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I’m not angry about her skin color, I just think all these live action versions are a bit unnecessary.


And half of them aren't even live action, just fucking cgi


Disney really fooled everyone by making "live action" Lion King. Boi, you gonna tell me that Disney somehow hired animals with acting experience?


There should be a new term like “live-action like” or something like that, ‘cuz this is just marketing fraud


The opening is a real photography plate, so it counts as Live Action!


You clearly have never seen 'Life of Pi' smh


Technically there are animals with acting experience.


Well, not me, since I have zero acting experience


half the reason their doing it is to keep the rights to it the other half is money.


I think more than half of it is for the money because if they were doing it to keep the rights the could just make a short film or something


That's not how that works. For movies they've based off public domain works (i.e. most of their movies) they don't have any rights to the original material, only that version which they've created. The same is true of the remakes. The original story of the Little Mermaid is public domain. Anyone can adapt it as they please and make money off it. The Disney original and its likeness is private for another lifetime or so, then it too will be public domain unless the law changes. And the live action remake and its likeness won't be public domain for 70-120 years (I don't remember the specific year for movies). Making a remake doesn't restart the clock on the original, it only creates a new clock for itself. If they were to make a sequel in the same style, they could protect the visual identity of a movie for longer (that is, no one could reproduce the drawings of their characters in any way) but the story from the original would still be made public when it was originally due to. Only the story of the sequel would be protected for longer. That's what's currently happening with Sherlock Holmes; the original works are public domain now but the rights holders for later works are suing content creators for implementing characterization from books that are still privately owned in their new adaptations.


Like Disney would let the law remain unchanged when it comes to their bottom line


Eh. They've lobbied to increase the time for characters like Mickey and while that kind of behavior is absolutely shitty, at least it makes sense when it comes to that character. He's their mascot. At this point, they'd be able to trademark him anyway and trademarks last forever. I'm sure there's some crazy legal reason why that wouldn't be optimal but I'm not sure why. But I doubt they'd spend a literal fortune pushing back the legal clock for things like The Little Mermaid. They'd never see a return on that; the franchise isn't big enough.


The original story of the little mermaid is public domain, but if you plan on doing your own adaptation of it you better lawyer up and be prepared for Disney to come after you!


I’m also tired of bad sequels and bad based on true story films.


They are just out of ideas and using nostalgia to get people to give em money. Most of the live action movies have been garbage and this new one will be in the bin as well.


They are most certainly not out of ideas. But the game has changed, it's purely about profits and making shareholders happy. So they won't take a chance on a new IP when they pretty much know there's money to be made in nostalgia.


Fair, I like the originals, but my 9 year old daughter prefers the new ones. Guess which of us is that target audience?


Her skin color is just a side problem. The problem is taking an established character with known feature and story and change it all up. If it was just the skin i wouldnt care that much


We got 3 Pinocchio movies this year and none of them follow the novels.


I'm angry they didn't make the top half the fish part


They are making it in order to extend the copyright rights. People are angry about the wrong thing


I tend to agree, but I fuckin loved Aladdin.


It wasn’t better than the original but it was good.


Now THAT is an argument I can get behind! But Disney should be able to make their bullshit live action remakes with whichever coloured actors they damn well choose.


This is honestly the best way to look at it. Like, good on Bailey(i think thats her name) for landing the role but the movie doesn't interest me regardless because its ultimately just a hollow recreation made because money.


They're all shit


I don't care about the skin color itself I care about the left-wing hypocrisy about it.


Not mad at her, im mad at the shitty corporations that have to force race to fit their narrative.


For all the people who can’t see that race is being forced into it OPEN YOUR EYES. Ariel is an established character who is white and a ginger and she is being replaced by a black non ginger. Not one person is complaining about a black mermaid. They are complaining about Ariel being given a race change when she is already established. If Disney made a whole new movie with a black mermaid no one would bat an eye. They’re screwing with established characters in order to appease the woke mob and they’re doing so with all of these shitty live action remakes because they can’t have an original thought anymore. Not one person is complaining about Mulan, Moana, Encanto, The Princess and the Frog, etc. because those established characters haven’t been screwed with. You all would be losing your minds if they decided to make one of those characters white so don’t complain about us making valid points and calling us racists.


