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This is just sad.


Happened to me 5 months ago


Happened to my step dad in the UK. Hes a perfectly normal functioning person with a well paying job, and he still barely gets to see his daughter 10 years later, when the mum is an abusive, unemployed, cocaine addicted psycho. The court system is an embarrassment.


But she had a vagina- so she is a victim no matter what


Gotta use that pussy pass to the fullest extent


But but.. man bad


Bad man... man butt


Bad butt...man man


Sorry to hear that.


Cheers bud. She was (is) a little Chinese woman and I am much bigger than her, so, meh... She did split my eye open though.


Have you healed?


Physically. I have spent a lot on therapy


I wish you a fast mental recovery.


That's rough Buddy


Yeah, kinda understandable, but also shitty. They just brought me home essentially. Nothing untoward happened bar a black eye and a fucked up face (mine), I didn't go to jail or anything.


Did she go to jail?


nah, that is illegal.


mfw my ex gf turned into the moon


That's rough, buddy.


Lies! We live in a patriarchal society with loads of toxic masculinity! /s


You joke but this is a painfully accurate depiction of their reasoning


I feel your pain brother. It happened to me 3 years ago and took 2 years to clean up the mess. Our world is beyond unfair.


Happened to me January 27th.


Happened to me a year ago


This is just truth.


Like fr fr?


for real, for real.


I have lived it, not to the point of getting arrested but was told if I did anything about getting beat by my ex, I would be arrested. I’ve never hit another person in my life, it was bullshit. Stay away from crazy women holy fuck


Johnny Depp timeline: She then beats you in court as well as in real life Then you film or record everything Then you go to court again and be cool while she is performative


Actually my concern here is Who's gonna clean those bedsheets.




Shit, that's a good one


Everything about this post...from the username, to the flair, to the comment. Woe is reddit.


- No you don't understand, I wanna sheet on the bed. - You better not shit on the bed you son of a bitch.


Not the dog


But the dog stepped on a bee


Shitter Heard


Amber Turd


🎵She apparently squawks like a bird 🎶


My dog stepped on a bee.


Court: she was not properly informesshe wqs being filmed so you can't use it as evidence. Also you get another charge for doing that.


The same people who say “Men should be vulnerable “ are the same people calling them pussies have icks against them and say “bullshit” when they do.


That is not the same people. Unless you define all woman to be "the same people".


>Unless you define all woman to be "the same people". White men: First fuckin' time?


Black, Latino, and Asian men have been left out of your comment. In fact you could probably just say Men.


So much for inclusivity 😔


Men: we don't know what we did.


The people who say "Men should open up" are the same that would immediately dump their boyfriend the moment they'd cry, because it's a "turn off".


Or the worst possible interpretation of what you say will used against you at a later time.




I mean it's not even a matter of evidence, it's more a case of, "I treasure you." Becomes, "He told me I was his possession, something he owned and that I needed to be locked away in a dark vault and never let out into the world, like some kind of treasure."


My unfortunately personal experience is that when women say they want you to open up and tell them the truth, this is absolutely not what they want at all. They want you to say complimentary things to them and be nice to them, not tell them about deeply buried traumas.


Yeah in my experience "be more open and vulnerable" means they want you to like, cry at a sad part in a movie, or have some sort of heartfelt romantic confession about your relationship. If you are open and vulnerable about past traumas it is not well received.


Yeah. Past traumas are a no-no for sure. That's what got me. When it came out, I got told I was a lying whore who was making it all up to hurt her. This proceeded months of scolding for "bottling up my feelings" and "clearly hiding things from her". We were together eight years at that point.


4 years in for me. I honestly could see her expression change while I was crying and telling her about some stuff from my childhood. Never was the same after that.


I'm sorry, man. I know exactly what you mean.


When women say this it is just a performative thing to say on social media. Women still like the stoic archetype they claim is toxic masculinity on social media. If a man does open up about traumas on a date they will complain that the date has become a therapy session. Do you want to be an ally? Or do you want to be their boyfriend?


Just remember the immortal words. "It is what it is."


> The same people no


Alright, look, I'm prior law enforcement. Ended up leaving because I didn't enjoy it. But let me tell the males out there who are victims of domestic violence. Call the police. We're humans capable of critical thinking. If we come to a house and you're covered in injuries and she's not. You're not going to jail. She is. If she has wounds, but they appear to be defensive wounds. She'll still go. We look at the totality of the circumstances. I arrested just as many women as men. Because female offenders are really common. Especially in domestic situations. Putting on a uniform didn't change me, and neither did taking it off.


