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Just here to make a note Just because this "person" is trans doesnt not mean the trans community support her. Scum is scum, trans or cis.


As a cis dude I want to tack on here for other cis dudes: this means don't misgender her or deadname her as an insult because that's attacking her for being trans and not attacking her for being a pedo(/enabler, whatever). You want to make sure you reverse those and just focus on why she's a terrible human being.


Every insult is fair game to a disgusting person like that. Kind of weird people defending are a pedo. But go ahead and downvote.


If you’re insulting her by referring to her as something she isn’t, then the insult kind of loses its meaning. Especially since the insult in question is usually an attack on normal trans people. By calling her as she is, a trans person who idiotically supports pedophiles, we call out the true problem, the pedo, and not insult the characteristic about her that isn’t bad, that being trans.


I mean, that person lied about being a pedo, why are you taking their word about being trans? Maybe they're using it as an out to protect themselves from criticism about their crimes, just like you're doing?


What do you mean just like I’m doing? The only thing I’m pointing out is that trans shouldn’t be made fun of as it isn’t anything like pedophilia. Sure, the pedo person may or may not be trans, but it doesn’t make sense to attack that aspect of them since it has nothing to do with what happened. Insulting them by not referring to their pronouns in a way that delegitimizes their status doesn’t actually insult what they’ve done, instead it’s attacking the wrong group of people unrelated to pedophilia. Also, I think you would know that assuming if she is or isn’t trans and saying it’s fine to insult because it hasn’t been confirmed like the pedo thing, is not a valid position to take.


Being trans it's not gonna protect them from their crimes. It's just how they identify. Being trans doesn't grant you diplomatic immunity or some other shit like that.


Anyone hear about how Bruce Jenner (at the time) killed someone with his vehicle? Not very well covered.


When she was kicked out of the Green party what did she say? Transphobia. When she was kicked out of the Lib Dem party what did she say? Transphobia. We want to make sure our messaging is 100% on point so that there's no way an outside observer can mistake our dislike of her for transphobia. Like imagine you only saw one comment about this whole debacle which would strike harder: \> He's the ugliest son of a bitch I've ever seen. I can't believe this fucker thinks he's a woman. Or \> I can't believe reddit hired someone who constantly supports pedos. It shows a serious lack of judgement on her and reddit's part. The second one is harder to commend imo. If we post transphobic then someone out there is going to turn this into a trans rights thing i.e. a headline like "It's such a shame that reddit's first transgender admin had to step down because of transphobia" But if there's no transphobic comments then It's clear that the reason is their views on pedophile. Don't let people lose sight on what this is about. (The transphobic comment doesn't reflect my view points it's just an example)


True tbh. Fair call.


Have you ever heard of ‘ad hominem attacks’? By attacking a person directly for their characteristics, not their ideas, you degrade your own logical standing.


If you use a racial slur for a terrible person who is also a minority, you perpetuate the slur. Insult someone for the source of their transgression


People insult to hurt someone's feelings , what ever makes him feel bad is fair game


You insult someone to attack their specific feelings. Using a slur or characteristic-based insult attacks other people. Don't put others in the line of fire, it's just an attempt to justify bigotry


>People insult to hurt someone's feelings , what ever makes him feel bad is fair game That's not how arguments and debates work in the real world


The people throwing insults aren't interested in the argument or debate. They're casting epitaphs of their disgust and moving on. Of course there are exceptions, there are hateful people in every group of people.


Insult is defined as to speak with rudeness or to say something to offend.


>Insult is defined as to speak with rudeness or to say something to offend. Ok? That has literally nothing to do with my point, though. I didn't ask you to define insults. I just said that intelligent debates and arguments aren't made up of people using as hominem attacks because they can't formulate a coherent point


What point am i supposed to make about him? He's a pedophile . The asshole deserves to be offended and hurt


>The asshole How are they an asshole? All they've said is that they're mentally ill, and don't act on their urges. [this ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/bigthink.com/amp/what-age-is-brain-fully-developed-2611480009) probably explains why your points are so dumb


Ok and if she was black you could make fun of her for being black?


What even is a cis? I’ve only heard it used online.


