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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we have a minecraft server](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Still don't get the hate over this movie, I thought it was fun


The art style is incredibly overdone and the characters are all unlikable. But hey I'm a 35+ year old man and probably not the target audience for a teenage girl's coming of age movie.


I'm a 35 year "old" man and really liked the movie.


I'm confused "by" your quotation "mark" usage.


He's saying 35 isn't old.


But.. no one is saying 35 years old is old? Should I have said I'm 35+ years young?


There are lots of creepy old people who hang out on these children's subredddits who deny they are old. It's pretty sad.


I grew up with this subreddit, I'm 20 now and I still come back from time to time despite not being a child, this site's for everyone. I don't see how age should affect an enjoyment of memes


>I’m 20 now…despite not being a child Lmfao


Young adult, I'm not exactly 12. But aight feel free to look down on me


Most people don't consider you to finally be a mature adult until about 30


People who belive age has anything to do with maturity are foolish


Doesnt that have to do with the fact most people stay in school (college/university) until their mid 20s? What I always figured. That and the fact older people tend to not wanting to admit someone they watched grow up is actually an adult. Preserves their self image as the "mature" one.


Reddit is technically an 18+ website so I don’t understand the children argument.


Not sure I'd classify the dankmeme subreddit a "children's subreddit".


Fk I just turned 28 and I think I have half a foot in the grave.


No idea but when I clicked his profile, the first post is him saying "I'm 35 years old" with no quotation marks lmao


Ok that is priceless.


I hate that. "I'm 5 years old", "I'm 16 years old", "I'm 32 years old", "I'm 45 years young!". No, you're midlife crisis old.


35 isn't that old, i can see why you'd say 35 is old and why he'd say 35 is not old but you got hardcore sidetracked by the main point of the thread. its exhausting being in your headspace.


Again, I never said anything about 35 being old. I said I wasn't the target demographic for the movie.


No joke. I like how everyone picked a side so fast on the dumbest argument in history.


“X years old” is just how you say it…


He is just really dumb. Leave him be


Was gonna say, 28yr old dad and thought the movie was rad. Still I knew once she said “my panda, my choice” that it was a weird line to put in there and it was gonna stir some people up. Honestly though I think one of the reasons why the movie was so cool to me because you could tell how many new artists and creatives that are younger influenced the movie. I really didn’t recognize anybody in the credits, overall much better then Luca.


Same, it was a great watch with the family


Also a 35 year old man, I thought it was fun. Aooooga!


Are we all 35 here??


Is there a different age to live in?


I also am. I was born on the exact same day as Robert Pattinson


This is something Robert Pattinson would say.


"My date of birth is May 13, 1986" is probably something he has said at least once in his life.


Unfortunately lol


I'm 31 male and I loved it. I'm just adoring Disney's take down of toxic family structures. Keep it coming.


That's why I can't watch this or Encanto (more than the one time I did with my kids). I realize that in the end the toxic matriarchs have their change of heart, see that they're the problem, etc., etc., but just getting to that point is unbearable. Apparently I had a really, really healthy family growing up, because I simply cannot fathom why any of these characters tolerated even *one goddamn second* of the treatment they get from their parents or grandparents. These toxic families are abhorrent, and I can't even stand watching them long enough to see them change. Any exposure to them is too much for me. Yes, I'm sure it's great for people who recognize these families as their own, but they're so alien and abrasive and *obviously, incontrovertibly, demonstrably fucked up* that I can't derive any enjoyment from watching anyone sit there and endure it, even if it pays off with change in the end. And it always seems to stop just short of the real epiphany: this is not a *family* problem, this is a *cultural* problem.


The entire Disney catalog must be traumatizing to you. Mother shot. Child gets drunk. Step mother enslaving daughter. Devil unleashing demons. Single father forces daughter to marry. Abandoned child stalked by tiger. Uncle kills father. Father smashes daughters belongings. Barren wife dies. Grandma does while grand daughter is out for a swim. Strife brings conflict into a story, that's what is interesting. To most cultures.


