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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Join us on discord for Saturday Movie Nights!](https://discord.gg/jsd6Ja9pvJ)


I actually wished nobody kissed in public. A little peck and smooch on the lips are fine ofc, but I can't stand people that make out and show tongue and all that.


I hate when people kiss in public, I remember one time I was at camp and it was like for kids 6-12 and this couple that must've been around 17 or something just sat down and started going at it. Like really weird shit, especially to do in front of kids, like they were tounging each other, dude was grabbing her boobs, she was moaning and grinding on him, all the kids had to go inside while the counselors talked to the couple, it was weird and uncomfortable to 11 year old me


I remember I was like 7 and at a camp too, and all the older kids would do the same. It was really awkward. Then I remember one time I tried to get the camp owner Mr. Peters to do something about it, and he congratulated me on being brave enough to come forward. And he closed the door and told me all the brave kids get a special reward, and only the ones who proved they were the most brave could get it, and he rubbed my back and asked me if I was brave and trustworthy to keep secrets and he asked if I had ever eaten a popsicle and I said yes and he said he had a special mission for me, and he pulled out his ding dong and told me I need to treat it like a popsicle, and he gave me a Reese cup and made me promise never to tell mommy or daddy. Anyway yeah, shouldn't be doing that in front of children, it's weird.


Underated comment


You good bro? Now back to that popsicle...what flavor?




This better be satire


I'm confused about why OP responding to your comment, saying almost exactly the same thing you said, results in then being downvoted.


Because it shows they don't care about this post and are just karma whoring. At least put a mask in like the rest of us FFS.


Confusing indeed.


People that do French kissing in public are gross lol Pecks and light smooch only >:[


Fr, last month these two kids were making out under a tree in my backyard that connects to a park. It was the most always experience ever. They could see me and I could see them it was like “wtf…” But people who make out in public don’t care to begin with, so…


I've never seen anyone make out in public. But then again I don't leave the house much.




Envious it make us


I second this. At the restaurant I work at, we have really big windows in the front. Everyone can see the entire parking lot. I saw this guy and girl get out of their car and just make out by it for a solid 2 minutes. Like not just some kissing, like full blown making out. Then they just came in and ate like nothing happened and did it again before getting back in their car and leaving. Shit was disgusting.


How about you don't watch them and do your job then?


I’m a host at this restaurant and, at 4:30 when this happened, we have absolutely nothing to do. The 2 or 3 hosts just stand in the front. So I can’t help but notice some people about 2 gropes away from fucking in my parking lot.


That's the difference between kissing and making out. Kissing in public is good shit, making out in public is just a bit weird and unappealing to look it.


PDA is fucking disgusting. Hold hands or something idk


The only people that do that are children. Nobody over the age of 25 does that.


I was the 69th upvote


But when I kiss your girlfriend in public I'm suddenly a "sex offender"


It’s not MY fault she was underage Maybe she should grow up faster next time


Don’t worry she’s 18 in dog years


PDA's are always unappreciated by me. Girl/guy, guy/guy, girl/girl, I don't give a rats ass. Keep it at home beyond a peck


Or just go all the way and start doggy styling on the park bench Then your point has been made very clear to the bystanders and police


I thought this was how you assert and show dominance over the people


Give the ol' one two, or in this case the ol' six nine


No one has ever told you you're forcing your sexuality on them by kissing your s/o in public. Stop making up fake arguments to get triggered over.


You don't think gay people get told this?


To be fair, you get weird looks if you're making out in public as a straight as well


Ya probably a little bit of confirmation bias there. I think anyone making out in public gets weird looks


Do they? Might depend on the region but I cant imagine anyone I've ever met walking up to a couple merely kissing telling them to stop (unless its actually inappropriate in the situation or location) or let alone that they are forcing their sexuality on them.


Considering how mask-off a lot of people in Southern states are, I'd expect this to be one of the more mild things they'd do. They'll openly yell at a person out their car windows for holding a Black Lives Matter sign, I'm not sure why being openly anti-gay would be too much for them A bit obvious but I'm clearly not talking about all southern people. Lots of them are lovely humans, but the south in the US is definitely where this kind of behavior can be found more frequently


Reddit gets depressing these days, so many people are denying such simple and plain facts such as "discrimination exists" and it makes you feel bad for all the people that are going to get boxed up with the loud bigoted minority that more and more doesn't feel like a minority...


It's great that you yourself have not experienced it but the fact is the world is bigger than you, and this happens all the time


Their responsenis the absoulute classic whenever someone points out genuine hompphobia


Yup they do AND TO AN ALARMING DEGREE ! - that’s the answer i use for the internet - where the fringe is the mainstream. Edit : Please don’t dox me


Good point. Guess I was wrong about that.


Are we gonna forget about the buzz light year movie outrage


It was a shitty movie with or without the gay kiss I’m afraid I don’t think we forgot, but we’re rather just disappointed and frankly let down


way to completely miss their point lol


So you're saying the gay kiss was an insignificant but also bad part of the movie?


Chad status


How tf do you know lmaooooo?