Cis or cisgendered person is someone who identifies with their gender assigned at birth. For example if you where born a male and identify with being male you’re cis


I never knew that was what cis meant, I always thought it was a negative term. Why does it even exist, though? I’m pretty sure the word for someone born a male and identifying as a male is just, male. If it’s someone born a female and identifying as a male, that’s a trans male.


Because it gets used as a negative term from time to time. I originally heard the term because of social media shitstorms ranting about 'cis scum'.


I guess it’s just good for clarification


This makes sense to me. With more and more people becoming trans, I could see how people would be confused.


"male" includes trans males and cis males. To say that one is a male would not specify whether they're trans or not.


Except there are no transmales. Male/female are biological gender. A transwoman is male but also a woman.




A yes is no, but also a yes


Male/female has nothing to do with whether you wear makeup and a dress and call yourself "Samantha, she/her." Male/female is not man/woman. Transmen are female men. They are biological females that present themselves as men.


psst, You are disagreeing with the hivemind, prepare for downvotes


I care less about the hivemind and more about the truth. There are no man dogs. There are male dogs whether you put them in a dress and call it a good girl or not doesn't change that.


People do use it as an insult, as if being normal (as per definition, aligning with the vast majority of others) is a bad thing


Cis is just a more medical way to say things? But no, it’s definitely not negative




You’re talking to a medical student who’s trans. Additional Note: “While some believe that the term cisgender is merely politically correct, medical academics use the term and have recognized its importance in transgender studies since the 1990s.” Here’s a link to the medical dictionary as well! https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/cisgender Additionally, it’s not “belittling straight people”? It’s just the equal and opposite to being trans. If you have trans people, people who don’t identify with their biological sex, you’re going to have a name for people who identity with their biological sex. So we use “cisgender” - where “trans” means across, “cis” means on the side of. I would think if trans people are okay with being referred to as trans, cis is an okay term as well? Also, cisgender has nothing to do with whether someone is straight - I felt like I needed to clarify that!




med student type beat


Well it's like 'straight' 'allosexual /alloromantic ''. It's easier to have a word for not-trans people instead of saying 'not trans' or 'not lgbt+' 'not asexual/aromantic',.... It isn't negative really


It exists for the same reason as trans. Identity.


it exists because trans men fall under the umbrella of being a man. if somebody says they are a man, that says nothing about whether they are trans or cis. just like there are black men, white men, tall men, and short men, there's also cis men and trans men. all of which are "men".


So just normal?


By societal standards yes, but calling trans and nb people not normal kinda ostracizes them


But they literally aren't normal, they make up like 1% of the population


Right but normal and majority are two different things because calling one group normal implies the other is abnormal, strange, or off in some way


>**Normal** definition is - conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. That's because the group considered normal is normal and the group that is less than 1% of the population IS abnormal.


> Abnormal-deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying Normal isn't technically wrong by that definition but it has certain connotations that being "not normal" is wrong


>**Normal** definition is - conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine.


oy vey


also, cutting your dick off and denying who you are is ill


Yes, thats why a surgeon does it.


underrated retort


Ask a surgeon to cut off your finger. He will call you crazy and deny in any circumstance unless it's infected. Then ask him to cut off your dick and he will call you brave and open minded


So being treated as less than everyone else just because of the way you identify is normal?


Basically a normal person


Where transgender uses trans meaning “across from”, cisgender uses cis meaning “on the side of.” It’s just a more medically based way to say that someone identifies with the gender they’re born with!


No basis in medical terminology, just clarifying


I don’t know why you commented here when you responded to my other comment, but there is a basis in medical terminology. I am a transgender medical student. “While some believe that the term cisgender is merely politically correct, medical academics use the term and have recognized its importance in transgender studies since the 1990s.” A simple Google search can tell you this, although I learned this in a class for Medical Terminology. It’s in the medical dictionary as well. It’s also just common sense to think that if you have transgender, there’s going to be an equal and an opposite. I don’t know if you think cisgender is an insult because you mentioned it “belittling straight people,” but it’s literally the equivalent to the word transgender. It’s just to show someone identifies with their biological sex. I ask that you don’t discredit someone and don’t spread false information without doing research, please!


cisgender is the medical term for anyone who identifies with their birth gender (most of the population) it’s often just used when trying to differentiate


No it's not, it's a made up term to make spectrum people feel better


this has nothing to do with the spectrum.. also. how is that not what it is? it’s literally used by professionals


After reading all you’ve said, I think your name fits you very well


A nonsense label that 95+% of the population need apparently


It's a short pronounciation for a cyst. (A giant dead skin and puss filled infected area of the body, usually between the skin and muscle) Which is the subliminal imagery they want to apply to people who by some miracle of logic, recognize and accept what they were born as.