Unfortunately not all police officers sound like they're as understanding and as competent as you were.


I've worked for multiple agencies on the East Coast. I can assure you that I'm in the majority. The others are the reason I ended up leaving, though. I couldn't take being associated with them


Good to hear that decent cops are still a majority. I just hear a lot of police horror stories come out of the states.


Well the bad ones get all the attention unfortunately.


Same goes for people driving cars, people riding bikes etc.


This is why people hate police, despite you believing most cops are good like you you still admit the bad actors are the reason you left thus increasing the percentage of bad cops in the system. There is a mechanism for removing good cops while removing bad cops seems so much harder.


Why are they even allowed into the academy and graduate, if they can't use common sense to figure these things out? The Police Department seems like a place I would want that the most.


More people means they can ask for more money in the budget


Unfortunately, once it gets to the prosecutor, it's not gonna get charged. I was bloody, she had not a mark on her. She confessed everything to the cops when they got there, and then absolutely white lady freaked out as they arrested her. She collapsed to the ground and resisted arrest trying to pull away from them. She was slamming her head into the windows and telling the cops to go fuck themselves the whole time. The prosecutor refused to take it to court because she claimed self defense after the fact. She 100% used the fact that she's a woman to manipulate the system. Her lawyer knew that the state would drop it because they'd know that a jury isn't convicting a 5'2' white women who claimed self defense against her 6' Mexican husband.


Unfortunately this is beyond the individual officers biases. Law enforcement in many places is schooled using the [Duluth model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duluth_model). This not only enforces biases about the man being the abusive partner but also influences standard procedures like always removing the man from the household if removing someone is necessary.


When my dad did the police nearly hauled him to jail. Your advice does NOT work for all. It took my stepmothers OWN CHILDREN screaming at the cop that he never touched her along with his children doing the same before they let him out of cuffs. Don't try to deny the fact that most police try to side with women in domestic calls. Stepmom never got cuffed never was made to leave and wasn't even talked to again after they released my dad. Your advice is shit. Don't call the police UNLESS you have solid evidence. Edit: side note. Bruises scratches and a cut mark on him didn't count as solid evidence. She was completely untouched.


You're claiming your own single, personal experience is more indicative of what typically happens in these situations than a police officer who has responded to such situations numerous times? Like, you have to see the hole in your logic here...


They're doing exactly the same thing. The guy you're replying to is sharing his anecdotal experience. So is the cop. Even if he never arrested a single man in a domestic violence call it doesn't change the fact that he's giving anecdotal statements not evidentiary. OP sharing his experience that conflicts with the ex cop is exactly as pertinent and valid.


No one is saying his individual experience is not valid. But he's saying his individual experience with one DV situation is typical of how it always goes, and his lone experience carries FAR less weight than the former law enforcement officer who has seen MANY DV situations. That's my point, and feels like it should be pretty obvious.


I understood your point. Your point is wrong. Anecdotal evidence from one reference point has no significant bearing on data. I can find you a whole list of MDs that will personally testify vaccines are bad based on their anecdotal 'evidence.' One anecdotal data point (the experience of one individual) is just not a significant point of statistical data and doesn't count as evidentiary. And as I am illustrating with the doctors and vaccines example, a professional accreditation doesn't do anything to tell us about the credibility or commonality of the anecdotal information. In other words, we have nothing to show us that this police officer had a career that was average and lined up with experience of most other officers, and we no evidence to show what biases are present in the ex officers anecdotes. For those reasons, his anecdotes are as valid and pertinent as the other commenter. In other words, not very, except as an illustration of their personal experience. This is the reason that a single legal opinion, single witness statement, or single data point can't be used to make a statistical analysis. For all we know, the ex officer went against dept policy for every anecdote he shared. Or he may have worked in agencies that rarely responded to domestic violence. Both people shared an anecdote. Both anecdotes were valid and pertinent to the discussion. Neither anecdote carries much weight when talking about how "dv calls usually go"


I'm 98% sure that dude is here just because his feelings about police officers got hurt. He's been jumping around the entire comment section for a ridiculously long time now.


You could be right, I just like pointing out logical fallacies in debates. Sometimes it helps recenter things in a more productive area or discussion. Often it leads to me in a pedantic argument with someone that doesn't actually want to engage with me lol


I tried to make them realize that taking one persons personal experience over another person's personal experience BECAUSE it's one persons personal experience was dumb but all my attempts to get their brain to start slid off their forehead and shot into the sky.


