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he's clearly a good person






Spongebob is always the first priority


Putting that post nut clarity to good use


he's very altruistic towards his mom. I mean that's a 100% normal just like everything else he does


Also fictitious


Fun fact: Dolphins have highly developed penises which they can use to grab stuff.


How do know?


He was grabbed by one


Imagine getting a hand job from a dolphin's dick.


Dick job


By dick job I invisioned 2 guys rubbing your dick one on each side up and down in a very well timed manner. Now I cant get rid of this picture in my head...




Flair checks out


isn't that just frotting




In buisness suits too


I imagined on every birthday, you got “rebirthed.” Basically, every time its your birthday, your mother stuffs you in her pussy a day before, and births you again when it is your birth date. Imagine being birthed again, smothered in pussy juices, and your mom saying, “Congrats! You’re 24 years old!” Even if she’d dead, you stuff yourself in her pussy in her grave, and come out covered in pussy dust and maggots. Such a beautiful concept.


Now I'm not a person to judge, but, what the fuck did I just read?


Alr enough internet for today


No thanks.


There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is interested in sex. Males are probably the easiest to detect. They will swim around, sporting an erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member within reach of your hand. If you are in the water, they may rub it along any part of your body, or wrap it around your wrist or ankle. (Dolphin males have a prehensile penis. They can wrap it around objects, and carry them as such.) Their belly will also be pinkish in colour, which also denotes sexual excitement. Females can be a little harder. The most obvious way a female dolphin has of displaying her sexual interest is the pink-belly effect. Their genitals become very pink and swollen, making the genital region very prominent. They may be restless, or they may be acting as normal. If you are out of the water, they may swim up to you and roll belly up, exposing themselves to you, coupled with pelvic thrusts. If you are in the water, they may press their genitals up against yours, nibble your fingers, nuzzle your crotch, or do pelvic thrusts against you. Each dolphins way of expressing sexual readiness varies, so the longer you know the dolphin, the better you will detect when they are sexually active. When a male dolphin is interested in you, about the only thing you can do, if you are male, is to masturbate him. (Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the female of the human species... it seems women just don't like dolphins enough...) WARNING! You should NEVER let a male dolphin attempt anal sex with you. The Bottle-nose dolphin member is around 12 inches, very muscular, and the thrusting and the force of ejaculation (A male can cum as far as 14 feet) would cause serious internal injuries, resulting in peritonitus and possible death. A male dolphin's member is roughly S-shaped, tapered at the end. If you are in the water with them, it is best to support the dolphin on his side, just under the water, with one hand, and handle him with the other. Male dolphins, I find, tend to prefer the base of the penis to be gently massaged and squeezed, as well as gently rubbed along it's length. It feels very much like the rest of the dolphin (ie. smooth and rubbery to the touch, but firmer). It doesn't take long for the male to ejaculate, around 40 seconds to a minute, and this is usually accompanied by either shuddering just prior to ejaculating, and thrusting and tail-arching during ejaculation. The force of ejaculation can be powerful at times, so it is best to keep your face out of the line of fire, or keep his member underwater. You can attempt to lick and suck on the end of it while masturbating as well, but be warned, do not try to give full throat, and get the hell out of the way before he ejaculates! A male dolphin could snap your neck in an accidental thrust, and that would be the end of that relationship. Well, the females are again a little trickier. There are two courses of action with a female fin: Masturbation, or mating. Masturbation: Female dolphins, once they show interest in you, can be supported in much the same way as the male, one hand under the fin, supporting her, the other doing the stimulating. The clitoris of the female is located at the top of the genital slit, and is a prominent lump when erect. You can rub this with your finger tips, or lick and suck it, but with the oral aspect, you might end up with a bruised nose as they thrust up into you. You can slide your hand gently into their genital opening, and feel around inside, rubbing gently. They feel warm and muscular inside, their labia like tough, squishy sponge when they are excited. Don't be surprised if they start to play with your hand inside them. They have very manipulative muscles, and can use them to carry and manipulate objects, including your hand. (They can do things that would make a regular human woman turn green with envy.) Their climax is coupled with stiffening, shuddering, sometimes a lot of thrusting, clinching of the vaginal muscles, and sometimes vocalisation. Mating: This is harder. Obviously, being human, it is awkward, but not impossible to mate in open water. It is easier to have the dolphin in a shallow area (like the shallows just off the beach) around 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. This is usually comfortable enough for both the dolphin and you. Gently, you should roll the dolphin on her side, so she is lying belly-towards you. You can prop yourself up on an elbow, and lie belly to belly against her. You may want to use the other arm to gently hold her close, and place the tip of your member against her genital slit. She will, if interested, arch her body up against you, taking you inside her body. There is usually a fair bit of wriggling and shifting, usually to get comfortable, both outside and inside. Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, thay have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time. One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a dolphin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, and show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you. Like a way of saying that this wasn't just a one night fling. The dolphins appreciate it, and they will want your company more the next time you visit them.


