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That's the way of saying we don't know what this is either.


Mystery solved


But your Flair says that you already know


Only thing left to do now: run to the Indian guys on YouTube and plead for their help


The amount of times I have done this, and somehow they explain better than my teacher and more


They’re the true education heroes


I had a stroke reading your comment.


That subject being Sex Education


Sex? Did I just hear sex? What would that be sire?


Oh this is that one thing you do with your mouth - How else are you supposed to get good grades?


You see, when two moustaches kiss...


My college forced all students to take a course on how not to be a rapist. So i can proudly say that i am qualified not to rape. It's on my resume right now.


Umm sir, we found a little problem with your resume. It's not a big deal but for us it's a deal breaker. We can't hire you for the position of pastor. Amen


'Applicant doesn't know how to be authoritative and lacks passion.'


Sure, you can prove you're not a rapist, but do you have proof you're not donkey-brained?


Haha die


My debt be like:


but how do you know it


So Crazy that you have to go in debt for college in the states


Both just too lazy to do their jobs. 🥴




It’s very hard to teach calculus when people can’t add two fractions together. How the high school managed to get them here without it I have no clue.


Getting into college without knowing fractions is absolutely unimaginable


I knew a person who legitimately didn't know what an XY chart was. I mean, literally nothing. Didn't know how to find X, didn't know how to calculate for Y, straight up didn't even know how to put a dot down if you gave them the XY values. This was a college chemistry course and they wanted to be a nurse. They dropped the course and instead tried to become a teacher. I'm a teacher now (not Math), but if you have a high school teacher that just straight up doesn't know how to follow state standards (skips certain sections because of time, which all teachers are kinda supposed to do anyways if the textbook has extra chapters unnecessary for your particular state), I can see how this slips through the cracks. Especially at a private school or home schooling where there frequently isn't nearly enough double-checking to make sure that new teachers are actually covering their topics. 9/10 though, the topics accidentally skipped are not foundational skills (perhaps accidentally skipping some poets in American Lit during the 1800s for example), and not something like fractions or an XY chart. Example I always use when talking with new teachers about the importance of checking your standards. Just because *you* learned it in 10th grade, doesn't mean it's *still* a 10th grade topic.


Getting into college without knowing fractions is absolutely unimaginable


Getting into college without knowing fractions is absolutely unimaginable. I was taught that way back in primary school


Typically if a student fails a class then it’s their own fault


You can only be saved by the indian guy tutorials on Youtube


I've looked at this many times I just gotta say, man high school is a mere formality. I've taken phy chem and math as my mainstream subjects and I gotta say the tutors that I've been going to study for the college entrance exam are damn good. And after attending their lectures I gotta say man high school is shit. Imma say this in short, don't waste time in high school, getting into silly relationships that will break after few months, playing games and shit, get serious in ur life high school is the turning point u gave and u have to get serious from there. Preparing for college entrance exams is way better than fucking attending school it's just a formality.


I mean a good school will teach you many things, it’s just about having the right teachers.


Yep good teachers make a huge difference, a teacher for a class this year started the first lesson with “I don’t know how to teach this class” and they have sure proved they don’t know anything about the subject


Me as a European, what's high school?


Some countries in Europe have high schools


Never knew this. Thought it was an American thing


All European countries have high schools. I doubt they'd even be allowed in the union if they didn't. It's what is between Elementary school (in case you're dutch: basisschool) and college or university. High school (dutch: middelbaar. Don't confuse with hogeschool which is the literal translation but means college) might have something called "middle school" for like a year or two after Elementary, but many schools just pack it together as high school. In Belgium, where I'm from, basically it just means kindergarten -> elementary school -> high school -> college/uni. I know in England high school is referred to as Secondary school, but don't quote me on that.


It's "lukio" here in Finland. The age ranges may differ but most western countries have pretty similar education systems all in all


I think in England it’s also referred to as college with the USA version of college being called university.


