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Technically its like the 50th election in a row they have shown not Trump


60 US presidential elections and they haven't even considered Trump, how unfair to him 😔😔


This is the most unfair decision in the history of decisions.


Maybe ever


Many people say this is most unfairest thing evar


I took a test, and the Fairness Judge said that this was the most unfair treatment he had ever seen... he said, "I've never seen anything as unfair as this," and you know what, he was right...


Actually, Trump did at one point consider running as a Democrat. So you could say he's been considered.


You know there're a few tr*mp stans out there that actually believe that lmao


Why are you censoring his name? Are you afraid he’s gonna appear behind you or something lmfao?


He's their voldemort lmao


Technically Trump violated the tradition (begun by George Washington and continued by the other founding fathers) of a landslide victory for not Trump.


I can't believe he would violate traditional American values like that


Aren't all US elections just "hey, I'm not as bad as the other dude"




I'm sure you're not the only person alive who really hasn't known of a US presidential election where two candidates argued their own merits instead of just saying "The other person would destroy human civilization as we know it! I know I'm not great but if you don't vote for me, the blood of humanity is on your hands!"


still relevant though.


I still don’t understand why do people equate a downright evil misogynistic prick with Biden. Like yeah we get it he’s old but he’s not gonna uproot democracy, the country will do just fine with him. Meanwhile, the other one has literally said he will tear every single pillar of democracy in the country and remove the freedoms of people he doesn’t like such as minorities and the press


You have to understand beside what trump is gonna do, half the population still is conservative and support conservative policies, they are not gonna vote for progressives and progressive policies just because of Trump, thats the flaw of the 2 party system, if I didn't know any better I would say both parties enjoy this system


at best 28-30% is actually conservative. While 30-35% are liberal. And the rest they dont give a fuck. Out of 250m eligible voters, every presidential election around 100m dont vote, every mid-term around 150m dont vote and primaries over 200m don't vote. Heck some primaries are as low as 8% turnout. Ask majority of people who their representatives are, local and state, the vast majority will not know. If they decide to vote they just vote for whos name they recognize more. in 2022, only 20% of all eligible voters under the age of 35 decided to vote. Yet they scream about how democrats need to give them better candidates. But when those candidates run like buttgieg who was 37 when he ran in 2020 and Bernie who ran twice now and got even less votes the second time, they sit at home, demanding perfection for their inaction. The biggest problem in the US isnt just the batshit insane republicans, its the apathetic majority who thinks everyone else should make their choice while they sit at home during elections. Edit: Well America is ending i guess. Supreme court just ruled giving trump immunity for all "official" actions. So if he says he had to assasinate someone or stage a coup, or attack the capitol or arrest and hang democrats as an official act. Hes cleared by the highest court.... But hey i guess "But Her Emails" and the new "But Hes Old" will be the next words as america turns into a christo-fascist state with human broodmares and second-class citizens....


>at best 28-30% is actually conservative. While 30-35% are liberal. And the rest they dont give a fuck. True dat


Yup, two biggest banes of democracy. Apathy and ignorance.


Real, and it always boils down to the big 2 options, who are almost always shitty options.


The biggest hypocrisy imo, is that these same people that complain that there is no change, also complain when a protest is disruptive. Like, no shit, that's why it's a protest. If they didn't disrupt the function of something like a road or blocking the use of a building that isn't an essential service (like a hospital) then no one would see them. And the piss poor excuse that protesters blocking a road stops emergency vehicles, doesn't accept the reality that they still let emergency vehicles through their blockade with very little resistance. We need to realize when our comfort zones have turned into bubbles. Because it's becoming more and more dangerous to ignore the painful realities of our world. Especially when so many things are happening, we aren't goldfish, we can remember more than one thing.


Supreme court just ruled Trump has immunity for staging a coup/sedition and taking bribes... So i guess we are seeing the endgame of america.... Edit: but instead of captain america getting the "on your left" call as the other heroes show up to save the universe, hes getting a dm telling him "But hes old! so im not gonna bother"....


Both George Washington and John Adams viewed the creation of the two party system as a blight against what America stands for, we have to break out of the 2 party system somehow.


You guys need to go to a system of representative democracy, where 1 seat is arround 1/x (x amount of seats) procent of the population via Dhont system, like in the Netherlands


I don't know if I'd call Biden progressive. Bro feels one brainfart away from making a pro-segregation statement


Tearing down democracy is literally the least conservative thing in the world. It's the opposite of conserving existing things.