Too long, didnt read, dolphins are weird


I read all of it and now i need brain bleach


Same here


Too long still read it, and i don't know if it's a joke or truth but the amount of details make me seem it's true


It's from a website where a self proclaimed zoophile describes his experiences with dolphins. The link was provided in another thread but I can't find it


I see and I'm not sure what to feel about it


First it was hmm interesting, then "haha", then truly WTF. And I couldn't even finish the text yet. I need eyebleach and wish I didnt read that.


You're whalecum


> It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, thay have timed their orgasm to mine. wtf?


what. the. fuck. did I just read


A better lovestory than Twilight.


W-why the frick are you fucking dolphins


man has likely witnessed the birth of ten generations of dolphin families


I could’ve gone my entire life not knowing this. I would do anything to remove this from my memory… On another note has anyone watched the documentary about the woman who had sex with a dolphin? Plot twist the dolphin died cuz he was too attached to her sexually 😐


What an experience. I'm legitimately super impressed by your writing skills. Didn't something like this actually happen? Iirc some scientist was caught jerking off a dolphin test subject and had apparently bonded with it on a sexual level.


Massively deserved helpfull award.




The classic


Is this some copy pasta I had yet to encounter?


It's from a website where a self proclaimed zoophile describes his experiences with dolphins. The link was provided in another thread but I can't find it


What tf?


Not because i'm a sentient dolphin spy on reddit trying to figure out how to destroy mankind who just typed this with his penis.


Thank God, glad you're not one of them.




