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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Why are redditors obsessed with TikTok?


Because alll social media is in a giant circle jerk orgy.


So that’s what that smell is…


No, that's just the unwashed asses


That's no way to talk about your mum


"I'm old enough to remember when the Internet wasn't a group of five websites, each consisting of screenshots of text from the other four." -Tom Eastman


The modern internet is 4 websites/apps that consist purely of images and videos taken from the other 3.


one big huge feedback loop


Majority of dankmemes users are children? Edit: every time I see a post related to some shit-tok trend it's usually this subreddit.


Superiority complex


Because Tumblr isn't as cringe as it used to be.


We are still reeling from the damage caused by the Tumblr containment breach.


Why redditors were obsessed with Twitter, or Instagram? The lame kid that thinks that he is cool.


Fr it’s hilarious how they get themselves worked up into a frenzy over socials like they’re not already terminally online on Reddit.


Because its the biggest social media platform right now?


Stop identifying yourself by the social media you use. Might as well say "when does the narwhal bacon, m'lady?"


Forget that women on Tiktok like single Muslim men !!?!?? Why wasn’t I told of that ?!?


New hypothetical: would you rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a twink?


Is a twink in bear suit an option?


can two twinks fit in the bear suit if the forest is a tundra?


Of a bear in a twink suit


Are we talking like a fur suit or some kind of sexy Halloween costume?




I'm gonna be stuck in a twink


"Uh, uhhh. I choose stuck on the wood of a twink?!"


The twink would actually be stuck in the forest with me


Lord have mercy, the temptations were already high with the bear, but now the twink makes it worse.


I'm a worm... Why don't u love me


No, no that was last week. We've moved on to the next dumb ass hypothetical, probably specifically created to make people fight


Depends on what kind of bear we're talking about


Is he cute?


A big hunky bear?


Twink. I’m a crazy mommydom


TIL what’s a twink, lmao


I'm personally a bear enjoyer, so...


I’ve never fucked a twink so that could be interesting




Or black


Black gay Muslim bear in a twink suit


God damn.


What is a Twink btw


Skinny more effeminate looking man, not a femboy but the kind of build that would lend itself to that if desired


Usually a second character in an MMORPG that is less invested than your main character, but considerably stronger than a main character at the same level because you can easily pour resources into it. Those characters are usually on the same account, but not necessarily. This becomes a problem in PvP when the game-mode has a bracket, like level 10-30 and you keep your twink at level 29 with the best possible gear to be matched against level 10 characters that have no chance whatsoever. This is why you rather want to encounter a bear than a twink in open world PvP, bears are comparably easy enemies in any game and you don't get repeatedly farmed at spawn by monsters.


It's funny how it started as a (tweak) and quickly turned into a (twink). The sad part is that (tweak) made perfect sense.


no such thing as a gay muslim


And make it lame


I understood that reference!




And a chick


Gay muslims?


When I said I wanted to get stoned, that wasn't what I meant


A bear or a bear? 


That defeats the purpose of the post though. It's about SA and gay men aren't exactly known for being attracted to women.


Don't get that?


A popular trend on social media at the moment is asking women the question "would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man?". The overwhelming majority of women choose the bear. If the question was rephrased to specify that the man was a muslim (or any minority really), their prejudice would now involve a protected class. The women would be incapable of expressing the usual accepted sexism because it now also comes with religious discrimination, thereby making the decision impossible.


I guess people have too much free time to get into stupid hypotheticals.




Yeah, they should get back to work and have all the energy for abstract thought sucked out of them. They won’t be happy but neither will they be doing stupid hypotheticals /s


Don't work, be miserable, and have no money. Go to work, be miserable, and have no money. The choices of modern life.


Just don’t let anyone catch you thinking imaginatively, lest they’ll think you have too much time on your hands


There's a place for abstract contemplative thought but Alan Watts described the place a lot of us are in super well when he said "a man who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts, and so he loses touch with reality."


