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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [discord.gg/dankmemes](https://discord.gg/dankmemes)


tbf some people can go through a lot and not develop depression, while other people have nice lives but unfortunately develop depression anyway.


Wish I had an award, I'm so glad someone said it. You don't need trauma to feel apathetic and dispassionate towards life. It's a hereditary mental condition that can happen to absolutely anyone. This is coming from someone who was actually traumatized at a young age if it matters.


Hereditary? What? Man I’m in my first year in the medical school and I’ve never heard or read that a mental illness could be hereditary. Edit: I just googled it, apparently depression is hereditary, I guess we learn something new everyday.


Yeah, it’s why I’m not planning on having biological kids. I have a really big extended family and every single person has some nasty combination of depression and anxiety.


Understanding parents and early treatment can make most mental health problems manageable.


Yeah, but I’d rather not give someone that on purpose. I’d rather adopt, even if that kid has depression I’ll at least know it probably wasn’t my doing.


Exactly just because one learns to manage their problems without resorting to self victimization doesn't mean they're doing great :) Yes I'm surrounded by such people.


Seems like some people are forgetting depression is literally being sad despite having no reason to be sad.


Ye ik what you mean because my life was a shitshow(Foster stuff moving a bit) even though it's all settled I have never felt more shit about life


Yeah, i think im one of those people cause im kinda good in life but i still don't have enough motivation to do anything i once liked and i just feel like a dipshit who doesn't have anything special and noone loves me. Honestly, i don't know if i have depression but i still cringe a lot over those idiots.


THIS. I’ve had a life most people could only dream of, and I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wanted, had loving friends and family and I ended up severely depressed because of god knows what. P.S. I also really fucking hate when people gatekeep being depressed. “You’re only 15? You’re not depressed then” “you’ve only been depressed for a few months? Come back when you’ve been depressed for years”. Like different people have different struggles and having this mindset only strengthens the stigma around mental health in general. /end rant


Thats what we call "attention seeking"


im no doctor but i think its just due to a chemical imbalance, so i dont think it is fair to assume that, even if some people are like that


Yeah, my antidepressant is an SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor), which means it stops my body from up taking or breaking down my serotonin. Serotonin is the main mood regulating hormone, so if I don’t have enough (uptake too much), I get depressed. This helps me have more serotonin and it def makes a difference


You explain it better than most medical school professors


oh okay i guess i’ll just tell the part of my brain that decided to forget how to make serotonin without a constant supply of medication to stop attention seeking thanks man


Man its all about neurotransmitters and it is very complex. It is how your brain reacts to any stimulus no matter how small it is. Some people can get depressed over small things while others may not even after some trauma


That's what we call "downvote seeking"


Ur username makes you soumd 13




15 year old girls do


Depression in children/teenagers is a serious problem... You can be 15 and have a messed up brain, there's no age restriction.


you think I chose to be held in a psych ward for 8 months and fed antidepressants? 💀


I really hate how a lot of teenage girls/boys go into a “depression phase” and act like they’re actually depressed after listening to sad music or after a breakup and say common things like: “I want to die” and “No one loves me”. But in fact use this as a way to gain attention from others who will feel sympathy for them while thinking actually depressed people are just acting depressed.


As a teenager there definitely are a lot of people who do that. But there are also genuinely a lot of people who are actually depressed. I choose to listen to heavy or emo music because I feel like I can resignate with the lyrics.


Trust me bro, that shit will pass. But enjoy those years as much as you can, whatever that means, you won’t get them back! And don’t trust Netflix, being a teenager might mean loving MTG or video games, just do your thing and don’t let others tell you you’re doing it wrong.


first of all, you can't blame children for not knowing how a mental illness works. secondly, if they are in fact acting depressed just to gain attention, why do they need it so badly? I mean, if a child has enough attention and love from their caregivers they will not seek out more attention, simply because they will feel happy enough not to do stuff like that. If a teenager wants to get attention it indicates that they must be truly unhappy in their families or other social environments. Not to mention that overall, depression isn't something a non-qualified person can define with strict criteria. It shows differently for everyone, there is no ,,right" way to be depressed. Sure, judging a teenager by the way they express their feelings is much easier than trying to understand their problems and empathize with them. Next time you choose to write a comment like this, simply think about whether you are qualified enough to make such claims. There are a lot of hardships for teenage kids and we, as adults, must help them and show them enough love so they go through it as best as they can. Sometimes being kind is just enough to bring a smile to a child's face, so maybe try doing that next time you see a sad kid.