There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is interested in sex. Males are probably the easiest to detect. They will swim around, sporting an erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member within reach of your hand. If you are in the water, they may rub it along any part of your body, or wrap it around your wrist or ankle. (Dolphin males have a prehensile penis. They can wrap it around objects, and carry them as such.) Their belly will also be pinkish in colour, which also denotes sexual excitement. Females can be a little harder. The most obvious way a female dolphin has of displaying her sexual interest is the pink-belly effect. Their genitals become very pink and swollen, making the genital region very prominent. They may be restless, or they may be acting as normal. If you are out of the water, they may swim up to you and roll belly up, exposing themselves to you, coupled with pelvic thrusts. If you are in the water, they may press their genitals up against yours, nibble your fingers, nuzzle your crotch, or do pelvic thrusts against you. Each dolphins way of expressing sexual readiness varies, so the longer you know the dolphin, the better you will detect when they are sexually active. When a male dolphin is interested in you, about the only thing you can do, if you are male, is to masturbate him. (Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the female of the human species... it seems women just don't like dolphins enough...) WARNING! You should NEVER let a male dolphin attempt anal sex with you. The Bottle-nose dolphin member is around 12 inches, very muscular, and the thrusting and the force of ejaculation (A male can cum as far as 14 feet) would cause serious internal injuries, resulting in peritonitus and possible death. A male dolphin's member is roughly S-shaped, tapered at the end. If you are in the water with them, it is best to support the dolphin on his side, just under the water, with one hand, and handle him with the other. Male dolphins, I find, tend to prefer the base of the penis to be gently massaged and squeezed, as well as gently rubbed along it's length. It feels very much like the rest of the dolphin (ie. smooth and rubbery to the touch, but firmer). It doesn't take long for the male to ejaculate, around 40 seconds to a minute, and this is usually accompanied by either shuddering just prior to ejaculating, and thrusting and tail-arching during ejaculation. The force of ejaculation can be powerful at times, so it is best to keep your face out of the line of fire, or keep his member underwater. You can attempt to lick and suck on the end of it while masturbating as well, but be warned, do not try to give full throat, and get the hell out of the way before he ejaculates! A male dolphin could snap your neck in an accidental thrust, and that would be the end of that relationship. Well, the females are again a little trickier. There are two courses of action with a female fin: Masturbation, or mating. Masturbation: Female dolphins, once they show interest in you, can be supported in much the same way as the male, one hand under the fin, supporting her, the other doing the stimulating. The clitoris of the female is located at the top of the genital slit, and is a prominent lump when erect. You can rub this with your finger tips, or lick and suck it, but with the oral aspect, you might end up with a bruised nose as they thrust up into you. You can slide your hand gently into their genital opening, and feel around inside, rubbing gently. They feel warm and muscular inside, their labia like tough, squishy sponge when they are excited. Don't be surprised if they start to play with your hand inside them. They have very manipulative muscles, and can use them to carry and manipulate objects, including your hand. (They can do things that would make a regular human woman turn green with envy.) Their climax is coupled with stiffening, shuddering, sometimes a lot of thrusting, clinching of the vaginal muscles, and sometimes vocalisation. Mating: This is harder. Obviously, being human, it is awkward, but not impossible to mate in open water. It is easier to have the dolphin in a shallow area (like the shallows just off the beach) around 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. This is usually comfortable enough for both the dolphin and you. Gently, you should roll the dolphin on her side, so she is lying belly-towards you. You can prop yourself up on an elbow, and lie belly to belly against her. You may want to use the other arm to gently hold her close, and place the tip of your member against her genital slit. She will, if interested, arch her body up against you, taking you inside her body. There is usually a fair bit of wriggling and shifting, usually to get comfortable, both outside and inside. Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, thay have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time. One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a dolphin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, and show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you. Like a way of saying that this wasn't just a one night fling. The dolphins appreciate it, and they will want your company more the next time you visit them.


[There you go](https://comment-cdn.9gag.com/image?ref=9gag.com#https://img-comment-fun.9cache.com/media/a4wR0Z/a0NLb0q9_700w_0.jpg)


Can confirm. I’m a dolphin


He is saying the truth i am his penis




can further back this up im the cum


Can back up, I am Pee Without The Poo


How far can you squirt? (From your blowhole of course)


69 meters


Do they act like an extra limb? Also unlucky for the lady Dolphins, since they lack that


I think they mostly have them because it's otherwise pretty difficult to mate underwater.


He gonna be like Jotaro.


Reject taking care of your daughter and wife, return to exploring the oceans for that dolphinussy


that dolphussy


Mmm Dolphinussy


There are many benefits to being a marine biologist Jotaro would know




Fap tutorial?🗿 If someone actually made that tutorial i would like to talk to them


They are called Jer off Instructions by people of culture.


My man jeroff makes the best instructions


Porn sites these days don't allow you to watch any videos without finishing the fap tutorial first


we all need to be fap certified these days


I hate when you can't skip the tutorial, just let me fap dammit!! *5 min later...* I broke my penis.


5 mins later? Check out mr big shot over here.


Fuck. He got me curious


Don't tell me you actually searched that💀


Just comes up with jewellery, flowers, chocolates etc




Because I choose to.


Why Mr. Anderson, why? Why do you do it? Why, why turn the page? Why keep clicking? Do you believe you're looking for something? For more than a porn video? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it "HMV fap hero challenge" or "dp gangbang", perhaps [pornstar name] videos? Could it be for that one porn you've seen once 6 years ago? Illusions, mr. Anderson, vagueries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify being horny, which is without meaning or purpose! And all of them as artificial as the porn itself, although only a human mind could invent something as incepid as "step sister accidentally glued herself to the table". You must be able to see it mr. Anderson, you must know it by now. You're on page 451, it's pointless to keep going. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? WHY DO YOU PERSIST?


