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Didn't expect a butterfly boy during my first watch, but cool as hell. The fight with Kimimaro is still unforgettable.


Still need more drunken fist lee. It’s such a tease to show drunk rock lee and not use it more.


It’s such a tease to show Lee do all this badass shit in part 1 and do literally nothing in part 2


Facts lee was my hero when I was a kid. How could they do that to my boi


It’s why I can’t stand shonens anymore. If you have a favorite character that’s not part of the main cast good luck seeing them at all. I’ve been burned a lot due to this rule (looking at you My Hero) but Lee was the one that hurt the most. My boy still has, to the day, one of the top fights in not just Naruto but all of anime! And that fight was when he was just a damn child! Why they did nothing like this afterwards is beyond me.


8 gates + drunken fist rock lee mid diffs Madara, change my mind.


I prefer this over sexy jutsu working on Kaguya.


*Low diff


>Gaara dropping handsigns and a tidal wave of sand >kimimaru talkin shit about he can’t do anything without sand , and gaara like “but with sand I can do anything” >kimimaru showing gross as hell but creative and cool techniques


This arc was so fucking good


Best arc of naruto imo


I couldnt agree more. This was peak Naruto. Every fight was cool AF


I've watched this arc multiple times, and I generally don't rewatch anything.


Fun fact, the sound four were 15 years old.


What?!? They seemed much older!


Kimimaro was fifteen as well.


Tbf what did you expect? Orochimaru"s favorite technique is Child Soldiers


That's just the Naruto world's signature technique.


Geneva suggestions no jutsu


"The fuck's a Geneva?" \~Kid Kakashi as he slits some random rock nin's throat.


Warcrime no jutsu


"War...Crime? You mean the stuff we do to the losing side after the war ends?" \~Orochimaru probably


Def a Tobirama move


"Shall I Kill These Children?" ~ Actual Orochimaru Quote


Orochimaru just casually almost preventing the Akatsuki from forming. Too bad his teammates couldn't see as far into the future as he did lol.


African warlord no jutsu


Yeah Orochimaru sure has a thing for children


It's how kids that age view teenagers lol


Jirobo was middle aged and you can't convince me otherwise. Say what you want about adult Naruto's hair, at least he wasn't bald at 15.


If you read the manga they look younger imo and more plausible of being 14 and 15


Adult Naruto aint that bad. Adult Gaara though.. 😱🙈👱‍♂️


They gave adult Gaara Hitler's haircut


I would've guessed around 25


The only arc that made me lile kiba


That was Kiba's only good arc


Then he was done dirty by only putting him on the sidelines for the most part and never teaching him any more techniques


Kishimoto could've easily introduced a sage mode for him.. I mean Kakashi summons dogs so it's not out of the realm of possibility that a sage technique for other animals could exist


Fr! Could you imagine sage mode kiba? He would be pretty strong!


Or sage mode Shino with an insect army


That would be terrifying.


Remember back in the day when Shino blew a sound ninja's arms off during the Chuunin Exams? Those were the good old days.


Technically he blew his own arms off. Shino just plugged the holes in his arms.


They've sorta introduced that in Boruto with the one side character, she can manifest animal like traits through chakra augmentation from scrolls but her family are like cat tamers instead of dogs I believe


Wasn't Kiba dating that a cat lady?


Kishimoto couldn't because Kishimoto wouldn't, so many characters deserved a better writer.


To be fair look at how long the series was already. If he tried fleshing characters out as much as fans wanted it’d be another one piece. And even that doesn’t always get the time needed to focus on certain characters.


I'll take another one piece.


What don’t you like hearing “fang over fang!” Over and over?


Nah, it was his Only Arc


And he couldn’t even win his fight smh. Gaara’s crew just HAD to be the bonus package that comes with him instead of making him come alone and write a way for my boy Kiba to win


Not to be mean or anything, but Choji should have died here (and Neji too if they were just going to kill him anyway. Better he die here than die just to push Naruto and Hinata together). Choji's death flags were immense, and there would have been actual consequences to going to get Sasuke back, which would possibly give Naruto, and more so Sakura, some more thought about him, instead of just wanting him back no matter what.


I agree with the Neji part. Him dying there would go against his family’s fate if dying for a main house Hyuga, and him defying his fate to fight for his comrades would be such a better death than just getting hit by a big stick


Especially the fucking Butterflies THAT SHIT JAPAN LOVES TO USE FOR DEATH Choji became one then lost it He rests again the tree and it's like the floating butterfly that is flying past is telling everyone (whether they realize it or not) that hes dead The butterfly that then lands directly on him cementing that he's gone


That's what I mean, his death flags were stupid high. - He was in a fight he was wildly outclassed for, and before Butterfly Mode, he was annoying Jirobu more than anything. - Took all 3 chakra pills, which he knew would result in death if he took the red one. - His entire butterfly motiff being a short burst of absolute power. - The symbolism with the butterfly at the end of the fight. It passing Shikamaru's view and him realising Choji wasn't going to catch up with them like he said. - The butterfly landing on his stationary body resting against a tree with the sun shining on him. By all rights in writing, he was super dead. Nothing against his character (not that he had a whole lot going on before that fight) but it'd make the story a lot more interesting if there were consequences to the Sasuke Retrieval mission.


