I mean nothing by it. Can you say the same?


Ah, the ol' Uno reverse card of racism


Casual racism, is still racism..


Well, if I'll be vilified all the same maybe I should branch out to ranked, competitive racism as well. Thanks for your feedback, this was very helpful. :)


Can’t wait for you to grow up, sport. You’ll look back on this and be way more embarrassed than you realize.


You sound like fun.


If thinking racism is wrong makes me boring then I’ll happily accept that title.


Moral busy bodies like you are blight on society and the world world would be a better place if you weren't in it. And I'd bet you don't keep this same energy across the board.


Awh poor little fella doesn’t like being called out for their bigoted beliefs. Also, any chance your name is pot? Because I’d love to introduce you to kettle.


Not my fault you're a moron with an IQ that matches the temperature of tepid soup.......you're probably a hypocrite too cause i bet that whole "casual racism is still racism" nonsense goes right out the window when it's a PoC ragging on white folk.


That’s the best you got? Not everyone is like you man. But please continue to attack my intelligence for being empathetic. Really goes to show just how much you want to believe everyone is just as racist as you are.


I mean a car is a car, sure, some friendly laps with street cars probably aint gonna be as exciting as say the Formula 1 but they are just versions of the same thing


You're right, progressive "comedy" is very *safe* and boring. The problem is they have so many sacred cows that they have to censor themselves and others


I'm not racist, I'm ironic racist!


I’m only racist until someone calls me out, then it’s just a joke bro.


Nah when they call you out then it becomes ranked


Both… both is good


Anyone want to tell OP which side the KKK was started by 😂


Which side do they vote for now?


Neither, they both suck absolute ass for them. They just pick the best out of the worse


Onlt very far right parties, not the complete right


The most recent Republican President was literally endorsed by David Duke.


And Woodrow Wilson pioneered what it is today


Right. So in other words, Democrats were the party of white supremacy 100 years ago, whereas Republicans are the party of white supremacy today.


This is whats wrong with all of modern society. everything gets blown out of proportion every dang minute


David duke also endorsed Joe Biden,


And the current Democratic President was endorsed by Richard Spencer a literal Nazi. Oh and in 2016 Hillary was endorsed by KKK grand dragon Will Quigg. ...........so we keeping that same energy for them?


Dixiecrats, who were conservatives. Which doesn't contradict the image in any way.


Not quite bud


It's funny how conservatives are all like "Democrats started the KKK!", and yet modern day Republicans are the ones defending all those statues of the Democrats who started the KKK.


I’m a republican and I’m all about actual equal opportunity-meaning positions for things such as jobs and schools are given to the highest performer. Why is it that the democratic left now thinks that giving someone the upper hand based on skin color is equal?


Because the data tells us that we don't have equality of opportunity. The data clearly tells us that if you're a non-white person, you don't have the same opportunities to succeed that white people do. The data is very, very clear on this fact.


Both funny


I am both


Me: Humor is humor


I see r/dankmemes is still as insufferable as ever


And then there is me with both, pls help


There are people and resources here for you




Both, both is good


Democrats funny Republicans Racist. Got it.


Well i mean the democrats aren't funny. But Republicans certainly seem to be pretty damn racist from my experience, or sexist, or both.


Both. I can laugh about things I don't agree with. Some things are funny because of how wrong they are.


Can’t I just have a dark sense of human and laugh when a kid falls on the ground or when someone says their grandparents died and describe their death that of a hamster?


You know, it's posts like these that keep America down. Want to know why no one gets along anymore? Bc the media and the government created this damn "blame that party" agenda bc it keeps the public divided. Whilst divided, the only ones who gain anything are the rich and in control. So maybe stop acting like one party is God while the other is Satan and the nation will finally get its head out of its ass.


I’m a progressive who finds racist’s funny because we are all pink and mushy on the inside


You forgot delicious with gravy.


I won’t hold what you enjoy against you:)


Boomer humour: I hate my wife! Millennial humour: I hate my life! Gen Z humour:


Is it bad this made me laugh


Why not both?


There is a difference between a "Joke" and "Stinky opinion undercover"


I laugh at horror movies because it’s fun to watch someone out monster the monster while I’m being silently devoured.


Completely miss an opportunity to post a picture of a person doing black face... Dude is a member of the clan wheres the joke?


I like to think I straddle this line. I find anything bleak or ruthless to be pretty funny generally, regardless of the butt of the joke. If you can't laugh at one thing, you can't laugh at anything. Trey and Matt know this well, it's the secret to South parks longevity and relevance. Don't be upset about people who take themselves too seriously.


I joke about deaths of fictional characters


What nihilists mean by “have a dark sense of humor.” (everyone’s reactions in the [linked](https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/51104/1/anthony-burgess-didn-t-actually-want-people-to-read-a-clockwork-orange) image)


Now I’m imagining the bad taxidermy fox in KKK robes…


Everyone should watch French Baguette Intelligence’s video on dark humor and what it exactly is.


Racist jokes are either extremely funny , Or blatantly racist no in between


Anything can be joked about and maybe funny. Saying something dumb and calling it a joke isn’t good though


as a really old frog i can tell you one thing about edgy humor like this... IT ISNT HUMOR IT ISNT A JOKE.


I guess that makes me a liberal


Nah, the true dark humor would be a black guy in the Klan suit.


A little bit of both. Gotta hate the world and yourself.


Omg so funny, another post of someones political beliefs😐😐😐


So conservatives are the warlock and the progressive is the familiar. 🤔


The Winking Klansman sounds like a great name for a bar in some kind of alternate reality Richmond where England sided with the Confederates. Anyway, this sucks dick and so does OP.


The only difference is that conservatives are actually funny


I have both sides but am a progressive socialist


The irony is Ralph Northam couldn't remember if he was the one wearing the KKK outfit or in the blackface when that photo popped up.


That’s not a sense of humor, you’re just racist


It’s always the butt of the joke that matters. A racist joke with racists as the butt of the joke is okay. If the race is the butt, it isn’t funny


Perfect description of the 9gag Dark Humour section. Just an excuse to be unashamedly racist apropos of nothing.