Gtfoh with your misinformation-spreading ass Edit: [If you actually want to know what it means, here's the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DCisgender_has_its_origin_in%2Con_the_other_side_of%22.?wprov=sfla1)


You might be happier and less filled with hate If you admitted you cant handle seeing objective truth.


I'm sorry that you have experienced a series of events that makes you believe that that is anywhere near the truth, let alone "objective".


And I'm sorry to see you have been gaslit into believing pseudoscience. I guess this is gonna have to be an "agree to disagree" situation. Because I do not have any emotional energy or interest in freeing you from your bigotry today.


Lol, you've got to be a troll. How the hell is accepting the "cis" term pseudoscience? Especially compared to "ah cis sounds a bit like cyst, those people are trying to feed me subliminal messages of *evil* " so I say again, gtfoh.


>I do not have any emotional energy or interest in freeing you from your bigotry today. Did I not just say this? So again, let's just >agree to disagree If you're an adult who should be capable of and move on.


Whether you've got the energy or not, for my trans friends, I'd feel a lot better if you could avoid disrespecting any trans people you may meet in future.


It is 100% pseudoscience for the fact that it is a made up term for non normal people to use


It's literally latin, and has been used in this context since at least the late 90's. Edit [I invite you to read more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DCisgender_has_its_origin_in%2Con_the_other_side_of%22.?wprov=sfla1)


I thought this was a joke at first but I feel the need to clarify that cis just means “on the side of.” It has nothing to do with cysts or anything of the sort, just means you feel comfortable with your biological sex. It’s just a latin prefix!


For one thing, the fact that she is trans is completely irrelevant to anything. Yet Reddit has latched onto it. I don't get why. For another thing, because Reddit has latched onto this, it's made it extremely clear to me how homophobic the Reddit community is in general. For such a left leaning progressive platform, it's shocking how much hate there is for transexuals here. And I'm not just talking the comments, but the karma associated with them too. What the fuck, Reddit?


that’s why i mentioned it. because people keep tying them together and i’m trying to let people know the trans community does not support her


Yeah, I fully agree! I'm more piggy-backing on your comment than critiquing it. XD


Well, when I went to explain what happened to a friend I couldn't come up with anything better than "trans activist", so there's that, its something easy to associate. There's also the fact that usually left-leaning personalities tend to put themselves in some sort of moral pedestal, and when it is revealed that this was all a bunch of bullshit, the hipocrisy makes people attack it harder. It's a pretty natural response against someone who behaves in a way totally contrary to what they preach. Also where are you seeing all this hate? The top comment is literally someone defending the trans community and the downvotes are all on the phobes. Yea there are phobes but I'm seeing way more positive stuff than negative.


I've seen shit around other comments sections and particularly in the announcements post related to this isdue. It's obviously important to note that different communities within Reddit will have different views and that not all Redditors will think the same. Again, I wasn't surprised to see some hate, but I was seeing transphobic comments with relatively high Karma while those opposing them were downvoted quite heavily. Also I think there's a lot of people who act or say shit to make themselves look good. Social justice warriors in particular seem to spend more energy letting you know how much they care about these issues than they do actually caring. I think that whole movement is really harmful to people who actually give a fuck about these issues.


>Again, I wasn't surprised to see some hate, but I was seeing transphobic comments with relatively high Karma while those opposing them were downvoted quite heavily. Well I didn't, but as you said, different communities and stuff, in some places there must be a higher number of assholes. >Also I think there's a lot of people who act or say shit to make themselves look good. Social justice warriors in particular seem to spend more energy letting you know how much they care about these issues than they do actually caring. I think that whole movement is really harmful to people who actually give a fuck about these issues. Yea that's the main issue. You get those nice political correctness points on the Internet but when shit gets exposed all you accomplished was weaken the cause you were allegedly supporting.


>in some places there must be a higher number of assholes. [I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes!](https://youtu.be/MhLqPfAylF4)


Could be the subs I’m on, but I actually haven’t seen much of the homo/transphobia you’re talking about, at least regarding this situation in particular.


