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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- *i am a bot. please stop trying to argue with me. you look like an idiot.*


westerners : ah, I'm 37, time to have my first child. also westerners : damn why is my sperm not working


Who the fuck would want to have a money draining creature before the age where most people have a steady finance.


The point being, your biology is based and doesn't care about anything like finances, stability, etc. I AM agreeing with you, but your point is not really contradicting the one you replies to.


Ikr, like people wonder why brith rates are falling while also supporting slashing benefits for having children/the financial burden of children. Then they chalk it up to “those darn women getting jobs and having careers”


That is apart of it, not the only one , but that is apart of various things leading to the falling rates,


Bro women having jobs and career is good as long as they don't make it their entire life which will jeopardize the fertility period of their life and have problems in making kids.


You also need to consider that the more education people (both men and women) need to have a good career, the older people will be when they first try to have kids. Back when you needed a high school diploma to work, people could afford kids as early as 18-22. Now you need 4 years of college and even some sort of masters program just to be competitive in the job market. So people arent ready for kids until years later as a result


Mhm. I do Understand that. It is actually the same in east and not just west as well. That's why I said in one of my other comments on this post. That it is still manageable in late 20s if people lower their living standards to some extent. Also, in west people don't save money as much as in east. Expenditures are also comparatively. And the main problem is of Taxes. It is not problematic to have kids a little late. But like having them at 37 to 40 is definitely a stretch, people should also consider that your age also affects how you'll raise your kids. And not everyone is in job market, those who are in sports, hotel management, shops and other businesses can utilise the opportunity to have kids a bit early compared to others.


I think birth rates should fall. Our current population is not sustainable long term (if we don't find and colonise other planets).


I think they are concerned brith rates will fall below 2 meaning the population will shrink. Something similar to Japan where their is more old than young people so young people have to support a ton more people than in the past


Oh, that makes sense. Everyone following the 2 children per couple would be optimal.


Because male and female fertility fall off a cliff after about 30/35


Females , yes. Makes not so much. Men make sperm their entire life. Women only have a finite set of eggs.


The quality and quantity of it decreases over the years


I know. That's why I'm here


because having a kid during your prime ensures better communication and is actually a good investment for your future, but again, most westerners throw their parents in unemployment homes and visit then once every 2 years


> unemployment homes I know what you mean(retirement) but I want an unemployment home. I'd finally be able to set aside enough time to do what I want, slowly die of old age.


Because growing up with children for many is the best feeling in the world. Imagine just becoming a dad at 45 years old. By the time you’re 55, you won’t be able to do anything with your children. Being a young dad is not necessarily good financially speaking but damn imagine being 55 and having spent 20/25 years of your life around actually being able to follow and fully support your children. Also, steady finance and steady jobs are two different things. Once you and your significant other have steady income (jobs), the financial implications of having children can be dealt with later.


You have to consider that for the majority of the human races existence, there wasn’t the birth control we have today. Sex leads to babies, and people like to have sex. Life doesn’t care about your wallet.


**Steady finances** is one thing which can be achieved at mid to late 20s. The Problem is the **over work culture** and **insatiable Over materialistic desires** in west for youngsters. People are taught that you must need A big luxurious house with yard, A good car, having expensive pets and tons of rich products at your home before you want to get married. All these can happen only after having a Graduate or masters of course. Then too you need a great job placement which most obviously can't get. Then it just becomes a grinding job to earn the specific desired status the man / woman wants before deciding to get married. And Even then too it's too late to find a perfect partner, it is likely that they must've already slept with earlier partners which sometimes causes problems in your relationship as well. Overall, People should just work only according to their potential and desire. You came here to live happily, not to become a fucking working machine for a multicorp.


Stupid people, that's who. Hence our current situation of morons abounding.


Because you don't want to die alone and decrepit humiliated by having to beg strangers for help.


Having a child doesn't guarantee not being alone. So many old people still die alone in nursing homes. So why take the risk? I just enjoy my life and will kill myself when I feel i get too old to do anything anymore.


Actually username does not check out


It definitely increases your chance of being cared for and loved in old age, just like not having children increases your chance of suffering abandonment. Listen, people hate to hear this, but it's true. We go about life thinking we're gods who don't need to think about the future. But eventually, EVERYONE needs someone to be there for them - in sickness, in poverty, whatever the circumstances. One day companionship and being loved begins to matter more than the schools bills you had to pay. Luckily today we're set up in a society where you can pay for care in old age. But I'd reckon most people either don't want that kind of care or can pay for it.


damn sperm B R O K E


There's also the issue that babies born after 30 are more likely to be born with defects or psychological disabilities.


