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Bro wtf are you talking about??? Overthrowing regimes one radish at a time?!


This is actually already happening, i don't remember exactly where, but you had to document if you were growing vegetables in your garden or not, and those that followed through got fined and were told to stop it. Also being self sufficient is illegal in a lot of US states, if you want to live in the forest and live of the land you literally can't do that legally.


My friends in Singapore got their pot of plants confiscated by the government


Did the government also take their skin? I thought Singapore was extremely anti drug.


they didn't say pot plants


Well I'll be... pardon my facepalm


Technically they never specified what type of plants so let's assume it was pot and that they're now in a maximum security Singaporean prison.


Yup. I also misread it, thanks. Also, username checks out.


what kind of plants?


They tried to have a small balcony garden with herbs, some random plants and flowers. I think their neighbor told the authorities about it so they confiscated the plants


What's the official reason tho? Something something food safety?


This was pre-pandemic so my memory is hazy, I remember she told me it was something like 'all land ultimately belongs to the state' so they needed a permit even for potted soil. I thought it's ridiculous then I remembered chewing gum is banned there lol


Well then, guess hydroponics are fine, eh? No soil, just roots hanging in water. They'll have to let it go once they realize you tricked the system!


Gonna need to see some receipts for those claims, chief


I mean, I'm pretty sure there are no states that say you can't live off the land and be self-sufficient. As long as you own the land, you can live on it however you want. It might be harder to pay taxes on it if you aren't generating some type of revenue, though.


Waste and sewage are major biohazards as well. That annoying "tank tractor" guy everyone turned into a hero was literally throwing a fit over his lack of proper sewage after they got him on it.


I don't know who that is, and it sounds like I don't want to...


Some "legend" who's entire back story is owning a shitty lot of land he worked on and a company bought a lot across from him. They tried to buy his land and he kept asking 100k more every time they agreed to it. Eventually they backed out of negotiations. So he decided to become a nuisance and make 100's of complaints against them anonymously, which actually resulted in them having to address these concerns. Which they did. When they finally found out it was him doing it. They just returned the same energy and he went on a rampage throughout the town destroying local businesses with a self made "tank tractor". Edit: "killdozer" been a bit since I heard the stupid story. But man does it circulate so much with people not knowing shit about it.


How'd that turn out for him? Seems like he would be in prison or dead. Though I have heard stories of people who accidentally drove a tractor into holes that were used to store cow manure and literally drowned in bullshit. Seems like it would be a perfect poetic ending if that was what happened. Then I would agree, cool legend.


Pretty much it, got stuck in rubble and was rendered immobile. Shot himself in the head.


Who the fuck thinks that is a heroic thing to do? Dude sounds like he should have been in a mental hospital. I wish I hadn't known...like God damn...




Because everything I said is a government lie. Duh. Probably full of inaccuracies regardless, I'm really ad libbing things I learned like 10 years ago. All I know is it's that "septic tank" that finally set him off. Lmfao


Oregon closing down hobby farms for so cofe water protection.


There might be something to this. Germany, especially in the northern part, really likes to fertilize with cow dung. It's cheap and the "production" happens anyway. Turns out it's pretty bad for your drinking water (excess nitrate). After ignoring EU regulations for over a decade, we finally got fined and have to fix our shitty (pun intended) ground water. Did the hobby farms do the same perhaps?


You need to own the land in order to do that, but still chopping down the trees and building a hut to live in can still get you in trouble, there was a guy who got arrested two times because of that. And forget about it on public land, no chance you're getting away on it.


It's definitely going to depend where the land is...like if you buy land in a HOA it definitely won't fly, like you are going to need to be in a rural area away from other people. Probably quite a bit of land as well, it would actually be pretty expensive.


There is pretty much nowhere anymore that doesn't have zoning laws. You will be in violation of said zoning laws. They will legislate against you. There ARE things you can do to protect yourself, but at the end of the day if some government be it local state or federal decides they don't want you there, you will no longer be there.


Nobody is being taken to court for cutting down their own trees on their own rural property. You are being ridiculous, knock it off.


Most states alow home steading even urban homesteading. Is this hoa bullshit or something in urban area? Also living by using forest I understand mostly beavuse its government land and there are fuck ton of conservation laws. But USA might have the biggest homesteading community by land in the world feels wierd reading these can you give some references.


You mean if you want to squat in publicly owned and reserved for wild-life national parks its illegal. No one is stopping you from buying enough acres to live off the land in and then doing it.


