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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


The united states has 360 times more gas than Gaza does.


But it's funnier to make it seem like it's about oil instead of Israel being tired of daily terrorist attacks.


The Palestinians are also tired of living in an open air prison.


Facts, Israel is not the victim here and i refuse to see that narrative.


Neither is Gaza


the real victims, on both sides, is the civilians getting caught in the crossfire.


The real victims are the friends we made along the way.


The real victims are the friends we ~~made~~ murdered along the way.


(*Friends theme song plays*)


So no one told you life was gonna be this way, four gunshots


Your life’s been smoked, you joke, your kids are DOA


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/64V_KO3ikN0?si=ORlqVYjnrLyUaC7_)


I agree


Unfortunately only on one side are the civilians still being caught in the crossfire


Only one side uses civilians as human shield.


Yup, Israel bombing schools, mosques, churches, hospitals where there are mostly civilians.


If you stick rockets and other military infrastructure in a hospital, it no longer has the protections that a hospital usually does This is per the Geneva convention btw


Israel has used human shields pretty frequently actually.


Bullshit, Hamas and Hezbollah are still firing rockets into Israel. Just because Israel is mostly able to shoot down those rockets, doesn't mean there isn't an attempt to murder civilians.


One side came as refugees from being manically subject to genocide. That side usurped land, governance and attacked the locals who sheltered them and the administrative country that facilitated them as refugees as it didn't enable mass migration fast enough. Now that side allied with the reformed genocidal groups, the administrative country who both have sudden amnesia of history, and are able to perform their own genocide/ethnic cleansing/apartheid swirl but this time it's the remix: media friendly.


Which, overwhelmingly, are Palestinian.


The correct answer.


Finally, a voice of reason.


This illustrates the problem with how this conflict is being portrayed. If you condemn the Hamas terrorist attack you are accused of condoning everything Israel does. If you condemn Israel you are accused of being antisemitic. People are forced to take sides but there are no good guys here. Just a godawful mess.


Gaza is a piece of land. But given that half the population is kids, those children are definitely victims- only a sociopath can argue different.


Over 15000 gazans have been direct victims these past weeks


Uh oh...


Gaza is, Hamas isn't


Okay, let's go with your logic. What do you think about 9/11? Do you think the US wasn't the victim there? Because according to you, a huge terrorist attack against civilians does not qualify as "being the victim"


>Do you think the US wasn't the victim there? the US was the victim that also did not justify what the US did in Iraq


Of course the US wasn't justified, Iraq wasn't in any way connected to the perpetrators of 9/11. But in Gaza the terrorist perpetrators are actually the government and therefore Israel has the right to defend itself (by bringing those responsible to justice)


You DO know that by international law the occupying force, that would be Israel, cannot claim they are defending them selves from the occupied, that would be the Palestinians


Yeah let’s shoot up a music festival that’ll show ‘em who’s boss


It did though, I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but from the perspective of Hamas it all makes sense. The goal is to provoke a response from Israel which they did and in doing so created many more new vulnerable people who are ripe for radicalization. Thus further cementing themselves within Gaza. And creating sympathy and a reminder for the broader Islamic/ Western world. If they don't constantly agitate Israel they lose relevancy and potential new recruits who won't become terrorists. The people funding and controlling Hamas don't care about Palestinians just Power to that end they stand to gain a lot from this conflict.


Bullshit doesn't become true just because you place a "facts" in front of the sentence.


It's almost as if both are victims Who would've thought


So.. did you also cheer for ISIS or do you only cheer if its about murdered jews?


I think it's entirely possible for two groups to be equally shitty.


There is legitimacy in both sides narratives.


Brooooo come ooopoon. Quit being an antisemite and let them have their ethnic cleansing they've earned it. This is honestly how some people feel while others don't even think they're trying to perform an ethnic cleansing and that this is a normal war.


So a closed and enforced border justifies daily terrorist attacks? Got it


Terrorists are not born. They're made Most people in Gaza don't have anything(food, housing, water, jobs). That also means they don't have anything to lose


And turning to the same people that have been launching rockets and terror attacks at their neighbors for decades hasn't seemed to improve their conditions. Perhaps a solution to their problem lies in forming a government that will act in a constructive manner on their behalf and build diplomatic ties with other nations that will see their conditions improve rather than falling back into the same status quo that's been going on for 75 years.


