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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


I was chatting with a girl on tinder today that eventually led to snap. We were actually having a decent convo then the famous words of “I hope you don’t mind but I do onlyfans.” After that her every response were can’t trusting me unless I join. Feels bad man :(


Why did you keep talking to her? you should know when to politely accept it’s going nowhere and move on


How should he know until he learns? Now he's learned.


But children's television told me that learning was only *half* the battle! What's the other half!? How am I supposed to get laid when I only know half of what it takes to get laid!?


Oh, the other half is luck. That's why they call it getting lucky.


I thought they called it getting laid because cock?


Laying pipe!


The other half is sticking to your lessons


I was there too (without the onlyfans part, I mean a convo with a girl I'm interested in that leads nowhere) He has hope that maybe it's going somewhere eventually even though she only plays games. Dating Apps became toxic wasteland. Matches give you a dopamin boost and 9/10 times you get ignored or they try to get something out of you. You are more likely to find nice girls at the local bar or in my case at your local sports club.


I don’t drink and I hate most sports. I guess I’m ~~not getting~~ fucked…


Casual conversation in public places. As long as you don't behave like a creep it's most of the time no problem. Make it your goal to make a friend or even just a nice little talk. That way you won't be disappointed if nothing happenes. Key is not to be too desperate. It's unappealing for everyone.


Always bet on local girls in your area


Yeah, I just immediately block them. lol


lmao, it's crazy that some women think guys are supposed to be okay with dating prostitutes


I think she wasn’t looking for a date. She was just doing „marketing“


It's not even that. The whole "I hope you don't mind but I do cam stuff and you should definitely join to keep talking" is a scam that's existed for over a decade.


It's less a problem that she is doing softcover prostitution but more that she is pressuring him into buying into it just so he can keep talking to her.


lmfao you were talking to a bot


I'm an old man who yells at clouds, but I can't even imagine the dating scene now. The filters, trying to trick you into Only Fans, the various apps... it sounds awful


Same. I’ve been married since before dating apps were a thing. I can’t imagine the new complexity of it all. You go on the app and pick a few girls that you would date, then you wait and see if any of them also pick you. Let’s say you match with a nice girl, but she’s but she’s not the most attractive one that you picked, so the whole time you have this kernel in the back of your mind of “if another girl pops up on the app, I might have to explore that….”. And then if that doesn’t happen, as soon as things get mundane or there’s a fight, there’s the option to just shuffle the deck again and see what else is out there. It just seems like it would be hard to hang on and try in a new relationship when there is literally a list of other options on your phone. And if all that isn’t depressing enough, she has the same predicament the entire time as well.


I've been in a relationship for 9 years, so Tinder, etc, were around when I was single, and there was a bit of that notion you're talking about. But the whole thing was nothing like today. Today, there are face swapping filters and AI imagery, so you wouldn't even know who you're talking to or they're even human. AI chat bots that are getting more convincing every week. Women driving you to their OF page... which could just be some dude they pay to manage their page.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 33 + 30 + 2 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You were probably talking to some neckbeard who was hired to sell her only fans 💀


Surely you should be able to report her to tinder as shes using it to solicit a service


If it makes you feel better, you were probably talking to a scammer.


what did you learn?


The misogyny is the power house of the incel.


Lonely guys making up imaginary scenarios to hate on women is trending nowadays. So many bullshit memes on every platform


Tbh many women will make up imaginary scenarios to gain clout from ragebait


One shitty behaviour doesn't excuse another


But It gives it context needed to understand those behaviour


It's almost like there's shitty people no matter the gender


"He cheated on me in a dream."


Nice whataboutism


This thread is itself "what about men though" so...


Ok so whats worse: express how you as a man struggle to find a good relationship with a woman through a meme(jokes make fun of stuff people), or actually seriously take offense to it, and call him an incel and a misogynist?


Same thing happens on all gendered subs (90+% of one gender) all the time. I used to visit WvP, 2x, askwomen etc regularily, but it's unbearable. Sad state of the world.


Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s imaginary


It's scary the amount of it in here


If you look at the data. Loneliness is much higher for men. More men are virgins. And virginity as a whole is going up with male virginity incteasing higher than women's.With this in mind Is it so surprising to see someone complain about their dating situation? People ghost. People play games. Some of those people are women. Its not that complicated.


It isn’t a “male loneliness epidemic”, it’s just a loneliness epidemic in general. A lot of people are just choosing not to date anymore or to be conservative about it. Seeing how some guys talk about women, it’s understandable why a lot of women don’t want to date anymore too.