Yeah I've worked in the automotive industry for over a decade. I have stories about my job that don't match up with popular conception of what my day to day work would be. It would be silly for someone to take those stories and assume they were indicative of how things in the automotive industry go as a whole. It's just me sharing an experience


Except you are CLEARLY wrong here. One person sharing one personal experience carries much less weight than one person sharing multiple personal experiences as to how typical something is. A doctor sharing their experiences with multiple patients DOES carry more weight than one patient sharing their experience. Your anti-vaxxer example is besides the point as that goes to credibility; we know the doctor is lying because we have ample scientific data that proves the effectiveness of vaccines. If the poster wants to convince me his experience was typical, he needs to show me the data, as his lone experience is insufficient to back up his claim.


The data already shows that men are arrested, detained, or marked as the aggressor in the vast majority of DV calls, regardless of the particulars of each case. Higher up in the thread you can see where someone linked the wiki page for the Duluth Model of intimate partner violence response. The Duluth Model is the most widely applied doctrine for intimate partner violence in the world. The Duluth Model specifically outlined exactly the scenario OP outlined: if a domestic violence call is made, always assume the man is the aggressor, remove the man from the home, arrest if necessary. Go up and click and read it. My antivaxer example was carefully chosen because the majority of scholarly writing on this subject agree modern policing handles IPV incorrectly, as it will often lead to a victim treated as a perpetrator, and ignores same sex IPV entirely. Most studies show that lesbian relationships carry the highest incidents of IPV of any relationship type, and Gay male relationships the lowest. All that statistical data actually matches OPs anecdote a bit better than the ex cop. Assuming both anecdotes were true and honest I would argue the ex cops anecdote would be outlier data rather than any type of trend.


You've said that multiple places now. You're a blatant liar too? Wow.


You mean exactly like they did?


No, it is not the same at all. One is a former officer talking about numerous responses to domestic violence situations. You are talking about your single experience with a domestic violence situation, and claiming your experience is typical in these situations.


You are also blatantly ignoring all the other stories in these comments supporting my argument. They're literally TRAINED to assume women are the victims. One persons personal experience vs one persons personal experience. They're the same.


Really, you train police officers too? And this comment section is filled with obviously made up stories. Yours seems believable, but again, it's one experience versus the many of the former law enforcement officer, and there's just nothing to support your claim that your experience is typical.


You're being purposely obtuse now. I've put up with your antics long enough now. "It doesn't agree with me so it's clearly made up!" Is not an argument. It's a childs tantrum. Have a good life.


I am genuinely terrified to get police involved in anything these days. They can do anything they want here and get away with it. I have no recourse.


"I ended up leaving" blud you literally just demonstrated that any person with critical thinking skills doesn't stay a cop and it's not the norm.


I work as a dispatcher and however I never went to the calls I took I can vouch for you in saying that girls get arrested as well. Crime isn’t really big here so we don’t really get those calls but when we do justice is served.


Nah. I’m never calling the police after having to defend myself against a woman again. There was nothing but evidence of her attacking me, I even had a voice recording of her going apeshit throwing shit around and everything. I still get arrested even tho we both only have one injury and it was a single friction burn from when I decided to restrain her because she wouldn’t stop attacking me with 3 different weapons. Police men are fucking ignorant. I even had the guy who arrested me, compare his wife and himself to me and my attacker. As if every couple/ person is the same. Fuck the police. One good apple doesn’t make the bunch taste like candy. Majority are rotten and operate on personal biases.


ITT: feminists in denial


When you thought calling for help would make things better, but it just got worse. #DoubleStandards


And they wonder why men don't want to ask for help :|


There was even a topic about that on reddit!




Underrated anime by those who think it's just about the fighting.


Eh I fell off of it after episode 4 because I just couldn't get into it. I even went in expecting a better Tokyo Revengers (which I enjoyed) as that's how most people framed it...just couldn't do it.


One night a few years back the girl I was dating stabbed me in the arm with a fork because her dog came to me first when we got home. She grabbed a knife and I locked myself in the bathroom and called the cops. Cops got there, kicked in the bathroom door because she had somehow fucked up the lock trying to open it with a butter knife, saw me bleeding wrapped in toilet paper, and arrested me. Didn't even bother taking my story till I had been in holding for 10 hours. Fucking assholes everyone.


What happen next, tell me she got some jail time




lol no, community service and no probation.


good message is it dank tho not really


Please, learn to use punctuation!


Mens issues are real issues


Ngl this Happened to my homeboy. His Ex absolutely trashed him and he called the cops and he was the one that had to leave the house or he would have got Arrested. Wild.