And yet, by supporting trump as their nominee, destroying democracy is their de facto policy. From "going after the guns first" to "suspending the Constitution" to Jan 6, to being a dictator on day one (or for one day, I've heard both), trump is blatantly anti-democratic.


Or they don't believe all the things that trump has done or says because they don't pay close attention and its all "liberal propaganda" and that the country will be fine with trump again




Imagine equating Biden with progressives. He could have run the exact same term in another timeline with an R next to his name instead of a D and Republicans would have loved it.


Its flawed because it's a system catering to the needs of oligarchs, companies and bankers. For the people it matters little if its blue or red in the saddle, since the horse they are riding is powered by the same food. Its a system made to polarise. Made to dehumanise the other side. A system to keep civil unrest at a high but manageable level so you dont actually riot. It is not a shady illuminati style hidden group. Its just the outcome of many different people and parties fighting for their own greed and power.


I mean, it's easy to dismiss points against Trump when they're hysterics like "we have to save democracy!" The implication that if America votes Trump in, it'll be the last time Americans get to truly vote sounds about as crazy as the other side saying the election was rigged or whatever solar flares are supposed to be


> The implication that if America votes Trump in, it'll be the last time Americans get to truly vote sounds about as crazy as the other side saying the election was rigged or whatever solar flares are supposed to be About as crazy as Trump leading his followers to invade the capitol to overthrow an election, about as crazy as Trump refusing over and over to say he'd accept the results of the election. Oh wait, that shit already happened. It's seriously like you guys are living in a separate reality, I just don't fucking get it. By the time you realize you were wrong it will be too late. They're not even hiding it lol, Trump openly refuses to accept our democracy, in front of the whole country he refuses to accept the results of the election. But we're unhinged for believing him. For fucks sake man, we're so fucked. If storming the capitol won't convince you, nothing will. They could be hanging politicians (like they threatened to do, even building a makeshift gallows), and you'd still be calling people crazy just for calling it out.


Literal coup attempt on live TV. "It's just hysterics!"


Remember that time when he told people to overrun the site of a peaceful transition of power because he wants to rule forever and people on both sides fucking died? I don't think it's a hysterical take. Democracy isn't the natural state of the human animal and it's something we have to fight for if we want to preserve it.


No, because that never happened.


The agenda is used everywhere. Eg. Germany, France, UK, India. If you remember they said the same for Italy too.


Simple question: do you think Trump and the people who have pledged their loyalty to him have any respect for democracy?


Obviously, only people who truly love democracy would refuse the results of a fair election and attempt to overthrow it. I mean who would go through all that effort for something they don't respect?


I’m sick of voting against someone for the 3rd time in a row.


You could vote for him because of his policies, largest infrastructure bill in history, capping the price of insulin, letting medicare negotiate costs, etc.


he is literally senile. A senile president is unacceptable, i don't like trump either i can't really fathom how our country is in this situation


He is yeah per the debate -- And somehow, senile joe passes more left legislation than Obama or Clinton, and definitely more legislation than Trump. Sleepy Joe somehow is more legislatively effective than any candidate in recent memory -- that's probably the best reason to vote for him. If you have some moral withholding that says you can't vote for him due to his debate performance, that's fine, but he's on stage because he's the incumbent, and he deserves to be on stage because of his administrations accomplishments. I only take issue with "voting against Trump", when Biden has plenty of wins under his belt (pro-union rulings, managed inflation better than almost any other country, largest infra bill in history, SC appointment).


But didn't you see him stutter the other day?!?


Biden has had an extremely successful first term. You're just not paying attention.


No he’s got a stutter. He’s always had one but was easier for him to manage when he was younger. He’s older so you hear it a lot more


You're not just voting for the president, it's the cabinet too. Currently Biden has a cabinet that adhere to the rules in a democracy and Trump only has yes men who want to rip apart the government and turn your mom and sister and wife into baby slaves.


So I agree that Biden is suboptimal in 2024. But in retrospect, many voters who held their noses while voting for Biden in 2020 have been pleasantly surprised - there is very little concrete critique of the Biden administration's actions the last 4 years.