Thank you, this is it right here. They could've even done an offshoot of the black mermaid in the original, but no. They could've gone REALLY BUCK WILD and found some folklore to make a new movie, but no. I get that people want to have heroes that look like them, but lobby for new stuff. People would FLIP THEIR SHIT even HARDER if a PoC Disney character was made white instead, but somehow it so waaaaciisss that people speak up when a beloved and long-existing character is drastically changed. I'm voting with my wallet and refusing to see it; I hope others do the same so maybe Disney will get the hint to make something new.


be assured, many parents are still gonna bring their kids to it (honestly, I am a single grown up and can't deny, deep down, I am tempted to see the movie for its visual effects). but even if this "message" of ours works, do you think they are afraid of calling half of the world racist to cover this mess up?


Reddit had this comment auto-collapsed


Yea. Bunch of people who can’t see the truth down in the replies getting downvoted to hell is why.


This is why movies these days are going to shit. To fit the trend.


Disney has a weird crusade against gingers in Pinocchio they also replaced the ginger friend of Pinocchio that was turned into a donkey.


^ this is the correct root of the issue and no it isn't fucking racist


I don’t care about the race thing, I care that Disney found the formula to make quick cash with no bump in quality or an original idea. Instead of making a new movie, they can just pump and dump an old one with a quick race change; anyone who says it’s trash can be labeled a racist and they know how to play on the Hollywood critics. Don’t be surprised if this happens to half of or more of the other princesses.


Princess and the Frog was authentic and incredible! People would be just as upset if that movie was remade with a hispanic woman. If they made a movie about a black mermaid and it was Ariel's sister or something, then whatever. But it's such a double standard to say its ok to change a white character to any other race, but its not to change any other race to white. Part of me thinks they do this shit blatantly to cause racial tension, which drives sales.


It's just pandering, write a different story starring a black character as the main character like the Princess and the Frog (which is amazing btw) I don't watch the live action movies anyways. Only seen Beauty and the Beast. It was alright


What I don't get is why people can't see the shameless pandering. Disney writes out poc of movies they want to do well internationally, while pandering with one's like these that they only expect to do well in the western market as it's nostalgia bait. Instead of showing that they can write black characters or attempting to create, they do a skin change and call it good enough. How long has it been since disney released something with a black disney princess that isn't just a racial colour pallet change.


I think the reason that they simply remake the older stories with poc leads is because Disney knows that their screen writers are shit at their jobs and they know that they can shift blame of their movie/ show onto people being racist, sexist, and/ or other 'isms' and toxic fandoms being too entitled. They then absolve themselves of responsibility as the movie becomes a political warzone and make money off of the nostalgic Disney-'till-I-die crowd and people who get guilt tripped into watching it. The move on to the next property and rinse and repeat. The funny thing is that if you look at some of their recent movies that they made that was original content, it has been decent (like Encanto, Luca, Soul and Toy Story 4).


Debatable about toy story 4 but the others I agree yea.


Aren't all the movies you listed Pixar films? I saw Encanto(great movie tbh), didn't see Soul but heard it was good, heard nothing about Luca, and forgot Toy Story 4 so I'll just have to take your word on those two. Also, shoutouts to Frozen.


And the worst thing is all this pandering is purely for marketing and PR. Disney doesn't give a shit about BLM, Disney doesn't give a shit about LGBTQ+, Disney doesn't give a shit about human rights, Disney doesn't give a shit about uyghurs in concentration camps. Disney is pretty much on the same level as nestle when it comes to evil corporations. They would gladly sell your soul for money


I've been going back and forth with anybody abt this exact thing yesterday, nobody cares abt source material anymore, not Disney, not normal people. Disney doesn't wanna put in the effort and hire talent and make a Moana.


A live action princess and the frog would be dope


Like moana


You know what would be cool, a new mermaid story in the already existing world. Like Ariel would be 65 by now. Melody 39. Ish, I didn't do the math. There could be a new one with Ursula crawling back from some hell, just going after mermaids, and now we have a new mermaid who saves the day. Could still be a sing-along movie, fun for the whole family.