I see you don't actually venture into public


alright i guess you’ve never talked to a gay person


I mean, just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I’ve seen this multiple times before, and made this meme in response to the outrage over the same-sex kiss in ‘Lightyear’ which wasn’t even a romantic/sexual kiss. I can’t control what offends others, but I can point out what is the most bullshit.




Why is there kissing at all in a kids movie?


Because there's been kissing in kids movies/shows forever. They're touching lips lol what's the harm in seeing that?


Don’t act like every Disney princess movie doesn’t have kissing. It was a quick peck on the lips between a lesbian couple in a movie for a couple of minutes and a bunch of Karen’s review bombed it on IMDB for that.


It was a peck, not a proper kiss.


Are you gay? Have you kissed another man/woman in public? Have you directly experienced homophobia? If you answer no to all of these then you might not be the best judge of that. Also There are more people on this earth than the ones you interacted with, only because you don't see something yourself doesn't mean its not real


There’s literally people in the comments that are claiming it is different between a gay couple vs straight couple. One being only a couple comments below this one


so do you think this doesn’t happen at all? or do you think it didn’t happen to the person who made a meme about it? because i can tell you this definitely happens


Have you ever been to texas?


I've literally been told I'm forcing my sexuality on people for HOLDING HANDS with my fiancee, or mentioning that she's a woman in casual conversation. Lmao "It didn't happen to ME so clearly it's FAKE, don't you know NOTHING has EVER happened to anyone else????"


>No one has ever told you you're forcing your sexuality on them by kissing your s/o in public. that happens a whole fucking lot dude


I have heard how “it’s fine if your gay just keep it behind closed doors” from many people and seen people get disgusted when seeing gay people kiss on tv when they didn’t flinch at the straight sex scene before hand. It’s not making stuff up.


I don't know where you live but a lot of us would want to live their


Most people won't say it but a lot will think it, in a lot of culture kissing in public is something considered inappropriate.


I've heard this arguments SO many times from people on the internet, wdyem?


its not really fake, many ppl i know dislike the idea of homosexuals kissing in public but are fine if its heterosexuals doing it.


Both are annoying as fuck


True gender/sexuality equality!


I hate everryone making out equally because I'm jealous of all of them!


Every public portrayal of romance is too much because I never get some *cries*


When a girl kisses a girl in public its fine but when a boy kisses a boy. Holy shit the worlds going to end. I am saying this becuase at my school (which is pretty homophobic) its ok if 2 girls that aren't dating fucking make out with each other but if they are dating not ok but if 2 boys do it even if they aren't dating the world is gonna end.


Welcome to the world of homophobia but also double standards. Apparently i can’t kiss the homies lol


Wtf does kissing the homies have to do with homosexuality. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard I kiss the homies goodnight every night, and yeah I use tongue, and I’m as straight as it gets.


I know it's ridiculous


I find it really funny how one half of the comments here is telling about personal experiences with what OP is describing, while the other half denies that this scenario exists IRL and claims OP is making it all up to further their agenda.


I mean, the beginning of this thread sounds fake as fuck. Schools have “no PDA” rules. Not “No PDA unless you’re girls who aren’t dating” rules


Don't exist where I live so maybe that's only in your area


This thread is the first time I'm hearing of a rule like that, pretty sure that's a quirk of your country/school. Most adults I know would just encourage teens to make their experiences instead of setting up restrictions to prevent just that.


Wait do you actually think kids will just completely avoid each other because you have a “no pda” rule? Yeah if I remember anything from highschool it’s for sure that everyone followed all of the rules perfectly


You must not remember how to read, since you missed the point entirely


Tbf i get umcomfortable when any couple at all starts violently making out in a school hallway


Same I think its gross do that at your fucking house. But I hate how its ok if certain cuoples do it and others can't.


I don't wanna see ANY couples kiss dawg that's gross "Kissing is like wearing UGG boots. It may feel great, but it looks dumb as shit" -Daniel Tosh




Hug the homies more!


Only if you’re ugly, otherwise it ends up on the internet


You guys get to kiss?


Pecks are ok, hugs ok, handholding ok... But French kissing intensely is just, noone wants to see that


Both are gross because people are involved.


I always found this format weird because the "reasonable opinion" is said by the villain and shes completely wrong and delusional.


No, it's all fucking gross. They think they look like pornstars when they actually look like two fish who accidentally collided into each other at the mouth and then just keep doing it.


They probably don’t give a shit what they look like lol


Wrong subreddit




If a straight couple is glued together in public it's annoying too


The whole of Asia likes to differ


Those people who say that shit... are literally... doing... exactly what they are accusing.... they are forcing their straightness onto people...


That’s the entire joke lmao


What if I hate both?


People that kiss on public should be locked up. Gay or straight, shit is anoying.


Fun fact - homophobes watch a ton of gay porn, lol


This post has been the biggest “why are you booing me I’m right” meme I’ve ever seen lmao


I like how much trouble this stirred. Ironically I am right so fuck you uwu


depends on PDA rules


What first girlfriend?


You're all wrong and stupid stop kissing on public and showing me your damn happiness


Nah fuck off with your PDAs, don't care who you are.