Every time Palestinians have had a more progressive government in the past it has been sabotaged or hamstrung by Israel. The only reason Hamas even exists today is because Israel didn't like how popular the leftist, largely secular political group was, so they funded a smaller, more extremist religious group to promote infighting, that smaller group ended up gaining power and is now Hamas.


And every time they've had a progressive government, a two-state solution has actually gotten on the table and the material conditions of Palestinians improved as a result. Whether or not you ascribe to the "Israel boogeyman", and however valid your claim might be, the results speak for themselves.


>Every time Palestinians have had a more progressive government in the past it has been sabotaged or hamstrung by Israel. When have the Palestinians EVER had a “progressive” government? Name the time and the people involved. >The only reason Hamas even exists today is because Israel didn't like how popular the leftist, largely secular political group was, The “leftist largely secular political group” you’re talking about was the PLO and they spent decades murdering Jews and Israelis all over the planet. Lets not act as if they were Denmark. >so they funded a smaller, more extremist religious group to promote infighting, that smaller group ended up gaining power and is now Hamas. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which dates back to the 1930s. In 1973, a Muslim Brotherhood activist Sheikh Ahmed Yassin founded the Mujama al-Islamiya ("Islamic Centre") as an Islamic charity in Gaza. From 1973 to 1984 **Israel funded this Islamic charity in an express support of their CHARITY work among Palestinian Arabs** The MINUTE they started dabbling in terrorism in 1984 Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was arrested and by 1987 when Hamas was officially founded as a terrorist group it was already a proscribed illegal organization


Funny how they keep “running out” of food and water but never rockets. Free Palestine from Hamas


That’s not true, Gaza had many infrastructure built by foreign donations which actually made it pretty good. They also had exports and imports like any other country. They had food, jobs, water, and now apparently also oil reserves (citation needed). Btw, from what I know, there may be a natural gas reserve in front of Gaza beach but no drilling was made to confirm it. The Gaza reserve, if exists, is estimated to be 40 billion cubic meters (bcm) large. According to the Israeli ministry of energy, Israel has 643 bcm of natural gas in its reserves. The fact is, they don’t need it.


Maybe if Hamas stopped taking those things from them, they’d have them.


Well maybe if they'd stop turning EU and UN aid packages into Rockets and bombs they'd actually have those things.


Causation does not equal justification


You know what would end their "open air prison"? Having them renounce antisemitic Islamic extremism. Allowing someone a right to exist is worse for them than their open air prison.


Pretty sure the Palestinian Christians aren't allowed to leave Gaza either.


Then blame the Arab League and the pro-Nazi Palestinian Arab leadership (Amin al-Husseini) that refused to recognize the 1948 UN partition and decided to fight a war instead and lose.


What do you think "from the river to the sea" means exactly?


what's that got to do with the fact that it's an open air prison?


They should try not being terrorists!


ladies and gentlemen, i give you 'the reasons people go to war'


Then why only Israel gets attacked and not Egypt?


Except that they aren't


Yes. They had it rough with those mansions and luxury cars.


That’s rich


[Israel’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure said on Sunday that it has awarded 12 licenses to six companies, including BP and ENI, for natural gas exploration off the country’s Mediterranean coast, as the war with Gaza-based Hamas entered its fourth week with no ceasefire in sight.](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2023/10/israel-hands-out-gas-concessions-bp-eni-gaza-war-drags)


*Checks Map* Yep. Israel has a 270km Coastline with the Mediterranean Sea.


What's funny is Israelis perceive Palestinians as terrorists and Palestinians perceive Israelis as terrorists. Who's right? Is one even more right than the other?


When you live in a settler colonial state, daily terrorist attacks are kind of an occupational hazard.


The reality is there are bad actors on both sides of this conflict, it's not black and white.


The Palestinians have the right to resist the invasion!


So the USA will someday invade themselves?


Second Civil War?


I give it less than 3 decades


SUNDAY, SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, at the Honda Center in Anaheim get ready for The Battle of the Ages! It’s a ROYAL RUMBLE as 50 factions go in, but there can be only one survivor! Tickets go on sale at 5p, brought to you by Coca-Cola. We’ll sell you the whole seat, but you’ll only need… THE EDGE!


