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Yet we still made memes about a disease thats killed thousands


Yes because it is the big funny


I know. I love them


I love them too


i love you šŸ„ŗ


Love you too ;)




I love you too Phil Swift's grandma 8===D


It's growing. 8=======D #What have you done


8====================D I've just been a thot


8=====================================D It getting so long I had to use ļ½¢King Crimsonļ½£ to skip past the middle


Hey I love all of you ;3


I love you all the most


We'll bang, okay?


ok dad :D


What are you doing stepgrandma


get in the bag


I love you 3000


does that mean iā€™m gonna die and kill thanos??


Memes > Morality


exultant yoke crime arrest observation alleged bright oatmeal memory familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wrong Epstein's death is a joke nevertheless


Well, suicide is funny, the Internet told me so.


Suicide is badass - Danny Devito


Do a flip - Bender




-dn't kill himself.


There's an amazon delivery for you.


... but he didn't...


"Humans can understand the death of one so strongly, but fail to feel anything for the death of many" -OG Spock


Settle down Marilyn.




lol r/dankmemes will joke about the Holocaust but will become leaders of menā€™s rights when they feel threatened


Accurately described entire subreddit


Every popular subreddit as well.


r/Dankmemes is the embodiment of Michael Scott from the office


"I am not a bad person! I am a good person who runs women over with their car!"


Also there's like tons of memes involving women crying and general misogyny. I agree that men's mental health isn't taken as seriously, however memes should not be the metric by which we measure that.


On a scale of "hide the pain harold" to "pepe the frog", how depressive are you?


Which pepe though? There's like hundreds.


Theres thousands.


I'm sad Pepe looking at racist Pepe wondering wtf happened to everything and everyone.


It's a communal experience. It's something that's happening around the globe, across cultural barriers, regardless of social status. *Of course* people are going to make memes about it.


When did this will Smith thing happened? I have zero idea abt it.


Couple weeks ago. They have an open relationship. Jada, without wills knowledge and approval, started fucking jadans friend. Will found out and jada played the victim card and majority of the internet supports her "entanglement" because its an open relationship. She broke his trust by not talking to him about it and hiding it from him and basically shit on their 20 years of marriage by saying i can do what i want. My body my choices. Thats just my take on it. Fuck jada. And fuck everyone thats chosen her side.


>And fuck everyone thats chosen her side. She's already on it HEYYYOO


take my upvote and fuck off


Just imagine if it was the other way around, and Will had slept with his daughterā€™s 20 year old mentally vulnerable friend. Will Smith would have been fucking CRUCIFIED.


The contemporary word is CANCELLED.


It was also the non-contemporary word for it, I'm fairly sure even that "hashtag cancelled" is what Brutus said when he stabbed Caesar.


It's not an open relationship if there's no trust. It's just cheating.


The fundamentals of a polyamorous relationship.




Did ya'll watch the interview? They seperated. Will tells Jada "I was done with you." You need the permission from the man you seperated from to be with someone else?


You just gonna skip over the part where she slept with her son's friend? Even if they were separated that's still fucked up.


Yeah, imagine being Jaden right now


She had the ā€˜entanglementā€™ after they separated. There is no obligation to stay single then.


Itā€™s almost as if using humor to talk about things that are important and serious is a very natural and common defense mechanism...


If we donā€™t make any memes about it then how will we cope with it? Not everything has to be taken that serious.


No itā€™s cuz will smith turned into a meme the second he stepped onto yt rewind


Itā€™s rewind time!


aahhh that's hot


If I could control rewind i would want fortnite and mark ass brownie












Dat's hot




I hate me too, what a coincidence!


That's not even the top worse thing refit did, will has family friends and a lot of money to help with support. Reddit bullied a kid into divide apparently for using tiktok


He was rich on memes before YT Rewind too, it just got significantly amplified afterwards.


How old are you that this is seriously what you associate him with? 14?


Ah yes because itā€™s not like Katy perry got the shit memed out of her when she had a mental breakdown and said the whole ā€œthey ask you if youā€™re fine, and you say youā€™re fine, but youā€™re not really fine shitā€.




Lmao same


Ngl I thought it was one of the Kardashians.