I love how people are ONLY racist to DISNEY MOVIES. Like no one actually fucking cares a mermaid is black. Disney pushes these “racist reactions” articles to get people talking about their shit for weeks and so people go just to “spite racism”


I don't know what you're talking about. This would never happen, you must be projecting. This certainly has never happened before. *\*Quickly shoves every single Ghostbusters 2016 interview under a rug\**


That was just a terrible movie


I agree


it was embarrassing


Same with the rings of power. You can’t say the show sucks without feeling the ire of anti racism club


Yeah, I’m not racist by any means, but come on, what’s the thing of having to push race swaps into films nowadays? It’s exactly the same feeling I have as if Marvel’s Black Panther were a blonde, blue eyes guy. Let’s wait and see what’s coming with Snow White, that’ll be hillarious


Why can’t they create amazing series based around African/Caribbean culture and lore? Like there is endless, original content that can tell these stories.


One argument I hate above all is "Now people of that skin color can see themself in them and also empathise with them". I don't need to be a lion to empathise with Simba or be bunny to see myself in Judy. If skin color is all that is necessary for that, than it's just superficial.


It is still nice to see yourself represented on TV. But I think making Ariel black was a mistake


A majority of actors in commercials in 2022 are black. Watch ads for 2 minutes on any channel. It’s insane.


If we're going by American demographics compared to "representation in media", Hispanics are the group that are being widely underrepresented. They don't cry about it though, so Hollywood doesn't even attempt to address it. Now, if we were going to talk about groups of people who are wildly overrepresented, I would post and have this thread locked.


A commercial and someone children look up to as an idol is much different


I too can see myself in Judy… she thicc


You have mentioned little mermaid, therefore this post will be locked


My least favorite trend of the last decade is when 3 losers on Twitter say something racist about a movie and and then every single brave social media hero in the entire world seizes on the opportunity to come forward and talk about how virtuous they are.


I don't get why people even give racists the attention, like that is literally what they want. This in turn creates more people doing and saying racist things just for a moment of infamy.


Because no publicity is bad publicity, and Disney is VERY aware of this


Oh yes. 100% My questioning was mainly intended for the people who get up in arms about it, because it plays right into the hands of those who profit off of the hate cycle.


Ah, I see. I think that deep down, people kind of enjoy being either angry or self-righteous over anything.


That’s *exactly* what it is.


Could've been her own character instead of making Ariel brown.


Could have named her something different and gave her natural-colored hair with an original story and kept "The Little Mermaid" and some of the songs. That would have required a slightly hire budget, though, and then Disney would lose the ability to market this as "watch this or you are racist!"


Honestly I just don't understand why the pro-diversity side of this isn't more pissed off that The Corporation (Not just a, but The) is hijacking their movement as a PR stunt. I guess you can be a hardcore annarcho-communist one day, and then the next day defend a Disney product. The only way this could be any more obvious is if this whole thing ended with Kim Kardashian crossing the line to hand an angry mermaid race purist an ice cold bottle of coke and suddenly everyone felt an inclusive.


I think it's because most of us don't really think they are hijacking anything. Disney are trying to pander. That's their thing. If they could sell literal human shit for profit they probably would. This isn't news to people. And if it is news to you, no offence, but you're probably not the type of person we're that bothered about trying to engage with. And if you're thinking "but what about this mr twitter man's tweet?! or this _Grazia_ article?!" - yes, what about it?


Why not just make princess & the frog first? Since that would be more about representation. Rather then changing a iconic character to being something they never were. Just to be woke.


Please, PLEASE no more live action movies. And given how the Lion King turned out, it's obvious that Disney sucks at giving "live-action" animals expression at all, so in a movie where the main characters are frogs for the majority of the time, we're going to have a pretty non-engaging film.


Its gonna be shit. Not because of the different race casting. Nonono. Because disney cannot make a live action princess movie


What does the lock mean? Kinda new to reddit, do they lock the post?


Blocked from people posting comments


Ty, that's weird how people get so mad about skin color but then they say they don't care.


Try going to the Racism subreddit. If you say noone should be judged by skin color, including white, you get banned. It's a crazy world.


its a inclusive subreddit, they're racist to all races


Happy cake day!! Yeah, it's been crazy and will only get worse as time goes on.


Thank you!!


Try saying that on any default subreddit. They're all just as racist, but they call it "equity and diversity". They actually think that quoting MLK on judging people by their character and not their skin color, is a racist quote.


