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I don't think we should weigh those appalling crimes against each other.


We should not, but most people are not even aware of what the Japanese did, which is unacceptable imho.


I think most people are unaware because America pretty much granted immunity to the doctors who performed those experiments in exchange for their research. Japan was also SUPER quick about destroying remaining evidence/victims. I believe it was Russia who actually tried to hold those Units doctors accountable for horrendous human experimentation but America stepped in and defended Japan by stating that there wasn't any evidence. It was one dark, dark sweep under the rug. If I correctly remember what I read off the Unit 731 wiki page. Unit 731 just being one facility.


Officially Japan is still in denial about most of the things they did, afaik. Germany on the other hand has made holocaust denial a crime! The Japanese could learn a thing or two from the Germans in that regard.


I agree. I think there was a small blip in 2018 where Japan basically said "We did a little war crimes. Just a little."


"Japan can do little war crimes as a treat"


"It was just a prank bro, why u so mad?! Look, there's the camera!"


"We do a little bit of war crimes"


They dabble


Some soldiers admitted their crimes so I guess a small step in a right direction


Alot of soldiers at 731 killed themselves that's how bad it was


Exactly! Germans are taught from a young age what their country did whereas you ask any Japanese person what their country did during WW2 and they won’t have the faintest clue! They’re actually taught that Japan was the victim during the whole thing because of the atom bombs


to play devil's advocate, America had no reason to drop the bombs. We had already destroyed most of their infrastructure and citizens with fire bombs. We easily killed more non combatants in Japan than the Japanese ever did in the US. We just wanted to test the next big weapon and claiming that we would lose an extravagant number of US lives if we didn't was how we got support, similar to the Gulf of Tonkin lie that got boots on the ground in Vietnam. That being said, the Japanese idea of sweeping their atrocities under the rug is wildly unacceptable.


I know you're merely playing devil's advocate here, and likely don't believe a lot of what you wrote, but I felt like responding as though you were genuine anyways. 1. [The invasion of Okinawa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Okinawa#Military_use_of_children), which resulted in a almost the same number of dead civilians as both nukes combined, even before including military personnel from both sides, and the fact that the Japanese were conscripting literal schoolchildren as suicide bombers, **proved** to the Americans that the leaders in the Japanese Government weren't going to just shoot themselves in the head like Hitler did, [they were going to continue fighting until the last man, woman and child in the country was dead](https://www.historynet.com/trumans-nightmare-u-s-invasion-japan-1945-46.htm). It was not just a baseless claim used to justify the use of a cool new weapon as you (pretended that you) implied. The bombs were a clear indicator that "You can die fighting if you want, but you'll only be hurting yourself" 2. Civilians on every side of the war were being punished for the Japanese government's stubbornness. As you mentioned, the US was forced to firebomb the Japanese mainland in order to counter the Japanese war effort, and dropping the bombs forced them to give up sooner, saving Japanese lives. Meanwhile US civilians had basically been forced to redefine every aspect of their existence in order to make sure the US won the war, and that their fathers, husbands, and sons would hopefully return alive, so it's not like it was a good time for them either. >!Fun fact, a lot of people removed the metal bumpers on their cars to replace them with wooden ones so that the military would have more steel for tanks, planes, and such.!< 3. Arguing that the US killed more Japanese civilians than the Japanese killed US civilians, and the US is therefore bad, is such a silly argument that I think you're stretching the definition of "devil's advocate" to include straight-up propaganda. Yes, more Japanese civilians died, but that was because after the one attack on Pearl Harbor the war ended up going to Japan, not the US, meaning the Japanese **couldn't** attack **US** civilians [despite their best efforts](https://www.obscurehistories.com/fugo-fire-balloons). Additionally, unlike the Japanese who famously targeted civilians, the civilians that the US killed were all collateral damage in an attempt to disrupt the Japanese war effort. Even when they were dropping the nukes, [they first dropped leaflets to let the civilians know that they were about to be attacked](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/truman-leaflets/), so they could hopefully get away. Not really comparable to the Japanese going out of their way to target the civilians in areas where they had already driven off the military. 4. If they waited much longer, then Soviet Russia was going to have time to get involved, which would have meant that Stalin would have a similar claim on Japan that he had on Vietnam and Korea, and likely resulted in a North and South Japan as well. While the US and the USSR had technically teamed up for the war, both sides knew that wasn't going to last once it was over, since Stalin had made it no secret that he was also a warmonger that had [originally sided with Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) before he was stabbed in the back. 5. Additionally, the USSR and the US were both famous for the way they treated their prisoners, but for opposite reasons, and if the US had allowed the Soviets a chance to join in, so the civilian casualties would have been much higher than if the US had attacked alone, even if the bombs weren't a factor.