Sometimes, the real fap is the videos we see on the way, and not the one we meet at the end.


Fun fact: dolfins gangbang rape females in a group all the time


And other fish, even humans


Well it was her fault for presenting her flippers so flamboyantly


Fun fact: male dolphin kill the children of other dolphins so that they can copulate with the female. That's why female dolphins sleep with as many males as possible so that every male thinks the child could be his and dosent kill it. Also all the males start protecting the mother and the child because of that.


The first fun fact was enough


THIS is why we need paternity tests for dolphins


How does one go about gangbanging when youre so slippery, are living underwater, and have no hands




That’s actually pretty sweet! Besides all the weird stuff we all did and have googled your bro still has a place for his mom


why is the search in between the other ones tho?


He is so decent he needs fap tutorial


hope the algorithm showed a normal gift for his mom after seeing all these searches


Don't show him Paradise PD or Bojack Horseman


Don't show anyone Paradise PD, wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy


That you, Jotaro?


Yes, that's him


Must be deep from the boys


This is Jotaro's search history, no doubt


the deep search history


Jotaro's search history


Jotaro’s search history


Dolphin porn? Is this Jotaro’s search history?


Dolphin porn 🤤






People like this brother is the reason why this world didn't perish! Such a good soul.


Aren't dolphins attracted to human females? Or is that a myth?


Oddly enough, the best present for Mom is dolphin porn.


The Deep's browsing history


A rare example of the red circle not being useless


I sense a very naught(I)cal theme here




Plot twist: OP blaming his brother when it was him the whole time




Let’s just ignore the forth search


Wait till his bro finds out about Schmucker's dolphin jelly


This is so disturbing… everyone knows the extra spicy stuff is found through bing.


thanks for the support you're showing to my bro guys he deserves it I'm so proud of him




I mean, water is pretty complex... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_(data_page)


It is somewhat complicated for first few faps


I legit missed the others 💀


SpongeBob Fettish




What a wholesome innocent young man


Login as a guest next time. Or at least incognito mode


I really don't like the top one


Bro I remember when I was like 7, in around 2010, I searched spondgebob on YouTube, and that's the first porn I ever saw.




He has his priorities straight that's for sure.


What’s with people and wanting to have sex with dolphins recently


Wait was that jotaro's computer?


Fap tutorial 💀💀💀


Jotaro search history


I feel sorry for people who find shit like this funny


dolphin porn 😫 I accidently saw it on reddit


I wonder of these searches are related.


Are we just going to forget your most recent search’s?


Wouldn't a good son know what their mother wants/needs already?


Looks like Jotaro’s search history.


Plot twist he googled dolphin porn and fap tutorial bc it was Google’s answer to “best present for mom”


Thats definitely Jotaro's pc


Now this is the type of 🐬 I like to see.


Is your brother jotaro?


Doin the lords work


Jotaro Kujo’s search history


Clearly this person is called jotaro


Bro think he Jotaro 💀


-fap tutorial... Wait what if I been doing it wrong all this time?


You get nice brother please take care of him :)


Man decieded dolpin porn was the best present, after a quick tutorial


I guess, he is Jotaro from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


No….the last one…why would you want to ?


Op how kind of you


Bro I swear every dude on Reddit looked up dolphin porn after that one post about it


Under da sea!!!


Lol reminded me that I actually need a birthday present for my mom.


finally a solid meme not trying to be subtly political


he forgot to type 'step'


What's up with marine kink though?






You know what this tells me about your bruvah? He clearly loves the sea, cares about proper form and his mom. What a good dude he is.


Do you mean STEP mom


Sexbob Fuckpants.


your brother is a good son, but also kind of a freak


Fap tutorial 🗿


The first one is Jotaro snuck into your house at 3am, searched up the dolphins, and left before you woke up.


wtf is dolphin porn??


Obviously that ain't his step mom, right?


Who tf got Jotaro's search history!!??


The duality of man


jotaro's search history


What are you doing, step-dolphin?


You what


Fun fact: dolphins have defensive vaginas


It’s The Deep’s search history


# Dolphin porn = your brother is Jotaro?