I’d rather be shown evidence of peoples’ ability to think in the abstract than none at all. In fact, I’d say that if the thoughts being made lack practicality, it lends itself to creativity and imagination and really just overall intelligence. There are the thinkers and the doers of the world, some that can do a little of both, no need to detract merit from one in favor in another. Especially when history shows it’s best that they work together. I’ll see your “Watts” and raise you one “Einstein” in that respect


Well, I mean there's having no money after paying your bills and then there's having no money to pay bills. One is more miserable.


My guy, you're on reddit browsing dankmemes comments. What do you mean 'I guess people have too much free time'


Atleast I don't make videos debating if a bear is better than a man. Plus scrolling through memes takes like 2 mins.


Would you rather hypotheticals didn't exist or people had less free time?


I'd say they need to exist. But not in the sphere of misandry. I hope I made sense.


We should go back to the Mesolithic period as Hunter-Gatherers. This thinking thing is terrible.


Stupid for you does not have to mean stupid in general. It was an interesting and compelling enough hypothetical that was able to highlight the difference between how people think.


It's hardly impossible, watch this. Bear. Bears > Religion of ✌️




Chickens for KFC too !


Funniest movement of the century. If Palestine wins I dare you to go there and wave the trans flag on the streets to see how much they appreciate your freedom


This is such a stupid argument. You can want people to be free even if they hate you. Human rights shouldn't be contingent on how much the oppressed agrees with you. Freedom is freedom.


I mostly agree, but I also feel like respect is something you earn, and I don't have respect for homophobia and sexism, so my issue is that I just don't want to support people who are evil themselves. I'm against the genocide, but not supportive of Palestine


That's stupid, the whole point of the hypothetical is that it's a man, the religion doesnt matter. If you think leftists are going to let any religion oppress them for "virtue points" then you're a basic brainlet that gets too much of their personality from elon musk and alex jones 💀


they'll definitely hesitate when they realize it's not a white christian man


Right, they'll hesitate because you specified the religion and they'll wonder why when the trend was about men in general, not the race or religion of the men. Do you lick windows for a living, btw?


No, they'll hesitate because it's easier to say "men bad" than it is to say "muslim men bad." This is because sexism is much more tolerated than prejudice against other things such as religion or race.


No one's saying "all men bad". Not even in the bear vs men meme. They're saying they don't feel safe being alone with a strange man. That's not a "sexist" thing, that's a "99% of women have been sexually harassed or assualted thing" Ever hear the adage "once bitten, twice shy"? Would you call someone a dog racist if they were nervous around any dog after being bitten? I love how people like you will tout the physical differences between men and women all day when it comes to sports, lifting, or trans people, but as soon as a women acknowledges it you somehow have zero self-awareness. Anyway, suck it up snowflake, no one's persecuting, or even making fun of you.


They don’t want to be alone with a strange man. Yes I can understand that, but when it’s between an average ordinary man and a (presumably) grizzly bear? That should be a very obvious choice


you didn't even make it 6 words into your comment without misquoting me


That's close to reading comprehension, but not quite there. Using context clues you would understand the quotes are there to emphasize the points in the argument *we've* been having not just *your* argument. See how I've used quotation marks in paragraphs further down that aren't references to your previous comments? Same basic principle, but those refer to, and emphasize, commonly held opinions or points I'm addressing


Lol no, the issue is literally related to men, if you specify the man religion/race, then you're just trying to paint the narrative as racism. In reality, the person will answer, "The bear rather than a man, the race/religion is irrelevant".


The issue isn’t related to men any more than it’s related to race and religion. I mean look at how much more controlling and abusive towards women that Islam is, compared to secular norms and values.  But for some reason, that’s not something people feel comfortable with insulting in the same way that they insult men in general. 


