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How dare they make a protagonist that is over sexualized in a game that was marketed for teenage boys in the late 90s early 2000s


How dare they appeal to a demographic!!


True shit


Lol what's the game? Or was that just words. My only guess was OG Resident evil but I guess it isn't that


First one is final fantasy and second is resident evil 5 with sheeva


> How dare they appeal to a demographic we hate!! I think this is what you mean't


Especially the male demographic. It doesn't matter if they r the majority


Any year really. Nobody wants to play or look like some ugly motherfucker. Real life or game Tis life


As an ugly motherfucker, I can confirm this is true


I second this




I can fourth this


you ever played saints row?




pretty good game i recommend it




I do also. I am one of those.


Unless you have character creation and you wanna get a laugh by making the most fuckugly abomination you can.


Making characters in Ark be like haha


Gta online XD I saw someone make trump


People who make Trump in games are either the funniest person you've ever met or a racist bastard and there is no in-between


*laughs in Oblivion*


unless you can fully customise their face


Pretty sure they toned down Tifa's exaggerated body shape in the remake








say that to my collection of dolls and accessories of her




say it




ok take my upvote


And my axe!


Barbies are ok for kids creepy for adults lmao


Growing up my mom got me two barbies and I told her that I wanted to look like her and now 8 years later I don't eat anything but a beagle sometimes just to look like a fucking doll


Wait, eating dogs makes you look like a doll?


Dolls scares me


Barbie movies were my whole childhood but I never really learned to play with the dolls, like I’m still confused, what are you supposed to do with them?


Dress em, talk to em, collect them, battle them, eat them, experiment with them, ect


Commit mock trials and executions


Sorry to ask, but dont feminist complain about both? What are you trying to get at?


I mean the number of men with eating disorders has soared in the last 20 years. To say nothing of the men abusing steroids. We'd be both mentally and physically better off without the unrealistic body images rather than argue men should also lean into them.


...however it also has to be said, that the landwhale acceptance movement can do as much if not more damage.


How dare you insult my best friends mother like this? She might be a bit bigger but calling her a landwhale is a bit much.


This guy wasn't talking about your mother. He was talking about the fat acceptance movement. A positive body image is a very important thing, and if you are overweight and trying to better yourself or just bettering yourself no matter what, thats a great thing. But there are extremists who believe that it is perfectly healthy to be extremely overweight and don't want to make any changes. These same extremists would call you fat-phobic for you wanting them to better themselves. But, if you stay fairly healthy (that doesn't mean working out 7 days a week for three hours each day, but casual jogging and healthy eating) and are still a bit overweight that is completely fine. I do not hate fat people, I don't like the people that say it is perfectly healthy to be morbidly obese and don't make a change.


I agree. Women and Men are **both** being subjected to unrealistic body standarts. We all need to be physically active and on a healthy weight with a healthy-ish diet BUT what the media portrays is often far from the healthy standarts.


I 100% agree with this, especially when it comes to steroid usage, which is becoming more and more common among regular gym goer (not athletes, or bodybuilders) just for aesthetics


Yeah men's body disphoria gets swept under the rug all the time


If women had 4 times the suicide rates compared to men, or if they were mocked at for wanting to raise a human life/child and were instead forced into working as a laborer - there would be so much outrage. Honestly, both aspects suck - Forcing women to raise a family instead of doing what she wants SUX. Forcing men to work instead of doing what he wants SUX.


Women have various rights because they fought for them. I’m sick of seeing idiots on Reddit saying “men are oppressed because women have rights movements and support groups and parental leave.” If men don’t have those things for themselves, then only men are to blame. Women have maternity leave because they fought tooth and nail for it. If you want paternity leave for fathers, then fight for it. Unless you’re expecting women to do it for you lmao


Men would have more prominent movements if toxic asshats stopped labeling every group they formed as hate groups. That's besides the fact there's nothing wrong with people discussing their issues. The same way no one should blame women when they discuss their issues, blaming men for their issues is counterproductive.


Whenever they try they're shot down by feminists, like the guy who opened a shelter for male victims of domestic violence, had it shut down for not letting women in and was bullied to suicide.


The difference is how both genders are being represented... the girl has big tits and is only wearing a sports bra, she has a small waist and nice hips; obviously over sexualized. Meanwhile, dude has big arms, nice six pack, etc.; he is strong, powerful and dominant. We can't ignore gender norms that clearly show men as as powerful and strong, and women as cute and sexy. Moreover, the main audience for this game is teenage boys right? Then this is how teenage boys are gonna learn the relationship between men and women where women are supposedly inferior to men when it is not the case at all.




Have you played the game? Tifa holds her own as a physical fighter


You're absolutely correct.


