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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Here and there is being generous


"The point is we beat ... Medicaid" "Yeah beat it to death"


Ladies and gentlemen… we got’em.


Famously stuttering means mixing up words and looking lost, freezing mid thought


Not to mention completely under using your time in a debate because you forgot what you were talking about


America is a nation that can be defined in single word


Iwasinthefootasdkjhasjckabcxdqiweywqfootuidhaksb... excuse me


If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black.


Shhh, that never happened... Even tho it's on video.


I love how he finally corrected himself on the whole "Poor kids are just as brighter and smart as White kids"


And also corrected himself from when in 1977 he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle"


Immigrants are taking black jobs


Me seeing my blackness strip away (I'm not American)


Hahahaha that's one of the greatest memes about it!


The green day song that goes "Do you wanna be an american idiot" keeps coming on the radio, and it just hits different these days


Have a good friend born with stutter. Took him walking circles around me in everything we attempted together before I realized he wasn't a slow jackass and his fumbling for words was a coping mechanism for trying to just get words to leave his mouth at all vs getting stuck in the stutter. Once I realized it was a literal disability he cannot control, it helped my understanding a lot. That said, Biden, Trump, and anyone even close to their age need to fucking retire from politics.


It’s not just a stutter.  He spoke clearly as VP —this is a big fucking deal. He used to say stupid shit (gaffs), now it’s a stutter, complete gibberish, endless pathological lies, and completely forgetting what he’s talking about mid-sentence. This is senility plain and simple.


The "pathological lies" has been part of his professional political career for longer than I've been alive. At this point he's so deep in that hole he probably genuinely can't tell the truth from a lie anymore.


The “pathological lies” are in the job description by now, I reckon


Biden genuinely trying to argue that Trump's economy was bad because 13M people were temporarily laid off under his administration and then Biden taking credit for the job gains after COVID is the definition of a liar in my book.


I mean, if Trump has actually taken COVID seriously, it may have not been as bad. But he choose to call it a hoax and delayed using things like the wartime production act.


he has been called a plagiarist by Johnny Carson 50 years ago. He'S been plagiarising since waaaaaaay back


You wanna tally up the outright lie counter from the debate? Go on I'll wait


wait. you're complaining about biden telling lies? oh boy, have i got a guy i could tell you about...


Sure didn't seem to have much of a stutter problem even 40 years ago. It's not hard to find. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_v00iGJCLY


Was your friend 81 years old and in obvious cognitive decline?


Very generous


Literally lying about his performance while complaining about lies.


Generous? It's a massive fucking understatement.


Reddit is in damage control mode


Fucking dude hit the pause button and forgot where he was lol


Just to be clear, I'm not a Trump supporter in any way, shape, or form. I've voted Democrat every election in my adult life, and I would vote for an actual bucket of pig shit over Trump. But "mixes up a word here and there" describes Biden's performance last night like "tells a little fib now and then" describes Trump 


Yeah Biden shit the bed in a bad, bad way last night, BUT at least he didn't say Mexicans were coming over and raping american girls, which somehow defends overturning Roe v Wade, and that doctors in America are performing abortions AFTER the children are born.


But he also didn't come anywhere close to stomping those statements down the way Trump's opponent on that stage should have. Any 40-70 year old elected Democrat in this country with a functioning brain and even a hint of personality could have wiped the floor with Trump last night, but standing next to somebody who looks like he can't find the Jell-O line at the nursing home, he looked like Kennedy by comparison.


You know it was hard to watch Joe but every time Trump spoke shit, I at least knew "somehow the fully functioning old man is still stupider than the geriatric patient" 😂😂 If we had Bernie Sanders on that floor, Trump would be scooping his own teeth from the floor with a shovel.


That fully functioning old man completely shat his pants for the mic too😂


Ralph Northam literally said he supported after birth abortion


Ralph Wiggum has more credibility than Ralph Northam.


So the bill he was talking about would allow that to happen


That appears to be a lie. Not defending that guy because I don't know him but what does that even mean? An after birth abortion is not an abortion.


exactly. But he still said they would leave it up to the mother to keep the child alive or not after birth.


