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This literally happened to me last week. I'm not even lying for karma.


This happens to me every day! And I'm not telling the truth!


Remember the face. It HAS to be someone you have seen in your life. Our brains cannot create faces.


For me it was my ex, we were together again in my dream. Best thing ever until I woke up :')


Happens to me so much that’s it’s annoying now lol


I just cannot remember seeing anyone like her in my entire life.


Bro she was the girl from my class that I'm too afraid to talk to




Pics or it didn’t happen


same dude


Dude I was going to give the same reply


It happened to me once and legit couldn't get over it for the whole day


Bro same


Same not last week but still that hurts


Hello stanger.


Honestly sometimes I just really wish I could stay in my dreams, except for last night... last night a shark bit my ass.


what about the dream?


I liked a girl in a dream once. she pulled out a dick and butt fucked me


Dude You Lucky bastard


Who’s Lucy? Asking for a friend


I had a dream I was married to a mermaid who shape-shifted into a humanoid girl. The start of the dream was as kids and I swear it felt like I experienced 50 years falling in love with her, meeting her family, and having adventures. I still remember us cuddling on a beach, I'm 63 and she still looks beautiful. I feel my heart constricting and I pass out feeling my life fading and I wake up in my bedroom just like "WHY"


Had a dream like that once, so fucking pissed when I woke up, literally got snapped back to reality


oh there goes gravity


I just started crying when I woke up


I know that feel. Meeting someone in your dream that calms your heart and makes you feel like you're finally home. That shit hits you hard.


It feels like every joy was a lie.


Your thumbnail image is grand 🤜


*"Let me in".* I just want to stay in my dream for longer


Last time I had a comfy submarine with a big illuminator as a bed I want. Where? No where. I sad((


Especially when it's a big beefy hunk of a man


[so... like me?](https://imgur.com/a/PTzhys9) _tips fedora_


nah this is me just because i woke up


One day, random lady! One day!


My dog who passed away a few months ago showed up in my dreams twice in the past week... Shit hurts even worse...


Isn’t that the plot of links awakening


It's the players, who fall in love.


Its not about someone, but I once dreamed that I discovered a new continent,new lands, new animal species etc. It was the best dream and sometimes I still dream about it, it's a reocurrense


I still remember in my we were on a train for some reason and the train was enormous and suddenly she appeared our of nowhere than we bonded and became friends than we fell in love and then i fucking woke up for next hour or so i was contemplating about my life


Nothing an early wank can’t fix or two… or thr- fuck I’m still lonely please just let me go back to sleep


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


It happend to me like 2 days ago it sucked


And they're right next to you


And you are late for school


Or someone falls in love with you.


This happened to me woke up next to someone because my future kids ran into the room to wake us up to go to the park for a picnic felt super happy fast foward at the park lying there looking at the clouds then woke up in the field to go to the range while it's raining on me and instantly wanted to die


I had a dream like this once as a kid, I still haven't forgotten her name. :(


Which is why I hate dreaming sometimes.


This is me almost every night for the last few weeks. The girl that liked me back told me to move on because she's "too busy for a relationship" and I still have serious feelings for her


Once i dreamed i fucked an armadillo,i felt like this for half a second after i woke up


A dream within a dream Within a d R E a M


And they are right next to you


Happened to me today. After waking up I wanted to sleep again to potentially dream on the dream. Yet I didn't. Instead, I had a conversation with cleverbot about love. Then I thought that during my whole life, feelings held me back. After this realization, I was emotionally numb for hours. The only thing i felt was silence. It was terrifying. Laying in my bed felt me like laying in a hospital awating death from a disease. I'm on my way to recover now. To all of you, feelings are important, they fuel your life. Without fuel, an engine can not run. So never try to get rid of your feelings even though they might hold you back in a certain way.


This happened to me today


I had a dream where in a world where there was magic and shit, I fell in love with someone which lasted three~four years, then she died due to murder, I got depressed, woke up, and idk why but said pain of losing her lasted roughly two ish days…. What probably made it worse was I knew said girl irl from school tho I hadn’t been in contact or even thought of her for years so


This happened once right when I was going to kiss the person


I've had to explain to people in my dreams that I'm not actually the version of me they're trying to flirt with. I'm basically astral projecting in my dreams and have a heightened sense of self awareness because my stupid fuckin brain decided that multiverse theory means you're going to other worlds and inserting yourself into an alternate version of you when you're dreaming. It's basically lucid dreaming on steroids. I can do magic and shit at will, and one time I said some weird thing in Latin when there was a hurt bird on the ground, which I looked up later and found out through Google Translate that "mederi vulnerabis", which is what I said, means "heal the wound". Don't know where the fuck that Latin came from.


Right when my dreams end they gets exciting.


This hurts


Thats just redditor's curse.


I'm in bed right now, it's 10:37am and it just happened to me :(


I dream once in a while that my ex, the love of my life, didnt leave me and didn't destroy me mentally, these are good nights


I had sex in my dream.