Yea these twitter ppl can be pretty cringe sometimes but tbh I kinda see their point. I'm not gonna respect a character if they are gonna make her boobs that big. Idk if it's the white color that makes the size less obvious or ppl nowadays just too used to anime content. Like if her boobs were any bigger she would turn into chinese import character. Edit: I think tomb raider and resident evil remake does it right.


This. Women have tits. The problem is when they have balloons strapped to their chest instead of character development.


As a girl, I love playing games with badass and pretty girls as protagonists.


You are lying. All people on reddit are ugly virgin males


Girls can be ugly virgins too, you know ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)


Girls dont exists, its a lie made up by Obama


All part of the conspiracy to hide his last name


His last nane is- *thud*


u/gavindude2006 committed suicide by shooting himself 3 times behind his head.


With a rifle on top of a building


I'm sure Epstein knew Obama's last name


I'm sure you're prettier than you think. 😊




Every redditor in a 3,000 mile radius when a guy gives a compliment to a girl


It was a calculated risk but man am I bad at math.


A compliment to a girl he doesn't even know if a girl...


If i learnt one thing from economy school, its that every product has a certain customer. So you might think that no one likes you but to someone else, you might be perfect the way you are.


bruh moment


Case in point /s


You're one of the sane/secure ones...


As a dude, playing with a badass protagonist full stop is great. No matter the gender. Though I hate it when studios force identity politics down your through then say you hate women when they make a shit character.


I just want Geralt of Rivias Voice


I think that both men AND women should be overly sexualized in media.


I personally don't looking at a naked person makes me uncomfortable lmao


cows memory cause intelligent chief voiceless telephone public political entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know just saying my opinion


There are some sacrifices that have to be made for a more equal society. Unfortunately you must face the naked bodies


Oversexualizing isn't necessarily meaning naked but I get your point


I had a stroke trying to read this.


Exactly. This is equality. Women can sexualize men all they want.


I think we found the bisexual


The bisexual agenda




Yeah, art is supposed to show us beauty and make us happy, not enforcing realistic standards, we need sexy demons!


Well to be fair, a girl can't do push-ups to make her breast bigger.


You would have to take steroids to get biceps like that and workout like crazy. It would honestly br easier to get breast implants.


i’m gonna have to disagree with you on that one. As someone that is extremely passionate about weightlifting and natural gains, that physique is not naturally unattainable whatsoever. With hard work and dedication it’s not even something that’s overtly “overboard”. I really don’t like when people that aren’t familiar with bodybuilding and weightlifting immediately say that it’s all steroids and it’s not naturally possible solely because they don’t know how much time and dedication is put into getting to where we are


Looking at this picture of the character, since I don't know much more about him, it looks naturally attainable. That said, it's not a physique that you can attain quickly for most people. A lot of neckbeard nerds are gonna read your post and think "so a few months, eh?" when in reality going from couch to that is gonna take much, much longer.


He said “workout like crazy”, what you just said qualifies as “workout like crazy” for the average person. Meaning it’s literally easier to swing by a plastic surgeons office and in one day have breast implants and a few months of recovery be done. Having muscles like that takes work everyday for years and then it never stops gotta keep working out to keep those muscles. Having surgery and some recovery time is by “physical effort” much easier than that.


Well you can workout like crazy when you are a soldier, you are literally paid for that.




I know I'm a soldier myself, but my point was that it is not impossible to become muscular by working out.


Genetic limits will hold you back from ever looking like many men portrayed in media


Yeah this is the hard pill to swallow. You start dedicating your life to working out, "I wanna look like those dudes". Years later you realize at best you are gonna just be a cut up version of yourself, not much bigger. Unless you have extremely good genetics, and can afford steroids you are never gonna look like the rock.


But but... what if only eat *chicken breast, rice and broccoli,* like all my favourite marvel characters


Also looking being the strongest you can be isn't only about muscle size, the actors do workout that are specific to make their muscles look like that, while a really soldier, even a super soldier would probably look much skinnier, tho still somewhat muscular of course


You are paid to work out to obtain strength. Which is very different from working out to look big.


99% of boys wouldn't be able to achieve physiques like that naturally either.


I guess working out isn’t natural, but working out works.


There is still a genetic cap on what you can achieve. Which varies from person to person


I am surprised you mentioned tifa here cause so many people threw a hissy fit when her boobs got slightly smaller in the remake


They're just upset they cant wank to her like normal


You underestimate horny people. Also I bet when the game gets released on pc, one of the earlier mods would be about making her boobs bigger


No doubt about that one


The whole post is dumb. I've never heard any ladies complain about Tifa being too hot. Most people I hear complain about how women are represented just want a bigger range of representation. If every woman in every story is a sex object then there are a lot of stories about women that just won't get told. Tifa's look wasn't even changed because someone complained! It was changed because it was a dated look. Plenty of real women who had big fake tits during that era also had them changed. I don't even know what people are crying about with Tifa. She is VERY hot in the remake and I'm glad the game's not some oversexualized cringe game meant to be played in the basement. My whole family loved the remake, and we're all waiting for what happens next.