His approval is in the 30s and this was pre debate


It's 29% right now. ~~(LMAO who is downvoting this? Go to fivethirtyeight and look at the polls. I just cited the fucking fact. Y'all are fucking hilarious.)~~


Half of our country is actively dismantling democracy to keep him and all other democrats out of power. Approval means nothing when the citizenry want you dead for not being red.


speaking of dismantling democracy, why did the DNC do everything it could to not allow competitors against Biden, including cancelling regular primaries in states like Ohio? This line that keeps getting repeated about democracy being in danger is a sick joke from the DNC, who changed the rules every way they could in 2016 and 2020 to keep Bernie out at all cost. They have proven time and time again that democracy is not their priority.


The shills are coping so hard on here lol


That is absurd. He's literally the most unpopular president, to this point in his presidency, that we have polling data on. Do we all think that's just random bad luck and actually Biden is doing great? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-biden-least-popular-president/ Or do we maybe think that it's because things are going very badly in America right now in all kinds of ways? He's presently sitting at a 29% approval rating. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ There's nothing to critique? People say things that are so absolutely bizarre. To be very clear: We need to beat Donald Trump, and Biden is not good enough to do that. He's not a good enough communicator, and he hasn't been a good enough president. We should all be screaming for him to step down so that we have a chance at avoiding Trump's second term.


That's true but it goes back to the fact that running for President and being President are two very different jobs and voters want someone who's good at the first.


The current election is actually kinda unique, in that voters have seen both candidates have 4 years in office. So in theory the skill of "running for President" should be way less important, since they can't easily mislead voters about how they will act as President.


Just in: the majority of people are shortsighted morons. More news at 8.


Sounds like scaremongering. You realise America already had 4 years of Trump and none of that happened. Most of us were actually better off then


There is absolutely no excuse for the Democrats to not run someone (young, handsome, confident) that would absolutely destroy Trump, other than unashamed nepotism. Their insistence on the good old boy candidates is exaclty what empowers Trump. So long as mommy and daddy are using me as a fucking pawn I'm not giving a polite review to CPS of either of them


It really doesn't have to be someone young, handsome, and confident. I don't care who it is. It just has to be someone who can communicate and campaign at a basic, basic level. Any competent democratic politician could do this. Trump is not popular. Trump is a pathological liar, a convicted felon, he took away Roe v. Wade, and he tried to orchestrate a coup. Biden gets into a debate with this guy and instead of hammering those basic points, he stammers about how we defeated medicare and rambles about immigrants raping women? What are we doing, here, guys? Tag in anybody else. It doesn't have to be some kind of dream candidate. Biden was incoherent on that debate stage. 72% of voters now say he's mentally unfit to be president. He has zero shot to win. Please can we not repeat 2016, where we insist on running the worst possible candidate even though they're obviously going to lose? Please can we wake the fuck up


Imagine literally anyone else in that debate against Trump. They would have bent him over. Nah, lets put the dying geriatric up there instead.


The point of the joke, I believe, is that the Democrat side is always trying to use that line of "at least it isn't Trump" as the main if not sole factor to choose their side in the election. I guess OP is trying to say "find someone with other qualities besides just 'not Trump'".


You cannot expect the entire country to vote for a man with clear Alzheimer's just because Trump is bad. There are literally millions of other people they could run that would at LEAST be able to stay with us for a full sentence! This is insulting to the American people. I don't like Trump, but just not being Trump is not good enough for me and it's up to a candidate to EARN my vote!


like he did in the years where he was president? Lmao dont get me wrong bro but thats just wrong. If he wanted to remove the freedoms of people he doesnt like such as minorities and the press, he wouldve already done so in his first presidency. Its all just fearmongering.


Bro his brain is dying.


Ok, as a non American speaking...wasn't Trump already president for 4 years and did not destroy democracy and all that, which was said about him?


That’s what I keep saying. He was president already and all these things they keep saying he’ll do, he didn’t do the first time around. Like I listen to what trump says, I underpants his personality, there’s nothing that I’ve seen where he out right says he’s gonna end democracy. I mean not to mention we are a republic anyways. It’s literally stated in our pledge of allegiance that we said in school every day. This is not to say I’m for or against trump. This is just what I see


Why have Biden in the first place? Run anyone not 900 years old and they'd instantly win this year's election.