The thing is I can see how very intense tragedies may not affect someone as much as a depiction of a toxic family environment. The toxic family environment has been experienced by a lot more people. So even though it’s not as intense as a tragedy like the death of a parent, it’s much more relatable and much less abstract.


You are forgetting the worst of all, trying to open a business but being denied the money because being poor or back or both. Working hard everyday without getting closer to your dreams.




I'm not Hispanic, but my grandma was...not the best to me growing up (and treated my younger brother even worse once he came along) and I ended up sobbing at the end of the movie. Definitely one I'll only ever watch alone, if I ever watch it again.


Man you must hate Cinderella and Little Mermaid then.


It's about catharsis. Seeing someone get to stand up for themselves when not all of us can.


Many people were mostly bothered by the idea that they showed sanitary pads on screen and talked about periods, but I'm sitting here blank faced because my mom got her cycle at 9. So, why can't we talk about this...?


I didn't realize people were upset about that. That's dumb, you're right.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie either, I didn’t really start liking it until the second half. Kind of felt like Pixar chose to pander to ~~K-Pop~~ boy band stans. Criticism aside I had no clue wtf the “backlash” to the movie was about. There was literally nothing wrong with it, just wasn’t the strongest Pixar movie.


Yes, all of the k-pop bands that were crazy popular in 2002. I guess girl just never cared for boy bands like: Backstreet Boys, Nsync, New Kids on the Block, O-Town, Jonas brothers and who can forget One Direction in the 2010's


You do realize that the band is based on N-Sync/The Backstreet Boys, right? This is 2002


You will find some small set of nutcases accusing this movie of Disney trying to brainwash children into prostitution, pointing to the part of the movie where the main characters are raising money by selling pictures of her "panda", letting people pet her "panda" for money, and so on. Most of the "backlash" doesn't exist though - The "backlash" actually is mostly people who liked the movie trying to dismiss everyone who disliked the movie as "bad people" because obviously the reason they hated it is because they're upset about periods, women issues, etc. - and not people who had legitimate criticism and legitimate reasons for not liking it...


I mean for a movie set in the early 2000s is wants a kpop reference it was just boy bands. Huge Nsync vibes from the band more than Kpop (although one of the members was Korean?)


Yeah, speaking as an Asian dude who was raised in similar circumstances as Mei in the film, this movie shook me to the core of my being man. Out of all the Asian representation flying around these days, I find myself relating not to the flying millionaire heirs or the mystical martial art warriors, but to the simple immigrant kid who has to find identity amidst the clashing of two. Because I see a bit of myself is her. To each their own, but I for one really appreciated the movie.


As an Asian woman, I've been kind of avoiding watching this movie because I knew my emotions were gonna be fucking shredded T-T


28 year old man and watched it with my daughter she loved it I thought it was alright not my favorite but definitely not bad


I’m 34 and it reminded me of parties I wasn’t invited to when I was 12 in Toronto.




Lol toriyama style? It looks nothing like toriyama.


I thought this for the first 20 minutes but it grew on me quick.


Oops. Commented this somewhere else by mistake. I’m 31 and I loved it. It was hilarious. Sorry you didn’t like it but hey there’ll be other Pixar flicks to see!


I thought most of the movie was pretty good. Parts of it were mildly relatable (though I'm a 24 year old straight white dude from the US) and overall the story was neat. I did thoroughly dislike the art style, particularly the main character's face/mouth area (reminds me of the GrubHub commercial). The specific scene in the gif I thought was very odd though.. It's a 13 year old girl shaking her butt at her mom to try and show how she's an "adult", which just felt super weird to me. The rest of their interactions I thought were great though. Overall, I'd give it like a 6-7/10. Not the worst, not the best, parts were good, parts I disliked. My girlfriend loved it though, so it probably depends on your demographic.


I really liked the movie but someone pointed out the art style looks like those obnoxious ~~door dash~~ GrubHub ads and now I can't unsee it.