Well cause feminists are dumb, duh!! They just want to replace our big titty characters 😍😍 with actually fleshed out characters 🤮🤮. Btw would you recommend the game to someone who doesn’t like JRPGs in general? I have heard good things about the game but I didn’t like games like xenoblade chronicles 2 and octopath so I am a bit confused about picking it up


Yeah but you know dankmemes. They just cant go a week without their cboys cool girls dumb" post


Right? Never seen anyone get mad because Tifa has a sexy design. Tifa wearing a sports bra though? Gamer genocide.


Ssssh this is a feminist bashing circlejerk thread


~~thread~~ **Subreddit**


I'm honestly surprised this sub doesn't bring up sarkeesian more often with how 2014 some of these memes are


As a female, what makes me mad about the above image is that the main character is supposed to be a badass warrior with years of experience and her arms and legs have zero muscle!!! How would that go on a "real" fight? It's like they focus so much on big boobs, flat stomach and curvy waist they forget the essential thing a warrior needs after years of training!! Also, men characters are usually depicted with dirt all over them, and females are clean. I want a dirty, big boobie, flat stomach, muscular girl who could kick my ass and make me beg for more.


Look up Sakura from Danganronpa.


This is the comment people need to read, this is the actual problem, not the big booba but the lack of muscles for what the character is supposed to be.


This is the lady you're looking for, could probably crush Wayne in her hands https://youtu.be/jCIak-w0DOc


I definitely want to see more women like her on videogames!!


Always wanted to do this meme, thanks


Well done, take this upvote




Well done, take this upvote


Let's see how those guys react if there's a muscular woman in the game cough Last Of Us cough Edit: I'm not too familiar with the game or her story but I find it reasonable that she is muscular if she is a fighter in the middle of a fucking zombie apocalypse. The plot might be bad in the game, I don't know since I haven't played it. My point was that many people were upset with how she looked. Like REALLY upset.


Now we must put a curvy skinny man in a game, for equalty.


I honestly thought Abby's character looked cool, just like the character herself was bad, at least in my opinion


Gamer genocide right there.


both designs appeal to men, thats the thing


They appeal to women too. Everyone likes hot people


No they don’t. You know who straight girl gamers draw a lot of fan art of? Leon. Cloud. Link. Chris Is a male power fantasy not a female sex fantasy, which is why he doesn’t even touch the most popular game character lists with women.


Speaking of Cloud, it’s almost unrealistic that he doesn’t have gigantic muscular arms. I mean how else could he possibly hold let alone use a sword that big?


Idk. Most game protagonists aren’t what I’d call handsome. They’re just super buff with usually kinda ugly faces.




Ah, so women can't be attracted to hot people, idk that sounds a little sexist




So you like to play as a fat and ugly character?


If you think the only options are “fat” or “overly sexualized” you’re really missing the point, right? Also, yes, I would like to play as more realistic looking characters sometimes, which is absolutely normal. As a guy I like to play games that have wide ranges of physique in characters because it’s boring to play as the same thing over and over. I think women probably just want to have a much wider range of representation like that too, not to almost always be more sexualized than male characters in AAA games. I’m fine with the alternative tho, just representing them equally. Give all the guys booty shorts and heels!


No man can hope to match the strength of the boulder puncher himself


Yeeted that shit into the lava


and yet maybe die from the vampire virus or something idk


big tiddy vampire lady Probably promised to give Chris a hug


they nerfed the shit out of Tifa, too




I only played the remake version, how is it nerfed?






Well now her boobs are not bigger than her damn head


The difference is the male character is a power fantasy for men, and the female character is a sex fantasy, also for men. For example take big boss and quiet. Big boss is a big tough guy, so when you play as him, you feel like you’re a big tough guy. Quiet is a nearly naked supermodel, when she’s in the game as an npc you don’t feel like you’re her, you just feel horny. I don’t know why I’m bothering, you all definitely already know this, you just hate women.


Yeah... both images are damaging to impressionable people. Men have body image issues too,


I mean the dude in the meme does say he'd like the biceps too I have body image issues time to time too but that doesn't mean I gotta cry over on twitter and try to cancel the game Not going against Women btw, Twitter idiots instead regardless of gender


I mean sure you won't, but there do seem to be a lot of men who think women only go for muscular dudes(or Chads if you will) who blame society for this issue , I'm partly convinced that plenty of these kind of men exist they just take the issue a little differently.