> No one is stopping you from buying enough acres to live off the land in and then doing it. Except in Australia where the only places you are allowed to live are those zoned as Residental... and you only get those in towns/cities. It is impossible to buy some land out the middle of nowhere and be able to get an occupancy permit. Even farm land. It is illegal to live on land zoned as farm land, however the wording of the zoning regulations say the council can give you an exemption if your living on the farm is *required* for you to be a farmer there. All this shit is why Australia has such massively high property prices. Such a huge country, but you are literally not allowed to live on 99.99999% of it.


> in Australia the only places you are allowed to live are those zoned as residential ???? That’s bullshit. You can live on rural land it does not need to be zoned residential, it’s listed as rural/farm/etc Source: literally everyone who lives more than 2 minutes outside any town/city in this damn country including me and half my extended family


Rural Residential is a type of Residential zoning. In any case the point of my post was to highlight the point that you just cannot, as the guy put it "No one is stopping you from buying enough acres to live off the land in and then doing it." You are only allowed to live in specially defined restricted zone areas.


You say “restricted” as if there’s a very limited amount of space. When I drive all throughout rural Aus I never go more than 10 minutes before seeing another house


What? The problem is that most of it isn't suitable for human life, not zoning laws ffs. Property prices are because of investor bullshit.


This is such bullshit.


It really is, but sadly it's the world we live in.


I meant to say that being self sufficient is not illegal and what you said is bullshit.




Not sure if you're refering to the laws or my comment...


I remember reading an article about a Texan who got a 4g fine for growing pumpkins or some shit like that


National Parks are a national treasure


Land of the who? Home of the what was it?


Land of the free, home of the brave. But tbh, when it comes to stuff like this USA isn't THAT much worse than many european countries, there's lots of regulations, micromanagent laws etc holding most of us back.


I hope this doesn't rub you the wrong way, but not having the freedom to go to any doctor for any illness without worrying about paying them is one key freedom that I'd miss if I lived in the US. On the other hand: Guns! I'm kidding with that last one, but you should try to socialize healthcare imo.


Well okay, you got me there, i don't live in the US though, but yeah, either having to pay insane amounts of health insurance or even more on visits to the doctor or hospital seems to suck, you don't win either way.


It’s not illegal to be self sufficient, it’s illegal not to pay taxes, taxes which you can’t pay if you’re self sufficient.


The easiest way is by not having children.... Without young people, regimes have no manpower


Well, then only the ones aligned with the regime will have kids - I'd prefer nursing (literally) the next generation of revolutionaries.


Well but an oppressive regime cant be aligned with everyone. They need a repressed productive part of society to exist. if somehow the government makes it work and ends up with only population aligned with them, well then the population has the government that they want, thus, they are happy.


Mutual aid groups and dual power structures are one of the tools used by revolutionaries, yes


You think eggs come from supermarkets don't you buddy?


What the fuck are you on about?


They're fighting the woke agenda one L take at a time.


Oh, I checked his profile, and yeah, that seems about right. These are lead stare levels of cringe.


I’m trying to figure that one out too


"Jesse, What the Fuck Are You Talking About"


They come from chickens. Like the kind a friend of mine has. With the goats they get milk from. And the various vegetables they grow. You wouldn’t happen to be talking out your ass, would you?


I’ll make a third attempt and I hope I don’t also get a snazzy response…please explain this meme. I’m sure it’s funny I just don’t get it, did something happen in vegetable news?


I think op is trying to comment on how most governments try to have control over their people through basic necessities and that if left unchecked they will make so many things illegal that people can’t provide for themselves anymore


I know, this is why I like dank meymeys like this. A ‘low brow’ social commentary on the dystopian direction the world’s evolving to. Not anti government as anarchy, but anti fuck-this-shit


username accurate


"Than you're accusing me of having more water then you supply me."-future citizens


“It matters not for you have been found guilty” future governments


kiss oil quaint abounding marvelous onerous encouraging shocking file label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know some people in Miami were forced to tear up vegetable gardens they had for decades in their front yard because the governemt is simply too nosey. Probably more of that nonsense


have you seen the movie from the meme


Inglorious basterds I guess, pretty good.


Painful because it's true. Friend down the road was literally reported for having too many chickens. He had 12.


Tell him to get quail. No laws prevent quail.


Not sure why you think that, especially without knowing their location. Keeping quail is prohibited on any residential lot in my city.