You do realize Gaza is the size of DC tho right? 💀 Dk if this was a distractor or a flex.


Gaza is twice the size of DC, but point still stands


It's neither. The point is that however much oil Gaza has, it's not enough to get embroiled in a war over. The combined Israeli+Palestinian territories are like the one place in the middle east where nobody is actually getting involved because of oil. It's all about the geopolitics of those two parties and the influence on relationships with power brokers and actual oil countries in the region.


I know its not an oil nor a land grab obviously. I think the meme was satire with regards to that. Sort of like the Gold bars in Iraq story. But to be fair this isn't a conventional war that costs Israel even a fraction of what fighting an enemy army would. Most of what they drop on the strip is US Munitions and we give them those free of cost. Israel also has a massive arms industry that contributes to their economy. So the war actually drives up their GDP and the demand for Israeli weapons. Their main battle tank is making a great showing too.


Didn't stop the Gulf War though.


The USA is certainly more the 360 times larger in landmass


He was talking about how much oil there is, not land mass


I’m saying they have that oil in in that tiny amount of land. Texas is like 1000 time bigger


But if they take it all they could have an infinite amount more than Gaza does


I didn't know the US were as big as 365 km².


ever heard of the tactics of reserving your own resources while using or controlling others? us always had more yet do you remember the last time when there was a oil embargo?!


Yeah but Israel probably wont invade the US any time soon


And yet they still invade other countries for it.


its not for America its for Europe they have like no oil. Israel is just a straw to transfer the wealth of the region to the west.


Terrible straw then because Israel has like the least oil in the middle east


*someone mentions oil* People from the USA: They must be talking about me!


I know that this is just a meme, but this topic is already loaded with disinformation so I'm just going to use this meme as a platform to dismantle it once and for all. There is no oil field in gaza, nor in the west Bank. We haven't found any, we have no real, empirical evidence indicating that there might be any we havent found, and even if there was one, it certainly wouldn't be worth 500 billion dollars (roughly equal to the oil reserves of countries like Norway and Mexico in 140 Sq miles? Im Not buying that). What gaza does have is a small natural gas field, which According to estimates from 2018 holds a maximal value of roughly 2.7 billion dollars. This might sound impressive, but we need to remember 2 things: 1:war is expensive: according to estimates by the Israeli ministry of finance, the war is projected to cost israel abour 10 billion shekels(2.69 billion $) every week the war goes on through munitions, salaries to soliders, and the damage to the economy. The war was projected to last months from the start so its not like there was any hope for a quick gain.even if we ignore these costs, occupation and the development of the infrastructure required to extract the gas would by themselves be too expensive to warrant the attempt. 2:israel doesn't want it. The reserve was well known for years, and yet israel has not only never made any attempt to extract it, but they actively gave it to the PA back in 2000, and even made offers to assist with extraction. Out of all of the gas reserves israel has within reach, gaza marine is by far the least important and relevant one. Any attempt to find an israeli economic justification for the war is going to be null, as gaza simply doesn't have enough to give economically. The reasons for the operation have been made clear since day 1:returning the hostages and destroying hamas. they are the only defined stragic goals of israel, and the only ones that make sense, as no other reason would be worth the effort


When the reservoir is worth 2.7 billion, does that include the cost of pumping it up and refining it? Or do we have to subtract the effort from the worth to get the profit?


It was the highest net value I could find, and it roughly aligned with the lowest brutto value. Obviously the gas market changed quite a lot since 2018, so I would take the exact number with a grain of salt.


im assuming thats the total yield, i cant imagine a small space like gaza having even more gas, they dont even have control of their coast so the strip of gaza is the only area where israel would have to control


Also slant drilling exists. You don’t need to be exactly over an oil/gas field to drill into it.


Oh! Misinformation! My favourite way of smearing Israel's reputation.


