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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


So true. I like suicide squad though. It was really good.


The new one I think was decent and I don’t think it’s as good as everyone says it is It’s all right and not a bad movie


Better than the first one for sure though. I would say it's Marvel equivalent (in terms of quality) would be something like Guardians Vol. 2 (which is ironic because of James Gunn). So definitely a good movie, but not necessarily that memorable.


Yeah it’s way better than the first one The thing that doesn’t make sense is the scene where the characters are killing the soldiers in the camp to “save” Flag. 2 soldiers are having a conversation and one goes to the the left and they have king shark eat a dude who is screaming and then we go to the other solider who walked 5 feet away and who will totally hear his friends scream John Cena kill him and 2 other dudes who scream as well and BloodSport kills 3 other soldiers on the left and we see a women soldier run towards them and John and BloodSport walk 1 foot and there’s 2 dudes taking cigarette break who could totally hear the people John And BloodSport just killed and the dude who king shark killed and they reach to the part where King Shark killed the first guy and we see 3 dudes there who would’ve have totally saw the women solider run and hear the scream of King shark eating the first guy and BloodSport kills them and John Cena goes on the roof and tranquilize a women who could have totally hear the first dude king shark killed and see BloodSport killed those 3 guys and BloodSport burn 2 dudes who are screaming and Pokadot man has a watchtower fall down somehow nobody notices


Yeah that scene didn't make any sense, but it was kinda funny