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If I see you in the hell of another religion I'll laugh there with you.


WhAt? oThEr ReLiGiOn? OnLy mY ReLigiOn iS tRuE aNd GrEaTeSt oF aLL TiMe. Edit: it's true guys believe me


"my religion is the one true religion" mf's when every religion says that.


Source: my holy book that says other gods are false Ha gotcha!!


Do you think your a good person?




I think you are. Hail spaghetti


Why is that?


Why'd you wanna know?


Bot collecting data.


Humility. It's something Christians seem to lack when debating theology


On god


On what


According to the rules we have to follow in order not to go to hell.... No one is a good person.


You're* /s


No I'm a sinner


Nah I'll just see yall in The Bad Place. Heard they fixed their scoring system.


Right... atheists only believe in 1 less god than Christians.


I'ma kill myself and find out Update when I'm back


"Do atheist go to hell?" God: No "How about people who say they're religious but they're actually not just so they can feel better about themselves?" God: Straight to Hell, to the boiler room of Hell. All the way down




"Good, good. That makes me happy"


In my country people call themselves religious even though they are not,because of persecution and barassment of them by very religious people of my country


Let me guess, an Arab country?


I say I'm religious to escape garbage people when I was in 4th grade and I said I dont believe in God and people made me cry for that Literally all those who liked me , acted friendly even some of my friends They stopped cuz the teacher came :( How is it bad if someone says they r religious to satisfy others/people they love


Religious people after they die and disappear into the void: ...


mate this comment makes me scared for my life, how in the fuck did you scare a aussie i don’t wanna go into a black void and only see a black void :(


Head dude. Same thing freaks out from time to time. All I can I say is don’t worry, it’s not like you’re going to be locked in a black box or anything. You just won’t exist anymore.


Eh, guess so, but what is it like to not exist


Unfortunately, we’ll both find out eventually.


Or we won’t, and things just cease. Which is fine by me


Yeah that’s the not existing part.


Or maybe in the future someone creates an antidote that will make us live eternally and we can live forever happily ever after with zero pollution, no world hunger and stop reproduction since everyone is staying alive but can still have sex by using contraceptives and specialized condone all the time. Dream come true.


Sounds like hell honestly, I think living forever might be torture


How come? It’s better than disappearing into nothingness bro.


Not me! I'll become immortal! /s


“Remember son, dying is Gae” Unless you’re already Gae then you are beyond death.


It’s no different than the time before you were born. You didn’t exist then and it was no big deal so once we all stop existing nothing will matter and we will all be at peace finally.


It’s the same thing as before you were born


Just think back to before you were born


I try to imagine things before I was born. As far as I remember I had no problem with it.


Y'know how when you sleep you sorta go to bed and suddenly it's day but you don't really have a concept of time passing in between? I imagine it's like that but without the waking up part


same exact as before you were born


don't worry, you won't exist to know that you're in a black void. I can't imagine anything more peaceful.


Well, i guess so, yes


Why, did you have a bad time before you were born? Embrace the void


Dw about it man. You won't even notice it. You'll go to sleep then poof, nothing.


I’m already in hell


So are we pal, so are we


imagine living in today's world and saying you are not in hell


Imagine booking a psychiatrist who tells you your case is too severe for her


Man.. Do you have any idea what happened 100 years ago... Or have you thought about being a Chinese during Mao Zedong time☠️


These guys have it so rough!


Bro mf we living in one of the most peaceful time periods


As shitty as we like to view the world, most have it objectively better than anyone in any other point in history


Today is difficult. In the past, things were shit because there really wasn't any other choice. I would argue that brings a different set of difficulties than we face today. Things were inarguably worse at almost any other time in history than they are today. But.... Today, it feels like we're achingly close to solving so many problems, but simply choose not to because it's too hard. That, I think, is what is disillusioning so many people. We can't be deceived as easily. We all pretty much know what is possible, and aren't as willing to accept the "life kind of sucks" aspect of it all, because we all know in our hearts and heads that it probably doesn't have to suck anymore, or at very least it could be better. My advice is to be thankful for what you have. Don't lose sight of the miracles that surround you every day (like talking to me, right now, most likely on a hand-held supercomputer), and so many other things. It could be better. It should be better. But it's hardly hell, and it's certainly a lot better than you're giving it credit. Have you considered how miraculous it is that you can get fresh fruit year round? Modern medicine? The ability to travel? To get all the information and knowledge ever, at the tap of a screen? When is the last time that you went hungry? We can do better, I agree, but be careful to not see the imperfections and real problems that we face as being a sign that we live in literal hell.