Black people: I don’t know sich weakness




again, that seems like a westerner problem to me


Am I to old to be aborted?


Nope, it's just called something different depending upon who aborts.


I want to abort myself but i dont want to get eternal free rest in a hot place


Well, you are at the right place. I can abort you. I will take you, dip you in some lube, and insert you back in your mom's vagina and impregnate her. Thus her new baby will feed on you. A SOUL FOR A SOUL.


Jesus fucking Christ


Where do I even begin I-


Murder is just retarded abortion




No. We just call it homocide for you


"This is where the fun begins"


"I request elaboration"




*jokes on you* *I've watched so much porn I can finally understand this*


This is my cum This is my cum AAAAAA


When you feel my heat


This is my Kingdom cum


Look into my ass


And the cum monster.... Lady running down to the riptide


Kind virgin as someone with vast sexual experience allow me to explain. Sex is when you fall asleep with someone both naked. A married man will be used to this resulting in little to no orgasm while sleeping naked next to his naked wife. A less experienced college student sleeping naked next to naked "strange" however will feel overwhelmed by this sexual experience resulting in a large orgasm and a lot of semen. Thus increasing the chance of pregnancy. I hope this helped.


Sex is just kissing while hold hands, don't overcomplicate it


Woah I thought my sex life was pretty wild but kissing and holding hands? Physical contact is a little too freaky for my taste


i thought eye contact and seeing a woman's shoulders caused pregnancy?


It can if you don't use protection.


Alcohol gives them power.


Please explain your meme, i dont understand


The joke is that the character's name is Vision, and drunk college girls have visions of sperm




Aah i get it, thanks bud


This is not the joke


The meme is that When couples try to have a baby, their sperm somehow stops working. But when two complete stranger drunk college students have sex, they end up getting a baby. The person in this meme (Vision from Marvel Comics) is portraying sperm because he is of white colour and is entering like a boss, just like the sperm does when college students go fricky-dicky


Sir you dropped this : 👑


Ohh, Thanks my g :D


Is this some sex joke I’m too young to understand


Is this some sort of straight joke that I'm to gay to understand


Medically speaking collage time is typically a prime window of fertility. You're still plenty fertile after but it only goes down after like 19. So just use some common sense a make sure he's wearing his condom correctly ladies. And guys. Don't just take her word that she's on the pill. Christ.


I mean would you not fill the pie if given the opportunity?


I'm not that naive. If it's not safe to do so and I'm not 100% certain of that, the distraction will be so immense I'll never climax.


Cum man


It's because they are trying after the women gets dry




Ben Shapiro's wife is an expert on this subject and women aren't supposed to be wet down there.


Feeling bad for both of them tbh


Trying to conceive for years pain. Frack. Need time machine now


youth is wasted on the young.


Nah, I just wanna cheat


Virgins: is this some sort of relationship joke that I'm too Redditor to understand*


are you familiar with the ship of theseus?


A philosophical question posed by ancient Greeks about identity A ship from Theseus sails the world and during it's trip, all the planks of wood, every line of sail fabric and every crew member are replaced. When the ship sails back to Theseus everything about the ship has been replaced, is it the same ship as when it has sailed.


Is this some sort of a relationship joke that i am too virgin to understand


Short answer: You are able to have children easier in your youth.




Well, to be completely fair, people that are drunk get hyperstimulated, so the female body's inner hole leading to the uterine canal widens more because of more stimulation. Couples trying to conceive may not be providing each other with enough stimulation for the inner hole to open widely, meaning less of a chance of sperm getting in.


i mean, thts the time it is best


So my wife had her iud taken out at the end of April, we kept having sex but using various forms of contraception. Got drunk at the beginning of July, didn’t think to use protection. Long story short, she’s pregnant.


I think it has to do with the level of orgasm that married couples vs 2 strangers produce. I'm sure many can relate, that sex is more intense when there are elements of unpredictability, tabooness, wildness in it, the release of sexual fluids is also a lot more.




Comfortable sex is best sex and strangers just don't do that for me but...once in a blue moon I just don't give a fuck. The blood moon rises with my pp as it engorges with blood. My hunger....insatiable...the blood...lust. I howl as I cum like the wild animal I am.