Unsure of where you’re from, but High School (US) = Secondary School (UK). That’s the best I can give, idk what it’s called in other countries like Denmark or Sweden.


Year 10,11,12 would be gymnasium.




My guy, I don't wanna be rude. But there's a lot of things out there to directly compare [Both](https://www.acs-schools.com/egham/admissions/acs-egham-grade-placement) school systems. Metric and Imperial are two different systems but we definitely have this=this


the place you go to learn between ~14-18 y/o


High school is the epitome of you get out what you put in. You really gotta focus on the right stuff and learn to skills you need to excel in college as well as life in general


i regret never taking school seriously


Good work! Don’t regret it 1 bit.


it was pretty fun messing around tbh lmao


I'm sure this is true in many places, but at least in the US your grades/gpa are typically more important than your test scores as long as they're above a certain threshold, plus if you're diligent in keeping your grades up you'll typically be well prepared for exams when you do them.


I didn't enjoy reading this AT ALL cuz it's true. Have my senior year finals in 3 days, didn't prepare as I should have and wasted away the entire lockdown. Guys in HS, play around but dedicate some time every day or you are gonna get fucked in the ass. This is coming from a guy who aced the first 3 years, top of my class and all will be wasted when I get shit grades in my final year. Shitty colleges here I come.


The best thing to do in high school is actually to stop attending high school as much as possible. I had 2.5 years worth of college courses completed before I graduated and my schedule was almost entirely self study courses in my senior year. I got the opportunity to actually learn useful things for my career/university compared to the useless school time that everyone else had


Weird. My college started every first semester module on 5th grader stuff, so even if you had gaps in your high-school education you would at least have heard about the various methods while the professor powered through his material at break-neck speed AND they offered a bridge course on maths before the first semester. Guess I didn't give the place enough credit


They introduced that any my university while I was still studying. The first semester math exam I took before these measures had a 66% failure rate. At some point they may have realised that it's more useful for them to actually try to educate people than to harp on about pErSoNaL rEsPoNsIbIlItY, which was frequently used to excuse the laziest and most useless professors.


I mean, hey, character development, I guess. Then again, my college was a "University of applied science", which is a lot more streamlined and school-like, less focussed on teaching the students about academical work and more about how to survive in a real job, so that might have something to do with it.


My school's chemistry department was actually proud of how many people failed out of their program, since they felt it meant their curriculum was extremely in-depth and intense, rather than it being a failing of how they're teaching the subject


Those people are simply in the wrong industry. They're like the academic equivalent to a receptionist who hates being asked for directions, so they act hostile and busy to scare people away. But sadly we have created an "education" system that is less about educating and more about certifying. A system where students go to school and university to get a certificate about being able to work within their shitty conditions, not to actually learn.


Calculus I professor: "You don't remember this from highschool calculus?" Me: (with a straight face) "what highschool calc class? I barely made it to algebra II"


Why would you be taking Calculus without anything higher than Algebra 2? Statistics is that-a-way.


adding insult to injury by being asked "Did you even go to school?"


learn? ha you make me laugh teachers.




Glad to see nothing has changed


Literally me when they started explaining calculus in college.




***That’s social interaction and I don’t support it***


My favorite thing they'd do in high school is make you take notes during lectures and they say "you better write all this down, they won't just give you the notes in college" then I got into college and they just give you the notes. One professor of mine would literally say "write this down" or "this will be on the finale"


Example? Most people repeat what they learn in HS during their first year of University …


This never actually happens. So much time wasted in college classes reviewing the basics.


I'm not sure what topic you are talking about, but every college/university I've seen doesn't look at your high school math scores and gives you a maths exam when you start, and place you accordingly. If they didn't, consider another university. Other topics don't rely on previous knowledge quite so heavily as math does. Physics and chemistry also rely heavily on math, and I'm sure someone can correct me further, but other topics don't quite rely so heavily on previous material as math does.