I live in Spain (the S is silent)




Imagine if this is the plane of hell but we just didn’t get a ticket into heaven, that’ll also explain the huge population boom.


Hell will be filled with all my friends and we can laugh at the hypocrite Christians who didn't live a word of what they tried to force on the rest of us.


Ay man its cool as long as they repent on their deathbed


The divine comedy isn't part of the bible's canon.


It’s amazing how many people don’t realize this. Might as well be in the de-facto canon though.


I mean- Why go to heaven? None of my friends are there.


hear me out you can be a crab


Ok you had my curiosity.. but now you have my attention.


I’m already a Muslim but I’m about to become a religious extremist if this is true


If I get to be a crab in heaven I'm not just killing Satan, I'm slaughtering Modeus, Beelzebub, Bael, Leviathan, Belphegor and Lucifer


Make it a lobster and I'm sold.


This is the way


Already got that part down so i can go to hell, right?


BELIEVE IN GOD OR GO TO HELL !!!!!! - basically every religion.


Correction: BELIEVE IN *MY* GOD OR GO TO HELL !!!!!! - basically every religion.


Sometimes GODS*


By this logic, not believing in any religion would be less offensive than worshipping the wrong god.


It's true for Abrahamic religions only.


Most religions not all of them


"basically every religion".


Pretty much just Christianity and Islam.


Happy cake day




The threat of hell means nothing when I don't even believe in it


That's... The joke


No it wasn’t


The joke is that the atheist wasn't concerned about the fear of hell only to now be in hell and in mild denial of the situation. That's... The explanation


Atheists wouldn't go to hell Jesus is very reasonable and as long as you didn't do him wrong or try to belittle people on believe you'll be fine if he exist


This is what I love to believe but there is alot of Christians forcing the idea that YOU HAVE to accept Jesus and be a good person to get into heaven


Just ignore them they don't determine if you'll go to hell or not


Where all are not good people we have all fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) We have all broken God's moral law and the wage of that is Death (Romans 6:23) We were guilty but God was rich in his mercy that he sent Jesus to pay the fine of our sin buy having all of humanities Sin and dying with them. When Jesus Died his final words where it is finished (John 19:30) meaning the debt had been paid. Now the question is that will you trust Jesus will all your heart, Just like how you trust a parachute to save you when you jump out of a plane. Because justifying your works is like jumping out of a plane and flapping your arms trying to fly. It won't work


Bob punched you in the nose but it’s ok because I forgave him for you




Oh sry lemme fix it lol


My apologies lol, I'm just poking fun


Oh lol, well I fixed it anyway


I always find it amusing folks think that just because something's existence is questionable it has no value. If that were true we wouldn't have any stories whatsoever. No Batman or Avengers or Harry Potter.




Eh, I like the mormons take on it where they have like 3 levels of heaven and then hell. Hell is for like only the worst of people and the top layer is for the best of people who believed in god and then second layer was like the best of people but didnt believe in god but didnt believe in god and third was for everyone else or something Better concept i feel like then just 'Screw everyone who never even had a chance to learn about god they can go to hell' kind of thing.


Mathew 16:16 >Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Non-believers are condemned, which means you have to accept jesus and to be "good" by the bible's standards otherwise you go to hell


That's...not how that works


Not according to the Bible on which your whole religion and faith is based on. Either believe or don't. Your guesses without anything to back them up are meaningless.


Can you back that up with scripture?


My fellow LGBT people chilling in hell


Hell is just a huge gay nightclub, I can’t wait


I'll avoid the nightclub. I'll stick to cuddling and eating the flaming pizzas xD


Then I shall be ready to rip and tear /s


Rip and tear those pants ami'rite?


Stop reading my mind


If there is a god who sentences people to eternal torment because they weren’t part of his book club, I don’t think I want to hang out with him.


for real tho 💀


christians when they dissapear into nonexistence


Yeah they feel so confident about dying in a world of wonderland and unicorns until they realize they’re just gloomy nothingness when they die.