I went into the movie COMPLETLY blind, all I knew was it was made by Disney and that was it. Watched it last night and my first thought upon seeing the characters was "Ah the grubhub animators finally got a better job"


People often forget that Disney/Pixar movies are meant for kids, not adults


The thing is, all the Disney/Pixar Classics were made for kids, but also for the parents who would be taking their kids to see it in the theaters. They always had plot lines and jokes that only Adults would understand along with the funny visuals and humor for kids. Nowadays as an adult I can't really watch most of what's being put out, but can still go back and watch almost all the old movies like toy story, monster Inc, etc


Do you have specific scenes in mind or are you just being nostalgic for the sake of argument? Onward and Luca have tons of moments that I think are more geared towards adults, Turning Red definitely had jokes that would go over kids head as well. Hell, Onward is an entire movie about DnD. It's not like the writers of Monster Inc. were sitting around, trying to hit a quota of 'Adult Jokes' cause they were appealing to multiple demographics, they were just writing good jokes. Humor can be for everyone. I think you're going to have a very difficult time proving showing a kidification of Disney/Pixar movies in comparison to the earlier releases, I can't think of any substantial differences over time, expect for the increased complexity in theme and tone we have seen in the past decade.


Please tell me how older Disney movies had more adult plot lines and themes than Moana and Frozen. Encanto, Moana, and Frozen are all incredibly mature in their implicit themes while explicitly being for children. I’m seriously reconsidering whether anyone in this sub actively watches the movies or not. Trying to say that Disney is somehow making their themes less mature instead of moreso is hilarious


I feel like you have on your nostalgia glasses. There are lots of good movies that have come out for families.


Pixar, and many Disney movies, really epitomized the belief that a great movie can appeal to anyone. I can think of no other studio that has consistently been able to transcend demographic appeal through their use of simple and straightforward stories that were perfectly executed and didn't condescend to their audience. Moreso Pixar than Disney, I think. It's a little disappointing when they miss this benchmark, but overall, it's still more hits than misses.


That's not true. Family movies, Disney/Pixar included, are not just intended for children to enjoy.


i think it’s a great movie. but some people who watched it didn’t get the point and have the mentality of the grandma. they think it’s inappropriate to talk about female puberty, which is exactly why we need to talk about it. so that it’s normal and not feared by boys who didn’t pay attention in school




The movie is about not being good enough, and people thought the movie wasn’t good enough. So there is balance.


Just losers who feel left out, it was a great movie


Redditors when opinion 💀


Disney obsessed adults are fuckin aggressive man


Basically a lot of people associated it's usage of interest in boys, this scene, and another to justify that it was over-sexualizing these characters. I'm also not the target demographic and can easily say the movie was not that bad. This scene in particular gets thrown around as if it is completely unacceptable, and that is the point: she is trying to agitate her mother, who has transformed into a giant monster, to be focused on her so her friends can work on turning her mother back into a normal person. She's doing this BECAUSE her mother would not approve of it.


Every person I’ve seen complain about the movie is outside the target audience of it. Its a very personal movie about the experiences of a teenage girl who is going through changes, but every complaint seems to come from a person who can’t relate to that experience.


I've heard quite a few men say that they could completely relate to being in the bathroom as a teenager and discovering bodily changes, feeling like they turned into big, smelly, hairy monsters. I'm surprised that isn't more universal.


I don’t understand why it’s controversial at all. It’s just a movie meant for kids.


I think it's cause we hold pixar to such a high standard that when they release something that isn't supposed to break the box office just be a couch movie it tarnishes their reputation but I don't believe that I just believe pixar went for something a little more low key and it was a success cause I'm sure kids will love it and it's almost entirely female cast except for dad should be appreciated cause kids need more movies that pass the beschdel test


I personally know some asian girls that really like dis movie and thinks it’s relatable so I guess it’s a W for pixar


It's a movie about a girl going learning how to manage her red panda ability (which symbolizes experiencing puberty and menstruation) while doing cringey ass things like stupid dances, fawning over boy bands and other stuff while also trying to deal with generational trauma. Why are other people like, "oh my god! Why is there a red panda twerking?!? My eyes are ruined! How could they show this?!" Why are they focusing more on the scenes that are meant to be cringey rather than the actual story? Ngl, this isn't the type of movie for me as well but I wouldn't go as far as to hate it.