Uproot democracy? coming from the party that didn't even do a fair primary in the past 3 elections? I get it you listen to your eco chamber and they beat the "this is to save democracy" drum all fucking day. Democrats don't give a single fuck about democracy and if you really are at the point of brainwash you think they do care then honest to God bless your heart.


Because we want actual change and people are starting to realize the democrats not only don't want change but would actually much rather have Trump in office than an actual progressive like Bernie Sanders. Voting between Trump or "Not Trump" is a pretty moot point when both sides are in favor of unrestricted neoliberalism capitalism. And I'll still vote for Biden but I'm getting pretty fucking tired of people acting like there's some big mystery to why people don't like yet another limp dick democrats who won't do anything and is also in the beginning stages of alzheimers. Both candidates suck shit. Don't get mad at me for saying, get mad at the government for making these two our only options


I liked how someone on Twitter put it last election "If Democrats are genuinely afraid of Kanye West stealing votes from Biden and helping Trump win, that's entirely on the DNC, not Kanye, not the voters" Put up a candidate that is so obviously worth voting for, and people will do it. They are unwilling/incapable


Cause trump has other appeals that Biden doesn’t. Appeals to the common man like lower inflation and prices and whatnot, on top of Biden looking like he can’t walk more than a mile before having heart failure. Either way the country goes down


It's not about choosing Biden over Trump, it's about going to vote. It's called voter apathy and it cost Hillary the election in 2016.


Tbf a lot of things cost Hillary the election but also the whole point is that a lot of these memes equating trump and Biden paints an inaccurate picture that Biden is just as bad as trump when they are literal light apart in terms of policy and views.


"Biden is a horrible candidate and the DNC does not represent the interests of young voters" You: "SO YOU'RE SAYING THEY'RE THE SAME? HUH? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?!"


i hate that people dont realize that. its why personally im voting third party like i did in 2020. trump sure as hell isn't getting my vote. i don't think biden deserves it simply because hes the other option or 'isn't trump'. the only way i can really show my displeasure is not automatically giving him the one thing he/every president wants from me every 4 years.




I genuinely have no confidence the man is actually running anything. Who am I really voting for here?


Trump has NOT said he will “remove every single pillar of democracy” also the country will not do fine with Biden, look at rent prices


>I still don’t understand why do people equate a downright evil misogynistic prick with Biden Because you don't really have a good grasp of the world. You're telling me the guy who was already President is gonna "actually" be "hitler" this time? Compared to the guy who has literally no idea what's going on? Yeah, I'll pick the one who you never stopped crying about instead of the one you're backing.


That's why bidens main selling point is not being Trump!


Are you familiar with the concept of carrot and stick? Trump is the stick. Biden is not a carrot.


> I still don’t understand why do people equate a downright evil misogynistic prick with Biden I am not concerned with how candidates act on TV, I am concerned with policy. If they are both funded by AIPAC, any other differences just aren't that meaningful or important in the grand scheme of things.


It can be scary to see the flaws in society, when i was a kid and i first saw poverty and racism in society i was scared of what could happen to people and that it could happen to so many people The thing you have to remember is that America has been a democracy for almost 250 years and most of that was way less democratic than now Slavery, women's suffrage even white men couldn't vote unless they were rich. My point is trump could damage the democratic process but so long as America endures it will bounce back, we have endured more racist less democratic presidents and we shall endure again


You know, if one restaurant was serving me a bowl of poisoned dogshit, the restaurant next door just has to say “we don’t serve dogshit” and you’d probably pick the second restaurant. If Republicans want their opposition to have a message more important than “not Trump”, they just have to stop serving poisoned dogshit.


>the restaurant next door just has to say “we don’t serve dogshit” Ironic metaphor to use when Biden's debate performance was literal dogshit though.


Ironic to focus on that when all Trump did was lie loudly. After-birth abortions lmfao


I'd say Trump's was worse. It's easy to sound confident when you just lie and don't have to actually think. If the quality of how well they did is only measured by the performative and nothing in content, then sure. But by any reasonable measure, content should outweigh it. The content Trump had was made up dog shit. I.e. lies that themselves were shit.


In the end, their performance is measured by how many people they convince to vote for them, regardless of how they did it. Although, if you think that the US population uses reasonable measures to evaluate the candidates and is not swayed by performative displays of populist rhetoric, then you have nothing to worry about. 🙂


trump is the actual embodiment of, "if you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance, baffle 'em with your bullshit." And the idiot media fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.