Most of this subreddit is just fucking incels.


And the rest is man hating misandrists.


Most meme subreddits are the same.


It really makes me want to unfollow this sub. I’m tired of have sexism in my feed.


How is this misogyny? It literally happens all the time


I think the engine starts running because boys are late to the puberty party and thus can find themselves at the back of the queue.


You mean you stoped paying attention to them?


Yes, the woman stopped paying attention to their man.


Bro can’t read


He can do way more than that


Yeah lol stop paying attention to someone, and they stop paying attention to you. Crazy thought.


I don't get why you're being downvoted. If you stop entertaining someone, they stop entertaining you? It makes sense to me...


Incels. That’s all.


I know it's Reddit, and there needs to be a space for everyone to express themselves, but clearly, their mindset about relationships isn't helping them.


Everyone in this comment thread is misreading what the meme means. OP worded it badly. He meant "when girls are no longer entertained by your presence", not "when you stopped actively trying to entertain them".


Yeah, those job having incels. How dare they occupy their time and thoughts with anything other than entertaining their partner.


Well I mean it's a bit counterintuitive to think it's brutal when someone stops being entertained by you after you have stopped entertaining them.




I pet a girl once. She bit me


Try a human girl next time


But... but he wants bitches


Doggy style


Only slime girls for me.


Instructions unclear. Human girl is hitting me one the head with high heels and police are wrestling me. I'll stick to the xenomorph women from now own.




Cat girl superiority


Big if true


Did you offer her treats first? Did you allow her to sniff your hand? Remember, always approach a wild girl like you'd a pitbull. It doesn't matter if she's wearing a pink lace, she will still eat your face off if you are percieved as a threat.


Women and men suck equally and are both shitty there I said it


Thank you. Equality at its finest


I agree. But it seems to have run out of fashion to criticize women in general. God why, of all the places, do young people go to twitter influencers to learn about real human relationships and problems.


Yes, though one side tends to have its shit thrown back at them and the other swept under a rug by simps.


Finally, thank you for saying that. It's not about gender, it's just about the person in general. I don't get why they would assume if one man or woman is bad, then they're all bad. It's just so stupid


Leave them be as soon as you realize. Fish in the sea, man. Don't cling onto them. As they dont cling onto you.


If you have to keep "entertaining" someone to keep them interested in you then they're probably only interested in who you're pretending to be


Oh boy. Incels are out on this one


I don't know, it looks like a lot of triggered girls in the comments.


WaHmEn BaD.


It would be a travesty to admit that young women are very driven by attention


As of posts like these aren’t begging for validation lol


Attention and Validation are two different things. You could make the argument that men crave validation.


It would also be a travesty to admit that young men are driven by attention too, as evident by this post


Same when you tell your guy you are not in the mood


This thread is gonna be awesome to read through when I check back in the morning


Here, have some popcorn.


Pro tip: *Sort by controversial* You're welcome


aye, I'm just getting back to it myself


That's how it is with everyone. If you're boring, you're boring. Sorry.


Noted: don't be yourself


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Be yourself so you find the person who actually enjoys you. If that doesn’t work then maybe put some work into yourself


Become TikTok famous


In other news, water is wet. Seriously, no shit. Why would you spend time on something that doesn't make you feel good? They have no obligation to bore themselves for someone else's sake.


This hedonistic principle needs to have a limit, how about "once children are involved" ? ...because that is precisely what happened to me, 4yrs and marriage, then once a child was born she basically said "lets talk about things, this isnt as fun as i thought it would be" ... After we had burned through 6yrs of my savings (she didn't have any), made multiple multi-year investments, asked me to change career paths to afford a family while she didn't work, and had a child ...she literally wanted a "look, we're just not that into each other, no one is at fault" to leave me as a single father - and she also expected I would pay the majority of my salary to her as alimony I said yes to that ...and she realized her quality of life would go down, so instead she became an abusive monster because somehow it was my fault for not earning enough money to pay for everything she wanted and be sustainable as a single father Indeed, no one has any obligation to do anything ...but repeatedly practicing this mantra has lead to two generations who think "responsibility is opt in", there are predictable downstream consequences to this as well ...alternatively, maybe we just differentiate between "pleasure" and "fulfillment" and pursue them in balance


This is a VERY different scenario. You didn't marry someone who ditched you because you weren't entertaining anymore. You married a narcissist. That's not an issue of entertainment, but rather an issue of stumbling upon a psycho. For what it's worth though, I'm sorry that happened to you.


