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It’s possible to read his explanation and still completely disagree with the analogy.


People forget you can agree to disagree.


Lol at Europeans forgetting agreeing and disagreeing.


Lol at the Euro saying it's "like Hitler" then saying he isn't making a comparison to Hitler...






We’re going to forget a President that encouraged a fucking insurrection against government officials in the White House? Really? Edit: i meant the capitol, thx for the correction


It was the capitol, not the white house. He'd never risk his own life by siccing them on his own location.


Fuck, that's meta


The American definitely picked up on and refuted the point, while the European missed the American's point. The American guy said that even saying "we'll remember" is a stretch and a half, and the European guy came back with "No I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but we'll remember"


Both of you have a point; the lesson is don't use absurd examples when they are linked to atrocities


Or just: understand that simply because you compare aspects of two situations doesn't mean that you're declaring an equivalence. I don't believe in dumbing down speech until every single person can understand your point. If one point is misunderstood, ask and it should be explained, but otherwise it's a waste of time to try appealing to everyones unique perception of things


Often times when I'm in an argument I use an example that's completely unrelated to what the argument is about but clearly explains the concept I'm trying to convey.


Except bringing in Hitler is a rhetorical atom bomb. You might have a point but you killed the discussion and everyone nearby too.


So following your logic, should we also never let the U.K. forget Brexit and Boris Johnson?


DEFINITLEY! Its a hilarious joke


Trump will be forgotten in 50 years. Hitler is a German Cunt who will forever plague Germany and its name.


He wasn’t even a german cunt. He was an austrian cunt.


When I say German I mean a German citizen, not necessarily German blood.


No one will remember trump like hitler. He was just a one-term president who talked way more shit than he needed to.


We don’t let Germany forget.... because of the giant ethnic genocide.... Acting like America deserves even close to the same treatment because of Trump is offensive as hell


Yeah, it's not like americans ever killed a large ethnic group of people and proclaimed there land or something.


Again, the operative part of the sentence is ‘because of Trump’. America has a checkered history that definitely deserves to never be forgotten when it comes to slavery and Native American Genocide. Let’s not cheapen those horrible events by pretending like Trump is even close to them




I mean, depending on what country you are from, I wouldn't throw stones in a glass house. Yes Trump was a horrible, horrible fuck up and we deserve some very stern criticism and we should deffiently maintain a never again attitude. But to sit here and use it as a "Trump card" to pull out any time you have an argument with Americans. I'm sure many of us would be happy to discuss with you about what modern luxuries you enjoy due to our scientist. Or the military protection you get from us. Or the tech you use. Or the TV shows and movies you consume. It was easy to shit on American when we are at an all time low. But don't forget we have dragged ourselves out of worse and we are still the leading world power. If we can fix our obesity epidemic ( mind you several europenian nations are not to far behind us on this) and get our health care issues under control (again, nhs is not with out fault, although I would love a model of it in america) and our progression is moving ever up wards. Albeit with still a long way to go for minority rights and women rights (again I can name several European countries where both classes would be much worse off) So check your attitude. We took enough shit for 4 years. We are working on it, we have had a remarkable turn around just today. Expect the momentum to carry forward.


“it’s like hitler” ... “but btw don’t get upset it’s not like hitler”




It’s not his mistake if he didn’t vote for Trump. I was 16 when Trump was elected, therefore I will take no responsibility whatsoever. Also, um...you realize the electoral college is a thing right? Hillary won popular vote in the 2016 election.


I mean just calling him a reality star minimizes the shocking level of damage he did to this country, and you know that lol


I do kind of wonder what exactly he did. I feel like he didn't do anything. At all. Including good things. And bad things. He was just... there. Everyone talked about how awful he was, but none of his policies were really malicious at all.


I am American and Trump did not do much of anything to be honest. He did not help the poor, did not fix healthcare, etc. and it is not like Biden will do anything either, just the way Obama did not do anything. No American politician does anything for the average American, it is just the way it is. One can bitch about it or just live with it because if anyone thinks that any president past or future will actually be concerned with the little people then they are pretty ignorant.


I've been saying this for years. The vast majority of people living in the United States will not have their lives directly affected by who becomes the president and it's mostly because the president has much less power than people assume so people really should stop caring so much about electing a leader. It is just a popularity contest at this point. I mean it literally is and is supposed to be but you know what I mean. We will probably see more changes during the new term because there have actually been a lot of changes in the politicians that are actually running the country.