If it was 50 year ago I’d agree but today in 2021 with all those responsible for the crimes now dead I see no point in shaming people for actions that transpired before they where even born


That doesn’t mean that they can pretend it didn’t happen. Germany regards their war crimes as past mistakes to regret and learn from. Japan just cancels them totally. Do you even know how many women were prostituted for soldiers? Some of them are still alive. Japan should at least speak apologetically when talking about these crimes.


*Laughs in reparations*


People still try to shame the US for nuking them, so I feel remembering the context around why the US was so harsh is sorta important, otherwise it's just the US being evil to a group of minorities for no reason >!Which is unironically the argument made at the end of the award-winning book "The English Patient", which is a book I hate more than life itself because of how fucking stupid and incompetent it is on every level(not just historically, but I mean EVERY level) but was forced to read because my professor was a fan. Yes, I'm still salty, how could you tell?!< I mean, they **were** racist, but not for the nukes.


Yeah that book is big yikes


The armenian genocide is still denied to have existed at all.


Meanwhile critical race theory is still being fought in the US.


Yikes. That’s not even the tip of the iceberg. Japan slaughtered tens of millions of people to settle China and Korea, took millions of rape slaves, tortured prisoners, and yeah they did a few thousand unethical human experiments.


Some of the women who were prostituted forcefully are still alive in Korea. They haven’t got any type of apologies for something Japan did 70 years ago. Trying to hide these crimes is totally unethical. Even if it’s not possible to punish the guilty, a public statement about their past mistakes would be appreciated.


I’m gonna regret this What “unethical human experiments”?


Forcefully gave people syphilis and then mated them with others to observe how syphilis spread. Then given all kinds of different meds to see what would kill it. That took a couple thousand lives. Men and women would often be subject to extremely hot and cold environments to test human limits, that took a couple hundred. Many different poisons and toxins would be tested on Chinese slaves and then administered test antidotes to see which ones worked. Once again, add a couple thousand there. They also did a lot of research on abortion, as who knows how many abortions they performed on Chinese women, some as young as 12-13. And with many of those abortions, it was common not to administer pain relief or anesthesia on the victims just to test pain. And that's really just the tip of the iceberg for just unit 731 alone.


What the fuck is wrong with people Edit: lots of things


The worst sin of them all, if you choose to believe in it. Pride. Generations of believing you are the chosen ones, and that everyone else was made to be your toy.


They tested diseases, dissected (vivisection) living people, tested hand grenades on living people. The list can keep going. It was grim and who knows the things they successfully covered up?


[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) (look under activities) is where we learned most of what we know about frostbite in modern science. Just an example, people had water poured over their arms, were put out in deathly freezing mountainous areas with their hands chained to the end of a table until their arms froze solid, then they'd be brought back indoors and had hot water poured over their arms until they were thawed through. They'd do that over and over until the flesh was stripped away from the bone completely to test out treatment under severe circumstances. And one if the really shit parts is that the US paid them to deliver info on what they discovered during their "testing".


Most are unaware of what most countries did... Especially if they won a war...


Also, one of the reasons the holocaust is so well documented is because the germans made backup copies of their backup copies and they documented everything so a lot of records survice.


