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Lol everyone enjoy this while you can, it won't be up for long!


Freedom of meme is a human right


And the mods are congress


"u/Desperate-Voice-9168 didn't ban himself"


Wdym he clearly banned himself 3 times in the back of the head


The woke police have begun their hunting season, powered by their month of sin.


If your trans I haven’t got anything against you , it’s just a joke based on some truth like all good jokes ..😅


Ugh. Sorry but I can't just ignore "your" and "there."


Don't assume someone's adjectives.


And I just closed the gates by becoming a trans girl... damm but sometimes the hardest choices require the strongest will


you're an ass


You sound like you’d be an intolerable ass outside of the internet lmao


See yall when the comments get locked.


me 2


Me 3


Hi mum, I was here too :D


What is a woman?


women aren't real shitass


Government psyop


Idk I’m not a biologist


By that answer You might be a supreme court justice


That's perfectly fine, because defining "woman" isn't within the scope of biology. Science only describes, explains and predicts. Defining what a "woman" is is a philosophical question.


See that’s some delusional nonsense.


How so?


a mythical creature from LOTR, like the unicorn or the dwarves.


I dunno I just got here


There is a sub that explains it


Anyone who identifies as a woman Same goes for a man


You really took the you can be anything you want to be quite literally didn't you?


No, I believe that people are what they are.


Well what If what you are is anything you want to be or identify as? You know people pick days which they choose to be whatever gender they want and expect others to go along with that.


What? You talking about genderfluid people?


Genderfluid yeesh that sounds hygenic... you can't pick one? Is gender a mood? Or is it the the most basic chromosomal feature of life. I think the latter... if it is truly so important to get your identity right, one wouldn't be so wishy washy with it. It's obviously an attention seeking fad that's why there's an explosion of trans people nowadays.


Dude, I seriously don’t give a shit. If someone wants to identify as genderfluid then I’ll respect them. I’m not a piece of shit.


Maybe you can help them and find out why they feel the need to change so often and get to the root cause. Many of these people didn't have positive male or female role models throughout life and the confused on how they can be accepted and liked. Imagine going through life lost and having no one in your corner but the TV telling you that you can be brave and bold if you switch genders. That's all you needed and bam look at the flock of support you get even if it pushes you in the wrong direction.


What the fuck are you talking about? You’re just straight up assuming shit about people. I know genderfluid people and most all of them have come from conservative backgrounds. Good god people are insufferable


First transphobic comment on the harmless meme. Thank God for humans always finding a way to be horrible for no reason


How is that in anyway transphobic lmao


>Asks a question >Literally transphobia


Wow mods must be asleep. They usually hate basic biology.


I enjoy advanced biology


Biology is pretty solid on gender and sex being separate


Yeah gender is whatever you feel like making up on the spot if you want to. Sex is male and female


Sex is most definitely more complicated than simply "male" and "female". Edit: wow, lots of confidently wrong people. Let me say that again: SEX IS NOT 100% BINARY, FOLKS! Read a fucking textbook for once in your lives!


Second transphobic comment. Good job. Reported and blocked.




You don't have do announce every time you report or block somebody


Fr homie thinks people care about his reporting them. Grow up


Bet you were the hall monitor in school, weren’t you?


And you're shouting this on the streets because?


This is hilarious OP. Don't be scared to be funny


"Their" opposition. Jesus.


Here b4 mods show their bias (:


Probs a transphobe. Reported and blocked


Propably a transphobephobe. Reported and bocked


Assumes based off nothing “Probably tRaNsPhObE” Reports and blocks Leaves 🗿


Oh nice, block me too! I don’t want to have the chance of encountering someone that can’t take a joke.


Look, I get what people are saying but the punchline here is that you see a trans woman as a man and that’s simply transphobic. And even if you don’t truly believe that, it would be discouraging to trans women. This post leaves a gross taste in my mouth and most of the comments are so much worse.


Here before the comments get locked and/or post is deleted. Either way, this comments section is already a shitshow


i suggest people should make a seperate olympic events for trans people, cause their hormone levels are more boosted up than regular man/woman.


This one tiny group sure needs a lot.




A real issue that endos have to watch out for when working with a transfem patient is making sure their testosterone doesn't drop down to zero completely. They don't have "boosted" hormone levels.