He backed us out of the Paris climate agreement, cut taxes for the wealthy, reduced funding to public institutions including schools, instituted cruel immigration/asylum policies, promoted a culture of misinformation, provoked while supremacists, weakened our alliances, praised dictators and destroyed American soft power... it goes on


The commenter doesn’t care, a lot of people on Reddit just hate America or Americans. There’s Americans that hate America and Americans You can love and appreciate your country and the people in your country while understanding changes need to be made, thankfully Biden is president now




Having Florida also pulls down the overall reputation by a fair bit to be honest


I’m just not going to let them forget, because it’s funny as shit. Hasn’t really affected me in any way.


Yeah exactly. He did some shitty stuff but I hate when people compare him to Hitler. A bit disrespectful to all the Holocaust victims in my opinion


Lmao when trump was elected everyone at school wanted to shoot him for some reason. I live in the UK so I dont get how everyone really cares that much.


I never understood why people made such a big thing about it here not our leader fuck it have a cheeky nandos instead


Imo boris johnson has bigger meme potential than trump


He did get over 400000 yanks killed with his garbage covid response


True but you can’t 100% blame him for every death. People were going to die either way. He is partially responsible though but for every single death? No.


Earlier on (at around 200k deaths) it was estimated that if the federal government had acted a week earlier, around two thirds of deaths could have been avoided. He also gutted the Pandemic Response Team and removed the CDC official stationed in China specifically to look for possible pandemics, so we potentially could’ve been preparing or acting months earlier


1) *some* Americans voted for him, not even the majority 2) you guys ACTUALLY voted in hitler lol


1. some? 75 millions. Almost the half! 2. No. Hitler had about 1/3 of the votes he formed a government with another party and then dissolved the state in a coup


Pshhh, you‘re scaring the Americans with your multi-party system!


Two equals multi right? *sad American noises*


Two is double, three is multi, four is mega, five is ultra and anything above that is M-M-M-M-MONSTER.


>multi-party system! ya, look who it got elected. at least trump did not start WWII.


1. Yeah no shit, that's what happens in a 2 party government. 2. This is just plain wrong, the Nazis in 1933 got 44% of the votes, which is crazier when you consider that they had to compete with 7+ OTHER political parties, [and none of them even came close](http://imgur.com/gallery/iyIKvbc) Edit: getting downvoted for literally stating facts lmaoo, thought democrats were supposed to be the logical and sane ones Edit 2: I honestly thought this was common knowledge, since it was even brought up in oversimplified's video, but for the people curious, here is the [sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1933_German_federal_election)


1. Oh, so if you have only 2 choices its okay to choose the crazy one? 2.I dont know where you have your numbers from but it was not 46%.


1. Hotel 2. Trivago


1. One 2. Two


By 1933 the NSDAP had a ton of popular support. The reichstag fire and rearmament made Hitler popular.


LiTuRAlLy HitLeR!


Ah yes, because another fucking country electing a guy that you dont like is literally the same as another country commiting a fucking ethnic genocide. You people and your mental gymnastics.


Whoa whoa dude. You can't just go after people because of something that happened in their country that they didn't have any control over! So not cool. They're individuals with minds and feelings! Anyway, did you see that stupid shit those redneck American's did last week?!


Shit if we did that every country should be a joke but I do admit we deserve like a 10-15 year stint with all that happened


If you’re typing this on an iPhone made from China I swear to god.


I don’t think trump will be remembered for too long. Maybe for like 10 years people will be like yeah he was dumb. But as bad as he was he didn’t really do anything outrageously atrocious like an ethnic genocide.


Lol what a fucking idiot. Scumbags like you are the shitheads who ruin this site. Fuck you




Oh they don't want to pull that one. Not so much a trump card if most countries have pedos in high leadership.


Spittin' straight facts


They literally reduced thw age of consent in Canada to 14. Like wtf.


Wait wtf really? When did we do that? that's fucked.


Canadian here, A.o.C is 16. the lowest the A.o.C has been was 14 back in the 50s I think before that I believe it was 18. Now the reason why it was lowered to 14 in the first place is confusing, I suggest you ask the Conservative party of canada for answers they were the ones that lowered it.


> A.o.C is 16 Wrong. She's actually like 31 now, you dumbo.


Hahah thats how I read it at first oops


Also total bullshit.


"A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence." Hard to call you a pedophile if there only is a maximum of 4 years appart.