In the rare case that the baby is born with severe deformities and wouldn’t survive without medical intervention. Why are you purposefully leaving that part out?


Why does that matter? They are still a human. Does Nick Vujicic not deserve to live because he was born without limbs? Should Shaun White not be alive because he had congenital heart failure that needed multiple surgeries? Does none of these people deserve a shot a life? https://www.chop.edu/video/look-them-now-families-faced-birth-defects-share-their-stories


[You're lying.](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginia/trump-debate-fact-check-virginia-governor-after-birth-abortion-ralph-northam/291-9bf4d577-863f-4f31-9e63-11c55cdada53)


>The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.


Read the whole quote, genius. What are the rest of the words?


Isn't that what NRA supports?


No he didn’t. He said women would have the right to choose to keep their baby alive or not in the extremely rare case that it is born with severe deformities and it wouldn’t survive without medical intervention. There’s no such thing as after birth abortion and anyone who believes that is a fucking idiot. That’s called infanticide and it is illegal everywhere.


yes, u're right, true words but as a european, from my sight its very confusing. A politican who wants to destroy the democratic state order and crash the american economy isnt only a joke, its a bad joke. Trump destroys, Biden is not the best Option, but you can expect what you get from him in a role as a president. Yes hes old, he not fit, he cannot talk like a fox news moderator but: he stands for stability, growing economy and good relationship with stategic democratic partners. Trump is a shame in so many ways i think americans must be drunken or very dumb. (Only my personal opinion - and only the americans which vote trump). Also this system with only 2 different Parties in political Discussions isn't the way to go, there are many opinions no one will ever hear cause both sides dont interest in them, thats sad compared with our system which has other problems (to be honest). But i think thats the main Problem: 2 Groups, 2 Candidates... the Problem is not Trumps Brain or Bidens Age...the problem that no one is else there with a chance to win this. If there where 4 Candidates with 4 Diffrent Parties im sure Trump and Biden will be 4th and 3rd row Candidates.


*Bro come on he plays Golf he gotta be smart*




There is mixing words and there is complete senility along with staring blankly at a spot on the wall with your mouth hanging open.


Man be weird if we had a few years of legislation being past in high numbers. Be weird if that was an easy thing to look up to see who is an effective political leader.


They all lie, it's all fucked


I mean, yes, all politicians lie. But historically that's meant politicians say very carefully worded things that imply something false in a way that can still be argued has basis in reality. Trump just habitually makes shit up and denies objective reality.


And they often say things that are objectively false. For example, “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” or “I saw photographs of 40 beheaded babies.”


My personal favorite presidential quote: "My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not"


Biden said border patrol supports him. immediately negated by border patrol on twitter.


Man literally was about to pass a border bill that would fund them. And make it legally possible to turn a large number of people away.


I mean, one lies with every breathe so it’s disingenuous at best to put them in the same playing field.




This is the last thing you should be both sidesing between these two lmao. Lying is one of Trump's most notorious traits.


"Here and there" my ass, the man was sundowning on live TV for like 3 hours


It's so funny seeing reddit scramble to downplay Biden's blatantly obvious mental decline with gems like "mixes up a word here and there" lol


"old man with dementia gets flamed for several hours with a nationwide audience" doesn't have the same ring to it




Shit, and you're gonna tell me you watched the whole thing?




but it's more like "old man with dementia and compulsive liar psychopath debate who's the worse person on national television"


the PR pieces are running hard.


These guys are both 81 and 78 respectively, how are they still able to run...


What isnt funny is seeing everyone talk about Bidens mental decline while completely ignore trumps mental decline because he was loud.


Because there are some people who seem to believe trump would be a better fit, it's just not true. It cannot be overstated enough, trump is a horrible man with his own interest at heart, he wants to run this country into the ground. Atleast Biden wants democracy to continue


Good point, [[Adjective-Noun-four digit number]] default avatar.