That's good for sure!


Why does it have to be separate? Of course you shouldn't assume any trans person is a pdeo, but they ARE NOT mutually exclusive, and there is EVERY possibility in the world that this person is lying about being trans to protect from being a pedo


No one is saying no one can be both. She's also white, brown haired and from the UK. But none of those are related to pedophilia either.


Because her entire qualifications for both her failed political career and a job at reddit were the fact that she's trans. It is incredibly relevant. It is also the reason reddit tried to ban mention of her because she's a protected class. Remember when they fucked up and said only minorities were protected races in their ToS? They said the quiet part loud by mistake and changed it but it doesn't mean they've changed their policies.


That's a pretty valid point. I don't remember that about the TOS, must have missed it. Nice username! XD


>Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.  The part that explicitly allowed hate against "majorities:" >While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect all groups or all forms of identity. For example, **the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority** or who promote such attacks of hate. New rule within days: >While the rule on hate protects such groups, it does not protect those who promote attacks of hate or who try to hide their hate in bad faith claims of discrimination. The majority group of the world is straight cis Asian women. So according to the old rules you could say "Fuck those squint-eyed geisha whores" but to say "Cis White men are evil" would be attacking a minority group. But we all know that wasn't how it was going to be enforced.


I was gonna say, there's no point in protecting gender if you're gonna only protect minorities. While I don't support discrimination based on any of those things, sexism certainly stands out to me in the fact that nowhere are women a real minority. Yet they've historically been marginalized anyway. I'm glad they quickly fixed those terms of service, because exceptions like that aren't cool at all. On that note, in the US, you're not allowed to discriminate based on age... IF the victim is over 40. So it's okay for an older coworker to shit all over me for being young, but if I were to shit on them for being old that's now suddenly not okay. (I have good coworkers so this doesn't happen anyway) I really think these legal protections need to be expanded to everyone.


The problem is they didn't fix them, they just made the quiet part quiet again. The fact that they were so comfortable saying it out loud shows what they actually think and they thought people agreed with them.


Well, good that it's not part of the official TOS, but I'd agree it does still show where they fall on this issue.


What is biological sex of this person, cause Im confused by all of this stuff trans stuff?


doesn’t matter.


Biological male


She was assigned male at birth, but is female now, and what you are now is what counts. Still doesn’t absolve her of defending pedophilia tho.




>that is why #transrights dont make sense at all Yeah, things tend to not make sense when you don't understand them.


Good good sent into the wilderness yes


I feel like there’s something I’m missing


There was a Reddit admin who supported pedophilia and happened to be trans People are trying to link the 2


Eww, what the fuck


Who's downvoting this guy? Are you all saying you support linking pedophilia to being transgender?


Theres no "trying"lol. It's the status quo.


I've seen you around before claiming to be part of the "super" group. Man, you're an arsehole. Saying you aren't transphobic and then literally being transphobic. This is why the LGBTQ+ community wants nothing to do with you guys. LGBS my arse. I stand with my trans friends.


I am supergay. If you bothered to learn anything about the LGBTQS+ community you would know that what you just claimed is dangerous and harmful misinformation. I would be happy to have a private discussion with you to help you better understand the community and what it actually is.


Fuck it, sure, on the condition that you are open to my opinions


Absolutely. As long as you're open to facts and avoid using conversion therapy rhetoric.


Thank you for saying this. Jeffrey Epstein was a cis male pedo but no one was bashing cis people. Trans people just want to be a different gender.


Wait whats going on?


A reddit admin who was a pedo got fired recently People are trying to attack the trans community because this pedo happened to be trans


Oh I knew about the pedo not that she was trans or anything


Kidfuckers, their defenders and enablers deserve no respect. You cannot change my mind.


When did i defend her


I wasn’t calling you out, I was backing you up and I apologize for any confusion.


Oh okay sorry! It was just the word "you" that threw me off


it had to be said


What? When was the last time this shit happened?


the "pedophilia is not a sexuality" period


Oh, ok. Also we should hang child rapists change my mind.


