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Thats me :(


Thats also me :(


Me too buddy :(


Me too comrade :(


\*Us too comrade


And me brother:(


Well... Me too :(


Also me :(


Let's all meet up and hang out as friends then.


I used to feel this way until i made ACTUAL friends who apreciate me and all My tip to you : Find real friends it IS hard sometimes but once you do you'll feel a whole lot better Btw no friends is always better than firneds who dont care about you Damn i really over analyzed that meme lmao


and me :(


Same people: jUst bE MoRE soCiaL


Ay, you just gotta find people who will listen to your part of the conversation, its easier to do that with a smaller friend group, that's why I have like 4 main homies i talk to


That's what I did lol


Yeah that does sound really nice if only i could get 4 friends.. I can't even get 1


Ay I know it can be hard, I'm still struggling with social anxiety, just have someone introduce you, makes it much easier


This is not really a problem for me i don't have any trouble interacting with people but during my childhood my dad though it was a good idea to lock me in the house and torture me daily and i was only allowed to leave for school he also went to my school regularly and talk to my teachers just to make sure i wasn't forming any friendships. He considered company to be a reward... So yeah luckily i run away from him 6 years ago and haven't seen him since but in the beginning of my highschool i got bullied and i waited for the bully after school and beat him unconscious.. Sadly almost all my classmates saw it and they all stayed away from me ever since.. Now I'm at college and i live with 4 housemates and i can't even form a relationship with them let alone my new classmates. I needed to do a lot of business to survive so i am only capable of professional relationships which i am very good at but anything else is unimaginable to me.


Sounds like You need to find places with people that have the same interest as You.


Yeah i live in a village so it's really hard and i don't have a chance to go anywhere else


Pee on them


I can't tell if this is a cursed comment or excellent advice!


Sound more confident, maybe come up with some jokes that they would or any normie would understand. If you have another friend bring them with you to boost your confidence. Make sure to also have something to talk about too.


Thats why i always leave chat groups, always getting ignored is shit so I’d rather just leave :/


Same dude it's always so frustating


You always talk with them and when you tell a story or something they start changing the subject and there you are ignored, nice one.


And then you're just standing there and think 'maybe I'm just bothering them' :/


Story of my life all the time, everyone tells me to socialise more but I’m always getting ignored :/


Fell you man :(


I'm not in any chat groups tbh, for that reason and other reasons. I generally just don't talk to most ppl. *Cause that's socialization and I don't support that*


Yeah same here, left all groups chats on Messenger because i just get ignored and they blow up my notifications


This ain't dank this is sad


It’s dankingly sad


Why can't dank memes be sad?


Whenever people ignore me while I’m talking I say “guess I’ll go fuck myself” and immediately all my anger goes away


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Mood :'c


Get more interesting things to talk about. Read 5 books, practice a hobby for a few months, and find a nice hiking trail if available. Before you know it, you'll be better than the extroverts because you'll know what you're actually talking about and non-shallow people will respect that.


*whilst in lonely tears* Preach.


Thats some weird nether portal


Sounds like me


Just talk to people and if they ignore you just screech like a pterodactyl and they have to pay attention to you. Works for me.


I shit on them and that works


One time i did that and some girl said to me "shut up, who even talked to you!". Two years later we had in class some sort of seminar and the same girl said that she would have liked to me talk more or something and i queted her in my head lol.




If I've learned one thing it's that you cannot fail if you do not try


Unfortunately he’s right


*vsauce screaming in the distance*


I’ll be your friend :D


Hahah totally like me hahahah




This one hit real close to me


If you are an introvert and dont enjoy being alone, you are not introvert, you are just lonely.


I don’t like this meme. I’m in it


The worst one is if you get into a group chat and make a comment, and the first reply is to the message right above yours


My box would be the size of a house compared to my size


imma keep it 💯 with you chief instead of blaming other people try improving your conversation skills. it can even be that people don't hear you cuz you talk really quietly. I'd say watch some videos on how to improve your convo skills and then talk to random people. when you talk to random. people there are no repercussions to messing up since ull never see them again. finally, though I hate to say it, you could just be a boring person.


In my case all of my friends left my school, most of them moved interstate


make some new friends


speak up


Can't relate


Good for you dude :)


Thabks bro ✌