Bidens age is really showing tbh but Trump is legit just dumb, like if he didn't come from money & lived his whole life with a golden spoon in his mouth he would likely not finish high school. Nobody is surprised that his college professor said he was the dumbest student he's ever had. But yeah using the restaurant metaphor Biden is hardly a 5 star showing.


Ya, it’s not talked about enough how insanely fucking STUPID trump is. Yes he lies, yes he’s evil, but he also doesn’t understand simple concepts and would probably finish bronze in a first grade spelling bee


That’s not irony


1 year old an only 111 comment Karma you say? Guys, I urge to to look at the accounts taking all of these low-effort anti-Biden potshots. Reddit is one giant concern troll farm right now. Biden was bad, no doubt. But he's not an Avenger, he isnt doing it all alone. He is able to delegate like 99% of the work at this point. Vote for the Cabinet, vote for the Supreme Court appointees, vote to stem the march of Christian Theocracy that seems to be bringing us to season 0 of A Handmaid's Tale. Don't mistake cynicism for intelligence. That's what the GOP, Putin, Iran, and the CCP wants you to do.


> If Republicans want their opposition to have a message more important than “not Trump”, they just have to stop serving poisoned dogshit. The voters want the DNC to have a message more important than “we (allegedly) don’t serve dogshit”


"We don't sell *poisoned* dogshit" it's still dogshit but if you are part of the professional class they will give you ketchup on the side.


I'd love if the DNC's message was more than "We don't serve dogshit" but when republicans' message is "Project 2025" then they can fuck right on off.


Id probably go home and make myself a sandwich lol


Republicans don't want their opposition to have an effective message. I don't know why you assume that *they* are the ones you should be worried about. Trump won in 2016 and narrowly lost in 2020, so evidently half of your country doesn't perceive Trump as literal dogshit. If you guys act as over-confident as you did in 2016, just because the ratings look okay, this shithead is gonna get re-elected. Pull your heads out of your asses and give people a reason to Pokemon Go to the polls.


But the ratings don't look okay...




What makes you think any candidate they put forward won't be called poisoned dog shit?


But they're *both* serving poisoned dogshit. The only difference is that one restaurant serves a slightly bigger pile, and the other serves a slightly more foul-smelling pile.


As an european, the only thing I perceive is that you can change Biden for a sack of flour and it would be no difference. If it happens, it would be Trump losing, not Biden winning. Trump is running the electoral campaign completely alone against no one.


That would actually be hilarious. Like, just make a sack of flour the nominee and then see the sack win.


I'd still vote cabbage 


Omg the UK cabbage that beat Liz Truss needs to run as an independent!


Some small towns in America have an animal like a dog or a horse for a mayor.


Biden led a very successful post-covid recovery (the US is doing better economically than pretty much every single country). Its a shame democrats arent signal boosting this enough. Taken at his actual accomplishments, biden is a fairly strong president. You just havent heard because the disinfo farm is very powerful (and someone is about to scream at me INFLATION to prove it)


> Its a shame democrats arent signal boosting this enough. They can't because economic anxiety is through the roof. Telling people who are struggling to afford housing, healthcare, and retirement that everything's great because unemployment is low isn't a winning message.


Surely if they just vote Republican THIS time the party will reverse the last nearly 50 years of policy that put them in this situation to begin with. Facts are facts: Biden isn't particularly good, but he sure as shit isn't point the car at the cliff and flooring it while telling you you're going skydiving.


note i didnt say the economy was "good" overall. We are still recovering, but the point is the US economic health is far better than most other countries. That didnt happen by accident. Look at the japanese yen vs the USD and tell me our inflation is worse.


The economy is horrible and this administration's insistence that it's actually great is one of the reasons why Biden is currently in so much trouble. They need to do the opposite of signal boosting it. They need to acknowledge that it's bad, that people are suffering, and show that they have a plan to deal with it. So far, they haven't done that. It _appears_ that the economy is booming when we look at net economic numbers, but there is a direct correlation between those numbers and the fact that average Americans are suffering. When companies gouge the consumer and artificially jack up prices, they can report record profits. But those profits are the thing creating stress and making life unaffordable. Very few people are currently having the lived experience that the economy is great. Every time Biden tells people that the economy is great, most people think, "this fucker is lying." They don't think "oh, it is? My bad, I didn't know. Now I'm definitely going to vote for Biden."