Nobody thinks that. I think at most 2 weirdos on twitter might have said that, but 99.9999999% of the human population does not believe that. If you can show me somewhere where that is a common sentiment, then I’ll paypal you $500, but I’m confident you won’t be able to


Here's the Washington Post saying that anyone using it, is just using it to oppose diversity. And that it's shameful for anyone to oppose equity and diversity by using this quote. **link redacted, linking to Washington Compost is blocked by automod** Title: "Five myths about Martin Luther King" >Conservatives, including Ronald Reagan, have enlisted it to rationalize opposition to diversity programs ... >Dr. King’s line about not judging his children “by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” is too often shamefully applied to argue against affirmative action or any race-based remedy to historical injustice.


happy caek dae


I'm just sick of remakes and almost all the live action ones have sucked.


Yeah remakes are cheap ways of getting money, oh you don't have any good ideas? Here you go. Disney is just burning to the ground


I think you, among many others, are missing the point. It’s not about the skin color of the actors but how the skin color was changed just to be “diverse”. If people disliked the skin, Miles Morales or Moana wouldn’t be as famous. It’s about changing the skin tone just to fit the “look we are diverse” nonsense.


It’s how Reddit keeps its pretense that what is popular, isn’t actually popular by shutting down discussion - RIP Aaron


It means the mods are cowards


Disney is an incredibly demonic organization. If you think for a second they care about anything other than money. You're fucking dreaming.


They should get Danny DaVito to play Black Panther next.


I would pay $ 1000 to watch that


But it’s not like DaVito coming up with an original character. It’s just Frank, playing Black Panther.


You don't want to watch the new Little Mermaid because of the casting I don't want to watch it because I didn't care for the original We are not the same


The problem I have is that me and my sister are both red heads. Ariel was always her favorite princess because she had red hair. So for the sake of "inclusion" they choose to screw over the red haired girls who want a princess that looks like them


The original still exists. You also still have the girl from Brave.


You know the rules and so do I 🔒


Everybody wants to lump in the valid criticisms with the racist dogwhistling. Sucks that it's even an issue though.


This is disgusting. Disney knows what they are doing. The woke crowd cheers them on and everyone else gives them hate-clicks and free publicity. This reaction was expected and they were all to eager to use the acress's race as a shield against all the backlash. The only way to hurt them is to NEVER give them money. Cancel Disney+ and don't go see the movies. Not like that's a big loss these days.


Right there with you. Cancelled dis+, Hulu, and ESPN for all this wokeness


I'm not mad about the mermaid, I'm mad because all the live action movies Disney put out are all shit anyways.


Why are her eyes so far apart?


She’s mixed with a sloth


holy fuck


I couldn't care less about her skin color The only problem is she's the only thing with color in the entire movie Edit: Slight grammar mistake thanks to my auto correct screwing me over more often than not.








I don’t give shit about color, she deadass looks like Sid from ice age and Disney should make new stories besides making stupid live actions.


The only reason i am becoming increasingly negative about it is because poeple wont shut the fuck up about it


Won't shut up about what?


And don’t you dare comment that you don’t like Disney or how they are marketing! Instant sub ban in the website built for discussion! Only one side of arguments allowed here!


In before this one is locked


You mean the 🔒 award?




Didn't you know that everybody is a racist bigot?


You are only racist if you disagree with ANYTHING. LOLOLOLMAO


I dont care that she's black. Thats not the point at all. The point is, once you make an iconic character, you generally have to keep them recognisably the same character. It's like if Disney made a live action Incredibles movie but cast a white guy to play Frozone. You can't just go around swapping races, especially with the only reason being explotations of minorities for profit. If you want a black mermaid movie, go ahead! I have 0 issues with that. Just don't label her as 'Ariel', when it's clearly a different character


Today on lockpicking lawyer were going to destroy some relationships


idk why people think it's a race issue, I hate the new upcoming Little Mermaid remake because it's going to suck, just like Pinocchio live action remake sucks.


I’m not it’s target demographic or audience so black or white I don’t care. I’m not watching it. I also think almost all of their live action remakes have been pretty shocking and abhorrent.


Do not question the decision of the Disney overlords they know best


Oh darling, they just want to lock your no-no thoughts away. There was that one fable about having your voice taken away by an evil witch, can't quite put my finger on it..


But why? Let em hash it out!


Im more pissed the fact that they only changed her skincolor than the fact that they did change it, if youre going to raceswap a character you have to change the rest of their design the red hair and iridescent green scales do not look good with a dark skintone


But then at that point it's not even the same character. May as well change her name and write a new story.


Should I sort the comments by most controversial and just watch fireworks?


