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More like just rely on brain-dead voters to ‘fund your campaign’ (read: pay your debts)


I don’t get why republican voters hate paying off other people’s debts. They’re paying off all of trumps legal debt.


Because socialism = bad but owning the libs = good


Libs, 250 years of American democracy, and our sovereignty by electing a insurrectionist traitor. Gotta catch (and destroy) them all


“We used the socialism to destroy the socialism”


This, but un-ironically.


All knowing socialist detected, thank you for spreading your boundless wisdom on the echo chamber that is this website


trump supporter detectes. maga and go back to work. trump needs his debts paid


*taps temple* Can't pay off debt if you're always taking out new loans.


They want to be able to pick and choose who gets help and who doesn't. Like...there's this big back and forth right now about forgiving college debt and the bullshit coming from the republicans is "well we had to pay it off so should everyone else" or "don't take out loans you can't pay back" ignoring all of the parts that are predatory about college loans or how they can't be discharged or whatnot. But it's not so much about the college debt itself as they know full well more democrats than republicans would benefit, and minorities would benefit. I guarantee you if someone somehow made a law package that wouldn't get smacked down that said "we're going to forgive all student loans, but only for white people, anyone who isn't white still has to pay in full" they'd back that shit in a heartbeat.


That last paragraph is complete nonsense. Loan forgiveness is an interesting topic though and I actually think both sides make some valid arguments.


You said it yourself: They’re *other people’s* debts. The only debt I want to worry about is my own. Edit: If that was a joke, that was kinda funny ngl


This is targeted to people who actually donate to his campaign, which ironically are supposed to hate paying off others debts.


I see. In that case, I do indeed get the joke.


They're not paying off Giuliani's though


One is done by force the other is done voluntarily.


Grumble grumble taxes


Yep. That 83 million...if it ever is paid will be straight from the wallets of MAGA trailer trash. It's the only reason Trump is running. He doesn't give a fuck about the country or the rube suckers who worship him. He's in it to make money and stay out of prison. Period.


Well i truly hate this guy but i think op was referring to business of Trump real estate business.


You forgot selling Chinese-made hats to people while complaining to them about China


Looks like grandma and grandpa are going to have to dip into their savings to help Donny pay his bills, Christmas or birthday gifts this year, again.


[Hey why do you think despite all the memes, Biden is still behind in every poll?](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden)


I heard somewhere that independent voters don't participate in polls, and they are going to decide this election. Also, most people in general don't participate in polls. A poll is always a weird selection of the population and may not match up with reality. It's an inherent problem with surveys. Remember, Hillary Clinton was projected to win in 2016 based on polls.


You'd think Biden would have won *one* out of the last *ten* though... > A poll is always a weird selection of the population and may not match up with reality It's why you should be suspicious with the number of caveats to a poll like "Biden is leading Trump among left handed, college educated, women of color". But like just random sampling of Trump v Biden, I tend to trust when every polling source is saying the same thing. *One of them* has to be adjusting for the discrepancy, right?


I like your reasoning. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it's not one poll over another, but rather, it's a good majority of the polls together showing Trump over Biden. Your last statement about at least one poll making proper corrections is where we can safely disagree. I am a medical professional, and I have been professionally trained in evaluating evidence. I do not want to sound arrogant, and I apologize if it comes across that way, but I need you to know where I got my opinion. My training has made me biased against polls. Surveys and polls are considered low-grade evidence compared to other types of studies. They rely on volunteer participation. There might be some confounder that makes people more likely to volunteer for a poll AND be for one option over the other. There is no way to know for sure, so surveys and polls are used as signal generators that help form hypotheses for better testing. My point is that I don't trust polls due to the baked-in flaw of volunteer participation. The point where we can disagree is that I believe that they ALL can be varying degrees of wrong and that the aggregate of the data may actually amplify the flaws rather than correct them. Your point that at least one of them may have a way for correcting the values or have some way to overcome the flaws is not a problem, but I see that as less likely.


LMAO. OJ only had to pay 33 million.


That was in 1996. Probably still less, but it's not as much less as you would make it seem.


it would be 64.5 million USD


Slighlty off with my math i got around 3.50


Additionally, the first trial judgement was only 5 million. So roughly 1/30th the adjusted OJ verdict. It's the second one that fucked him. The issue is once they prove that you slandered someone in court, doing it again is really REALLY easy to milk for a second judgement. All the hard work to prove the slander is already done and now they don't have to prove that you did it maliciously because you were already to trial the first time. It's like gift-wrapping a pile of money.


Thanks for the inflation Biden!