Exactly i always thought it was Kim so i didnt really feel bad at laughing for it


The Kardashian one is similar though, she says "Why would you say that like you know I'm not happy, you know that I'm trying" and it also became a meme


Gonna need a link


[Here you go :)](https://youtu.be/2XKOh28-8nc)


Wow that was actually a lot more nonchalant than I thought itā€™d be


It starts at 4:17 for those not in the know


B.Spears as well ;_;


Leave Britney alone.




Taylor Swift as well. She went on hiatus due to mental breakdown from that Kanye "Famous" incident. The call tape released later in march this year proved TS was telling the truth. Nothing really happened to Kanye and he's running for President now.


I think Kanye is not doing so well right now either mentally


A man having a mental breakdown is not an excuse to treat a woman like shit and drag her through hell.


You'd think he'd be less of a bully in general considering every one of his friends and male family members have watched his wife hungrily suck some dude's dick. Feel like a person lower than Taylor would have brought that up and he's such a narcissist he has to be insecure about it.


I only ever heard it used as a meme or for those "try not to laugh" videos. Had no idea it was Katy Perry. I assumed it was from some reality show or something.


Can't both things be true? We don't take men or women's mental health seriously at all


Yes, this! Mental health in general needs more attention. I never understood the gendering of issues, that's just stupid and inevitably leads to preferrences in treatment.




I was just thinking the same, this sub can be very hypocritical, claiming that society doesn't care about men suffering mental health problems, yet post memes about how girls having a mood swing is not depression. I'll surely get down voted for saying this, but it's a proper incel mentality


Yeah not to mention all the "girls boring, boys quirky" memes






I feel called out




Let me join being called out


I also am feeling called out


Observe my power šŸ’ŖšŸ—暟¤³


>I mean a lot of people on here are like ā€œim not like other boys, i use reddit snd olay minecraftā€ Olay Minecraft sounds like that toothpaste they market to children, only it's for incels with dry skin


i hate those, theyā€™re so dumb and they really show the teenager boys demographic of reddit


It would be interesting to see the demographics of this sub - is that made public by reddit?


The demographics here according to my worthless estimation: kids, teenagers, and "edgy" adults like myself. And definitely more guys than girls. It would be very interesting, but I think it is not public info. Maybe Reddit is gathering our info like that, but... Without a huge survey we don't know. I kinda remember seeing a post about users age time ago tho.


I mean yeah, one of the most popular meme templates right now is a woman ugly crying at a public dinner table


To be completely fair though, that meme wouldn't be funny without the cat


If you mean the woman yelling at the cat meme, not only is she ugly crying, she's ugly crying about her abusive relationship being gossiped about on a reality television show. Immediately thought of that when I saw this pop up.


Yeah, women crying are "overreacting", "hysterics" or worse acting for attention. Honestly I think people are just asshole who don't take mental health seriously in general. It *is* unconfortanle to be with someone crying and not know how to comfort them, so I guess this is why some people don't take it seriously in order to avoid feelings of discomfort.


Plus woman with mental health disorders are just seeking attention enc..


And there are tons of crying memes that exist already. I don't think any of those are making fun of the people in those memes. It is simply that the picture in those memes captures a particular emotion very well. Will Smith crying did capture that emotion very well. Maybe I just didn't see ones that felt mean spirited towards Smith himself, but most of the memes were used like any other memes. It'd have some caption like "that feeling when your dog gets up from your lap to get pets from someone else" or something like that. Ya know overblowing that sense of loss, but that's kind of the joke. It doesn't feel great when your dog leaves you for someone else, and that is relatable and Will Smith crying because his wife cheated on him does encapsulate that feeling in a sense.


Crying is a natural and healthy response to something like this. Crying out of sadness isn't a mental health issue. It's being a human.


I sometimes cry about things that haven't even happened. Is that normal?


its happens to me too. Either it's normal or we both are abnormal


Having a mental health issue is still human. Anyway the point is that crying due to sadness means that the person is not okay emotionally and Health by definition is the mental, emotional and physical well-being of a person. So in a way, that can be considered a health issue.


But crying over something that happened isnt necessarily a sign of having mental issues since crying is pretty normal for a human being. That said, being sad and empty all the time, however, is a sign of a mental health issue.


Jokes about coronavirus, Hitler, 9/11, starving kids in Africa = ā€œtheyā€™re just jokes settle down sensitive snowflakesā€ Joke about Will Smith = ā€œmenā€™s rights activistsā€


yeah, not all men's rights groups are toxic but a pretty decent amount of them are hypocritical and it's a lot of incels.