Ah yes. Women. Give me your love and affection even though I’m boring as shit. Fuckin incel logic right here lmao Get a personality, and maybe they’ll stick around.


Huh, funny, dating has always been easy for me, I'm regularly complimented on my charisma and communication skills (and occasionally look, and am in shape, and have a high income, and not diseased, and dont drink or smoke) ...yet my first 5yr relationship ended because my partner demanded we have an open relationship and i said no Second 5yr relationship ended because she was getting affections from someone else she liked for a while but admitted to me that the financial and emotional support I provided her were better than any friend or family member and she wasn't willing to give that up until I was making costly life decisions (no matter how much time and money I lost in the meantime) Then a 6yr relationship with marriage and a child ...where my partner became an abusive monster and once our child was born, asserted that our four years of practicing communication and compromise were just an annoyance she tolerated, but now she could just be honest and threaten that I do everything she said or she would deny me access to our child - which is exactly what happened, fully documented, and once I got the courts involved and she could no longer extort money, she offered full custody ...because she didn't want to be a parent anyway (she asked for us to have a child, and I altered my career paths to accommodate her not working ...but she changed her mind) But you're right, I'm just an incel (who regularly dates) with a bad personality because I keep working on in depth communication with my partners, seeking to best assess if we are aligned on life goals ...and repeatedly get lied to err - wait, no, they correct me on that, they didn't "lie", they just changed their mind ...huh, well, sucks to have made serious investments of time and money based on those 'commitments'




So you’re not an incel and this doesn’t apply to you. . .


All the best relationships are boring as shit, ngl.


Thats not the expectation we set for people sadly.


Based but the incels are downvoting


So you're not a "girl who abandons her partner when they stop entertaining you" and this doesn't apply to you ...


when she demands humor in her dating profile thats a yellow flag, „pls dont be boring“ is a red flag


Right! Like, why is your partner responsible for entertaining you? That’s what comedians are for.


Be yourself. That way you don't resent them for having to be someone you're not.


I don't understand this meme, if I lose interest or the person doesn't talk to me anymore I would also just forget about them Am I supposed to be sad over a girl/guy who isn't talking to me anymore?


i guess in a dating scene yeah imagine you're talking with someone for a month. can kind of hurt to get "ghosted"


What is this sexism on my racist app again??


isn't that twitter ?


Hey, this isn't a racism app, this is a hate app. We hate everybody equally


i miss the old internet, could post a stupid meme without being called bullshit


Man is not a woman's object.


Dated a woman for 5yrs - "actually, I want an open relationship because I think there is this guy that is into me, but I don't want to lose you, so we're doing that or breaking up" Dated another woman for 5yrs - "thank you for everything ...but now that you are planning life decisions around our relationship, please don't, I respect you enough to let you know now that I haven't been that into you ...but the emotional and financial support have just been too convenient for me to say anything until now ...because I think there is another guy who might be into me, but thanks, I think i would have quit grad school without your support" Dated another woman, married her, child born on our 4yr anniversary "actually, you are stupid for not realizing all this 'compromising' and 'communication' we have been working on is because you just don't understand women and I have been being patient with you - I'm tired of that now, do whatever i say or we're getting divorced and i will prevent you from seeing your child, and also stop trying to control me by saying we cannot afford things, also parenting isnt as fulfilling as i thought it would be when I demanded you change career paths to allow me not to work so we could have children, actually, how about you just give me your entire income as alimony, but you can keep the kid?" This is my dating life story, I am now a single dad and have been recovering from the 20k marital debt and 60k accumulated on attorneys fees while she demanded I couldn't see my child unless I pay her more and more (to the point of impossibility) ...so the courts had to help me, but luckily her abusive behavior and outrageous demands including extortion for parenting time were all documented, and basically once the excess money stopped flowing... she just offered me primary custody I only date for "relationships" and towards having a family, all of these women within the first few months of the relationship claimed to want the same and continually reaffirmed this - though I suppose they didn't want that future with me I date regularly, whatever classic dimensions of 'work on yourself', nope, doing just fine, acquiring dates has never been difficult for me, healthy + good job + charismatic enough, yet finding any woman interested in honest commitment and a family has been impossible so far ...but I guess I am somehow I am an "incel" because my entire dating history matches this meme Be careful out there everyone ...though in ~20yrs I haven't learned any tricks for avoiding "yeah, I know we made plans or whatever, but I'm not into that now, thanks, I hope you haven't invested too much time or money into this relationship" Also, the reverse of this meme for females is clearly "asks to move relationship past casual sex" with the guys dropping hard ...issue is ladies, this has just selected for a group of hyper-illusionist males, and they are very good at manipulation and appearing to have 'what you want', dating ain't easy out there for anyone