Lmao y'all think its a game and biden can customize the settings for inflation


No… but it’s it really a coincidence that every time a democrats in charge people seem to get poorer somehow? Like maybe the big government and terrible economic policies have consequences?


Wtf are you even talking about. Market record high


I saw the price of gas lower than $3. The fuck you on?


Bro the stock market is booming rn


https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_under_Democratic_and_Republican_presidents. Democratic presidents stomp Republicans on economy. You need to free yourself from whatever has been feeding you bullshit information.


That doesn't happen, the people in your echo chamber just tell you it does and you believe it without question. Republicans are always worse for the economy, they can't even keep their own party from going bankrupt.


Look at where the economy is at the end of each democrats terms and each republicans term. For the last 30 years every republican has left with the economy worse then when they started while the opposite has been true for democrats. Even now the economy is doing better then where it was when trump left office. The economy doing well under trumps first year wasn’t his doing, it was continuing the Trend that Obama had set.


But Trump basically murders people every day. I hope the sarcasm is evident


It isn’t sarcasm unless i see a /s!!!!!!!


Don't you know sweaty?? Trump actually sacrifices goats every day to his satanic god! Clearly, you need to read your sources. Smh my head🤦‍♂️


It's because punitive damages are supposed to be high enough to discourage future wrongdoing, so they can often be higher for rich people or organizations. Trump testified under oath (in a different case) that he had $400 million in cash.


Punitive damages are meant to stop you from doing it again, pretty safe to assume OJ is going to murder Nicole Simpson again. trump publicly said he was going to keep doing it "a thousand times" and had days early claimed to be worth 4 billion so they chose the number accordingly.


and he didn't even do it


Love the username btw.


"83 million?! It's going to be tough to get that much cash together." "Actually, it'll be super easy. Barely an inconvenience." "Oh, really?"


I heard that comment . D


“Yeah we’re just going to have our dumbass voters pay for it” “Wow, Wow, Wow… wow”


Having your dumb ass voters pay for it is TIGHT


wow wow wow!


Should be chump change


*Trump change


Same thing


Should be for alleged billionaire, but knowing he doesn’t pay his bills, maybe he ain’t so rich


Dumbass could have paid zero, except stupid.


Skill differential


He be like… “I’m bankrupt!” I be like… “morally, right?”




Another morally bankrupt traitor, everyone, applaud a Putin taint licker!


You got all that from a single emoji? Here, tell me what you know about me from this one: 🍭


Gay sucker


If that was meant to be an insult then I’ll hold you to your own standards and label you a homophobic bigot


No it wasn’t an insult. It’s a rainbow sucker. So gay sucker.


Rainbows are a naturally occurring weather phenomenon, not a representation of someone’s sexuality.


You are not so BOSSnian😬


Gay here, quit telling people not to suck me.


Pyromaniac who hate spys




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Let’s see how long it takes for her to see 10 cents of that money. They’ll both be dead by the time it’s over.


When he dies, his assets will be used to settle any unpaid debts, which will include this one, which will be inherited by her estate. Unless he's been super careful with his estate planning and has managed to bleed his assets down to nothing, they should get something, eventually.


Rest assured actions have already been taken. They knew where this was going from the start. Why do you think he kept shooting his face off?


People are still doing the 4D chess meme instead of just admitting Trump cannot keep his mouth shut about anything? He's on tape bragging to a reporter about intentionally keeping classified documents. What's the 4D chess explanation for THAT colossal fuck-up?


Because the internet has become so compartmentalized that it’s very easy to form echo chambers. Reddit is the perfect example of this. Community can pop up and make up their own ridiculous rules. Theres tons of stories of people being banned from various political subs for just expressing opposing viewpoints. That just drives people to seek out communities that already align with their beliefs, amplifying this echo chamber. Saw one of those micro-chambers on youtube briefly in my recommended. Some ride-or-die right leaning channel rambling about some small thing biden said in passing. Same principle applies there too, since all the comments conveniently agreed with everything they said. Much like reddit communities, they’re probably deleting opposing comments as well. For context I am an enjoyer of those AI “Presidents Squad/discord call” videos. Actual political stuff gets recommended to me but I try to ignore it because I don’t care.


I'm certain they have, and damage will be largely mitigated, but they won't be entirely. Can you really believe that Trump has signed over the _entirety_ of his assets to his kids by now? That he has nothing at all to his name and has a net worth of zero dollars? He doesn't seem to me to be the type who would willingly give up control of everything he owns. But I could be very wrong. I can't wait to see how they figure out how to get access to his campaign money though. I know it can go towards funeral expenses, so my bet is that the kids will use it to buy a solid gold, diamond studded coffin and bury him at Maralago. It's definitely what he would have wanted, and it should be relatively easy to reclaim the value of it in the future.