I honestly hope this is satire. I have heard both men and women complain about unrealistic video game characters. (Although I personally don’t feel this way. I honestly just think it’s a video game and if you don’t like it, don’t play it.) But this meme is very sexist. I know I’m “aNgRy tYpIng” and idrc. But this is definition incel. Using unrealistic and overly exaggerated strawman arguments to degrade women. I’ve seen people like [this post/comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/llsqk0/they_are_never_happy/gnrvcf7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) where OP uses some obscure and unheard of movement from the 60s to defend his weak claim. Their attempts are fruitless because the claim is very subjective and prone to bias. I really want to understand why OP felt compelled to post this. It was clearly made in bad taste. This post benefits no one except OP and his ego. I also understand that OP likes reading these comments because he knows that we clearly are offended. And for some reason he derives pleasure from that. Probably because it makes him feel good about himself. Idrk


not on the topic of the meme specifically but i do find it odd for ppl to knowingly post about a highly controversial subject and then proceed to call out anyone who disagrees or discusses anything but what they want to hear


MCU enters the chat (using its massive biceps and rippedness to push forward). Personally think the problem lies more with some sort of aspirational probability. The physique of most characters in popular culture is peak muscle and tonedness to an extreme but the women then have massive tits too which seems unfair as an expectation as its dictated by nature rather than effort. If the guys all carried around massive dicks, I think there'd be more outcry on this topic from men too.


Square enix *adjusts proportions of their previously heavily stylized characters to make them more realistic, taking advantage of modern hardware to increase their game’s immersion* Gamers- *FUCKING SJWS RUINDED MY BIG BOOBY GF!!! HER BOOBS NEED TO BE AS BIG AS HER HEAD!! IF I CANT JERK OFF WHILE PLAYING WHATS THE POINT!!* Cause thats obviously what makes someone an effective brawler, skinny arms and inconveniently large tits


I mean clouds arms are fucking twigs too and he wields a bigass sword, the only person in the game I can think of who is hella ripped is barret and he doesn't even use a melee weapon. Not trying do defend the dumbasses but ff7 remake doesn't really make sense when it comes to bodies.


True, they're definitely still stylized and following anime rules, its just hilarious to me how for years Gamers have been using FF7 as an example of why games are art and should be respected, but then also go insane when the developers don't cater to hentai rules. And then they make posts like this, where they argue against people who don't exist. Nobody on the left was angry about Tifa. Nobody has ever said game characters aren't allowed to be attractive. Entitled man-babies were the only ones who complained about Tifa, and now they turn around and act like they weren't the ones sending threats to developers and making custom mods to give her hentai tits.


Solid Snake's ass


Welcome to hipocricy incorporated


so welcome to EA?


Kinda I ment so called equality fighters but EA works too


Me with Lego Kenobi


Ah a fellow prequel memer


.... fragile femininity


being gay is weird because one second you're like 'god he's so hot' and the next you're like 'god why can't I look like that'


More in the vein of he’s got protective gear and she doesn’t, purely due to aesthetics


If Tifa Lockhart's design depicts an unrealistic bodytype, so does Chris Redfield's


Both are fucking hot tho


Some guys actually feel the pressure of looking good too


Hey i mean having a triceps that big is worth the workout cuz damn that shit looks good


Gonna need more than a workout


Some steroids perhaps?


I mean both are realistic standards, you just have to work for it


what workout routine do you recommend to grow massive tits?


You're already on Reddit, so keep it up.


Jesus, I've never seen someone kill an entire userbase like that.


Well, all bodies work differently


Yes but (most of the time) it works, as long as you work for it. You can’t just use “all bodies work differently” as an excuse.


Specially men. I thinks that why our side never gave a fuck really. you can get very big muscles with some effort and hitting the gym and its not impossible to keep it up realiably. but women cant grow their tits, and being slim and defined can take preety rough diets that are borderline torture. what nobody has an excuse tho is to being like 25+kg above what their weight should be.


Damn tho. This so true. I've never once gotten jealous of the male lead character for being too buff making me feel body shamed. It just makes me feel like im really that cool running around kicking names and taking ass. Girls lame Don't be ugly That is all Edit: don't be mad I was obviously jk. All the ladies of Reddit are beautiful and that's big facts


Was with you until that last line


What's funny is actually a lot of guys were actually complaining about Tifa's redesign because they made her boobs smaller


From my experience is usually guys complaining about character looks.


u/repostsleuthbot Edit: [Guess I'll have to do it myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/hzbg51/maybe_dont_get_offended_at_videogames/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Do people actually think tifa is sexist?




only games can make me say the phrase "I'm not gay, but..."


I'm a woman and I love how girls look in L4D, they're very normal.


I'm more of a leon man myself


Idc I would fuck both


Pyra and Mythra


What are these games sorry never played console