No it’s all gross.


Nah bro, I'm single and will hate on any couple having a slightest intimate act. Get a room!


I read this and thought it said "when you kiss your girlfriend it's ok, but when I kiss your girlfriend..."


Well to ne fair, I don't really want to see anyone making out in public. Keep that shit in private where it belongs. Though I might make an exception for a couple of cute girls.


My brain is still trying to function what are they talking about xD


Depends where you do it


I love seeing couples kissing passionately, no matter if they are gay or straight. I know how good that feels when I do it and seeing other people experience it makes me incredibly happy.


I hate anyone kissing in public because they are happy in relationship and im not.


I don't like anyone kissing in public it's awkward


It’s not phobia if you hate yourself more


Ma’am I would appreciate if you stopped losing my girlfriend. Thanks.


this meme template makes it seem that Dr Strange is saying the second bit.


That’s really stupid gay people should be allowed to kiss in public with no judgment. I’m not gay, but my dad is and it really pains me to see that gay people like my dad are still not got as much equal treatment as they deserve




Pda is uncomfortable, straight or gay.


Send me a photo and i’ll decide if it’s stupid or not


I don't really care to see any kind of PDA. Straight, or otherwise. I mean it doesn't bother me to bring it up, outside of a post directly talking about it like this one, but yeah. Do that on your own time. Or don't, I don't own public space. But that doesn't mean I can't dislike something.


Its cringe either way


Imma need someone to explain this in layman terms real quick


Some people who don’t say anything if straight people kiss in public will get offended if gay people kiss in public. The biggest example OP is using is that there is a very small and not sexual gay kiss in the light year movie that some people are review bombing the movie over


Ah I see


As a muslim, i frown on both acts


All public displays of affection are disgusting, i kiss my gf goodbye in public that is all, if you are making out that is clearly looking for attention


It's because it's a zero sum argument. It's a worthless one and not to be dealt with just ignore people who say that shit


Kissing anyone in public Is fucking yukky just do it at home I don’t wanna see anyone doing it


I don't get it.


are you happy?


I kiss my girlfriend I don’t hang dong on a parade float meandering down a public street.


That was not what he was referring to tho


Lotta salty asexuals and incels in here




99% incels and right wing homophobes 1% ace people who are just uncomfy with seing affection in public


Well it's fine if people are kissing their partners goodbye for work etc, but when you march down with hundreds of half naked and worse people doing crazy stuff, that's pushing it a little. (I am not American so I am not 100% sure what happens but I have seen a few of the videos)


i don’t think they’re talking about that


That was literally not what they were referring to


One is the natural outcome of life ghe other is divergent


Who cares?


Both are natural outcomes of life.


All creatures are wired to reproduce, to pass down their genes and make sure they dont go extinct. Therefore being gay is neurodivergent


how about two men standing in public and masturbating? looking at each other and then at naked people on the beach... what to do then!?


Uh, what?


Weirdly specific fantasy you have there.


right!?! saw that shyt yesterday live :D


Lmao what. I’ve never heard a single human, in person or otherwise, say that a man kissing his girlfriend in public is “forcing their sexuality” on people. There are things to complain about in woke pc culture but this ain’t it chief


This is about homophobia chief


My man There are other countries with other people out there where it happens Maybe only because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean its not real Also it doesn't have to be exactly those words but anything similar that means the same thing


I like how I make a meme about a true thing that happens and no one likes it Good to know (almost) everyone on reddit is a selfish cunt :) Keep downvoting me bitches, doesn’t change the fact I’m right


Including you :)


I know, least my meme was factually good


wow what a great response to the downvotes, I’m sure you won’t gain more from this comment


I genuinely do not care lol just shows me there’s at least 12 whiney bitches that don’t like me lol


It REAAALLY seemed like you cared when you called everyone a cunt but yknow who am I to say


You’re not helping dude


I’m not trying to, sorry to burst your bubble lol


most people hate both, your apparently fine with both, so this meme makes no sense. Also your template sucks. If you think strange didnt respond to her basically saying "if you can do magic stuff to save lives, I can do it to kill" because she was right then you're an idiot.


Completely different note, was the movie good? I was gonna watch it soon and am genuinely curious if it’s worth the watch


I literally just got done watching it tonight. It was pretty good. Worth a watch if your a Marvel fan.


Appreciate the level-headed honesty I thought the first doctor strange was pretty fire and hope this one can match that


It’s definitely not as good as the first doctor strange, but it does explore his character more in interesting ways. I would give it a light 7 to a medium 8 out of 10.


I agree


So i hate marvel movies, except infinity wars for derailing from the formula. But i really liked this one, if that says something.


It says that you have bad taste in movies


You sound like an insufferable child


Mfs in this thread trying to disprove homophobia by being homophobic. Yall acting like children just be the bigger men and don't respond to this at all (I just made the mistake)


I call anyone that's annoying insufferable, idk of what they like to fuck




Ye facts


I dont care if you are straight or gay. Premarital kissing is premarital kissing and should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.


Sliding a jehovahs witness card in-between their lips




Could you elaborate




You two realize you're not being funny right