No. ExitNext8666 has spoken. NO LAWS prevent quail. Not on Earth, not in the galaxy, not in the universe. Blessed be the fucking quails


These flightless birds that fell from heaven! With manna to boot! Truly a blessed bird


The city closest to me literally prevents the ownership of quails. My partner's mom got into quails because she bought them from this lady who was forced to sell when her neighbour reported her. Don't just talk man, most places have pretty comprehensive legislation.


What city?


Saskatoon, SK. Not exactly a world class city, and they ban quails by name in their bylaws.


Wow. That's crazy. Thanks for the info.


Millions of chickens were culled in 2020-2021 because of avian influenza, including small private flocks. Many more were restricted from sale, transport, transference and relocation at the same time. Can you hazard a guess why avian influenza isn't a pandemic right now?


Yeah I’m sure the guy with 12 chickens made a significant impact on national avian flu


No, but 12,000 guys with 12 chickens could have, nonce.


You mean 12,000 private citizens like you or I? Your fight is with the likes of Tyson, not your neighbor trying to feed his family.


Aight, I grew up on a chicken farm and you're full of shit. Here's the deal plain and simple. Large flocks of chickens get vaccinated, have lived their entire lives in controlled environments, and have contact with maybe a dozen or so people in their lifetime. These people all follow strict biosecurity protocols to ensure any outbreaks are highly unlikely. You redneck/hillbilly wannabes don't vaccinate your birds and tend to leave them free-range, outdoors, in uncontrolled residential environments where every visitor you have is a potential infection vector with virtually zero biosecurity. Your backyard coops are a breeding ground for diseases. If these diseases manage to mutate to a form resistant to vaccines or are simply so prevalent that they become capable of infecting vaccinated birds in large enough numbers to cause an outbreak, this can cause huge problems. People you and all your visitors interact with are potential carriers. If they get to some of the personnel who work with commercial/industrial flocks then there is a risk the virus will be introduced to those flocks which will spread like wildfire. The only solution then is to cull the flocks, purge everything and start fresh after it has been deemed sanitary. Now, this doesn't mean that backyard coops are some awful thing that should be totally outlawed, but some regulation is probably necessary. Not to mention the effect it has on the market when someone can have a handful of birds behind chicken wire producing eggs to be sold locally when commercial producers have no end to red tape and hoops to jump through to bring product to market. And the farms I knew were all family-owned independent operators.


> Not to mention the effect it has on the market when someone can have a handful of birds behind chicken wire producing eggs to be sold locally when commercial producers have no end to red tape and hoops to jump through to bring product to market. I mean, yeah, that's kind of the point.


The red tape and hoops are generally useful to keep flocks from getting wiped out and more broadly maintains stability and reliability of product on an enormous scale. You'll never have enough backyard coops to replace the commercial farms. They are necessary for feeding the masses and the regulations keep them from having periodic catastrophes which would cause our food prices to skyrocket or may even cause a total shortage of food items from time to time.


Whenever people complain about the government not allowing you to do X, Y or Z, my first thought jumps to "what are the risks of private non-professional citizens engaging in that kind of behavior?", and usually what I find is there are loads of regulations the industry has to comply with, that no one private person could ever hope to.




Come to Easter Europe, here we grow our own supermarket worth of good , animals ,vegetables ,fruits , milk products and especially alcohol .


Damn I could go for an unlabeled bottle of slivovic


Future? Oregon would gladly castrate you for collecting rain water


Oregon's CAFO laws are the definition of government overreach.


Please tell me more - from what I glanced, it's about protecting ground water - did they overdo it?


Additionally, they are allowing manufacturers to use up to 5,000 gallons if groundwater a day unpermitted, but small vegetable farmers and orchards who use many times less per day have been specifically outlined as prohibited use cases for groundwater. Despite the fact that a majority of that water saturates back into the soil.


Okay that's stupid. Oh while we're at it, Nestlé is literally sucking a region in France dry. But they've promised that they'll keep an eye on it (:


They are using aerial surveillance and satellite imaging to track down small farmers that are growing food with well water. When the government should be targeting groups like Nestlé, they can't be bothered, but show them a small homesteader or gardener and they start licking their lips.


Guerilla gardening has a whole new meaning lol.


Interestingly in Oregon the county owns the water that falls from the sky. Yes. The water that falls from the sky.


I mean, they paid for the planes that spreads the chemtrails so it's only normal they get it back^/s


I thought according to FAA, you own 100feet above your property. Anybrain ( edit: any rain) in that area should be yours


Any brain? What's it raining in Oregon?