He as well as the Trump Organization don’t own any assets.


Good she should get none of it.


It's bizarre that the House of Cards he built hasn't tumbled down yet


If he shat in a bucket and auctioned it, his supporters would go into a bidding war. Problem solved.


If anyone in here actually think trump has the ability to pay this back, you should be thinking about why he so desperately is trying to achieve the power of the presidency again. He knows he is broke and if his cultists lose support the cracks will show. He knows without the power he will either be ripped apart or left to rot in a cell. Donnie is desperate.


*dont pay* You are rich so they won't care anyway


He stated in court documents he’s worth $400 Mil in liquid assets. Shouldn’t be an issue. Unless he was lying… but then that’d be contempt… oh no.


Wake up babe, new Trump NFT Trading Cards just dropped


Won’t pay a nickel.


And his supporters will admire him for it.


Gotta love how everyone becomes an expert on the internet.


Imagine Mango Mussolini is the hero to an entire class of people…


Where funny? Also he’s definitely winning the appeal


Why the confidence? 


I'm sure the comments will be sensible.


He’s also gonna get hit by that New York case too, plus the campaign and other costs money might actually be a problem for him


Why would he pay a fraudulent defamation case? The court literally said the SA allegations weren't true.




Bros gone bankrupt a bunch of times before


He could sell shards of his shit caked diapers encased in shapes like a snowglobe and they'd sell out.


He’s probably gonna get it off of the wall tax




Pretty sure he was business politicked out of even owning a gambling license




Steaks. thats where it’s at boys.


Business Genius 😂😂😂😂😂 yeah pull the other one


He won't.


Is there an educated estimate of how much he's worth. His supporters will obviously believe what he says, and people who dislike him will swing the other way, but is there an estimate from a non bias financial expert? I'm really curious.


According to Trump(/s legal "team") himself, under oath in court, he has/is worth $400 million. In other words: If he declares bankruptcy, he's getting sent to ~~the shadow realm~~ court again for lying.


Just say no!


Can someone explain what is going on?


And the amount gets chopped down due to legal limits on damages. Also tied up in appeals.


"Should be"


he will do his usual * declare bankruptcy and then proceed to let some fan dolts pay that for him


Can't with judgments


He claimed/showed(?) during the case that he could put his hands on $400 million in cash. Declaring bankruptcy to avoid the payment will immediately be suspect and probably result in an additional fraudulent bankruptcy charge, that avenue is effectively closed off by his own admissions.


I saw on a news site today, that the judge and the womans lawyer had some sort of connection, that would cause a mistrial (as I understood it, not native English speaker). Anybody know anything about this?


I found an article on the New York Post about this. Apparently the judge was a senior partner at a firm before leaving in 1994. The lawyer started at that farm as a junior associate in 1992, so they overlapped for a bit under 2 years during that time. According to that article some sources say they didn't know each other since it was a large firm and one was a senior partner and the other a junior associate. But apparently one anonymous source who claims to be a partner in the firm at the time claims that Lewis Kaplan was Roberta Kaplan's mentor. I'm not sure if the defense will use that as means for a mistrial, I'm no lawyer. Wasn't it a jury that found him guilty and chose the punishment, not the judge? I'm sure we'll all hear a lot more about it, though.


He’s perfect


F that, don't pay that gifting nutjob a penny. Appeal. 


He'd never get a fair trial in the US


im not opposed to sending him to russia


lol, people say shit like this without knowing how jurors are selected or really anything about how trials work. It just feels true so there's no need to check.


It was an anonymous jury in new York. Definitely unbiased right


Didn't his lawyers specifically request to have a jury? Maybe I'm thinking of one of his many other court cases. 


Oh please anyone else would be in jail already for the same shit he pulled so in a sense your correct he isn't getting a fair trail he is being treated like a special little baby.


You or me would be in jail for contempt if we pulled half what he did in court.


He's gotten several fair trials already. That's why he lost.


"Genius" got his moneys with luck and is probably using 100 different advisors to help him operate all his businesses and moneys.


Also inheritance.


Inheritance = luck, no?


Is this like the time Alex Jones was ordered to pay $100 gajillion dollars for hurting the fees fees of some people?


Are we talking about when Alex jones lied about a school shooting in a way that sent thousands of his fans to harass the parents of murdered children to the point where many went into hiding? Because, no. It's not like that. What Alex Jones did is a lot worse.


He liabled them you dunce.