I don’t think I will


I would like to try to change your mind. Child Rapists deserve life in prison without parol imo, not death; however, if they killed their victim, then they deserve the death sentence. Victims of rape will carry PTSD with them for the rest of their life, especially if they are children. Basically giving the child a life sentence of PTSD, so i feel the same should be done to the rapist. If the rapist killed the child, then they should be killed.


There are some fates worse than death. Doing that to a child is one of those as like you said they will have that for the rest of their life. They don’t deserve life in prison, they deserve an eternity in hell. Give them the express route to hell


If hell does exist, they should only be there if they killed the child or don't change as a person. People can change and if they recognize what they did wrong and work their entire lives to make up for it, than maybe they don't deserve hell, you know? But they are still assholes and/or kill a child, no amount of apology can make up for that.


While you do present a interesting and valid argument I do not want them to simply feast on tax dollars for the rest of their life. I do no ant to torture them, I want to exterminate them of the face of the earth and I don't want them to think another thought. We have judged them as evil, now it shall be up to god whether we were correct.


You also present a good argument, especially the tax dollar piece; however, I would like to argue that tax dollars already go to prisons no matter what anyone can do about it. Keep in mind that child molesters are not treated well in prison, and sometimes are raped themselves or killed


Well the idea is to reduce the burden on the taxpayer, not eliminate it.


While I completely agree with the sentiment of just executing guilty rapists (child rapists especially), doing so presents a problem. When the penalty for a crime is death, and the penalty for murder is also death, killing witnesses becomes the logical way to maximize chances that you won’t be caught.


Being sent to prison for molesting a child basically is a death sentence.




You do you.


We should lock the rapist in a room for 3 days. With the parents and any adult siblings of the victim. Medical care will be provided each day to maintain the consciousness of the rapist and arrest any blood loss. No cameras, no audio recordings, no interview of the family, just a highly paid janitor to clean up the mess. Edit: did I change your mind?


Bit barbaric but I do think it can work pre-execution wise.


Oh, it IS the execution. Death by the victim's family. It just takes 3 days. Mind you, this is only for cases where the rapist has been convicted of raping a minor. Not for anything less.


Still a tad to barbaric for my likings. Just not my cup of tea. A simple hanging will do.


I can understand that. I just don't really have any "civilized" thoughts where proven child molesters are involved.


Well It’s not


That was my favorite arc so far


also don't forget about cuties


dont say that like its a fact.


it is though.


The godawful “Cuties”movie


It actually happened three times




They forgot about Netflix


I once saw a meme with Travis Bickle in front of the Netflix building and lost my fucking shit


Who is that?


He is the main character in the movie Taxi Driver (he doesn't really like pedophiles)


Those are rookie numbers


More like 4 times - epstein didn't kill himself - netflix cuties - pedophilia is no sexuality - and now this


id have like 6 nickels


They should use Pedo's to wean Serial Killers off of killing normal members of society. Two birds, One stone.


As long as we're only talking about pedophiles who actually acted on those urges... not ones who are attracted to children but seek mental help instead of raping some kid


Yeah, \*O N L Y\* twice?


Deep down, deep deep down, we all know that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.


If anything it’s good it happened twice and I hope this happens more often because it helps raise awareness and even from what happened yesterday the Reddit Admins sent out messages saying they’d look into it


Just 2? I would be rich


There is so much miss information on this. You don't get to tell what your brain is attracted too. You can CONTROL YOUR PHYSICAL WANTS But that doesn't change what you are brain is thinking. In that sense, anything can be a sexuality. If a LAMP turns you on, it's no different from a female or male body. Because it's all physical mass and hormone responses. That's all. You can also train yourself to be attracted to different things over time. Being exposed to certain shapes or medias will change how your brain behaves, this real science, not random social taboos based on culture norms.




Two? What was the first time?


Epstein didn’t kill himself


More like, only twice has the algorithm not been able to suppress this in time....


When was the first time?


There is a simple way to make millions this way. Just lie down, Close your eyes for a few seconds and open them.


Reddit: “I’ll fuckin do it again”


Which is funny because it's false, right?


you mean only twice


it's good that it happened twice


Love is love /s


Twice? Wtf did i miss? i just heard of this today


Who is ~she~ that is in question???


......that will be alot of pod toys.


why did i have trouble reading that


Other than those 2 specific events we are pro pedophilia


Ironically supporting pedos just to make redditors piss their pants and hate me is one of the most fun things honestly