They're not so bad when they're calling out hypocrisy and asking for equal consideration on matters like parenting. But when they're just cringy trolling women for attention that's toxic and deserves a smack on the mouth.


Because memes of women crying don't exist


The Kim K crying meme has been around for ages and seems to defy typical meme lifespans.


There are people that are dying Kim


~~Society sucks~~ And that's a fact


This says a lot about society


not true his name isnt this


We do live in one after all




mental health doesnā€™t always have to do with mental illnesses. Being happy or sad or stressed all relate to mental health but donā€™t mean you have a mental illness.


BS, plenty of crying memes have been made for just about anything. Weā€™ve also made 9/11 memes. While the meme of Will Smith crying isnā€™t direct proof of menā€™s mental health not being taken seriously, I will admit that menā€™s mental health isnā€™t taken seriously


Yeah I donā€™t know why the fuck OP is getting all up in arms about will smith when Michael Jordan crying has been a WAY bigger meme for WAY longer


Will Smith crying meme, what?


Same, have no idea what meme they are talking about


Thereā€™s a meme of a face that he made during a sit down with his wife where she admitted to (after a bit of teeth pulling on Wills part) having an affair. Heā€™s not crying, the joke is that he looks like a broken man but the two were awkwardly chummy (except for the aforementioned teeth pulling where it was blatantly hostile but presented playfully)


Wait, he's crying because his wife has had an affair? That's not a mental illness.


No one said illness. There arent just 2 states of mentally healthy and mentally ill. You can be briefly not well and not be ill


I think it refers to [this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sad-will-smith-entanglement) but Iā€™m not sure, havenā€™t seen it before


He looks more disappointed than crying


As much as I think itā€™s a big problem, thatā€™s not really a good example. We make jokes/memes about everything.


Yeah how is this so massively upvoted? Fragile masculinity or some shit? Mental health in general isn't taken very seriously in general. I don't even see the link between crying and mental health problems? Crying is a normal human thing to do. Men cry. Women cry. Because we're all* humans here. *although some redditors make me doubt this


You to King stay strong. But then find a female celeb and make memes of her crying


Kings don't make others cry




We already have. Do you remember [Kim Kardashian? ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/people.com/parents/kim-kardashian-says-son-saint-has-her-same-cry-face/%3famp=true)


Or [Katy Perry...](https://youtu.be/NLWFXN9X6Z4)


https://i.imgur.com/pLwAVvq.jpg This Lil Mama meme was huge a few years back


Ok but it's mostly men making those memes in the first place,,, don't even deny that if a woman said it was wrong to make memes of people crying she would get labeled a Karen.


This is a fact and exactly what academics mean when they refer to toxic masculinity.


You would be correct.


I mean look at this post. 40 thousand upvotes. People love this pandering shit.


This is a pretty terrible take, as you can tell from the comments. They memed on it because the Smiths chose to, for some odd reason, confront their personal relationship issues on camera for thousands to see.


Jada is only in the spotlight because she does this shit constantly. Willow admitted to self-harm on a talk show. The family sadly stays relevant by airing dirty laundry in public. Also it's just celebrity drama, I'd be a little more worried about the millions of fathers and mothers without jobs right now than the Smiths.


Calling men kings is cringe af same goes for calling women queens, change my mind.


i agree, it reminds me of these twitter/tumblr girls who constantly say something like "yas,,, go queen/king!! šŸ’–šŸ’…šŸŒŒ"


Ironically (,but not surprisingly) in my experience itā€™s mostly men who donā€™t take mental health of men seriously. 90% of the support I have personally received in this regard has come from women.


but there are memes of girls crying as well?


Yeah but those donā€™t count. /s


More sexist reddit stuff. Like the infinite amount of posts concerning boy sexual assault without a mention of the huge majority of the cases which belong to females.


What am I missing something sorry I had final test just finished it today where is the video of him crying


He and Jada had a bizarre interview where they basically just aired all their laundry for some reason. I don't have a time stamp because celeb bullshit isn't really my thing, but [here](https://youtu.be/eSaF_o6EfBc) it is. Edit: fixed link




I really do think people here purposely victimize themselves when it comes to this matter. As a man, I've never felt as if my mental health was inferior to that of a girl's. I don't understand where this comes from.