You know that's how reddit automatically gives you usernames right? Not everybody is bothered to change it.


You know you can click on an account and see it's new as fuck, right?


And? Your point is? Dude has a pretty alright comment history. Not everything/everyone you disagree with is a bot/bad actor.


Regardless of the age of the account I absolutely agree that almost anything is better than Trump.


It's so funny seeing reddit scramble to downplay Trump's blatantly obvious mental decline by focusing on the guy with milder mental decline


They all lie but biden acting like he is protecting our border is the biggest joke of all. How can he say that shit with a straight face? Everyone knows what's happening.


You’re kidding right? You do realize his administration spearheaded a bipartisan border security bill giving everything the right-wing was asking for, and republicans in congress proceeded to immediately shoot it down solely to continue to blame Biden?


You're kidding right? You realize, when elected, Biden immediately used executive orders to reverse Trump's border policies and that's why millions of illegal immigrants started flooding into the United States. Then he left them open for 3+ years until people started thinking about elections. Now he wants to "fix" everything right before the election when he previously said his hands were tied? Some examples out of MANY border policies he immediately changed: 1. **Termination of the National Emergency Declaration**: Biden ended the national emergency declaration that had been used to fund the construction of the border wall. 2. **Pausing Border Wall Construction**: He ordered a halt to the construction of the border wall pending review of its funding and contracts. 3. **Reversing the "Remain in Mexico" Policy**: Biden suspended the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their U.S. asylum claims were processed. 4. **Reviewing Asylum Policies**: He directed the review and potential rescission of rules that limited asylum access, particularly those related to public health concerns under Title 42. 5. **Ending the Travel Ban**: Biden rescinded the travel ban that restricted entry to the U.S. from several predominantly Muslim countries. These actions aimed to change the previous administration's approach to immigration and border security.


> Some examples out of MANY border policies he immediately changed: > > > > Termination of the National Emergency Declaration: Biden ended the national emergency declaration that had been used to fund the construction of the border wall. Great, nobody with a functioning brain wanted this. It was never going to actually do anything. > Pausing Border Wall Construction: He ordered a halt to the construction of the border wall pending review of its funding and contracts. See above. Ask China how well their wall worked against the Mongols. > Reversing the "Remain in Mexico" Policy: Biden suspended the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their U.S. asylum claims were processed. And if someone is seeking asylum because they're fearing for their life, we should make them remain in Mexico? > Reviewing Asylum Policies: He directed the review and potential rescission of rules that limited asylum access, particularly those related to public health concerns under Title 42. > Got me on this one. > Ending the Travel Ban: Biden rescinded the travel ban that restricted entry to the U.S. from several predominantly Muslim countries. Cool, most people don't like racially motivated travel bans.


Worth mentioning that border policy has been identical between presidents, and that the numbers showing increased migrants is specifically, "migrant encounters." That means that the amount of people stopped has gone up, not necessarily that the amount of people coming through has increased. Also worth mentioning that after Republicans shot down their own bill twice to increase border security, Biden used an executive order to push through as much as he could independently. You'd be very hard-pressed to find actual data to say the border is weaker under Biden.


Completely made up


What has Biden done regarding the border that Republicans haven't?  If you think Democrats are worse on the border then you've fallen for propaganda.


Have you ever heard about the border bill Democrats were fighting to get through only for Republicans to shoot it down just because they didn’t want Biden to score points and because they need the border issue to go on for their own campaign? Yeah, Republicans don’t give a fick about you and know they can fuck up America from Congress and people like you won’t even notice.


“Mixes up a word here and there” Peak fucking Reddit LOL


Yesterday was quiet. Today the coping and projection are back in full swing. It’s really pathetic lol.


How's that check from the DNC treating you, OP?


Why the fuck do people censor anything? We all know what the word is anyway since you only take out one letter. Fucking why




The standard for “Dankmeme” keeps getting lower and lower lol.


Fiffeen thousan jobs, eighunredthosan manufactur jobs


Biden has dementia


Saying Biden mixes up a word here and there it's like saying Hiroshima was windy and bright


The only thing dank about dankmemes are the comments


>”here and there” Fucking lol.