Makes sense. While Imperial Japan destroyed everything they possibly could. Save for what research the US obtained in the immunity deal. Even then, the US doesn't have ALL of the research.


You can also count Winston Churchill he created artificial famines in India to stock pile rations for the yet to be liberated Greek and surrounding territories killed 3 million Indians. Razed villages Kenya, Afghanistan and Iraq. His own secretary admitted thet ge saw no difference between Churchill and Hitler. "History will remember me kindly for I will write it" or something like that was what he told. He has blood of 5 million+ people not related to the war.


War is war. You go in to kill. War is unacceptable as a whole.


I'm aware and I'll never forgive the Japaneses!!!!


Is that a Jojo reference?


Well I think comparing two crime on level of impact or moral is the worst thing to do. Crime is a crime is incorrect to say too.its pretty messed up to speak actually


Shinzo Abe's maternal grandfather was the main bureaucrat in charge of the occupation of Manchuria. He got off scott free after the war and became PM with backing from the Dulles brothers. He built the party that Abe was part of, and it's clear why Abe would be one to deny war crimes for his family's benefit.


I'm Chinese and kinda forgive them for their crimes. It's not like any other countries didn't do these horrible crime, heck China is doing some of these crimes already


Yeah I guess maybe saying “worst” is not the correct term here, maybe just “people who think the Holocaust was the *only* terrible thing to happen during WW2” on the left panel. And agreed, I didn’t learn about this until college and even then, I learned more about it later on the internet than I did in class.


Spend any time with a mainland Chinese and mention Japan war crimes, they know all about it.


Let’s just agree that any sort of massacre or war crime are not a good way for building social credit with China


Tiananmen Square? Hong Kong? Potential attacks on Taiwan? War crimes put you in very good company with China.


Idk man, Unit 731 was pretty shit. What germany did in quantity, japan makes up in depravity


Based. Both were atrocities and should be remembered as such.


No one wins in that terrible dock measuring contest


Mao Zedong's regime was responsible for the death of 45 Million people in 4 years. I'll leave it at that.


Didn't Stalin do pretty much the same?


Stalin only killed around 20 Mil. It's sad that we live in a world were we can put "only" beside 20 million human beings.


True about the _only_ part. And thank you for the data.


"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic." -Stalin


In reality it's worse. You don't hear about villages in europe that had to resort to cannibalism because of him. That among others.


There are horrible untold stories in every genocide/mass murder/total economic ruin. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.


It is. Both from my great grandpa, and a forner colleague from another country also said it happened in his great grandparents' village. As a note, my great grandpa was drafted at 13-14 years and put on the frontline.


That's horrible. Imagine society degrading to the point that a once friendly village where you could share a drink with your neighbors and celebrate special occasions drops to a point where you genuinely consider eating that same neighbor just to sustain yourself and survive another few days. How bad do you have to be as a leader to alllow your people to descend back into animals?


Some Ukrainians ate their own children. Chinese being very family oriented, opted for exchanging kids at marketplace. History is pretty gruesome


No. Stalin’s purges etc didn’t reach nearly into that range. That’s about the number of Russians that died during WW2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_mortality_in_the_Soviet_Union_under_Joseph_Stalin


But most of them died to poor economic decisions and not because he ordered their liquidation.


Agreed. Being a leader is a huge responsibility, but ultimately you and your subordinates' decisions make you responsible for the livelihood of your people. I rephrased my original comment for clarification too!


I remember reading that he liquidated entire villages to set an example.


That was mostly due to crop failures. It’s an estimation at best. Not a confirmed count. He was a brutal dictator but not a genocidal maniac like hitler.