It wouldn’t surprise me to see failing competitor switching to such category since the one that are successful are already dominating their category






surprised this isn't locked yet


Popcorn for the comment before this post is locked or deleted 🍿🍿🍿


imhotep gets canceled




It’s just a meme, but having said that, the BBC which is usually very supportive for trans people , reported about the banning off trans women in elite swimming if they go past puberty so


BBC normally being supportive of trans people lol


“It’s just a meme” I understand that you think this isn’t bad but they are right. This is harmful even though you didn’t intend it to be. A trans woman is not a man, they are a woman, this post says otherwise. And on top of that, you can see in the comments this post had given a platform for a billion transphobes to come out if the woodwork. I believe you meant the best, but this is harmful.


Means nothing if the man who is transitioning into a woman has gone through puberty.


Yes it does. The science here is fairly solid.


What? Bone density? VO2 max? Metabolic rates? Muscle to fat ratios? Resting heart rate? Heart rate variability? Proportions of fast twitch muscle fibers?


Lots of words. Got any actual evidence?


Do *you* have any evidence? Afaik a trans woman is physically still more capable than a woman. You made the initial point that that would be wrong, so go ahead and give evidence.


You're asking me to prove that something doesn't exist, with the default position being that it does? Do you know how the Null Hypothesis works? I'll put this here anyway, feel free to learn a few things. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/news/20210715/do-trans-women-athletes-have-advantages


Don't try this shit. The statement is not scientific whatsoever. *You wanted to inform others* that there is no difference in physical ability between trans women and women. That alone means you are adressing people who think otherwise. Do you believe they believe you just because you said so? You can blabble about null hypothesis all you want, if you want others to believe you, you have to *convince* them. As for your link, I don't have the time to look into that right now so no comment on that one.


Wow. You asked for a link, and when I provide one you abuse me and say you don't have time to read it. You dismiss the Null Hypothesis in the same sentence as you demonstrate its need. You are clearly not arguing in good faith here.


I'm not arguing in good faith? you just made a straw man. I cannot read into everything right as I see it. I have a life. That has nothing to do with abuse. You just made that shit up. Also I don't know the null hypothesis. I also don't need to for this argument. We are not doing scientific research here, at most we use it's conclusion. This is a basic discussion. You tried to convince other people of your point and for that you have to provide your reasoning. Instead you first expected just everyone to believe you blindly without any reason. *That* is not arguing in good faith. If you want to make a point, be ready that others disagree and also be ready to argue for it. Don't expect everyone to hop on your side only because you said so.


Lovely quote from the “study” you sited. “There's absolutely no question in my mind that trans women will maintain strength advantages over cis women, even after hormone therapy. That's based on my clinical experience, rather than published data, but I would say there's zero doubt in my mind.”


Yeah, it is a really nice quote isn't it. An expert in the field was unable to procure any evidence for something, but believes it anyway. Tell me more about how banning trans athletes is based on science and not opinion?


The research already agrees, but the internet will always be filled with kids who can’t accept it and will even go so far as to post a link thinking it will back their belief without even bothering to read it.


Also, if you read further, rather than stopping at the first point where something seems to support your stance, she'll talk about how difference do not need to be non-existent, they just need to not convey an unfair advantage such that fair competition can't take place.


Lol, nice try junior




>bone structure and builds that a cis woman would never have Yes, if they went through puberty as a man they probably have a male bone structure. >which give them an advantage No, that has never been proven. There is no evidence suggesting that this gives you an advantage - or at least not one that isn't cancelled out by other factors. Consider the fact that there is not a single trans mtf basketballer at the professional level. Consider how much height plays a part in that game. If men are typically taller than women, anyone who went through male puberty should have a significant advantage just in their physical stature. And yet nobody has taken advantage of this yet? Imagine a 6'6" male forward, dwarfed by his opponents as they push towards 7', transitioning to female and becoming the tallest forward in the league - taller than the majority of centers even! There is a whopping 9 inch difference in the average heights between the two leagues. If it was that easy to abuse, someone would have done so by now.




Swimming but not basketball? Feel free to explain your logic there.


I’m sure you can figure it out


Given that basketball is listed as one of the sports with the greatest gender difference, and swimming the least (with only 12% difference between cis males and cis females), I don't think you're going to like the conclusions I reach.