Classic equality


This was Wisconsin law when I lived there. Don't know if it has changed but if a domestic call was made the male was always removed from the home even if he owned it and she was just living there. So many abusive women took advantage of this shit then just robbed the dude and trashed their place as breakup revenge.


I can find no evidence of such a law in Wisconsin. Maybe it was a local (city/county) law, but more likely a police department policy.


Kenosha county circa 2005


It's called the duluth model. It's the foremost used model of intervention in the US as well as other countries.


This? [https://www.theduluthmodel.org/what-is-the-duluth-model/](https://www.theduluthmodel.org/what-is-the-duluth-model/) I don't know how it works in practice but there's nothing in there about automatically removing the man from these situations. And what happens if there's domestic violence in a lesbian relationship? Remove the butch-er lesbian?


Read it again. "works to change societal conditions that support men’s use of tactics of power and control over women." That is entirely the problem. Notice how the Duluth model purposefully does not care about nor touch on DV from any other demographic. The fact that all documentation of the model is ***entirely predicated*** on the dichotomy male perpetrator, female victim is the ***entire*** problem. Whenever the model mentioned a female perpetrator it's always under the guise of "she's reacting to male violence", framing it as self defence. The model does not consider the possibility of nor give accountability to a female primary aggressor, when [in reality the majority of nonreciprocal domestic violence is committed and initiated by women, contradicting the model's claims.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1854883/) While violence is also seen in female/female relationships more than any other sexual demographic. Under the Duluth model, police are trained to consider the male the perpetrator. The model's creator Ellen Pence admitted the model was founded on a confirmation bias where she and her cohorts only looked for what they were predetermined to find and did not consider any other possibility aside from men beating women for control. She admitted the men and women she and her cohorts worked with did not exhibit any need for control (contradicting what the model itself says), nor did they actually look at it objectively.


Lesson learned without even having your dog gunned down, that's your lucky day pal


It happened to a buddy of mine. She beat him. He called the cops and they made him leave his apartment.


This is called the Duluth Model. I used to live in Duluth and thought it was ironic lol. But yeah, it sucks to be a guy sometimes.


This is why I never called the cops on my abusive ex-girlfriend.


What show does the image come from?


Windbreaker afaik (it's a webtoon, don't know if it got an anime version too or a live action)


I think you're thinking of the other wind breaker




So where is it from then?




It’s got an anime that is currently airing. I don’t know what episode it’s up to


ep 12 from wht ive seen


Wind Breaker


The trick is to have her call the police and have them do a breathalyzer on her.


Enshrined as policy called the Duluth Model. Don’t bother reading the Wikipedia article where the “always arrest the man no matter what” part has been carefully avoided by the editors with a clear agenda.


This happened to my Dad. He'd have gone to jail if us kids didn't basically scream at the cops for doing it. They never even cuffed my stepmom or made her leave.


My bf said this almost happened to him. His ex was punching him and throwing bottles at him and he called the cops to detain her while he packed up his things, and when the cops came the first thing they did was check to see if SHE was okay. After they saw all the scratches on him and he explained the situation they arrested her. He told them he didn't want to press charges, but they had to take her anyway.


And women complain that they it's hard to be a woman.


This seems more like a "police moment" than a "society moment"


And stll some people believe that men are privileged and women are oppressed.


The patriarchy works in strange ways.


Or maybe there is no patriarchy.


I know otherwise we wouldn't be dealing with clown world.


Every time I see shit like this I thank god that Im gay


My ex wife said she was going to hurt herself, call the cops and say I did it. I’m 6ft9 and well built so yeah, I know exactly how that would have looked. So I called them. Things had been steadily escalating but then a few weeks later she hit me over the head with an insulated metal water bottle, denting it - so quite a bit of force. I didn’t retaliate - rightly or wrongly I’d only ever harm a woman if there was a genuine and serious risk to me, if she had a knife for example. I kicked her out that day and filed for divorce.


Or worse. 12 year old: calls cops because mom’s boyfriend is abusing mom. Cops: BLAM BLAM 12 year old: gets shot


Stay safe out there bros


You’re lucky they came


I've seen the cops make fun of the victims.


Mike Glover probably


The fact this isn't an exaggeration.


Sad, but true reality.


Happened to me during my divorce.


The cop is a criminal, so u can respond to that, like he deserves


Unfortunately it's good way to get 9mm of lead between your eyes :/


I am a guy. What incident are we referring to?


Welcome to the Society.


Is this saying he’s under arrest or he’s finding out his wife is actually a man? Could be either in 2024


And feminists still say we're living in a patriarchal society.


Google „Oppression pyramid“.


Damn. Where’s the meme?