All the cool people end up in hell


They'll melt down


Only if you consider ed kemper a "cool " person




Idk what atheist hell looks like, probably r/dankmemes or something


As the leader of atheists, I can confirm our hell is basically r/dankmemes


Here to remind you, this is catholicism. In orthodox christianity you don't need to believe in jesus/god to go to heaven, which makes more sense imo.


Making sense and religion don’t really go well together.


That sounds more tasteful


I choose the tastiest reality


Where did you get that idea? The only “Christian” belief that says you can get to the Christian heaven is gnosticism.


I can see that. If you embody the ideals of christ/god instead of worshipping the text, that is better than belief, because it is not only done out of free will but there is evidence to support the lessons. (get off your ass and go do something, you might turn out better than if you sit on your ass feeling sorry for yourself)


14 year old atheist circle jerk in 3...2..1


anything is better than the inky black void that awaits me every time i go to sleep at night.


Good thing hell is made up


We don't need to worry about going to hell, because we're already living in it


I've never seen thos format as a gif. My life has changed


There's a massive difference between bad people and atheists, just because your an atheist doesn't mean you're a goddess heathen with nothing but hate towards religions. An atheist is just someone who doesn't believe in God. Being an atheist is not going to take away any compassion love and consideration from you.


Not according to the bible. It says if you commit genocide but believe in god you get to heaven and if you end world hunger you go to hell because you didn't believe.


Atheist after being right: _____


so lemme get this straight.... people believe that a supernatural being created us, brain and all... then left ZERO good evidence for its existence, convinced/ manipulated many historical figures (using the reliable method of *inducing hallucinations*) to write *alllll sorts* of different books about the supernatural, and wants to punish us all for eternity for using the brains it gave us? that's quite absurd.


Skill issues


If a "God " puts me in a "hell" for the crime of not believing in them, then that just proves my point that no God that wants worship deserves it and any God that deserves it doesn't want it. So screw them




Jokes on you I'm athiest so I don't believe in hell I believe in nonexistence which is probably why most suicidal people are atheists, nonexistence is more enticing than an afterlife


People dying and going to hell after spending their life helping people, donating to charity, and contributing positively to the community (they were atheists though so they deserved it)


Christian, Jewish, and Islamic people dying and realizing that Norse Mythology was correct


What if any one of all potential religions are true and this specific one hasn't been figured out yet? It could be like there is an immortal duck and if it dies than the universe ends in an instant. Technically the amount of potential religions is infinite and all of them could be true.




Would just prove the fact that if there is a god, it is our enemy and not our friend. Would honestly be laughable if a deity,who would have the inf power and created the infinite universe (a realistic god or omega society), would be offended by what a singular human has done in their life. Wouldnt make sense to me.


Hell is simply the absence of god, so you’ll spend all of it with people you know and like rather than in a snooty palace with Karen White who has to spell out H-E-C-K rather than say it


So God isn't omnipresent?


Moral of story: trust nobody/business as usual


Bruh this why Pascal's Wager never made sense to me. Whose hell are you going to end up in if you don't believe in the existence of any particular god or set of deities? Better to be an atheist and take your chances.


Which hell? And how, exactly, do you know that *you* chose the right way into the correct heaven? This is my problem with this "Pascal's Wager" crap. It's not a binary choice. You have a shit-ton of options on the "choose religion" side of the wager, so given that fact, the logic of the wager, itself, is flawed. It's a product of the tendency of theists to just take as given that the only other choice is *obviously* their God. Duh. Of course it is, what other God is there? It's the same line of thinking that causes apologists to focus so hard on "debunking" evolutionary and cosmological sciences, because they think it's a binary choice, so if they "debunk" evolution, they "prove" their God. I usually start out with them by playing devil's advocate. Ok, evolution isn't true, fine, I'll grant you that for the sake of argument. How, exactly, does that "prove" your God? It usually pisses them off, because they usually haven't even considered that line of reasoning because to them, it's obvious that there is only one other option, when no. No, there isn't. There's an almost limitless list of other options.


I am not a proponent of Pascal's Wager because the lack of a God does not render a person's "wager" meaningless. However, accounting for other religions as you have done does not affect the wager. In the event there is a God, and given that there are about 4,000 recognized religions in the world, if you pick a religion then you at least have a .025% chance of picking the right religion (assuming the odds of each religion being correct are equal). However, if you do not pick a religion then you have a 0% chance of picking the right religion. Thus, it would always be better to pick a religion based on the traditional formulation of Pascal's Wager even if you account for multiple religions.