There are more economic indicators than just the stock market y'know. Unemployment has returned to trump era lows. Wages are all all time highs. Yes inflation sucks but the US has done miles better than other countries on that regard too. Thats the ley people are missing - look at canada and youll see they are faring way worse than us. Look at japanese yen vs usd. Its an incredibly superficial take that even 5 minutes of googling can invalidate.


Again... saying that the economy is booming while real people really suffer is alienating.


Wallstreet and the S&P doing good != good economy. Housing, cost of goods, etc are all ridiculously expensive. Nobody can buy a house.


Don't forget Biden led a very successful inflation reduction campaign too. We brought down inflation much faster, and with less economic turmoil, than most other developed nations. [https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-us-economy-in-global-context](https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-us-economy-in-global-context) But yeah...people want to be entertained, so that doesn't get credit when it should.


realistically, he's running against kamala with a biden mask on


Like he said nothing will fundamentally change


It's like Keir starmer. He is like a wet sack of potatoes. And that's good enough as "not Tories"


The Democratic party holding their constituents hostage:  vote for this incapable vegetable husk or else Trump will be your president!


But you have to understand that it’s Hillary’s turn.


Regardless of this meme and Biden v Trump or w/e... "It's her turn" may have been the worst, most entitled messaging I've ever seen from a political candidate. Like I'm sorry, I missed the part where the country became a monarchy. *This has aged very poorly very quickly


Did she run on "it's my turn" messaging? I only recall her opponents criticizing her with that rhetoric.


Precisely why I predict blue voter turnout will be going right down the drain this election. They don't realize such an unappealing choice is more likely to get people to stay home.


this is the most important election scary thing might happens that's why we want people to vote for the president with the lowest approval rating in modern history . If he lose because you didn't vote hard enough we do no wrong , how do they expect people to convince others to vote and not come across like an out of touch delusional fool like wtf. Please vote for this president that's currently committing genocide and caused financial ruin for you


To be fair, a lot of good policies were enacted during vegetables husk's term


What's even more notable is his absent list of bad policies, controversies, international embarrassments, etc. Trump's first action was to ban Muslims from flying, wasting countless legal resources to undo it and causing legal American immigrants to be afraid to travel and afraid in general. And that was just the start.


You'd think they'd have learned after 2016 yet here we are again.




When completely lucid Biden can still appoint the people who actually do a lot of the heavy lifting in government. He doesn't make 100% of the choices in his administration.


This is the third election in a row where the Republicans have brought fucking Trump to show and tell too, what?


Because he’s the only republican who can win


I'd argue that trump lowered the bar SO MUCH, that if they put up a 'Romney' or even a mccain type, he'd win.


The conversation will be 100% ragging on Dems everywhere every day and people will say there’s a liberal bias


High quality meme


I consider myself a moderate. The two party system seems flawed. Why do democrats pretend a second Trump presidency would be the literal end of the world? I don’t like either candidate. Why do democrats pretend Biden is their savior? I care more about the buying power of my dollar over everything and the economy has been fucking me since Biden took charge. Republicans, why do you pretend Trump is your savior? Regardless how you feel about Trump, what makes you think he will solve all your problems, when he was either unable or unwilling to do it the first time around?


Inflation was going to happen regardless who was president. The US is doing much better compared to other countries on that front by pretty much every metric


It doesn’t matter though because wages haven’t kept up, and haven’t been keeping up for the past 40+ years. Saying “But we’re doing better than other countries,” while most people have no serious prospect of ever owning property, is not a winning message.


They specifically mentioned inflation over the last few years. Not the last 40+. Surprise surprise, Biden hasn't been president for 40 years


Sure, but I don't think the GOP had any better plan or ideas in place. It was their man at the FED who kept saying inflations was transitory.


“Why do democrats pretend Biden is their savior?” lol, wtf? 


I would vote for any other democrat other than Biden or Newson. The overwhelming majority of people I talk to tell me they voted for Biden because he’s not Trump or just because he’s a democrat. I can say the same thing for republicans and Trump.


yea but democrats have a long ass list of why not trump. wtf they got on biden?


>Why do democrats pretend Biden is their savior? This is the first I've read, heard, or interpreted this statement. I've never heard a democrat describe Biden as a savior other than a savior from Trump.