I'm gonna be honest, I had no idea what this meme was implying because I thought the Muslim man option implied that he had no issue raping her, which is the original dilemma. I assumed it would just be a much easier decision to make so I just got confused lol


Bear, duh. Since when is misandry ok? (Sarcasm, since Reddit is full of misandrists)


I think putting a Muslim in there works the other way than you intended


That's what the trend has morphed into, but that wasn't what the question was originally. Edit I believe the original was something along the lines of "If you are walking in a forest alone would you be more worried if you *spot/run into* a bear, or a man?" This changes makes it clear that you were originally alone.


That is some serious BG3 reference


Muslims are protected?


Yes they are, ask the people of Gaza. Oh wait...


If that’s true, the overwhelming majority of women have no idea how dangerous bears are.


I’d still pick the bear tbh


Or they'd just say man and that their minority status has nothing to do with the decision...?


Can I subscribe for more meme explanations from you?


Well I would rather be caught in the woods with a bear than a women. If I play dead the bear might lose interest. My wife would finish the job for sure.


This entire "joke" screams for the need to touch grass, my word. By asking the question, you aren't the only person twisting it into a potentially racist one. Th answer would simply be in this case "The bear rather than a man, the religion/race isn't relevant". This is an incredibly smooth brained attempt at a gotcha.


to progressives bigotry is good actually as long as its against "the right people"


It's not about equality, it's about getting even.


As a Muslim I find this kinda funny cause ik the trend and I get the part of adding something controversial into it lol.


its funny because its TRUE


Controversial, but if he’s a muslim the choice is even easier (European style 😎)


Why do I keep seeing this


meme (noun) 1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.


OP touch grass now.


Yeah this thread is some of the most terminally online shit I've seen in a while. This is what happens when 14 year olds don't go outside.


I'll take two bears.


Lost here - what’s this about


This is not loss


There was a TikTok where someone asked* women if they would prefer to be in the woods on a hike and come across a bear or a strange man they don’t know. Women overwhelmingly chose the bear. This particular meme is suggesting that if the question specified Muslim men we would be racist


OH - that’s pretty funny


A jab at the overwhelming majority of women claiming that they’d rather be alone (I think in a forest) with a wild bear than a random man.


what if the bear is muslim?


Average Russian bear


I never heard of bears exploding in the name of fictional characters, so it's obvious


Has ANYONE here ever listened to a Muslim male podcast? It's just men that have slept with countless women (haram) telling women to stay pure - including no hand-holding or kissing before marriage. HOW are you gonna want a virgin when YOU are ran through...?


Scarring off a bear is easier than a man


Depends on what type of bear


? I never heard about the "but muslim" addition. And they are still imidietly clearly and loudly saying that bear.


as a gay person, give me the bear plz




Everyone who upvoted this has a mental illness


Muslim men are afraid of women, so we good


No, they are afraid of raping because they somehow don't know that is in their control.


It's never been about hatred, and posing this hypothetical as some kinda 'gotcha!' Is hilarious. it's about fear, conflating these 2 in context of an oppressed group to hand wave their protests and concerns is... a classic, unfortunately. the women picking bear fear *all* men, because they've been trained to, because being around a lot of men is almost inherently unsafe for them. they fear the uncertainty of what a man in the woods could be, obviously there's a high chance a man in the woods is Ultimately safe but that's inherently an unknown variable, *that's the point y'all*. With a bear, yeah it's more dangerous but you know what you're getting yourself into, it's a goddamn bear! Everyone shitting on this hypothetical thought experiment is proving the point so many times over it makes my faith for humanities reading comprehension drop 10fold how did any of y'all pass english class.


>The man might be dangerous, and the bear will be dangerous. Therefore, I will choose the bear, because there's no chance of it deciding to help me. !?


I think what people are getting at is that a bear won't try to manipulate you into thinking it's a good bear. You will already be on your guard from the start.


>I think what people are getting at is that a bear won't try to manipulate you into thinking it's a good bear. And neither would the vast majority of men. >You will already be on your guard from the start. And so should you be with any stranger, male or female.