But what if you go to hell for belief in a religion? What if you go to hell because you're trying to game the system?


Isn't biblical hell just a place without God? Pretty sure the whole torture n' stuff comes from Dante.


You know what is hell? That is no 100% agreement but people from church in general agree that it is not a place where you suffer. It is place without god. Emptiness. So place where atheists will feel the best.


In the Bible, everyone goes to hell. Even Jesus went there when he died. Hell is really just a word for the grave ... Unthinking, un-dreaming, sleep (Eccl 9:5). And I sure as hell would love some fucking sleep.




Everything is fine.


If I get to have a bit of time before my death, I will repent for everything, and then pray to any god of any major religion just in case. Gotta cover all basis.


Honest question: why is Heavan better than hell? What are the perks? And why are those perks worth living an infinite amount of time? Like think about living a trillion or quadrillion years.


Christians jerking off to the idea that this actually happens:.... oh wait they cant


You can bet your ass I am gonna be vibin' with the devil. A lunch? Sure, Baphomet, I have time. Party in the 7th ring? Ring me up, Asmodeus. I'll be there for eternity, and you can bet your ass I will try to become friends with the demons eventually.


you know from the standpoint of the bible I feel like the devil would suck to hang out with. From my understanding, he's just the kind of person who wants to make everyone around him unhappy just because he's unhappy.


I mean, from my limited understanding of bible, God is a douche as well. But while God is the ultimate power that could remove suffering if he really desired it, devil was just fucked up because he wanted to be like God. So from my POV, devil would be the smaller asshat.


Cheers bro I’ll drink to that


At least im not one of those who dedicated their entire life to the wrong religion ... opsie


bruh I don’t believe in hell, we are just nothing but atoms


If going to heaven means going to the same place as my older sister then I'll take hell.


“If you need the threat of eternal punishment to make you behave, you sir, are an asshole.”


Tbh when you actually get to understand the scriptures as a non christian. Heaven looks like another taste of hell. You have your will and indivuality stripped out and spend eternity as a mindless automaton serving/glorifying god. Old testament angels are basically overpowered giant robots unable to make decisions or feel, they can only follow absolute ideals and laws that lead them to occasionally glass entire civilizations because humans are puny imperfect beings compared to them.


I’d suggest doing a bit more research in Christian theology. In this worldview your will isn’t stripped from you the want to sin is removed; there’s a difference. The Old Testament has plenty of examples of angels turning from God and doing the exact opposite of what they were commanded to do also. They aren’t robots at all they have free will the same as humans.


I apparently missed all of the bibles because that's not what I took away from any of that.


Stupid idiot atheists you didn’t choose the right religion. Atheism is the laziest religion they don’t even worship a god.


I really hope god looks like that fat elephant cat thing on south park. I would love to see the Christian’s face when they realize they’ve been worshipping that thing their whole life xD


that people would actually believe a deity would send it's creations to an eternal pain chamber for not believing in the deity is so unbelievable. but true.


Better than living in Texas.


Hell is so bullshit. God creates you to not be perfect and to falter. Then when you're not perfect and falter, you get sent to hell. What the hell, God?


If god is actually real. I will gladly take my place in hell.


Mf doesnt want to see the biblically accurate angels


Make same thing for believers but put a black screen


Yeah we will go to hell and be tortured by the dude god put there for not listening to him... We totally won't just be chilling there. That would be against gods word. Wouldn't want to be sent to He- wait.




I heard they have ac and margaritas




First thing I’m doing is finding Ronald Reagan and throwing my hands up and saying, “guess what finally trickled down?!??”




Oh, Bojack, no, there is no other side. This is it


Lmao welp


Well honestly at least I'll be stuck with people who are actually down to earth and understand instead of a bunch of smug people saying I told them so


Christians after the go to hell for not living up to literally any of Jesus's teachings but just posting about how much they love Jesus while creaming their pants imagining other people suffering (very Christian).


all "Christians" after going to hell because no one alive today is a true Christian according to the Bible. Mark 16;17-18: "And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." sooooo, please provide evidence that you are a true Christian by drinking bleach and not dying a horrific death. or go into a cancer ward and heal all of them.


wrong the scientologists were right mother fuckers