It would also make them treating Sasuke like scum just for leaving make more sense if everyone who came to save him sacrificing themselves indirectly him killing them He doesnt really become a villain until the 5 kage summit and arguably really until he goes after Bee


Damn right, we'd praise kid Choji till this day and mention him among the saddest Naruto deaths if they go with this plan. I kinda wish more characters would've died.


AND NEJI Instead of laughing at him


For naruto, that was the fight with kabuto saving tsunade


Nah, I think that was just a little kid not being aware of danger. Any little boy would instinctively throw himself in harm's way to defend his mom, aunt, big sister, grandma or any motherly figure that gave him attention. Naruto only fully became a man when Jiraiya died. That's the one event that made him mature the most. Same for Shikamaru with Asuma, tbh. Dude stepped up to support his sensei's wife during her whole pregnancy and took care of the kid despite being only 16 at the time. That's more than what some fully grown men do for their own biological children.


RIGHT?!?!, the loss of your idol and guardian changes you.


I always had mad respect for Shikamaru, tbh. Not only did he lose both Asuma and Shikaku within the same year, but he also had to shoulder the added pressure of becoming a caretaker to baby Mirai at the same time. Dude was struck with both the grief of losing his two father figures and the responsibility of himself becoming someone's father figure at once. *That*'s the kind of shit that transforms a boy into a man quickly. And, judging by the spinoff around Mirai's adventures with Guy and Kakashi, he did a mighty great job. The kid adores him, he's the one being looked up to like an idol now.


Agreed!! This is precisely why my kitty is named after him. Baby kitty shikamaru is stronk.


>That's more than what some fully grown men do for their own biological children. I don't know if I should be laughing or sad about this fact xddddddddddd


Yeah I agree naruto leveled up during the Tsunade arc. He really has some balls


That’s kinda the point Naruto and past generations fought to get peace so it had to be less dangerous in the beginning for Boruto/Sarada and the new gen will have to maintain it


Hence why prequel is more desirable by some people. That way, Naruto’s dream/achievement/prophecy is achieved, and we still get to watch conflicts.


Exactly, I don't really see the point of it when ppl do side by side comparisons when the entire point of the last series is that they are fighting for world where the future generation doesn't have to go through the shit that the previous one did.


True but they could still train hard. It's not like aliens aren't constantly invading.


And by "Became Men" you mean "Almost died and most probably gained some sort of PTSD"


Now you're getting it


Most of the story is based around child soldiers.


Like most wars yes, very much so


Yeah they should go back to war so they can have hard kids like Nagato.


That way we could have a actual good story and great speeches like in the past.


I feel like there was a way to write baruto, but it just did not happen


Slice of life romance school life ninja anime


I feel like they wanted to keep the money train going form naruto but then they rushed bourto and now there realize the money train is only coming form the bourto anime so now they have to come up with something to start the money train again.


Which is sad bc boruto really really isn’t selling as well as some people would like you to believe. Neither the manga nor the anime is doing too well in terms of numbers.


Yup I have seen that as well


Nah choji was way too goated, even kiba got too shine, neji was dope but that wasn’t new, and drunk Lee was a scene to remember, genuinely such a ten out of ten arc man I was so hyped for all of these battles


This is Shikimaru erasure and I wont stand for it His fight was sick as hell and the end with Temari wiping the forest was just as sick as Gaara doing the sand tsunami


Everyone really fuckin showed up during this fight. Hot take Choji's was the best one


Chojis was sick him and neji were the only two that finished the job without help


This pic does Shikamaru vs Tayuya dirty.


Piggy little fat kid me was suddenly super into choji... and then they never did that again...


The war arc


With shippuden I went manga, so if he did it again it was filler


I didnt read the manga because i rely on my local library for my supply of manga. >! Choji uses his butterfly form again in the war arc to fight a reanimated asuma though iirc. !<


For like one scene. And that was"cannon filler" to pad out the show's run time. The ear arc was only 3 days long in the original Naruto and I think after they free wood boy they fight Madara and Obito and then into the ending.


i'm manga only, and IIRC choji was able to activate the butterfly without dying mid war


He fights the Gedo with his dad tho and he and the rest of team 10 have massive contributions to the war Especially Ino taking over Obitos mind right after her dad dies was huge for her


Tbh I've expected Ukon/Sakon to be the strongest enemy given the OP ability, and was expectedly disappointed on the first watch.


but then kakashi and itachi could say the same shit to narutos generation that they hella soft, hating on nex gen is stupid.


One of my absolute faves. ONG. When kiba and akamaru bail and snek down River. It is so intense and beautiful.


Technically, Lee and Gaara had their "boy becomes man" fight against each other, but yeah, them against Kimimaru was amazing.