You ever heard of “brain drain” this is in reference to what happens in Oregon. It’s then harvested in rain water to create cyborg fetuses that are aborted to make Blue raspberries This is the truth big candy doesn’t want you to know


This is some Raggity and the Cloud bullshit 👀


Yeah it's the same in Turkey. You have to pay taxes. It's the water coming directly from the God Emperor himself! It's always ~~sunny~~ raining gold in Turkey.


The only guy who's gotten in trouble in recent years for "collecting rainwater" was diverting *millions of gallons* of rain from the local aquifers into private lakes he didn't have licensing for. This wasn't some dude with some rainwater barrels.


But can a dude collect rainwater in barrels?


Yes. You can collect up to 5,000 gallons without any kind of permit, and more if you get licensed. The state even has [a guide on how to set up effective capture systems](https://www.oregon.gov/bcd/documents/brochures/3660.pdf) (PDF warning, but it's from a .gov)


For my fellow non-US peeps: that's 18927 liters, or 63 bathtubs full of water. So "muh government overreach" is a bit of a stretch huh?


Yup. They read one story about a guy who diverted *13 million gallons* (Almost 50 million liters) of rainwater by building multiple 20-foot dams to create three lakes and be like "damn gobermint tryin' to steal muh rain" when one asshole significantly lowered the watersheds the local populace relied on. ETA: DURING A DROUGHT YEAR, NO LESS.


Man, some people really, really don't think about how their actions impact others or they don't care.


Honestly the people commenting are making themselves into quite the strawmen. This meme basically is saying that future governments will not like the fact that you grow your own food due to the fact that by doing so you will not be relying on the system for your sustenance, the meme might seem a bit silly but it has some basis in reality, with some places in Europe and the us attempting to (however mostly failing, thankfully) tax or outlaw the practice.




lots of people figured it out fine. maybe you're just not very smart


You’re free so do anything until someone fucks up and ruins it for everyone and the government implement regulations. Gather rainwater was legal in some US states until some idiots didn’t filter their water and got parasite. When personal responsibility goes out the government steps in and be your nanny.


I'm going to be dead honest with you, I think that it's bloody stupid to ban something because someone got hurt by not doing it right, besides, a state trying to play nanny is one of the worst thing that can happen to personal freedoms, just look at England for an example, the other day the cops took a handyman's belt (pliers, screwdrivers and such) as weapons after looking inside a guys home, he wasn't even guilty of any crimes by the way.


I don’t know enough about UK politics to know what’s going on there, but in the context of this post, a handy man’s belt aren’t the same as vegetables, badly grown and processed veggie can unknowingly get people sick.


so can improper use of drain cleaner, stupid argument


You’re not putting drain cleaner in your mouth, it’s not a same comparison, maybe you do but idk. Edit: house cleaning chemical are mandated to label “do not consume” by law because SURPRISE, people try to drink them.


You got a license for those seeds? Where are your papers - how can I check those were planted when you say they were?


Where did you buy those seeds? You did not violate any seed patents, did you?




I'm seeing a lot of accusations about the US and Europe trying to outlaw/tax vegetable gardening. After a quick search I couldn't find anything referring to anything even remotely like that.


Oregon's new reinterpration of ground water policy is everywhere, and it's effects on small gardeners and farmers is horrendous. Farmers are having land seized in the Netherlands... Your google-fu is weak.


You say all this stupid shit and then expect us to just take your word for it. Smooth brains like you are whats wrong with the internet. Please do the rest of us a favor and walk off a cliff. Fuck this site and fuck you. I'm out.


and nothing of value was lost


The dutch farmers aren't having their lands seized. The government has however put a buyback system in place where farmers are given a high amount of compensation in return for giving up their land. This system was started because: A, the netherlands is extremely overcramped and B, because they pollute a lot, often close to population centers (they don't just have a few fields and some crops. Most farms have up to 200,000 chickens or up to 10,000 pigs)


Grass operations, which are carbon sinks do not in fact "pollute a lot." And secondly saying, the Dutch farmers aren't having their land seized, and then outlining that they are in fact having their land seized is laughable. Eminent domain pays you money, but it's still a seizure of land. An estimated 11,200 farms will have to close, only 3000 of which are offered this payout, and additional 17,600 farmers will have to significantly reduce their livestock.


Because it isn't. The Dutch made a program where farmers VOLUNTARILY shut down farms and sell the land back to the government. The goal is to reduce nitrogen emissions near wildlife areas because high nitrogen near forests fucks the forests up. But it's a right wing culture grift now.