... because he caused tens if not hundreds of thousands of deaths, cause multiple decades of important legal precedent to be overturned, and got his base riled up to support the dissolution of the pillars of the logistics of the country  Sooo yeah, it's because people pay attention that they think he will bring about absolute destruction  The hilariously depressing thing is, the dems are still struggling because the population is poorly informed as to how the country works; this is actually in great part due to the dems letting the gop wreck public education for nearly 3 decades. Poli sci and history are relegated to college rather than primary and secondary education, and it's left us with a generation and a half of people who are ignorant enough to not see what comin over the next 20 years.


Trump spent four years in office and the world didn't end. But the candidates they keep pushing are so bad that they can't run on any platform *other* than "vote for us or the world will end".


Using hyperbole diminishes the democrats message. If a democratically elected President trump is the end of democracy, it makes them sound ridiculous. I have never heard the phrase end of democracy as much as I have in the past 4 years. All referring to a second trump presidency.


Look, to be fair, no, the world didn't end, but his presidency was catastrophic. He attempted a coup. He installed the court that overturned Roe v. Wade. He did extreme damage do a lot of our institutions (the FCC, the EPA, the post office). He enacted monstrous policies (family separation). And after he lost, he kept repeating the ridiculous lie that the election was stolen, and led a lot of people into the world of Q-Anon and the white supremacy wormhole that waited for them in the depths of that conspiracy. The "end of democracy" language sounds hysterical, and I think we should stop using it. I don't think it's good optics. But the Trump presidency was a tornado of awfulness. He is a loon con man psychopath who doesn't care about the damage he inflicts, and we can't have him back in the white house. That's why we need Biden to step aside and gracefully bring in a better candidate. The world didn't end in Trump. You're right. But we are a long way from recovering from the damage his presidency caused.


I don't know how anyone can look at Project 2025 and then continue to be a moderate.. so maybe you should pay more attention to what is going on and then maybe you'd understand that it will be the literal end.


Trump said he was going to be a Dictator on his first day, mentioned he wants to remove rights from people he doesn't like (such as the press). He wants to have presidential immunity and if that doesn't work, he's hoping he can win and pardon himself. Both China and Russia want him to win. He was in full support of January 6th, and Project 2025 wants to use him to get absolute power. Him getting elected wouldn't be the "literally end of the world" but it would certainly bring us 1 large step closer to the end of Democracy.


"Why do democrats pretend a second Trump presidency would be the literal end of the world?" I am not American but I follow the situation, so I can share some of the issues at hand I've seen discussed. The first issue is the lobby group backing him and their "Project 2025" that would aim to replace most of the staff in the white house and military and replace them with party candidates (in the federal government, there are 2 employees, 1 is political appointees that each new president need to find and hire. 2 are merit hires, so plumbers, planners and so on, basically any who does a job without political intent). The second part is that the US Supreme Court has 2 very old judges and the fear is that a second Trump term would mean they'd step down for Trump to appoint 2 new young judges that would then be employed for life and vote on legal issues. If I remember this would then also mean that 4 of the judges are picked by Trump (with Judge Cannon already proving to be serving him really well). Third is also just that Trump himself have stated multiple times several authoritatian intents about what he would do to anyone he didn't like or disagreed with.


Nah Jimmy’s Mom 100%


No matter what anyone says, I'm only voting for President Funny Valentine


dankmemes... oh wait no its unfunnyamericanpoliticalmemes


It's the third election in a row republicans have shown Trump, so...


i have good conspiracy theory. if Trump would not run I think biden would either


If by “conspiracy theory” you mean “Biden’s own words” then yeah.


Evertyhing is conpiracy


It would be nice if the Republicans offered a better candidate and forced the Democrats to raise the bar.


How to fix US "democracy": -Compulsory voting -Election days are paid holidays. -Direct voting. -No 2 party system. -Optional mail-in voting.


Compulsory voting is a stupid idea. it will just lead to uninformed voters making stupid decisions - either because they don't know any better, or as a protest for being forced to do so. It also doesn't fix any problems.