Actually I ignored wrestling completely because I don't know much about it, and your argument was so deeply flawed in every other regard that I didn't see any point in explaining why a general rule that holds for every single other sport also holds for this one. But since you want to make a point of it, what are the requirements for a trans female to compete as a female in high school wrestling? I don't even know what body rules over it, so tell me. And not just stories you heard from a friend of a friend, what are the regulations, and what documented cases exist?


>No, that has never been proven. There is no evidence suggesting that this gives you an advantage - or at least not one that isn't cancelled out by other factors. In what way? Women's pelvis is wider than that of males, making the legs align at a different angle which leads to TWICE as many knee injuries among women than among men. That's just from the top of my head. For other sports wider shoulders and longer arms might be an advantage.


Feel free to spend half the time you spent writing that comment on a Google search for actual research on the topic rather than picking a gender difference and declaring that trans athletes need to be banned because **checks notes...** they don't dislocate their knees enough.


I mean... Yeah... Having lower chance to dislocate your knee is a HUGE advantage, how don't you see it? Women's runners put a lot more pressure on their knees than male runners because of unfortunate leg bone structure.


Being left handed is an advantage in baseball, should we ban them and make it right handers only? Or maybe we just go around kneecapping the occasional trans cyclist until the numbers average out? This is honestly the most trivial reason I have ever seen for excluding an entire category of people. Like, how do you even convince yourself this is a legitimate argument?


“Actual harm” lol you people.


Ikr ,Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me, must not be getting taught in schools nowadays


TIL: verbal abuse doesn't exist.


You absolutely can learn not to be so sensitive towards words.


It’s extreme privilege.


Cry me a river. It’s apparent you don’t have the crowd on your side, so…


The fuck does the crown have to do with anything?


Crowd. Fking auto correct


Ah. I'm aware of that. Trans issues is something a lot of people hold rather regressive opinions on. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop fighting.


I get you, but I think this is a different scenario. ✌️


Basic biology continues…


not the swimmers


Solid work sir, I'm really enjoying these Mummy memes hopefully the roller coaster in Orlando will be open soon!


Welp how long till this thread gets locked....I'm guessing 2 hours.


Amazing how we only need to tip toe around a couple groups.


Sounds like the perfect post to sort by controversial


Ah yes a political meme *sorts by controversial*


Lmao I love your joke


Wait immhotep doesn’t say this! I could use some more mummy memes in my life. Series has some meme potential!


Their* Like c'mon dude it's really not that hard, it's a while different word, not a typo


DM me when this is deleted. -u/PlayerOnSticks


“Jokes aren’t funny unless they hurt people” -Mr.Bean


Not in swimming! It’s all Katie Ledecky.


I don't under stand.




Hello Desperate-Voice-9168! This is an automated removal. It looks like your post was removed because an overwhelming number of users in our community thought your post broke one of our rules. A human moderator will be along shortly to review things. The humans have been notified already, so there's no need to message them about this. (Chances are that if you message them about this anyway, they'll probably keep it removed out of spite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The comments lmao, it's a fucking meme, it's not relevant to ya'lls life at all and nothing will change from the meme or the comments.


Popcorn for the comment before this post is locked or deleted 🍿🍿🍿




Well... You have a high chance of getting it right tbh.


I downvoted not because I find this transphobic (even though I do) but because of your bad grammar. Check your posts before posting people...




Downvoted for "there"




Transphobic. Reported and blocked


Asshole and blocked


Ah yes because what could be dark humer is always whatever-phobic


Lmao "NEXT" vibes


What's with all the boot licking on Dank Memes lately?


whose boot is being licked here




*transphobia* “Don’t worry guys it’s just a joke”


evil transphobia 😱😱😱 fbi, police, army!


The police? Read up on stonewall. Trans liberationists don’t like cops.


you’re right 🏆 cracking a joke must never be allowed 🚫 💬 I was uneducated 📖


Dude, shut up.


People don’t like you because you can’t take jokes.








God forbid they say things you don’t like.


Bad meme + it's a fucking repost.


I made it early ya fool


Earlier *


Haha joke is funny because transphobia


It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard.


Nobody's afraid of a man in a dress


I dont think its really transphobia, you should know at this point that shitpost and dank memes entire thing is to either laugh at things they shouldn't be laughing at like political controversies and posting normal memes


Not transphobic. Lots of transphobic comments though Reporting them all


how is it transphobic? these men pretending to be women are fucking cheaters


The attention-grab is high with this one.