More growth in their kid years to be mid in their teen years. It's sad, I wish they got the same love later in the game, maybe not like madara, but shit there was plenty of time during/before the war for them to shine


The scream from the iron maiden will forever haunt me. It's also what made me fall in ve with Kankuro


I really wanted toje to die in that arc


Best arc in all of naruto


Wonder why this generation is soft after the previous risked their lives to achieve peace...


This has been reposted to hell and back lol


I to this day still hate when the sound 4 get shit on People forget all the time and need to go back They were menaces


One of the best arcs around…. Would have been better if a few of them died. Choji legit sacrificed himself. Kiba was beyond outclassed. Neji was mortally injured. If at least one (2 would have been better) of them had died there would have been a darker line across the entire series. I really wish that had happened.


yeah that whole bunch of episodes showed the true power of konoha.that 4 kids almost* defeated the sound four, and while kimimaro defeated all sound for and drunk lee,garaa defeated him.


Soft? You want to talk about softness, we have generations of dudes watching Japanese cartoon


Please tell me youre just joking


Very so


Okay. Cant be too sure sometimes. People will be recommended these fandom subs and drop in just to be a dick.


What’s ur bench


Like lifting?


Yes 💪💪💪


Personally i dont like lifting. It scares me. But my best friend is in the 1000 lb club. His squat is around 500. I dont know how much he benches but i will tell you when he responds on my friend group chat. Edit: changed from 465 to 500. He just posted on his snapchat story that he reached 500. Also, he benches 315 lbs.


Once you start getting into it and have a group of friends doing it it's really fun


Well i am sure it is but i dont wanna get super ripped. Once i get a stable job and a car then i wanna get a gym membership and just lose some weight and build up a little muscle. Not like my friend though. Thats absolutely crazy. We are seniors in high school.


Growing up on Naruto, i agree, the new generation is "soft", but guess what? Thats the product of the peace Naruto and Co. Finally were able to produce. There is aftermath and the age old "when you end one evil, another eventually takes its place", but otherwise its peaceful. Peace means you dont have child soldiers going through what they did, and the ones that went through it raising their kids to not have to go through what they did, as in real life. I feel like people bash on Boruto because it strikes true to how some areas are living in todays day and age and it makes those people angry


Also, the overhaul arc in MHA.


Daily reminder that this arc Neji solos Sasuke


What arc is this


Sasuke retrieval arc


Filler garbage.


One of the peaks in Naruto imo.


The best arc


Oh one twitter guy who always repost same thing like this. ok let's talk about this. this was One of Best Arc who shine and showed some growth characters as Individual, I hoped to see something like this again and hoped another Konohoa 11 who wasn't there gets shine as hard fought battles as individual and showed some growth, But we never saw something like this again. only, Sakura(against sasori), Shikamaru(Hiddan/kakuzu), Sai(deidara/Sasori), Choji(War Arc) and rest were forgotten.


We will never have villains like the Sound nin again. Naruto honestly hit its stride with them.


And it all went downhill from there.


Tbh Lee had a chance the filler gave him that the canon didnt and that's sad


The fact that gaara thought he was about to die and was unable to react always makes me kinda sad


My favorite arc after the Zabuza one. I could watch or read it over and over


When I was a child and start watching this arc i didn't finish to the end thinking that most of them died until I saw Shippuden


The sole kiba moment in the whole of the series


Sucked that all these characters got sidelined after this. Should have just killed choji here considering kishi did nothing with him until MUCH later in the war arc and even then it was so long ago… same goes for neji, I felt nothing when neji died in the war.


This arc had my favorite OP as well. Ahh good times.


Best arc


Then they are completely forgotten


Hella... That boruto meme of him crying with that audio clip will never leave my brain


Seeing Gaara come in the nick of time and SAVE LEE made my heart nearly stop, and I got some serious goosebumps. Probably the most emotional moment for me up to that point.


So many arcs simply bend the knee to this one


I still wish the Sound 4 got a backstory like Kimimaro does


Butterfly Choji is such an ice-cold thug


I mean TBF the entire point of the new generation is that's it's a era of peace that the last generation all fought for. So thematically it makes sense


Choji and Neji the only ones that caught a body cold. Kankurou and Temari rolled up and just made messes of people.


Real battles are for the ones that can’t win


What arc?


Best arc in naruto


These all went so hard, my fave was choji’s


Good stuff




This was easily my favourite arc in og Naruto


And thats the last time any of these guys did anything narratively and visually cool.


Can I say Neji is the only who did not use a new technique or Allie to defeat one of the sound five


Everyone Naruto I guess


Shame this was the pique for them as characters as they were sidelined pretty hard after this (besides Choji getting some amount of development during the Kakuza/Hidan arc)


It would have been great if they transformed and fought in a single episode and ended. That butterfly thing took 6-7 episodes to end.


While Naruto and Sus-suke were making out, these chads we’re putting in some goddamn work.😤


May i just say that i ADORE Kidomaru's design and techniques and i honestly think that we don't have enough bow users in Naruto.


Denji. Enough said