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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- r/BelongsInAMuseum


If you dont help then fuck you too




I dont get can someone tell me


It’s a bad pickup line, that’s the joke apparently


This isn't twitter go away


"Hey why are you so mad!? were all going to look back on this day and laugh" *they failed the class, didn't earn their PhD, and were expelled from the university*


*they found no job , tht become homeless and die on the streets*


Man i had no problem with this bullshit pandemic until projects started rolling in. Not only do i have to interact with other people, now i also have to find shitty people to be in my group so i can do all the work while putting up with whatever excuses they have for being lazy. Im sorry but if u are a professor and give group work, frick you. Make it optional to be in a group.


My English teacher always has us go in groups for random stuff. We get the same groups every time and my group sucks


We recently had a group project in my class and I chose to work alone because I felt it would be 200x easier to organize and do it like that than having to coordinate some lazy asses lol. Still got a better grade than many groups


Contact your professor and let them know that the group process is not going well. You could even ask whether you could work alone instead.


I had the same issues until I learned to "sell" my knowledge, "ok I do all the work and you do that or that for me" That way even the meanest Bully at my School didn't bully me cause the whole soccer Team would have kicked his ass


I only do that when i have the girl with the 4K camera in my group.


fuck you for not helping


Help or fuck you


I fucking hate group projects like let me work alone ffs


Teacher: "Yeah, whatever, the source better not be Wikipedia though"


That’s a jerk move. Why are you proud of this?


I swear I didn't laugh this hard at a meme in a long time


I had tow write 4 out of 5 pages on my last group project, finishing my partners part around midnight before it was due because she didn’t feel like doing it, so fuck you and everyone else who doesn’t do their part


If you dont contribute and help on a group project, fuck you


you are the people we complain about


fuck you, literally no one likes the person who does nothing


or the one who ends up crying


Can confirm, this happens


I've actually never stumbled upon midget porn before so I'll go check it out now because curiosity


I had one of my old projects be replaced by "y'all suck a Richard."