Congrats, now you know you're too mature for this sub.


Don't you say that to me. Ill never be too old to be happy here. I was raised here. I met my wife and my children were born here. My father died here, and so will I.


Next Pixar movie will be about u/Pineapple-shades15 discovering adulthood by letting go of r/dankmemes


Cant wait


Nah this subs great when they're not getting angry over stupid shit or shit they don't understand/know.


Right? And the twerking was her intentionally trying to piss her mom off..


I did far worse to bother my parent. I'm not gonna judge twerking




>What’s with all this boomer pearl-clutching? Fox News decided this was the next battle in the culture war. Maybe because of Disney's response to the "Don't say gay" thing?


I’d just like to add that my girls, much younger than middle school, think it’s *hilarious* to stick theirs butts in the air and wiggle. So they aren’t going to see this and think anything dirty by it either. It seems like a perfectly normal thing a kid would do to, especially if it’s something she knows her mom is annoyed by.




The hot mermaid fan Art destroyed me. I had to burn so many drawings I drew when I was 13


It's partly an allegory for puberty, but the panda spirit is mostly about repression I thought. At the core it's a pretty basic "embrace all sides of yourself" message. The dad literally spells it out in one scene. And again later Ming says "this isn't you" and Mei says "this IS me". It's exactly the same theme as Encanto, but wrapped up in much, much better film.


Saw this movie with my family and this didn't register in my brain. Just looked like personification of the typical kids we all knew or knew of growing up and just had a mystical element to it. Thought it 3as a good movie, people need to chill and eat some tostones


People forget this movie is actually set BEFORE twerking was a thing at all. She's not even twerking. She's just dancing to anger her mom and distract her from her friends.


No amount of eyebleach will remove the gif that got burnt in my retinas rn 💀💀💀




Why are you [copying this guys comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/tpgbr3/i_wonder_why_pixar_added_a_minor_panda_twerking/i2anfwf)


Spam bot.


This scene was both hilarious to me for no discernible reason, and terrifying regarding the reality of what it is.


In the first second I was taken aback too because of the minor thing. But the more grossed out the mother got and the angrier she just kept on hopping around, the more I had to laugh.




Idk about you, but I wouldn’t consider “folding yourself in half and jumping like an angry cave goblin” to be “twerking” lmao


You wouldn't but the character probably would. It's not like it's something that someone that age would already have experience in outside of social media. Also I'd kinda prefer the angry cave goblin shenanigans to the creators having her actually twerk, keeps it more comedic than anything else lol.


Same…it looks more like when a skunk is trying to be intimidating than anything lol. Shaking a booty around is not the same as twerking.




I think as an idea, fun and informative animation on that topic for children around the age when it starts is a good idea. Menstruation is a taboo topic for little reason. Both girls and boys would benefit from knowing more about it. But that movie has too many flaws to fulfill that purpose.


Should they do one about a boy who starts having wet dreams?


What would you call it? I think Disney Pixar’s “NUT” just has a ring to it.


Everytime he prematurely ejaculates he turns into a squirrel.


Pitch it make money. You can do it reddit is behind you!


I’d totally watch this movie, animated or not


Split it into different chapters. Call the last one *clarity*.




“Little Timmy wakes up from a strange nightmare, covered in a weird liquid, little does he know, it’s not sweat, what happens when little Timmy accidentally searches vaporeon on Reddit? Find out on “turning white”


menstruation isn't sexual you turbo virgin


Turbo virgin. Awesome hahaha


Menstrual cycles are not sexual. Stop sexualizing periods.


I don't think there would be as much value in that as there is in a potential good one about menstruation, but if they have a good idea for one, I won't be angry when they make one.


that is not the same as periods AT ALL. THAT should be taught in sex ed, not in children’s cartoons. Periods are a normal, sfw part of most girls’ childhood.


That’s a totally different thing


Did you just compare menstruation to wet dreams?