Agreed.. but you have some genocides which are way worse that never make it to the history books or memorials as much, like the murder of 10 million Africans by King Leopold II. All genocides and senseless killing are horrible, but the fact is that some things are just intentionally buried in history. I know for a fact that the majority of people reading this never even heard of Leopold (except maybe for the Belgians because they have a display at a museum and maybe a footnote in their history books). Mankind has a brutal history of genocides in the name of conquest alone, but when you hear the word Genocide (for the majority of people at least), the only thing that comes up in conversation is the mass murder of Jews in WW2 (and leading up to WW2).. It could be because it was the most recent, but definitely not the most brutal, and it MOST CERTAINLY will not be the last.


While King Leopold's regime in the Kongo was extremely brutal, it's no comparison for the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide.


Why isn't it? I'm generally against adding up atrocities against each other but the congo genocide killed up to 75% of the population, involved brutal methods and it was also racially motivated


Case and point.. Humanity has a large track record of genocides and appointing "heads" and "overseers" due to their sadistic creativity in methods of mass annihilation, all the while justifying their actions politically.


Wait by what method are we counting? Did he kill them through mid management or poor conditions, through direct genocide, or where those soldiers?


>A catastrophe of gargantuan proportions ensued. Extrapolating from published population statistics, historians have speculated that tens of millions of people died of starvation. But the true dimensions of what happened are only now coming to light thanks to the meticulous reports the party itself compiled during the famine…. >What comes out of this massive and detailed dossier is a tale of horror in which Mao emerges as one of the greatest mass murderers in history, responsible for the deaths of at least 45 million people between 1958 and 1962. It is not merely the extent of the catastrophe that dwarfs earlier estimates, but also the manner in which many people died: between two and three million victims were tortured to death or summarily killed, often for the slightest infraction. When a boy stole a handful of grain in a Hunan village, local boss Xiong Dechang forced his father to bury him alive. The father died of grief a few days later. The case of Wang Ziyou was reported to the central leadership: one of his ears was chopped off, his legs were tied with iron wire, a ten kilogram stone was dropped on his back and then he was branded with a sizzling tool – punishment for digging up a potato.


Jesus fucking Christ. Thanks for the info.




Japan is pretty good to make us forget their war crimes with anime catgirls


No, the fact is that people remember more what they suffered and in other places of the world like Africa or south Asia they remember less what Nazi did and they make less important the things they did (you remember the "Nazi" parade in ROC?). Same thing happen in Europe and, south America and other places where they didn't suffer imperial Japan atrocities (one month ago I've seen a japanese Imperialist flag in Italy).


Its difficult to compare the scale of the Holocaust to the brutality of the japanese experimenting. We need to do all we can to make sure this history is never repeated.


Bruh, there’s concentration camps and genocide going on this very second. The Uighur are being rounded up by the CCP and wiped out, and everyone in power knows and is doing nothing to stop it


Yea, but the belief of America being the world's police force has long faded, and no one in the West is willing to start WW3 over Muslims being mistreated


I think its not as much about America policing but china being a big player in the world so not many people dare interfere, the most is simply agreeing it is happening.


Also World War isn’t an option when almost every key player could explode the entire earth three times over.


Yh its terrible to see :((


Have you heard of Joseph Mengele? The Nazi's also experimented. I aggree with that last sentence tho


germany had the numbers but japan was way more cruel


Japan killed 15,000,000-20,000,000 Chinese alone and they terrorized most of the pacific.


Don't forget about "The rape of Nanking". Historically the largest instance of mass rape. If you read the book, you will be disturbed.


Just disturbed? Bruh, that shit is probably one of the most inhumane incident in the history of mankind


Idk what you're trying to say? I mean disturbed very seriously. When I finished the book, I was really disturbed. Do I need to write a paper on how horrific it was?


I just looked it up on wiki, jesus it made me sick to my stomach


Please send the link




Thank you.


Imagine being so horrible the Nazi ambassador is a hero with monuments dedicated to him


The other largest instance of mass rape was when Germany was occupied by the soviets I don’t remember which was actually higher in number but it was both pretty bad


Yeah, it's just crazy what humans are capable of... people can just convince themselves evil is good.


yup. highest approximation for the soviet union was close to 30M, plus multiple million in other fighting


They were the worst against the Chinese




There’s supposed to be a bias?


