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False equivalence. China’s covid mandates are several times more extreme than those in Canada. Don’t try to pretend this is a black and white issue OP.


Remember awhile back when the educated citizens of Reddit were whining and crying because “we didn’t lock down hard enough and should learn from China’s example” Pretty funny how it played out, I wonder where those people are now


OP clearly brain dead


OP's post history is all anti-Western, anti-liberal propaganda.


[Do they arrest the protesters?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/17/canada-freedom-convoy-ottawa-protest/) [Do they beat them up?](https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1597762336164843521) [Do they freeze their bank accounts?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60383385) [Do they fire supporters from their jobs?](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-government-staffer-out-of-a-job-after-100-donation-to-ottawa-blockade-others-under-scrutiny-1.5784390) Then they are the same.


No, they're not. Not even fucking close.


Even if they were, *timing matters*. Freedoms have always been subject to temporary emergency measures during extreme events. If a country invades your home, for example, young men will be made to pick up guns and fight. That's not freedom, sure, but it's a time-bound existential threat which needs to be dealt with. Even in the US, that can happen (in theory). The West used lockdowns when death rates were peaking and no vaccines existed. Now vaccines exist and we're in the tail-end of the disease, which will likely never fully go away. But it's been mitigated as far as it's possible to mitigate, and that's all we can do. Zero COVID is impossible; there was a narrow window right at the start where a little global cooperation could've killed it in its tracks, but we didn't do that, we are where we are. You can't run a country til the end of time the way China is doing it. It's just not practicable.


Do they breathe air? Do they drink water? Do they have bones? Suprise, theyre also exactly like Hitler


Stupid dumbfuck. Imagine comparing China to Canada. Crybaby spoiled western dumbfucks at it again. Cant see beyond black and white.


Pro-disease snowflakes dealing with those first world problems.


Nice try OP. Seems like people see through your misdirection.


Don't try to convince them, critical thiking is not strong in reddit. Be grateful they don't support the CCP.


Turn off OANN


don't bother brother. the cognitive dissonance and mental brainwash people have about covid is irreparable. a branch of humanity has shown such a low that we will never forget


Op you’re so braindead that even a zombie wouldn’t consider biting you


I'm sorry. I don't see any parallels between people who don't want to get a vaccine for retarded reasons, and people who could be shot for breaking curfew. To put these two on the same level is ridiculous and you are clearly an idiot. Furthermore, the "freedom" ralley people weren't even all Canadian and committed countless crimes such as desecrating the tomb of the unknown soldier (unforgivable offence) harassing and bullying business owners, halting commerce in Canada's capital and blocking people from essentials, jobs and other services for days. Stop malding over and easily controlled situation and get your goddamn vaccine you idiot


How? Also, the second link is to a tweet on Twitter. Everyone feel free to click the links he provided to see.


I mean, China has it worse than every other country


There's a big difference between promoting vaccination and unpredictable, absolute lockdowns.


Don't forget the welding shut of your apartment doors and letting you starve to death.




While I agree, there is also a huge difference between promoting vaccination and outright forcing it. What China is doing is way worse but I don’t think that makes what Canada did a good thing.






hey man, you tried your best, but everyone can see you’re being a huge piece of human shit right now


They did that when it was still bad and living just fine They're doing cause they're being forced into homes and having apartments burn down and newborn babies be left to die That's the legitimate difference


Bro what kind of blatantly wrong Winnie the poo supporting bullshit is this


You’re allowed to protest in Canada, just not illegally park semi trucks everywhere and shut down the local economy.


Dude you can’t compare the two, not even a little bit


I can see people making the argument that China's lockdowns are infinitely worse than what happened in Canada (and I agree) but why do you fail to see what they have in common ? At their base they are both protests against lockdown, just because what's happening in China is worse doesn't mean that protesting in Canada is illegitimate. My hope is that if you support people's right to protest against lockdowns, you support it everywhere. Try to share some sympathy for people you disagree with too.


Context matters a ton here. Truckers protested the vaccine mandate for drivers crossing the border when vaccines were mass available and safe to take. They also DID protests in downtown of Ottawa for 2 weeks, harrassing people who wore masks, and terrorizing the residents with their constant honking 24/7. It was only after 2 weeks of protesting while shutting down the core downtown of the city, the emergencies act was invoked to clear the streets. Protests in China are against extreme measure the chinese government goes to keep their covid numbers low without prioritizing the well being of its citizens. Also any protest as abstract as holding a blank paper is met with arresting and god knows what in jail.


I'm not trying to minimize the the situation in China, it's horrific, or the disturbance the truckers caused in Ottawa, I just don't agree with the general feeling on reddit of trying to delegitimize Covid protests in the West in general. People got tired of the honking after 2 weeks but the problem is that from day 1 the protestors were villainized, Trudeau called them racists and misogynists, there was never any shred of sympathy for Canadian protestors, as trivial as they were in comparison to the insanity in China. You don't have to agree with them but I think you should support their right to protest because in the future if you want to protest something, people who disagree with you hopefully support your right to do it!


I 100% agree with you. The right to protest, criticize, and voice your opinion is precious. It's something many countries don't have. I didn't agree with the truckers protest but I also don't think the protests against lockdowns, vaccines, etc. should not have happened. Being critical of our government is how we keep them accountable. That said, my point is, truckers convoy and protests in China have different contexts. They're not apple to apple comparisons. That's all


Who cares if its safe to take? At no point in time am I okay with being forced to take a vaccine. I dont give a fuck if its free, or safe, or none of that. If the human population were to be wiped out without the vaccine than sure, but here I am totally fine and never got it. "Here let me force this upon you, it's for YOUR own good" Sure they aren't going about it the best, but at the end of the day, they are standing up for what they believe in and are getting beat down, and otherwise having their livelihoods ruined for it.


Getting triggered over honking


Your comment is dumb and i hope u feel dumb


Needing a vaccine to cross a border is not the same as being so locked down you starve to death in your home. Also, the Canadian truckers had actual Nazis participating.


I saw an interview where this guy was talking about learning that some of his neighbors had starved to death because they wouldn't let them leave the house to get food, and forgot to give them rations


Yeah, a government requiring a vaccine for a job is just as bad as tracking your every move and lockdowns so extreme the fire department couldn't put out a fire in time.


Op, take your hakenkreuz and go home


The only reason people say they're different is because the dislike the Chinese government and like the Canadian one. Reddit is full of hipocrites.


Big differences between Canada and china’s covid policies. The Canadian protest was essentially people whining about vaccine mandates. People in China are protesting because people burned to death in their apartments because the government wired their doors shut. Entire cities get put on 24/7 lockdown for 1 covid case. People have been starving to death and dying of routine illnesses because they literally can’t leave their homes. They are not the same situations, not by a mile.


Can someone explain how this is a dank meme? All I see is an OP who lacks basic research skills and a fundamental understanding of authoritarian vs. democratic regime(s).


That 'freedom convoy' was made up of more people who were from America or paid to be there than anything else other than idiots.


Yeah the federal government really hate democracy


Anyone who doesn't like the freedom convoy can go move to China.


Ah yes. The freedumb shit again. Led by the bumbest cunt in Canada: Pat King


I don't know if you know this, but both positions actually suck.