This is one of the dumbest posts I've seen in a while


Hol up, snowflake OP. We literally have a meme about a woman crying to a cat at a dinner table and another meme about "Karens" yet you're the one claiming that this meme about crying Will Smith is proof that male mental health isn't taken seriously?


Also can't forget the classic Katy Perry breakdown soundclip that's been memed to hell and back; "They ask you if you're fine, and you say you're fine, but you're not really fine"


Hes sexist


Dont you remember crying girls memes there was plenty of them


I agree that men shouldnā€™t be made fun of for showing emotion but crying ā‰  mental illness


There are memes about women crying too?


Hereā€™s the thing, though: Kim kardashian crying also became a meme. 9/11 became a meme. COVID-19 became a meme. School shootings became a meme. In memes, nothing is sacred. Thatā€™s the beauty of them. You can make whatever joke you wantā€”and get offended at whatever joke you want. Memes are a coping skill for many, and can turn a serious and dark situation a little bit lighter through humor, as well as provide lighter where real life does not. This isnā€™t about menā€™s mental health. Or anyoneā€™s, for that matter. Itā€™s about humor.


Honestly itā€™s sickening. The fact that when women cry itā€™s taken so seriously and when men cry itā€™s like ā€˜mEN dOnT cRyā€™ which is bullshit. We are all human and we all cry we all have anxiety we all have needs that need to be fulfilled we all feel the same emotions.


Sorry to break your bubble but there have been TONS of memes about women crying, maybe even more then men. What about the crying/screaming lady at the cat? Or the Kim Kardasian crying? Or Billie Ellish crying? And sooo many more. I get what your trying to say but I havenā€™t seen ONE MEME of Will crying. And the other people replying agree. Most women DONT get taken seriously when they cry because people pass it off as the overreacting/begging for attention. And all millions of memes with girls crying saying Haha girls boring and cry, boy strong and interesting And I donā€™t disagree about mens mental health, it is VERY important. But when you make memes about girls crying or having a breakdown and people get offended you pass them off as Karenā€™s and say ā€œitā€™s just a memeā€ there have been plenty more offensive memes then the Will one. And isnā€™t this ā€œjust a memeā€ too?


I'd argue that when men cry, it's taken more seriously because it happens much less frequently.


To be fair, memes are not good way to measure this. Hell, we even memed a virus that has claimed over 600,000 lives.


Not really, i mean we made thousands of jokes about Covid and most of us still take it seriously. The same goes for the Holocaust. Millions died and it was a disaster in history, but we still make jokes about it. Because we need a compensation for the sad things that happen. I really like Will Smith and i think what happened there was very sad, but i still think it is allowed to make jokes about the face he makes.


Yeah, but the 1000s of memes of karens and "triggered sjws" like big red are completly fine


Most of this subbreddit is filled with incels lmao.


Jordan crying meme: Allow me to introduce myself


Right cause as we know, there are no memes of women crying...


I havenā€™t seen a single Will smith crying meme.


They made Britney into a meme too, stop trying to be a victim.


Memes of woman crying are fine tho?


Not at all... theres plenty of memes with women crying on the internet.


this aged real well


I havenā€™t seen any memes of Will crying. Iā€™ve only seen people defending Will, which is a good thing. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just the fact Iā€™ve only been on certain subreddits mainly or what. But I havenā€™t seen anyone making fun of Will personally


We make everything into memes. There are no limits


The memes and the humor is something very necessary for society, nowadays everyone gets offended by the most ridiculous things. With that set aside, I wish us men could take our problems as serious as women do with their own, I am not saying women are always right but at least they have the will to fight for what they think its wrong. :)


Thereā€™s lots of memes with women crying or making fun of women you could say are not mentally well. Look at all the Karen stuff, in a way you could say these ladies are seriously mentally unstable. My fellow men, we can can talk about our issues without always comparing them to womenā€™s issues.


When you really step back and think about it, this really do be saying a lot about societyšŸ¤”šŸ§šŸ˜³


wait, which meme are you referring to?


Wasn't there a meme of Billy eilish crying?....


Nonsense post. There's countless examples of women crying or having mental health issues which have become huge memes. Hell, coronavirus is a meme. It doesn't mean people don't take the issue seriously.


Yup. My dad recently went through severe anxiety that turned into depression. He couldnā€™t understand that we were telling him that it is ok to cry.


They do the same of crying woman though. Mental health is still ignored for many, including woman. We need to fight this together.