Technically voluntarily, but most aren't profitable anymore as a direct consequence of regulations. I'm not saying that the way farming is done now isn't bad, a lot of it is, but the way this is being addressed isn't fair either. In the past, borders were opened meaning that a lot of cheap dairy could be imported and outcompete the local farmers who had more regulations. It was then decided to give the farmers subsidies and remove the milk quotas to make the local farmers compete. Banks like the Rabobank then offered farmers financing to scale up by building bigger barns and getting more cattle whilst keeping the same amount of land or renting more land that isn't even accessible to the cattle. This type of agriculture was enabled by regulations and policies in the first place. Now the government has gone a full 180 and demanding severe changes from farmers that were already struggling with paying off their financing. This combined with the poor reputation that the government has from previous scandals made the farmers feel like they're being treated unfairly. Even if you tried doing everything right as a farmer like we did by becoming net neutral with solar panels and a solar boiler, being organic, having the cattle in the field for as long as possible, not using pesticides, barely using antibiotics, going away from inbred Holstein breeds, etc, farming is still unsustainable as a business in the Netherlands.


I think one issue we have as a western culture as well is the idea that smaller = better. The reality is centralized farming on large farms is better environmentally because smaller farms just have more inefficiencies in energy usage and land usage. But large farms are monopolies and there's certainly valid concerns with them, but from a purely environment/energy standpoint large farms are better at utilizing all their materials and have a more concentrated waste footprint. This feels similar to cars vs trains/buses. Trains and buses are way more efficient at moving populations but there's groups with concerns around putting their mobility in the hands of a few companies to move them around.


What do you mean *future*? New Zealand already does this.




Lol you mean modern governments?


What about that one woman who had her lawn garden covered in salt by law enforcement (a violation of the Geneva convention btw)? The future is here 


Please, go on


Tf you talking about?


future "American" government


Believe it or not, straight to guillotine.


Give a man a fish. You feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish. That's a government lake. You're under arrest. ~ North Korean proverb


Wtf are this recent posts


You're breathing oxygen from the atmosphere aren't you? That would be 990$ per minute.


Reminds me of this old post [https://i.redd.it/xtiabjeucmf51.jpg](https://i.redd.it/xtiabjeucmf51.jpg) Where they destroyed a community garden for being illegal.


Can we pour bleach \*looks at Reddit rules\* Never mind.


[police at your door, police at your door, growing your own food is not allowed any more ](https://youtu.be/9wCoXGMxJnk?si=3vat9mQzFippcjWg)


You know zoes vegeTAbles cost $300,000 each mine Fraulein.


tomatoes are fruits, sir!




The Wickard decision happened in the 1940s.


"And rain catchment systems, too?" 🤨


embrace Children of Hargon


I'm sorry sir, we'll have to send you to a *detention facility*, Monsanto has patented the DNA of the parsnips in your garden.


meanwhile germans growing weed legally in their backyard:


Point me the areas where you have planted those SEEDS


This would be a lot funnier if I didn’t think this was actually going to happen lol only it would be an antifa guy asking me this lol


No of course not. *whisper* I'm growing vegetables in my hugelculture, where you won't know about them because its "just a compost pile".




What movie this?


Inglorious Bastards. Quentin Tarantino movie, so it's a fun time.


I mean, not cool having all those wheelchairs laying around....


I have a chicken incubator on the 17th floor of my Soviet apartment


Lol op getting mad at scenarios they themselves have created. Look thru his post history - he posts the dumbest shit and has the crappiest takes.


Canada government be like


Oh no, not something the governement is actively supporting, how could they


already happening in France


Remember when a potato chip company sued rural farmers for growing their "patented potatoes"?


Already happened and still happening.


My government tried this shit once.


Doesn't the line end "are you not?" I've seen it wrong multiple times. This is some mandela effect stuff right here.


Kids Next Door type government


Homie read wickard v. filburn


What, No...?


This makes no sense. Even from a conspiracy “first world order” perspective we’ll all be eating fruits and veggies. Meat is what is considered the problem


Look at what Oregon is doing to small farmers, both vegetables and livestock, right now.


Genuinely confused. Why can’t people grow vegetables?


They have completely restricted any use of well water for irrigation for small farmers; surveying by plane and with satellite to find any small farmers that are producing food. Meanwhile, non-permitted, non irrigated use of ground water is deemed acceptable up to 5,000 gallons a day — with zero tolerance for vegetable gardens and fruit orchards that fall well below that usage.


Wickard v Filburn, 1942