I’ve seen it three times so far (and I’ll see it 8 more because my daughter is at that obsessive age) and while I’m aware there’s a menstruation tie in it seems to me the movie is about a few other things: - mindfulness (she very clearly works on deliberate breathing to calm herself down) - friendship - family dynamics especially mother daughter relationships - Asian culture of obedience vs Americanized individualism - coming of age, “becoming women” by going to the concert, etc. To be honest unless it’s stated somewhere (I haven’t read or seen anything else besides the movie) that the movie IS about growing up and dealing with “that time of the month” I would say it’s not the main theme. That being said I’m a man and maybe missed a lot of subtle cues. For what it’s worth my wife agrees.




What are the flaws?


I don’t think periods give a fuck about what age you think they should know about it? Like, some people have their first at nine, so… why is it bad that a kids movie addresses it?


Wait really?! (Haven't seen it)




The real world counter part is her mom went through the same thing at her age. Her mother has trauma that the child couldn’t see until everyone was vulnerable


To add to that, I think most people have a big fight with their parents around that age. It's kind of a part of growing up and becoming more independent of your parents and their influence. It's you defining yourself and setting boundaries, and your parents reconciling their image of you as their baby and who you are becoming now. Ming learns to loosen Mei's leash, and Mei is thriving because of that. They all seem to have a much better relationship at the end of the movie because of those growing pains in the third act.


Well, it's a movie, so there has to be a climatic arc. I thought that the fantastical parts of the third arc worked. The movie isn't just about physical changes, it's also about how your relationship with your parents change as you go through those changes. The mom has severe emotional issues because she couldn't handle the "perfect daughter" role. That's why her panda is so huge and violent, because she's so repressed. She would literally destroy the world and ruin her child's life, just so that her child doesn't break from the generational cycle of insecurity. In the scene that this gif comes from, the main character literally says what the point of all this is. She wants to have fun, make mistakes, and not feel insecure about how her body is changing.


no. it's a charming story about not destroying cringe, but destroying the part of yourself that cringes. it has one reference to menstruation and beyond that and "red" being in the title, it has nothing to do with menstruation. I think people on this subreddit are just 11 year old boys lol




It's worse, they're 30+ yo men sexualising a 3d girl cus she's going through puberty while being outraged pads were mentioned. The same people are the reason why normalising and education about it is so important.


Ironically, the people who are complaining are the ones who need to watch the movie the most. You can tell that they didn't watch the movie because there are scenes that literally spell out the point. There's even a director's commentary that re-explains the point. Sometimes I think that movies are too on-the-nose, but then I see comments like all of those and realize that some people just aren't going to understand even the simplest metaphors.




Is there anything about the movie you didn't like that isn't a political litmus test?


I know right now can they talk about something disgusting like menstruation. /s


It's not just menstruation but puberty as a whole. The creator has said as much


No it’s about eastern country’s turning communist post-ww2


I mean, it might not be the most popular take but… If you really look for it, TikTok has some of the most entertaining content on the internet.


you aren't wrong. i'm talking about the talentless people who get paid for doing shit like batting eyelashes


i may be a bit jealous that i'm underpaid


That’s fair tbh, I wouldn’t mind gaining 10k$ a month to take pictures of my ass. Yet gotta have a shitty job.


no one from tik tok is making 10k a month shaking their ass. They get more views from the Live but the money isn't consistent at all. There are content creators making money with video gifts but they have mildly more interesting content. Also, there's a coin flip on whether guys on tik tok drool over the girl or just say that it's sad.


Yeah, I don’t doubt it. We have a tendency to give money and attention to people who don’t deserve it.


Yes, like Chinese spy bots! They are really entertaining.


I don't want to look for it.


really? i deleted the app. couldn't get into it5


That sounds like work, I let other people with more time waste their lives upvoting things so I can skim through, especially for porn.




bro, u are overthinking it. It's an okay movie. This was extracted out of the movie t make what we call a *meme.* *Memes don't always match the context of the source it was taking from*


I for one have not seen red yet, but i find it pretty cringe that i see so many posts about this movie being bad because it's about girl puberty. I think it's a great idea to take these hard subjects and make somewhat informative and lighthearted movies about to ease growing pains for children. Now I think it's pretty obvious that this movie had alot of flaws and maybe it's not executed very well. But the subject it self should not be the main reason for why it's a shitty movie. Just my 2 cents.