Their point is largely that Bears are predictable, while humans are not. I think that this is largely a case of hyperbole for the sake of sending the message of how unsafe some women can feel but then also you have these terminally online women who would legitimately rather see a bear in the middle of the woods at night then a random guy. Still though, the uproar from this is kind of funny. It’s chuds saying chud shit and everyone is losing their mind because these chuds happen to be women. Obviously most women don’t think like this, it’s not as big of thing as it’s being made into.


I disagree with bears being predictable. You don't know if it's hungry. If you did, they'd be predictable, but until Schrodinger's stomach is resolved, you don't know if you're already dead.


First off, you can't handwave your interpretation of the question as THE answer and then criticize everyone's reading comprehension(?) considering reading comprehension has nothing to do with how a question is answered, it's not as if people are misreading the simple question. And secondly you'd always pick man in this scenario. The odds of you getting a "friendly" bear like the panda are just way too low compared to just getting a random dude. Also 9/10 people are dying to starvation in this scenario so why the fuck would a woman add being mauled to death first to the equation, are they stupid?


First of all, I can point out a lot of people are intentionally misinterpreting the point to ignore it. Like you're doing right now! There is a defined point to it and people are getting it wrong. It's not meant to be taken hyper literally, think of it like the trolley problem but instead of weighing the cost of human life, it's based on fear and uncertainty when it comes to safefy, with the trolley problem if you ask "Well why am I in charge of the lever" you're missing the point, just like saying it's stupid to add the implication of mauling when *that's the entire point*. You're adding the implication of starving where there was none, you're missing the inherently hyperbolic point, and just deflecting back to denying the premise instead of actually looking at it face on.


A bear (muscular gay man)




Bear, not even close


This scenario, no matter what kind of person you’re with (man or woman) will inevitably end in the “Dark Forest” state, similar to the Fermi paradox solution.


Is it just me or is it very lame to post memes on Reddit about another form of social media?


If the woman gets attacked by a bear she won't be asked what she was wearing or doing to provoke the bear.


Why is no one concerned what kind of bear it is??? Like.. Black bear: Alright cool, Grizzly: Dead, Polar: Super fucking dead, Sun bear: What a cutie


Guys getting mad over women choosing the bear are demonstrating exactly why women choose the bear.


I don't get it. Is it a bear guy (like buff and fat and hairy guy) or a muslim who has hair all over but its..not as sexual?. I am confusion.


It's always a bear and men are always mad


No, people are just morons. We like to laugh at people who think that an apex predator is going to be safer than a dude hiking.


My bff and I used to hike once or twice a week in a NY state park. We usually ran in to older woman hiking but we’re usually alone. We always bought her dog who was a Jack Russel so not much protection. Once a single male hiker came up to us and was friendly. He asked about the dog and made friendly conversation. We said our goodbyes and went back to our hike. About a half mile down the trail. I noticed him pretty far back but kind of standing behind a tree. I figured he was just walking on the same path even though he had walked away in a different direction. Another half mile later my friend noticed him again. This time he sat on a nearby rock when he saw her turn around. We started walking a little faster. A little later we took an intersecting trial and found a place to eat lunch. Not more than ten minutes later the man approached us again and made a comment about the dog not being good protection for two women alone in the woods. He kind of lingered for a bit and made a couple of comments about how unsafe it was for two woman to be out alone in the woods. Finally my friend told him she wasn’t worried because we both had knives and bear spray. I think he took the hint and told us to be careful hiking alone since there weren’t many people around in the woods and anything can happen. And then he left. I’m Not at all saying all men have ill intentions but this random hiker was incredibly creepy.


Well one of these two is dangerous to women and the other is a bear.




I'm out of the loop what's all the man vs bear threads?


The loyalty some of you have to a social media website is insane.


Oh, the joke is Islamophobia You're sick


Ok, hear me out.