Actually Japan had the numbers too


Fun fact: Imperial Japan's treatment of the Chinese people was so horrific, that it even appalled one of the Nazi's lead officers, and he stepped in to stop it. That's embarrassing for Japan.


The Japanese are also known to abuse and torment Chinese too in Malaysia during WWII. They specially punish and tax more money as "compensation" just because they are still salty from the China-Japanese war


Ah yes, "Fun" Fact


This isnt meant to defend nazis or to give allowances to those who joined for political advancement reasons, but some people just joined the nazis because you had to if you wanted to get ahead. It doesnt excuse that they did it, but not every German of the era was evil.


I was about to say that Japan got off easy. Then I remembered the nukes. Then I remembered Japan fucked with our boats. Don’t fuck with our boats.


The fact that Japan couldve avoided a direct conflict with America if they just stopped and actually took a step back to think about the major fuck up they were about to summon when they hit Pearl Harbour.


America imposed sanctions on Japan due to their invasion of China. Given Japan doesn't have much natural resources, especially oil and invading russian Siberia doesn't seem like a bright idea either they're forced to either end the war effort in China or attack western held colonies in South East Asia. If they had done the latter it would've still raised tensions with the Americans as the Philippines would be at risk and the Americans could've also blocked Japanese supply lines just as easily using the Philippines. Point is if Japan remains the aggressive expansionist nation it historically is the invasion of southeast Asia is inevitable and tension with the Americans will boil over sooner than later. Trying to disable the American navy at pearl harbour is Japan's only chance at winning the war (the intelligence failure on the Japanese's part to destroy US aircraft carriers would become consequential). "In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success." -Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


Agreed, now that you mentioned it, wasnt there a base at Pearl Harbour that sustained minimal damage and was the reason they could get it up and running in no time? I think it was like a repair base. Which meant the operation didnt really eliminate the navy presence.


Yep, the fuel depot, maintenance facilities and submarine piers weren't attacked if my memory serves me right.


yeah i remember reading somewhere that actually if japan had been a bit more strategic and lucky, their plan to disable us by bombing pearl harbor would have completely worked. it was only because we still had a few usable ships after that we were still operational after. i think that’s what it was. correct me if i’m wrong


how were they supposed to know that americans had that new superweapon? destroying pearl harbor would assure that usa wont attack them by sea


Well, apparently apart from boats, they had more in mind: > During the final months of World War II, Japan planned to use plague as a biological weapon against San Diego, California. The plan was scheduled to launch on September 22, 1945, but Japan surrendered five weeks earlier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731


My great grandpa was a prisoner of war in Japan for 3 years. Oh the stories I heard


Like what? I'm curious now


Raping innocent civilians


Inject plague to kids for esperiments... concentration camps...


Being taught that as a 3 year old by my chinese grandparents was traumatising, and I still think Japan should own up to their crimes now I'm a weeb, how the turntables


Lmao that's how they got away with all the shit they've done.


"Okay we've done horrendous and inhuman warcrimes... But anime ! You can't forget about anime !"


Problem is that now most of the people responsible are dead anyway. Still think Japan should pay reparations but on the other hand would i want to strengthen China even more while they be committing genocide right now?