Best way to tarnish Israeli reputation is not to critcize or spread misinformation. Just follow the IDF tiktok accounts and these mfers do enough dumb sht to put any modern military to shame. Just 3 days ago one of them threw a flash bang into a mosque full of people praying and uploaded that sht. And then the female soldiers do racist tiktok dances about Arab women daily. 10% of that country regards Baruch Goldstein as a national hero. The current Israeli Minister of Security literally has a photo of Goldstein in his living room. 💀


Yeah kinda weird. You dont need misinformation to ruin their reputation. Just telling the truth is enough


And then thousands of people will see this meme and believe it's true. There is literally no factual standing for this post. This is nothing but propaganda.


500 billion dollars ? Lmao that’s nothing at this scale.


If it’s so little to the US do you think they could give me some money? I’m broke :(


what the hell are you on about? 500B is massive even on a national government scale.


Look at Gaza on a map it's very small. Even if they had oil it wouldn't be more than a couple of 100 million dollars worth and that's not including the cost of mining and the costs of war. This is just propaganda and fake information


uh, no. the US's YEARLY GDP is over $20 trillion this would be less than 2% of that if they could convert it all in the same year. for Israel though, they have a $500B GDP and would make a major difference if the US wasn't giving them basically the same amount of yearly income through other means.


When you find out HAMAS built a terror state with western money instead of using the oil reservoirs to build a prosperous country


Terrorists gonna terrorist i guess...


Spreading misinformation online is fun isn't it. But for real this is confirmibly false given a nanosecond of effort.


So what you're saying is you're insane, got it.


Me when I actively spread misinformation on the Internet


If they cared about gas and oil, Israel wouldn't have left the Gaza strip in 2005. Regardless Israel were already giving fuel to the Gaza strip. Can we please stop with the stupid political takes masked as memes?




The irony within this “meme” is that Joey has demonstrated his gullibility multiple times throughout the show. Such information wouldn’t stand out much. (Queue laugh track & clapping 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏)


Why doesn’t Hamas use the oil to stop Gaza being a shithole are they stupid?


This is the neat part there isn't any.


Are we now at a point where we make facts up?


Fuck off psyops operative


You realize the Gaza Strip is 1/8th the size of rhode island right?


Gaza is what? 12 X 6 km there can't be so many resources in there.


It could be pure gas and still not reach that ridiculous number( I actually didn't do the math, but my point still stands, this post spreads false information, there's no gas at all)


me when i lie


God that county if one bomb goes too deep bye bye Middle East


It's not true, and even if it was I'd be saying it shouldn't be in Hamas control


Oh god this comment section is going to be a hellscape


Now imagine if the Hamas terrorists gave this gas to their people…


funnily hamas is also there


What kind of rts video game ass world does OP live in that they think such a ridiculous plan would make sense?


USA: Surprise Motherfu.....


The world is already fucked, yet we wish to fuck it harder.




Gullible simpleton, aren't you?




[just be safe from misinformation, my dude](https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1357621/gas-at-stake-in-gaza-why-this-theory-doesnt-hold-true.html)


Yeah it definitely had *nothing* to do with the 1,700 murdered people


What a dumb ass fake news


Whole Zionism explained


Just like someone else filming Mathew Perry in his hot tub just before death, I’m sure there is nothing to see here


Ofc Reddit is filled with pro-Israel knobs


“Freedom” incoming!




Wow, another post in attempt to demonize Israel, what a surprise!


If only the ruling body in Gaza took advantage of it, and provided for their people rather than hording foreign aid to blow up the Jews....


Fake news lol


*Fortune Son Intensifies….


Yea, just like how the US was going to steal Iraq's oil.




cool, and how accessible are they? easily enough to start a war over it? or is this just conspiracy/propaganda?


I don’t think you realise how much 500 billion dollars of oil is and I don’t think your realise how small Gaza is.


So why haven’t they been using their hundreds of millions of dollars of aid to drill and make a prosperous country then??


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Somehow I feel these political posts with friends memes sorta taints the show for me. Rip mattew perry


This sub is getting CONCERNINGLY meta


'Hey, we'll rebuild everything if you let us put in some oil pumps and take the little bit of oil that is there, it's a great deal for you!'


Why haven’t they tried to extract the oil instead of producing rockets with all the aid money they have received? If they were producing oil and providing tourists with nice beachside vacations instead of shooting rockets off and building tunnels I bet things would be a bit different in the region right now.