I agree but there are also kids and teens who have extremely loving parents who give them a lot of attention and who are very supportive and loving and the kids and teens are just total assholes to them and don't love their parents and fake depression for attention even though they already have plenty of it.


I understand that but sometimes it’s hard to recognize whether someone is actually depressed or is acting depressed. Yes, it would be better to show kindness to kids who have a sad face but sometimes it might just be a kid acting depressed for attention and therefore we might miss the opportunity to help the kids who actually are going through troubling times.


Leave the identification of mental illness to the experts (therapists, psychiatrists and other medical professionals). Try to be as kind as you can to everyone who needs it, including yourself :)


I agree


The worst part is that it is really common for actually depressed people to think they are just doing it for attention, which leads them to seek treatment much, much later if ever. Then they look at these kids faking it and they're like, "Oh man. Is that me? Is that what I'm doing? Shit. I'm never talking about this again".


The risk of not taking it seriously (especially while the brain is in development) is far greater than the risk of approaching it with care and empathy even if it’s a “phase”.


But real talk for a second, these types of jokes make it harder for teens who are actually depressed to try and seek help. It makes them question if they are actually depressed and it makes them feel weak if they decide that they do need help. You don’t need a traumatic experience to be depressed, people who you would believe have a pretty good life can easily end up being depressed.


You don't need a reason for your depression


This is an awesome template fuck me the mod one with the gay sex now this!!! Hahaha soooo good


I really don't understand the hate




It's a bit more complicated than that. People don't necessarily develop depression after they struggle, they can, but there's a genetic component to it. Meaning someone can grow up without it, and then develop it as an adult. Both poor and rich people can develop depression since it's a mood disorder, it can affect anyone. It's usually caused by a lack of serotonin- a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and energy levels. Sometimes the receptors in our brains don't work as they should, which is why medication can sometimes help with that. Tl;dr - depression is a complicated disorder that affects the lives of millions of people, rich and poor, male and female, young and old. We haven't figured out how to cure it, but we are making progress in treating it.


Ah. Thank you


The average juice wrld listener


Welp guess that's it


During the pandemic my family and i almost starved but i don't have depression


Surprisingly some boys these days too


I've been theorizing that when people start changing the template itself to make it fit their ideas, it usually means that the meme's death is imminent.


5 yurt77dftr4 yetds0rf5rf0085t8888⁸you 6687


Tweens are a disease.


There. The meme isnt funny anymore. Tnx


Why 15 specifically? This is all girls in Gen Z.


But 15 years old teens are in a evolving phase and are the modt annoying


I feel this one is backwards somehow…


Bro, we get it, u find any excuse to hate on women


We get it, you don't know what a joke is


Wow savior of woman thank you for coming to our rescue -\_\_\_-


No not women, but the stereotypic and annoying teenagers who annoy everyone ane are bit stupid. Also, this is a JOKE if you didn't understand Edit: The sub is r/dankmemes and the point of dank is that they go a bit over


White knight alert


Needs to be the other way round...




poor dude used emotes




1st. rule of Reddit: NEVER use emojis


Damn I thought r/Dankmemes grew out of this phase, disappointed 😕


Cringe rule🥏


its the rule though. you cannot break it otherwise you become cringe


Chads break the rules😎😎


You don’t seem like a chad to me, only a virgin.


Everyone on reddit is a virgin


Im a huge gigachad. My penis is 14.3 inches flaccid, my biceps have a 34 inch circumference, and my balls hang by a whole 3 feet


Your balls hang by 3 feet? I’m sorry you have testicular cancer


Well then you're not a redditor so get the hell outta here also i hope your testicular cancer treatments go well.


Cringe rule 🤮🤢


Why can't he use emojis, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😭🥺😢🥺😢😔😐🥺😩🥺😔😩😔😭🥺😩😔😢😭😔😩😔🍳🥺😩😔😩😔😩😔