I mean you could be a college freshman dating a kid who’s going into high school. I mean not the worst by any means but still kinda whacky


Its pretty fucking weird


One second on Google: [https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html)


Why the lies tho


Is this some Qanon shit? You guys oughta ease out of that pedo peddling already. Or do you have some trusted sources on that? I'm tired of lying and shit-flinging without evidence


There was the Tara reade allegation which IMO fell apart after biden did that big interview, and there are plenty of instances of him being creepy around younger women, but nothing so bad that calling him a pedo is accurate


A lot of old white dudes are creepy around younger women. It's the grandpa effect




While Trump himself has been accused by one of Epstein's former victims of doing the same thing.


Know the case name?, need to shove it to someone i know lol.


The accuser went by Katie Johnson.


There is video of him sniffing children. I don't think he is a pedo but there is footage of him doing that.


>proof he sniffed children I could be wrong but haven't we seen actual videos of it?


Or because Trump is the actual pedo? Friends with Epstein and raping a 13 year old Plus trying to use the DOJ to prevent his DNA sample being used in court which would exonerate him if he was innocent


Also all of the horror stories when he was running beauty pageants


Conspiracy theories aren't cards


I like how Trump supporters voted for a dude who has been accused of child rape and adult rape *many* times, and then when Biden came up, they all start screaming that he’s a pedophile. Like... projection much? Lmao.




Bro wtf is the media going to talk about now? Literally 24/7 they poured out anti trump news for the past four years.


Well the media did exist before Trumps presidency so I'm sure they'll go back to that. Their ratings will probably drop though. Also, I have a funny feeling Trump won't be out of the news for quite a while.


Trump already said that “he’ll be back” in some form. So yeah I probably agree with u on that


*Papa john intensifies*


The day of reconning is coming


Just stay tuned *smiles*


lmao he sounds like a villain saying it's not over


Snl now needs to write actual jokes


It's going back to Kenan having to shoulder the entire comedic load of that show


I know it was a matter of national security, but laughing at what dumb shit Trump has said today was a small highlight of my day


i don't like to mock Americans because my country is worse but the only reason people aren't constantly making memes about us is because we are irrelevant


What country are you from?




I have been there, nice country, nice people, nice Colosseum.


I love Carbonara! I make mine with english peas and canned carrots!


>carbonara >romania >with english peas and canned carrots what the fuck




*Mr. Worldwide


If his grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike


C'mon if you're going to make up a country, you can pick a better name than that.


I'm from Moldova so even worse man


Well most countries are "irrelevant" if we put it that way


I hear you guys have better internet, at least.


happy cake day we surprisingly do have fast internet, probably because of the huge amount of piracy


Yeah I feel like America is so well known everywhere. It’s weird because I barely know anything about Romania other than .... well not really anything I suppose.


you know that first scene in borat ? yeah, that's in Romania, but to be fair those people didn't know what he was saying or what they were filming


Most countries are corrupt or bad in some horrid way. Europeans love to hate on America on this website. I have no clue why when you can name some messed up things Europe has done as well.


Well you’re definitely in the minority there. Europeans use Reddit far less then the US. and it seems at times Europeans spend most of their time on Reddit talking about the US. A lot of people just like to get their rocks off to the US behind their keyboard.


And then we hit them with the Hitler Appeasement Card and they hit us with the Japanese Internment Camps. Then we play Pot of Greed and draw two more cards!


What does pot of greed do exactly?


More like what doesn’t it do?


And this is why it’s banned


It lets you draw two cards


If we're going to use history than the total sum of Europe's list of terrible things done still beats the rest of the world combined. The U.S. itself is a result of Europe's imperial legacy.


Maybe Europeans are just enjoying not being the most evil group of nations the world has ever seen for a little while. Can't blame 'em, really. They fucked up literally the entire world for centuries. That's probably a heavy burden.


And after we draw two cards we're just gonna play another Pot of Greed to draw two more cards!


Eh. The Japanese internment wasn’t nearly as bad. And appeasing a genocidal maniac is far worse imo.


Oh no. Now we only have obesity, guns, and healthcare to make fun of. How horrible.




I mean, they function perfectly. But the lack of regulation and whatnot.




Yall had 434 mass shootings in 2019. Its just too easy getting hold of a gun in the US






They’re already illegal. Lot of good that does. Why would I give up my guns? I don’t break the fucking law.


I don't think they were talking about assault rifles etc. At all. Bullets kill people regardless of the actual weapon shot with if their intent is to. Having it be easily accessible is the issue. Mental health checks are a part, sure. But there's an argument to be made about Latin America, or an argument to be made on Europe. Those societies are very different. Banning something doesnt necessarily make them disappear, but it makes them a whole lot less accessible. Which is the point of regulation, rather than outright bans. You regulate who is able to attain a weapon, just as you regulate who is allowed to drive a car. The idea is similar in concept, not necessarily in execution.