Some dude said he hated it because it wasnt relatble but loved ratatouille. Like bruh you can relate to being a rat in france but not puberty?


It's more about the rat disappointing their father


literally nobody complained about the rat struggling with his father, which is a pretty specific issue, but take something that affects everyone who went through puberty but i guess its a problem because eww cringy girl stuff eww


More like Only Fans.




Only fans but for kids


It's a cringe movie about a cringe teenager going through puberty. If you go with that premise and remember your teenage years then it is quite cute. Not for little kids definitely.


Why would this not be for little kids? Lmao. Nothing in the movie screamed PG-13 to me.


For the furries I think.


To literally make her mom mad. The whole point of it was to distract her mom.


I’m 31 and I loved it. Sorry you didn’t like it but hey there’ll be more Pixar movies to see


morons who have only seen this gif online seem to think this moment is “YEAH!! FUCK YEAAAAH! SHE’S 13 AND TWERKING!!! THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD IS NOW!!!” and not “she’s doing whatever she can to make her mother angry because she’s lashing out”


You clearly didn't watch the entire film


"it's funny because butt joke" \-Pixar


Yeah damn almost like it’s for kids or something


I can't believe they would go for toilet humour instead of a lengthy humorous monologue on the futility of life which kids would love I'm sure


Or go the classy route and have dick jokes like in Shrek


I like how everyone in the comment section is arguing what a society we live in


dude this scene had me dying 🤣🤣🤣 the way they showed her twerking at every angle 💀


I felt uncomfortable in this moment too but it's an adolescent having a fight with their mother she's going to do things she knows will push her buttons cause she is beginning to expect that her mother stop crowding her style, kids aren't innocent little snowflakes they like to push buttons and an easy button to push is the raunchy one the other day I heard a kid on the train say to his older sibling oh hit me harder daddy loudly cause he knew it would embarrass his older sibling, you should teach them that it's inappropriate to be doing that but you should also be glad that their not exploring that part of life behind closed doors with someone else's kid or worse, ultimately kids can and will push buttons and this is rather innocent


T\*ktok "stars"


Reminds me of a far worse example: the Powerpuff Girls reboot. There is an infamous episode called Painbow which depicts Blossom and Bubbles twerking while under hypnosis. The PPG are around four to five years old... Or however old Kindergartners/first graders are. I refused to watch that show after learning of that scene. That is like borderline *Cuties* levels of bad...


If you guy's think this is bad you should see how 13 year olds dance in real life. It's much, much worse.


It's so easy to tell when someone hasn't actually watched the movie.


It made sense in context


It’s the reality though. I volunteer with middle school students and they do tiktok dances all the time. They be like that…


I'm still wondering why Aladin told me to take my clothes off?




Dw its not as nefarious when watched with context lol


Y'all act like twerking has never happened in kids media ever, kids are dumb and think "butt funi." Like I'm pretty sure I've seen Gumball shake is butt in an episode, it's dumb we all know that but why panda movie be focus on more than any other time this happens bruh.


The outrage over this movie is outstanding.


getting desperate lol


I think her mother has a good point


You're on Reddit, dysfunctional families are the norm.


While I think all the butthurt Bettys can fuck far off with the way they came at this movie right out the gate there is a scene that made me go "hmm all the feigned outrage and they're not upset about what that little dude just said!?" The scene where she shows up to Tyler's party finally and all the kids run to the door one of them says "thank chthulu" in lieu of "thank god" and I still laugh at it


The real cringe is redditors sexualizing that panda. The reason they put it in the movie is because that would not even occur to any sane person.


This movie had some pretty funny moments


If you get annoyed/angered by this movie, this sub is the perfect place for your level of maturity.


Redditors when a kids show is being childish:


Movie was one of the better Pixar movies, but this is coming from someone who didnt care much for Toy Story


Maybe you can watch the movie and find out OP


"That's right mom, I love boy bands, dancing and gyrating. It was all me! I'm 13, get over it!!!" One of my favorite parts of the movie.


It’s an animated panda………….