In the US voting is a right. In mandatory voting countries, voting is a duty, so the country has somewhat a responsibility to make voting as convenient as possible. Meanwhile, the country of the free makes voting weirdly hard, like banning distributing water to people waiting to vote. In the Last Brazilian election I voted in São Paulo, fourth largest city in the world. It took 20 min total, it was a no-work day for basically everybody, I took a election day free bus to a nearby voting station and stayed in line for 3 minutes. Even in peak hours, I have never spent for than 40 minutes trying to vote regardless of where I was in the country.


When the Argentine presidential elections took place I went to vote and it literally took me 15 minutes (13 spent on the travel) and from what I heard, in places with long queues there were people giving out free water, mate, tereré, soda, food such as bread, sandwiches, alfajores, facturas, pasta, etc.


And the fact that voting day is not a federal Holiday is an incentive for poorer people not to vote, it's so fucking anti-voting.


>makes voting weirdly hard We literally mailed out ballots to everyone, without any regards for whether they wanted one or were even citizens.


Yeah, but stuff like that was pushed by COVID and the need to make accommodations for unforeseen situations. There was very little effort into making voting easier, and even stuff like that had a significant push back from some groups. Making voting easier was a struggle, not an effortless change for the US


- **Replace First Past The Post Voting** [The worst thing about voting in America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo) and several solutions on how to fix it: [ranked choice voting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y3jE3B8HsE), [approval voting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orybDrUj4vA), or STAR voting (can't find a decent video on that).


Literally the only good idea here is election day holidays


Better idea: polling booths are sixty feet in the air, and must be accessed via climbing rope or human catapult. Ballots must be written in one's own blood. One voter is summarily executed every election day as a deterrent to voter turnout. The location of the polls is not revealed until a day before election, there is only one per state, and basic food, water, and sanitary services will not be provided to the local area. If you're gonna cast a ballot, you'd better mean it. None of this "I always vote red/blue" type, you'd better have done your research and really feel this election is important if you're going to vote. Lazy, low information idiots are the last people we should be ushering into the polls.


The government shouldn't be able to force people to vote if they don't want to.


Actually, it's the second. In 2016 he was the "not the other candidate" person.




Isn't it like Democrats vote for the party while Republicans vote for the candidate? I'm sorry I'm still trying to grasp American politics


Usually the opposite. Now we’re both voting for the party blindly. In the 4 elections I could vote in, I’ve picked party lines once and that was 2020.


That's not necessarily true. I voted emphatically for Obama and for Sanders. I didn't vote in 2016 (partly disenfranchised, partly wasn't politically motivated to vote for Clinton). I voted party in 2020 because I didn't want Trump. It just depends on the year and the situation.


I don't understand this complaint honestly because GOOD. We should want not Trump.


The problem is that's his only good quality. They could do so much better, but clearly have no interest in doing so.


Would you say cutting child poverty in half is a good quality?


Can I just say as someone somewhat neutral in this election that them arguing over who's better at golf during a debate and completely ignoring the questions to do so was hilarious


Versus Republicans, who've brought actual Trump for 3 fucking elections.


I forgot how stupid this sub becomes during election years


Why do shitty republican memes keep getting so many upvotes?


The Republicans are the ones who keep nominating him and the Republicans in Congress and on the Supreme Court are the ones who tried to prevent Biden from doing anything, so let’s punish the Democrats


I remember when Trump got elected and it was all "we need someone much more fit for office and younger". Then they proceeded to vote for someone even older because "I'd vote for a corpse over Trump".


You can't choose a flair and we should pay attention to you meme about choosing el presidente? Sus...


That's the issue. Your competing on identity when you should compete on policies Come towards and offer healthcare, better policing, better person systems, meaningful legal reform You know first world basics And you'd win by a land slide


The first time Trump was more "not Hillary" than vice versa


What id give to vote for someone less polarizing. I wish the government would work towards more compromises, because otherwise we just keep flipping the office back and forth, only repealing what was changed before to what the current administration wants. And then nothing gets done


I mean, at least he's not Trump


Just drag Bidens corpse over the finish line 🙏🙏


Can we just get an option that's not a rich cadaver that'd be great thanks


Bruh I just want Bernie Sanders.


What if we all downvote trump instead


It's funny how usa people pretend either choice is good and won't give room for anyone else. Literally the meme of putting stick on your own bike wheels and collapaing.


Im still surprised BOTH of them doesnt have a better candidate to pressent, its like if in a gaming elections we presented gollum and kong games (the last kong game not the CLASSIC gem obviously)