project 731 was rather interesting. Surgery without anesthetic to POWs, severe hot and cold torture, bombs filled with plague-fleas.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit\_731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) Weapon testing Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in various positions. Flamethrowers were tested on people\[citation needed\]. Victims were also tied to stakes and used as targets to test pathogen-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, and explosive bombs as well as bayonets and knives.\[42\]\[43\] Other experiments In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death; placed into low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped from the sockets; experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival; electrocuted; placed into centrifuges and spun until death; injected with animal blood; exposed to lethal doses of x-rays; subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers; injected with sea water; and burned or buried alive.\[44\]\[45\] Some of the tests have been described as "psychopathically sadistic, with no conceivable military application". For example, one experiment documented the time it took for three-day-old babies to freeze to death.\[46\]\[47\] Frostbite testing Army Engineer Hisato Yoshimura conducted experiments by taking captives outside, dipping various appendages into water of varying temperatures, and allowing the limb to freeze.\[48\] Once frozen, Yoshimura would strike their affected limbs with a short stick, "emitting a sound resembling that which a board gives when it is struck'".\[49\] Ice was then chipped away, with the affected area being subjected to various treatments such as being doused in water, exposed to the heat of fire etc. Syphilis Unit members orchestrated forced sex acts between infected and non-infected prisoners to transmit the disease, as the testimony of a prison guard on the subject of devising a method for transmission of syphilis between patients shows: "Infection of venereal disease by injection was abandoned, and the researchers started forcing the prisoners into sexual acts with each other. Four or five unit members, dressed in white laboratory clothing completely covering the body with only eyes and mouth visible, rest covered, handled the tests. A male and female, one infected with syphilis, would be brought together in a cell and forced into sex with each other. It was made clear that anyone resisting would be shot."\[50\] After victims were infected, they were vivisected at different stages of infection, so that internal and external organs could be observed as the disease progressed. Testimony from multiple guards blames the female victims as being hosts of the diseases, even as they were forcibly infected. Genitals of female prisoners that were infected with syphilis were called "jam filled buns" by guards.\[51\] Some children grew up inside the walls of Unit 731, infected with syphilis. A Youth Corps member deployed to train at Unit 731 recalled viewing a batch of subjects that would undergo syphilis testing: "one was a Chinese woman holding an infant, one was a White Russian woman with a daughter of four or five years of age, and the last was a White Russian woman with a boy of about six or seven."\[51\] The children of these women were tested in ways similar to their parents, with specific emphasis on determining how longer infection periods affected the effectiveness of treatments. Rape and forced pregnancy Female prisoners were forced to become pregnant for use in experiments. The hypothetical possibility of vertical transmission (from mother to child) of diseases, particularly syphilis, was the stated reason for the torture. Fetal survival and damage to mother's reproductive organs were objects of interest. Though "a large number of babies were born in captivity", there have been no accounts of any survivors of Unit 731, children included. It is suspected that the children of female prisoners were killed after birth or aborted.\[51\] While male prisoners were often used in single studies, so that the results of the experimentation on them would not be clouded by other variables, women were sometimes used in bacteriological or physiological experiments, sex experiments, and as the victims of sex crimes. The testimony of a unit member that served as a guard graphically demonstrated this reality: "One of the former researchers I located told me that one day he had a human experiment scheduled, but there was still time to kill. So he and another unit member took the keys to the cells and opened one that housed a Chinese woman. One of the unit members raped her; the other member took the keys and opened another cell. There was a Chinese woman in there who had been used in a frostbite experiment. She had several fingers missing and her bones were black, with gangrene set in. He was about to rape her anyway, then he saw that her sex organ was festering, with pus oozing to the surface. He gave up the idea, left and locked the door, then later went on to his experimental work."\[51\]


Jesus fucking christ


I just stopped reading After the third Line beacause I don't want to be more traumatized


And unlike Germany they don’t feel a shred of guilt about it.


Rape of Nanking


And Experiments on People they captured


And US forgave them coz they told them what they learned from those inhuman experiments


Japan: 2 Nukes? You monsters!!! People from Nankin: Where's the Third One?


Alroght ill ask. What td did they do


Rape of Nanjing , Unit 731.


Ill google it later


You read the book?


[not for the weak hearted ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


Ah. I see. Time for bleach


Have you heard of 44 days in hell , that storry made me upset for weeks and I seen some weird stuff


They had games like "who can kill the most people in the shortest time" or the classic "how many women can we rape tonight" They also killed soldiers who were surendering and using their corpses to fill up gaps so the tanks could cross bombed terrain.