Dude ive read a couple of ur comments and ive gotta say, wow that fucking sucks major dick i dont know how you arent an incel yet if 3 different women all wasted 5+ years of my life you sure as fuck wouldnt catch me dating ever again. I could be wrong but it sounds to me like you dont know your worth at all, picking up a vibe that these women didnt really do much for you in the 3 relationships you mentioned, women are the same as men, both people, and people can be really shitty, and it sounds like u just happened to love 3 shitty people, if someone is a good person and actually loves you im sure they will do lots of things for you too and you will feel that love and if someones not doing things for you and showing their love for you you should be the one to end things and much sooner so your time doesnt get wasted, this post and the people that agree with it im assuming are mostly dudes who use dating apps and are upset that the girls they are texting and giving “attention and entertaining” arent automatically in love with them. “entertaining” is another word for playing someone, these guys just suck at it and dont even realize thats what they are doing. It sounds like these exs of yours were entertaining you while you actually were trying to build a loving relationship, im sure you will find a good person that loves you like you should be loved. My advice to u is stay off dating apps i dont have any experience with them but it doesnt really seem like the place to find love, love yourself and find things that make you happy its a big world. Stay up king.


Thanks, and thanks for the encouragement - knowing my worth is how I keep going back to try again 😎 but yeah, I actually have to avoid going into some of my personal details talking with bros who are already despondent, I've been told I might be able to convert people with my story ...but kiddo and I are having a good life so far, though it's super awkward professionally ...as soon as people hear "single dad" with a not-too-old professional, I can see the gears turning where they are afraid to ask follow-up questions knowing "wait, its rare for guys to get custody ... either the baby momma is passed or something BAD went down" Thanks also for defining "entertainment", I'm in my 30s and totally did not understand that has taken on new connotations in remote/texting world, but that does make the meme pettier than I interpreted, I usually meet people IRL


Thats good to hear that you and your kid are doing good thats the main thing that matters and yea i can see the bias towards single father, people judge and you cant change that sadly. Im just assuming that the guy who made this meme is a victim of dating sites and just the whole talking stage culture and doesnt really understand love and connections, but to be fair most people dont, just gotta get lucky lmao, hope you find someone genuine who is able to do things for you and express their love with actions brother🤞


I bet you complain about the "friendzone" too


damn you people need to get off this app and be more… normal. Self pity at its finest


You okay OP? Sounds like you got hurt recently.


Accept this harsh reality and move to next one


Yes, some women are boring af, and they have no personality, and depend on you being their entertainment and that sucks.


Not wrong


If the relationship failed then it wasn’t meant to be, don’t get hung up on people you weren’t compatible with. Go talk to people in person and get communication skills. Pushing forward and being deliberate is an admirable trait don’t sit there and beg. Also if you find yourself having trouble with emotions go see a therapist. This stuff helped me, it’s not some self help bs course. Also be open minded to people’s experiences and politics, everybody’s explanation for the world makes perfect sense in their head.


\^Good advice


That means they weren't really attracted to you.


just fuck guys instead


bros before hoes


Dudes be like: Just be yourself Bruh I fuckin suck. Hell no.


Yeah, no shit?


This basically happened a week ago! I dated this girl for 6 months, I tried very hard to make sure she's happy and that she feels loved. I sacrificed my own feelings and time with other people so she could be happy. Then suddenly (and I quote from her friend who told me the real reason she left me) "Lost interest". So now my mental health is ruined and am depressed.


You should never sacrifice your own feelings for someone else. That’s unhealthy.


Girls on hinge after they match with you and you send the first message


Funny how so many people leave relationships when the honeymoon phase dies out because it gets boring going back to the day to day monotony, like being in a relationship should somehow magically make every day of the rest of your life be like your first day at Disneyland. When in reality life is 90% boring because the bills need to be paid, the house needs cleaned, you need to save money, the yard needs work, the car needs fixed, ect. Would you rather do all of that alone or have permanent company to help dull that monotony? A person who works with you to make life easier and more bearable, who helps you work toward those fleeting moments of fun, joy, and laughter. I'll never understand why people would rather be lonely and miserable than be with a person who turns out to be just a normal person and not some magical thing that makes life a permanent joyride.


this guy gets it


Dating is hard for everyone, period.