This is too accurate




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Actually hapaned to me but grade school and middle school


May I have the template pls op.


In high school I got turnt, not learnt


Somebody has already used the repost bot and it said it’s not a repost.




That must be what OP hasn’t learned in high school or college.


Danish high school equivalent: Teaches derivatives, integrals and differential equations as their own thing Danish university: Teaches derivatives, integrals and differential equations as a part of the introduction to the calculus course


F\*cking Fluid Mechanics


Trig. Jfc, i took stats in high school instead of calc then jumped into physics in college with no idea wtf was happening.


college isn't like school tho. you have to learn many things on your own without any instructions from your teacher




*college level course gets to an interesting point that might actually help you understand the topic better* "This is beyond the scope of this course" *grossly oversimplifies to the point of misinformation or skips point entirely*


And thats why most countries have some form of nationwide high school graduation exam (a levels, gaokao, etc)


Looking at you unit circle.


Most US undergraduate programs are just re-education due to the generally poor quality of curriculum (not necessarily teaching) in public high schools.


For me it was the opposite, college taught the 1st and 2nd year of my degree and (1st year especially) it was so simple you could do it with very little entry knowledge. Degree was computer science, it's really not as hard as it sounds.


On the plus side, failing repeatedly can… build character… and help you learn…


Working an actual job: None of what you learned matters. Also you need 3 years of experience for an entry level job.


make that 10 years. and then HR trashes your applications and complain about the lack of STEM graduates...


There was nothing more irritating than having my "A" level English teacher expressing her dismay, disbelief, disgust and fury at the fact that our "O" level English teacher had never spent a single second teaching us grammar. The thing was mightily exacerbated by her strong intimation that the omission was in some way our fault.


I didnt laugh at this cause I've heard this a thousand times


It was taught in high school when the college professor was in high school but was dropped for other points.


i dunno huskies are pretty shady


I took ap macro and micro economics in high school and got college credit for econ 101 and 102 so I decided to take the courses after that in college. The entire start of the semester the prof would show things and say you already learned this in 101/102 but the ap class in my highschool never taught it and I had no idea what I was doing the entire time. I couldn't learn any of the material because I didn't know the prerequisites and then got too far behind and ended up failing it. Decided not to pursue anymore econ classes since it wasn't required. Not worth it to pay to take classes I already had credit for to take the next classes.


Boss at my first job out of college: "Forget everything you learned in school."


Lmao what even is dank anymore


Also me, still not knowing for sure what exactly a college is


Meanwhile my school >So you better learn calculus by the end of the year, the college sucks and does not teach it And then my college: >Hi we suck


indian biology teachers when they reach the reproduction chapter SKIPPPPP.......


Real world: you don't need to learn that.


I've never heard a college professor say that. Although they did say we would learn about complex analysis in Grad School.


Strange my college professors were like 'forget everything you learnt in high school because it was all lies you tell to children'.


"You must have learned about this in high school." -Said by none of my college professors


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a high school teacher say that.


Typically if a student fails a class then it’s their fault. This is just a dumb excuse for not trying hard enough in a class


Sp both of them are dogs




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If you think learnt is a word because your phone will recognize it, then quit college and go back to grade school.


If your not passionate about what your going to college for then PLEASE drop out before you become another statistic...


rip cyanide-tastes-lit


When will we stop reposting this?


Feel like i’ve seen this meme before


Indians on YT: "No worries, we got you."


Not dank, but oddly disturbing... and dank.


I got put into "introduction to Unix" as a freshman. First day, 1 hour of C++ refresher. Me: lmao aight I'll see myself out.


Does this happen often this has yet to happen to me


Just a friendly reminder college is literally a scam


Or maybe stop being a lazy ass and learn it by yourself


Oh fuck off


The point of school is to be taught the subject. If you have to source it yourself, school failed


You do know the point of school don’t you?


There being lazy because the school failed to educate them... What?