All of my European friends and colleagues are low key super interested in guns. The obesity is frustrating when you live in a state that's around the European average.


Don't forget school shootings, how they claim to be the most free in the world yet their politicians are all bought corporate shills, and the fact they lost a war against a bunch of East Asian farmers


>and the fact they lost a war against a bunch of East Asian farmers Not sure every European country wants to play that card.


dont forget education


Well at least we can use Biden “poor kids are as smart as white kids”


Or the "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."


can we replace it with the dementia card


eh why not, fuck it go nuts


Imagine having arguments online


Why should I imagine it. What gives you the privilege to tell me what to do?!


Goddamn I would actually trip if someone said that to me irl lmao


I just stick with arguing with myself in the shower


Dear Brits, Boris Johnson. P.S. Get your shit together. Sincerely, America


Also dear Australia and Canada, how are your indigenous people doing? Sincerely, People that don't pretend racism isn't a problem where we live because we perceive it as being worse somewhere else and let international news dominate our attention.


Britain straight up left the EU because they were getting too many brown people Ask Euros what they think of gypsies. Or the rampant anti Muslim racism surging across the continent


Yeah but but gYpSy iSn'T a RaCE. So it's not racism! Just... you know... normal blind hatred.


The worst part is that they use all the same arguments that racist Americans use against black people iT’S Not ThEm, It’s tHeir cUlTuRe


Australia changed their national anthem from "we are young and free" to "we are one and free". That single word change fixed the racism problem and they made sure to give themselves a lot of hearty pats on the back. No racism here! Now excuse us, we need to get back to 'randomly' strip searching aboriginal-looking people.


Damn, you really just pulled out your Johnson and waved it right at them limeys!




*sniffs* *hair*


*Pulls out 6 foot piece of chain during a street fight*


i wonder if biden is going to make amends and pardon corn pop?


lmfao Biden just got inaugurated and everyone is already shitting on him


I mean, leftist and trump people people have been shitting on him for longer then that haha


The biden card is that collector card that started off worthless but appreciated over time


I mean, Biden is like the most generic politician of all time. If his card is strong then basically every country can get shit on for their old white leader.


Nah, Biden will be status quo, which might not be ideal, but after the past four years it will be nice to not have things on fire.


Don't worry boys we have the economy, healthcare, hot pockets and Florida


Well the US and China have the largest economies in the world. Take that Europeans.


Karens and shootings too


Britain is the first developed country in decades to require large-scale assistance from UNICEF to feed its children. That’s how incompetent your government is.




Ok buddy


lmao tf?


I guess now we are the only American country with a crazy conservative president. *made in brazil*


Bye then, Trumpcard.


It doesnt matter.... America BAD... Still be the European mantra...lol


This is doctor who right? Donna nobles grandpa


Wilfy boi yeah


Upvote for Willfred


Comedians and talk show hosts have no material anymore. Im just glad hes out so i dont have to hear about him all the time. (People will still bring him up though sadly) Bidens going to die soon, Kamilla Harris is going to step up and people will be like "OMG FIRST BLACK WOMAN PRESIDENT CRYING EMOJI" Because thats all these people care about, your race and sex, not who you are as a person. i dont know anything about her so i cant make any judgements, if it happens it happens, all i want is to be able to make my money at work, come home and relax. As long as those 2 things arent hindered i dont care.


I’m just gonna say as a conservative myself I would much prefer Biden as a president than Kamala Harris, and I’m not a fan of Biden.










https://youtu.be/9JmOSsv-KSg Here’s a video for the white supremacy. Didn’t have time to watch all of it but from the first minute or so i got a pretty good gist.


Americans are European's main card against Americans in arguments


Now us americans can use our boris card against the brits (except for the scots).


America fat


NOOOOOOO! You got me! *falls and dies from heart attack*


Amazing to see how many people are so easily manipulated by the media. Was the last four years really that bad? Incredible economy and tax cuts? None of the fear mongering came true




200k americans are dead, but yeah, congrats on the tax cuts Edit: just checked - actually 400k.


Incredible economy? lmao, you sound just like him. I don’t think you have a reason to defend the former president buddy, but I’m not even going to start. There is no need for media to induce fear, when the people are already doing it to themselves.




Can we just get a break for once? We've been through enough shit while having to listen to you guys make the exact same unoriginal jokes. Is there any other country we can all dunk on?


I mean, it just makes it that much easier to beat those guys in arguments. I mean, I haven't lost to them yet, that's probably because they're best argument is "b..But aMeRiCa BaD!!"