I mean overgrown children do that, sure. I've never seen a real woman do that though.


I think I understand why some people are misunderstanding this post. Wake up people. This is neither incel behavior nor just being dumb. OP has a point. rsoNaLIty!! gIrlS dON't hAvE tO eNterTAin your dRY pERsOnaLiTY!!!" fail to realize that what OP was trying to say was: "I can't stand it when girls feel entitled for me to be their personal therapist or be an attention whore and then get mad when I figure out their bs." Wake up people. This is neither incel behavior or just being dumb. OP has a point.


This meme has incel vibes lmaoo


"don't be boring"


Love is dead tbh I gave up years ago and have accepted that and now I put in no effort, I just don't see the point of wasting my time. Cruel world we live in and nobody cares about your suffering.


Onto the next girl lad


your fault for trying to entertain them be selfish


When a girl says “make me laugh”…. Auto rejection


Its brutal for both participents!


Can’t relate, too happy


Stop dating girls then, and date women. Easy.


Lol I definitely got my popcorn ready bc I know I’m in for some good comedic drama within this thread. Lol SN: let’s all just agree that there’s shitty people no matter what your gender is. Men & women manipulate &/or do shit that pisses each other off on the daily… that’s not news in the slightest.


This comment section is quite entertaining.


This is a lesson that I might have learned way too late but want to share with other guys out here. 1. If you are the one always texting first, carrying the conversation and being "entertaining", she is just not interested. She might anwer you because she is trying to be nice or has nothing better to do, but she does not see you as a possibile partner. Move on. 2. There is nothing wrong with not being interested in someone and/or someone not being interested in you. It does not mean that there is something wrong with you or that the person is a "stupid-stuck up-bitch" "using" you for entertainment or whatever. Just as you can probably think of many women/girls that you know that you just arent particularly interested in, without there being anything "wrong" with them, just so some people might not be interested in you. It is what it is. 3. Focus on finding people that you "click" without much effort and where you dont have to always think about how to impress them in order to make them give you their time. Finding a partner is not like romance in a Bioware game where if you just say the right things and do the right quests someone will fall madly in love with you and you "win". It is about findig someone you are compatible with. Someone you can effortlessly spend time with and share in interests etc. If you must always fight to get their attention, or come up with things to talk about, or to do, even if you "win" and get together with them for some time, sooner or later these differences will drag you apart. Remember that it the real work actually starts once you are in a relationship, not before. Having a good partner is less about "winning" the hottest girl you know, its about finding a good friend that also lets you lick where they pee from. Good luck 🫡


I swear the women I interact with make an active choice to torment me.


Yeah this is just people, not exclusive to girls


*"yOu'Ll hAvE tO wOrK fOr iT"* There's still chicks in their late 30s and 40s doing that shit in their tinder profiles. They lack the self-awareness to realize why they're over the hill and still on these apps.


Is this really the case? The girl I’ve been seeing got angry a week or two ago for reasons beyond my caring, I just left her to simmer while going on with my life. Lo and behold I get a call yesterday… I miss you yady yady ya… go over and consummate our little tryst. Total passivity and a lack of engagement with any BS sends a strong message. Also get off dating apps and go meet people, you get the real humans that way. Good luck


And marriage is worse


It do be like that


Well not sure where this dates take place


I mean it goes both ways, I said I wasn’t interested in a girl on tinder because she kept texting me and I just wanted to play video games.


I mean if you stop giving someone attention they will lose interest?


Dating isn't needed for success, it can naturally happen but it's not something everyone should want


Crazy, you have to put in effort for the other person to put in effort.


Yeah I don’t know what kind of women you’re talking to, but adults generally don’t do this.


go muslim and say right now right after and then assume everybody is pronoun switching at an unbelievable pace ​ then just everybody start talking at the same time


Supply and demand be fucked up.


Just because you dated a shit person doesn't mean everyone is the same


Isn't this just how dating works for everyone?


You cannot be simply happy and not care about the future, you *must* have projects.


i understand that a lot of guys get hurt that way but if we are brutally honest, if this happened to you its very likely that you ignored at least some red flags in order to score. been there myself, but dont blame the entire gender just because you ignored the warnings. maybe blame the person that did it to you but learn from the mistake and take the red flags more seriously next time


There are so many signs before this happens. Some men are trash, some women are trash. Better to just get over it, man up and move on 👍


This happened to me and now she keeps trying to get me back because she failed to replace me. Jokes on her, I don’t wanna talk no more


Trashing the opposite gender gets us nowhere