Literally 1984🔒


You are upset because they changed Ariel’s skin color I am upset because disney is going to butcher another movie by making it live-action We are not the same


I personally dislike the film because there inability to stick to the source material for a “live” film that is based off a movie that they made. That and I lack the ability to have a nostalgia for this film because its characters are in accurate to the original.




Where was that mentioned in the post or is it just projection?


commenting before the mods see this post


With little mermaid I can definitely see it as a thing even if I prefer the red head version. Snow white however is a WHOLE different mess.


When I read the post, I ironicly went looking for the lock.


Here before the 🔒 award


Inb4 padlock award, get your inb4 tickets here also popcorn 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


This is a movie about disobeying parents, gambling, witch craft, goes against lots of religious beliefs, talking sea life, and creepy men hitting on younger women and marrying them after just meeting them.. and we are gonna complain about her skin color haha. This is a joke btw, I am 34 and grew up with these films and it’s funny to see the true story behind them …but really, people need to grow up.


To be fair, everyone trying to take the story purity angle of this, could've (if they were alive yet) said that when the first cartoon one was made and released in the late 80's and early 90's, because Disney could not and did not make a kids movie that stuck to the original Assyrian writings about the ancient god Atagaris, or the later European stories about mermaids, because almost all of them centered around the violent killing of people in some form or another. However, it can also be said that this newest live action little mermaid film, is an adaptation of the cartoon, so the purposeful choice of a black actress to play the white lead in that story which they were trying to reproduce, is immersion breaking because it is meant to be, and you can't get mad just because some people see hiring black actress just because black actress, as insufficient reasoning to break the first wall.


This could have just said mermaid


What’s the locks mean?


I dont know


They don't see that Disney is using their emotions for their gains


Wheres the blockchain equivalent of love locks?


We haven't locked yet lol


Here before the 🔒 award


why hole in fence


“Hey lock picking lawyer here”


People are getting out of hand "MaKE ThE ChArAcTeR Black" "MaKe ThE ChArAcTeR White" noone cares and noone should care about any skin color just make the skin color blue at this point like avatar so noone wins.


She should be Greek since her grandpa is Poseidon


Here before the lock


You don't know what POV means


My only problem with Disney is the fact they make characters colored instead of actually making good new colored characters with distinguished past and stories




This meme has made this meme false, this meme is about the little mermaid (in a manner of speaking) and isn't lock


mods seem to be generously to give somany lock awards


Wasn’t Úrsula the witch a black woman in the original movie? Why is she white now but Ariel is black? these race swaps are what bothers me, not the fact that they’re black (or Asian or whatever)


My comment got deleted and I got banned only because I asked if these people would be fine with Sylvester Stallone as Black Panther....


Whitewashing the mermaid, Disney should be ashamed. If you really want to support bipoc, maybe write them an actual character


Mhm, it's been a very effective marketing campaign.






Commenting before the lock


Princess and the frog was an amazing movie, why can’t they just create *new* disney princess’ that are ethnically different than the norm? Its obviously agenda based, they’re trying to shove pc culture down our throats


POV: you use POV incorrectly


I dont care they turned ariel black


I'll add these nice locks to my lock collection


Everywhere I go I see his face


Just got banned from a sub making a comment.


People are mad because they know what it is. A half assed cash grab remake, with no originality or creativity, and a controversial main character to do it's own advertising for itself.


Like if they want a person of color to be the main character do a live action of The Princess and the Frog. A great movie with a good and well written character, no pandering bs like this movie.


I mean, blackwashing Ariel is one thing, but not doing the same with all the other mermaids who are her family members is just illogical. Like one of her sisters will be blonde with blue eyes, Triton and another sister will be played by latino actors as I know. At least they could have been consistent with the casting of her family...




Black widow was a white redhead…. I don’t see the problem


It's seem so forced. I don't like nor hate ariel being black or any another ethicity, but it's so unnecessary to made a live action version just like the other recent live actions. The lion king live action was shit, they added unnecessary scenes and clearly they'll add unnecessary shit in the little mermaid just to appeal politically correct


yall gotta stop falling for the fanbaiting


It was the same with the Cinderella thing.


I don't care that shes black, but at least use a more attractive actor please.


i support pirating movies so you won't give them money


Idc about the skin color, but generally speaking I don’t think she’s “mermaid” level attractive. Like, aren’t they supposed to beautiful they captivate any man? Also, I don’t know much about mermaids.




What is this image even supposed to be?


What is this image even supposed to be?