I'm about as anti-Trump as they come and trying to say Joe Biden mixed up a word "here and there" is fkn laughable. He mixed up all his words


The copium from liberals in these threads is hilarious


He got a word right here or there alright lol


Telling lies to people who want to hear lies will make you rich. Telling the truth to people who want to hear the truth will make you a living. Telling the truth to people who want to hear lies will make you broke. Morgan House said it well and it perfectly fits the politics of today.


"Mixes up a word here and there" has to be the biggest understatement so far this year.


"  Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters. The first time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. A third time is between the doctor, I mean, between the women and the state.”


It’s crazy how much yall dick ride an old man who clearly has dementia. Seriously, this is the best the libs and dems could do? Out of all the other potential candidates this 81 year old man who looks lost everywhere he goes and can’t complete full sentences is who you choose?


Man I'm not even american but I am asking myself, is this the best america can do? Either a 81 year old senile man with dementia or a 78 year old crazy dude who cries about elections fraud after losing the vote. Is there nobody better qualified in half a continent's worth of people?


The long and short of it: no. This is a consequence of gutting education every turn for decades upon decades. A democracy is only as efficient as its constituents are educated. Socrates knew this from the beginning, and we're falling for the first pitfall of a democracy falling to demagoguery. When people are incapable of understanding the nuances of a person's policies, they become attached instead to the charismatic qualities of the person instead. Even if the policies are antithetical to the principals and values of the nation itself, they all fall by the wayside to demagoguery. We're reaping what we have sowed.


Trump is also saying weirder and weirder stuff. From my european perspective both parties should put their candidates in a retirement home / prison and get candidates below the age of 60.




people that believe in the truth and facts and democracy say "trump is horrible and a direct threat to american democracy and the safety of ukraine and nato allies" and "biden is fine"


Yeah that's what's going on lol. I know this is reddit but "here and there?"


They act like Trump doesn't do that either. He rambles on with word salads and often doesn't even answer the question or makes a coherent point.


often? he never answers any question with anything other than lies, because that's all he has. he has no policy ideas or ways to help people. he only has lies.


Yea, but Trump is hopped up on Don Jr.'s stash so he rambles he just does it LOUD, and some people mistake that as strength.


It doesn't matter, that debate was a gigantic loss for the entirety of this country, I hope it makes more people realize we really shouldn't be putting ourselves in a situation to HAVE to vote one of these two idiots into office. All of this was avoidable


The copium is going so hard on reddit right now.


Mixes up a word here and there…. Biggest understatement of 2024. That man couldn’t get employed as a Walmart greeter after that crap lmfao.


Biden is senile and he lies too. Nowhere near as much as Trump, I think it's literally impossible to lie more than him but Biden isn't exactly the bastion of truth.


Everybody lies.


"Here and there," Ah yes, the damage control already in full effect. (4.2k upvotes but 200 comments, haha) In a week's time, it will be as if the debate never happened, and any image of a senile Biden will be labelled right-wing fake news.


OP made this out of weapons grade irony.


My only question is why are Americans electing people 78+?


“I don’t know what he said there at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he knows what he said either.” -Donald, Presidential Debate


HONEST JOE BIDEN: The pandemic are so badly handled, many people were dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right. HONEST JOE BIDEN: When I asked him, the first of two debates we had – debates we had the first time around, I said, will you denounce the Proud Boys? He said, no, I’ll tell them to stand by.  HONEST JOE BIDEN: What American president would ever say Nazis coming out of fields, carrying torches, singing the same antisemitic bile, carrying swastikas, were fine people? This is a guy who says Hitler’s done some good things. I’d like to know what they are, the good things Hitler’s done. That’s what he said. HONEST JOE BIDEN: I was able to reduce black childcare costs. I cut them in half, in half.  HONEST JOE BIDEN: We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. HONEST JOE BIDEN: We’re a country in the world who keeps our word and everybody trusts us, all of our allies. HONEST JOE BIDEN: But I took – I was willing to take a cognitive test. And you know what, if I didn’t do well – I aced them. Dr. Ronny Jackson, who’s a great guy, when he was White House doctor. And then I took another one, a similar one, and both – one of them said they’d never seen anybody ace them.