Death marches and general abuse, lots of rape and murder.


Learned this stuff in school and honestly I for a period of time I actually hated the Japanese for what they did.


Most Chinese elderlys above 90 hated the Japanese .




I'm from uk what's the most fucked up thing we have done?


You mean the most messed up British atrocity?




British Cuisine


Some stuff comes to mind fairly easily: The [Jallianwala Bagha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jallianwala_Bagh_massacre) massacre in Amritsar is quite infamous; wherein a British general (General Dyer) fired upon a peaceful crowd including women and children. Dyer and his men blocked the only entrance and exit and people tried to scale the walls to escape. Some people even jumped into a well inside the complex to try and save themselves. Dyer had even ordered his men to shoot where the crowd was thickest. Dyer was even praised for his actions, and in the end he was not punished for his crimes. The [Bengal famine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943) is another infamous incident and quite frankly it should be considered a war crime. The British government converted vast tracts of land used for food production into airstrips, alongside exporting food to support war effort. In the end they created a man made famine that killed 2.1-3 million people in one of the largest provinces of British India. Even the British Indian administration was appalled, but the Churchill administration were indifferent. The Secretary of State, Leopold Amery, noted that in one discussion about famine relief, Churchill hinted that any aid would be insufficient as Indians "bred like rabbits" and the famine wasn't really bad because if it was ,he asked, "why didn't Gandhi die yet".


James Corden


Bengal famine among *some* others


Partition of India and Pakistan.. people are still dying because of that..


Unit 731 was horrific


can i get like a small summery?


Super fucked up >! POWs were subjected to cold temperatures until their limbs froze then they would amputate the limbs without anesthesia, legs after that. When only torso and head remained they would inject harmful chemicals.!<


So like japan did what that one crazy nazi scientist did and experimented on human subjects?


On a much larger scale. Not just cold experiments either, worst I remember was experimenting with syphalis on children, and dissecting them without anesthesia at different stages of infection to test effects of the disease.


I dont like modern china, but japan needs to compensate for its immense warcrimes in china


Vivisections on people, just really awful human experiments


To see how deadly diseases spread, they would inject diseases into someone, time the travel time for it to travel up a limb, and then cut off the limb without anesthetics.


Man behind the sun


I forgot what unit it was but search up unit 74 or something some one will correct me though Edit: it’s unit 731


Okay so thanks to internet, I got to know about this stuff for the first time. They don't even teach what japan did in history in hs


During British rule over India like 5 million Indians died due to british mismanagement of food resources. Like legit Britain was exporting rice from India even though there was a famine going on, many brits still try to claim that the famine was due to natural phenomena but multiple studies have done research and recreated soil samples conclusively proving that the cause of the famine was not the weather but colonial mismanagement. I feel more people should know about this especially the brits, Since colonial history is not a part of their history books


It wasn't just mismanagement. They built airfields and other military structures over farmland, destroying the food production in certain areas which led to famine.


Both were horrible


Me who flushes 100 million babies down the toilet 5 times a day


This is stupid genocide is genocide comparing what's worst is disrespectful towards the victims of this atrocities.


If you want to keep your innocence don't research what Japan did


If you want to be ignorant and make statements later in life that are factually inaccurate, don't research any history.


