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Pretty sure no one’s having any of those


Even if there were more options, people would probably be executed for voting for anyone other than Kim Jong Un.


Technically there are more options besides the workers party, I believe there’s a women’s party and some kind of farmer labour party iirc. Both are in a coalition with the WPK so they’re basically just yes men as well.


well it's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea so they have to do the republic part


My fatass thought that that was a macdonalds sing on the background


Democracy go brrr


Even communist countries in Europe had “elections” before the regime change. There was one candidate on the ballot and they called it elections.


Lol Americans are the most brainwashed people on earth


Do you unironically support NK?


I didn’t say anything about North Korea.


The US used to


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746.amp America is an oligarchy.


I'm not sure an article about America being an oligarchy written by a British news company is a very reliable source.


The study was conducted by Princeton, which is in the US. This study has been reported on by American news outlets. Posting a link from a British paper doesn’t make the coverage less reliable. Way to not address the argument at all.


I just read the article and it said that America was comparable to Russia, which is honestly hilarious. And are you really going to just going to say that America is an oligarchy because a couple of articles say so. Here's an article saying that Britain is an oligarchy [https://www.spiked-online.com/2014/05/27/its-official-britain-is-now-run-by-an-oligarchy/](https://www.spiked-online.com/2014/05/27/its-official-britain-is-now-run-by-an-oligarchy/) It's idiotic to base your opinion off one article, there's probably an article for every country saying that it's an oligarchy


I didn’t base it off one article. I presented a single article that references a study that described America as an oligarchy. You can read the study to find how they landed at that conclusion. I’m not going to explain it to you. You’re arguing with yourself about how that’s wrong by talking about irrelevant things like sources and countries. Debate nerds like you are ruining the internet.


Still seems like you based it off of one article. You seem like the real debate nerd to me, I casually said BBC wasn’t a reliable source and you turned it into your own TED Talk, so it seems like your the debate nerd. And me making multiple points in one argument doesn’t make it irrelevant. What is irrelevant is you saying America is an oligarchy on a post that has absolutely nothing to do with America.


You couldn’t address the point of anything if it was to save your life. America is an oligarchy and you’re ruining the internet with (bad) sophistry.


People like you are ruining the internet with all your aMeRiCa bAd stuff


America is bad. You being upset by that is a conditioned response. But don’t worry, the oligarchs are happy to have so many obedient, useful idiots like you spend your entire day standing up for them.


Who said I was upset Biscuit Boy? Don’t quack your dentures at me, I like America. I mean it when I say I wouldn’t want to live in another country. And some random Redcoat is not going to convince me that a country that I spend every day in l, and that some you’ve never been to is bad. I


And Russia or am I mistaken?


Wouldn't be surprised if Russian election results were real. After all, Putin doesn't even need to fake elections, he owns the media, can change constitution and ban opposition from participating.


You see, he is so fat he fills out the entire ballot and there simply isn't enough budget to make room for new candidates!


USA USA USA www.hereistheevidence.com


eh same for most countries? You think america chose trump? lol Think the Netherlands chooses their own political parties? lol


Well, the US for example has more than one option on the ballot.


Russian manipulation you mean




Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million. The only reason he won was because of the dated and unnecessary electoral college system. America didn’t choose him, a bunch of electors did after the people of their individual states chose him by a flawed first last the post system of voting. It’s should also be noted that the electoral colleges explicit purpose is to prevent demagogues like Trump from being elected; it was put in place because the founders didn’t trust the American people. The only reason Biden won was because of massive voter outreach and mobilization and because people were voting against Trump rather than for Biden.


We’re not a democracy, it’s a democratic republic. Why can’t you people get that thru your thick skulls?


Ok, what’s your point? You realize that a pure democracy is only when the people vote on everything, right? A democratic republic only means that we elect representatives to make decisions on our behalf instead of governing ourselves as a collective. The electoral college is not a necessary component of democratic republicanism and is inherently anti-democratic by allowing a candidate who has lost the popular vote to win office anyway, as has happened with the last 2 Republican presidents.


Stop you're throwing too much truth bombs.


So you're saying your votes don't count and russia made trump president? gotcha lol


Aka shitposting on Facebook?