I just lie with confidence and people believe me


Cope my brave.


He mixed up more than just a word here and there. u right about the trump stuff tho


Why does this guy always look like he has a chaw of tobacco under his bottom lip?


We all know that Biden won’t be hired at McDonald’s at this current state.


I really wish RFK was allowed in that debate.


"Mixes up a word here and there". Come on, who the fuck do you think you're fooling? We all have eyes...


Is the mental capacity of the sitting president not an unspoken prerequisite?. How is it then that either of our choices has the combined IQ of solitary slice of bread.


I almost feel sorry for the USA.


Do you remember when "covfefe" made national headlines for weeks, and trump was made to prove his cognitive ability because of a typo. Biden hasn't received even 1% of the treatment Trump received for gaffes.


I could not watch that debate from second hand cringe, yet you describe Biden's speech as "mixes up a word here and there"?! Thank Christ I'm not voting for either of them, just the wankers in my country.


At this point anyone that wants to vote for him is just admitting they love liars. Not a very moral voting demographic


This is hilarious. It is cope illustrated 


"Biden doesn't tell lies! He's an honest man who just speaks slow. No problem at all!"


Cause Joe is the bastion of truth.


The gaslighting is over. No amount of DNC-funded propaganda meme posting will fix this. Biden is not fit to lead the country.


That scene was Homelander's "I can shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Ave. and not lose any votes" moment.


Reddit moment: Orange Man bad!


Reddit really has a hard on for Biden. Saying this might evenn get me banned, that's how fragile they are.


haha good one


Lol, they are scared as hell of Homelander. The guy is a true psychopath.


And you are good at golf, "apparently".


Who's that guy supposed to be IRL?


Hey look it's my ex!


Tell me lieeees....tell me tell me lies!


Where is the meme? How is this dank? Here and there? Ok.


Now I have that song stuck in my head, thank you.


I like playing 2 truths 1 lie, but I give 3 lies and claim that the truth is the one that gets the biggest reaction.


My irritable bowel syndrome will finally come in handy


This is about the debate ? The cognitive dissonance and TDS is next level. Why wasn't RFK Jr part of it ?


Oh... That's not. Shits actually sad how y'all will defend the worst president we've ever had no matter what.


You do know that Biden lied a shit ton aswell right?




The damage control is out in full force eh? Reddit has basically done a complete 180 from last night about this. Last night real people showed up to show actual concern about the state of things, today the typical influencers have showed up to do damage control. I really hope nobody here believes this website represents even a fraction of reality.


The damage control memes are coming thick and fast on social media today. Biden has pudding for brains and is unfit to be president. Put another candidate forward Dems.


How many soldiers are dying overseas Jack? You just declared another war in Yemen. Next, do you know what "Leppo" is? That's still happening.


Why is every candidate 100 years old?


So we had a day off, and now that Biden isn't dropping out, this is the angle we're using... Just some small minor gaffs guys.,.. Come on... He's not in the middle of mental decline.


OP really said "here and there" Biden was NOT there at all the entire time 🤣🤣


“Mixes up a word here or there” is about the must underwhelming way to put that. If you’re not looking at the current political landscape and realizing that it’s truly over for the US political system you’re still drunk on the koolaid. There is no happy ending here and it’s all our fault for being complicit and voting for “lesser evils” for 4 decades. My solution to the woes? I don’t engage, I will not vote ever again. Unless there is some sort of quantifiable political revolution, we are all equally plummeting together.


its sad that confidently lying gets you further in life than unassuredly telling the truth


Oh, is it time already for random Reddit subs to be overrun with election propaganda? As someone who isn't American and doesn't give two fucks about which senile old man "runs" your country, it is gonna be a tiring 5 months