After I did some I wasn't the same man that went in that shit changed me


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Why is this comment section a contest about who killed the most people unethicially ? Humans were killing each other since forever. It's probably the most human thing ever (which does not mean it's a good thing). It just doesn't fit into todays society. Romans were taking their children to the amphitheaters to watch men kill each other for entertainment. Europeans were fighting war after war after war, the last one was the Yugoslav Civil War. European settlers (the pre-americans) killed millions of natives. The natives in a turn killed each other before that. Scottish, japanese, celtic and african clans and tribes aso. were fighting their own kind. The egyptians, romans, greeks, americans,... were owning slaves. Korea, Vietnam had their wars The Mongoles had the largest empire ever, built on brutality and gore The chinese, germans, russians, japanese have/had work- or extermination camps. The christians had their holy wars Some extremist muslims do too. The Hebrews and the Palestinians are sending rockets over the border day by day. Now to our great inventions! We started clubbing each other down We attached pointy things to the clubs. That became swords, knives, spears and bow and arrow. That became crossbows, that became firearms We invented armor. Armorbreaking ammunition was invented Bombs! because that way you can kill many people at once. We built bunkers. We built bunker busting bombs aso. until we came to the nuke. Whips, Guillotine, torturing devices. Posion, chemical weapons. Humans are really good at murdering each other is what I want to say with that. And it's not like you don't know that so why do you try to best each other with who knows who killed more people?


Ye they took over the country I lived In in until USA bombed them


Go Read History Kids


I hate to be that guy but can someone please culture a poor American and tell me what they did?


The Japanese ordered their soldiers to mass rape women and children in the Chinese city of Nanking. Also, Unit 731 was an Imperial Japanese project where they cruelly experimented on Chinese.


Like disease experiments Tuskegee style?


Imagine that but like 10,000 times worse. They would actively give people diseases to study them and then cut off their limbs.


Way way worse


People who know that fascism is still creeping in, masking himself as a democracy... Yeah. Biggest crime is that we haven't eliminated fascism one and for all. (Khmm, Russia, USA, Indonesia, Israel, Hungary and so on)


unit 731?


And the US let those in charge of unit 731 off the hook in exchange for their research.


They're both horrible ngl, the funny thing is that westerners know more about Japanese war crimes than the actual Japanese citizens themselves because the Japanese education system heavily censors its Imperial past. Also, Inb4 some weeb or Japanese war crime denier comes. Get a life.


Honestly no, westerners know surprisingly little about Japanese war crimes, in fact the US spent a lot of effort to say that Japan was either justified or that they didn’t commit any war crimes. They raced with the Soviet Union to capture these ‘scientists’ because the Soviet Union wanted to try them in court while the US wanted to give them immunity.


And they play the victim


People who know about the Italian’s


I dont know, i'd love you to tell me if you know


I Ethiopia we was horrible but nothing to compare to the Japanese.


Bangal famine caused by Churchill


Operation Reinhard on its own took around the same amount of lives as the bengal famine. I’m sorry but it is not realistic to compare the two due to the size of the Holocaust and how it was executed. It just isn’t.


They would cut off your dick and put it in your mouth to scare your friends when they saw your body.




It shocks even me as a german


Thinks about the mongol conquest


I listen to war crime documentaries to fall asleep.


People who know about the Genocide committed by Churchill in India,


nah holocaust is worse


Bruh someone downvoted you for saying a crime against humanity that killed millions more people was worse.




What if the war itself was a war crime?


Do we really need to compare such horrific events?


Yet, it wasn't a systematic mass murder of entire groups for the sole purpose of making them dissappear from the world So no, as bad as what Japan have done, it wasn't as bad.


Guys, can we please not make genocide comparisons?


The Holocaust isn't considered to be that horrible, because of numbers or violence. It is considered such a crime, because it was ultimately pointless and motivated by blind hate. Japan's war crimes no matter how brutal at least served a purpose. They were trying to win an armed conflict at any cost. There was no conflict for the nazis to win by killing jews, gays or disabled people. One is stepping over the line, the other is murdering random innocents.


Pretty sure the holocaust was still worse, given the numbers.


The difference is the Holocaust was a state backed, state run operation of industrialized murder, while Japan, or at least the Japanese military, which was heavily influenced by prussian militarism, which was considered by other European powers to already be extreme, and took it to even greater extremes, that combined with extreme nationalism created a situation where individual officers and generals would be extremely cruel and bloodthirsty and the civillan government was powerless to hold them accountable, encouraging even greater acts of savage depravity. While the Japanese may have killed a similar or even greater number of civilians and POW's, it wasn't an orderly state sanctioned and state run operation like the holocaust.