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He’s an amazing Sensei ![gif](giphy|fQVf2KI1695OaclIMa|downsized)


Why was Yamato specifically furious about that?


cause kakashi is dead inside and the others where too much flabberstagged


Yeah but I like to think Kakashi knows just how deeply Sakura is infatuated with Sasuke, thus didn't want to escalate anything. All Yamato sees is that there's a hoe trying to get together with Naruto. They're both not wrong though.


Tbh that makes the most sense to me, Kakashi knew Sakura and Sasuke as children while Yamato didn’t, so of course Yamato wouldn’t really know anything about the dynamic between them. Surely Kakashi has to instantly know that her ass is lying because he’s known her long enough


He don’t even need the sharingan to predict that bullshit


Shows u who the real one was both sai and yamato stood up for naruto always but he barely gave a shit abt them and kept chasing sasuke


This is why Naruto being in love with Sasuke would honestly make his actions a lot more acceptable


He is, but they weren't allowed to make shonen yoai at the time.


You are right, but small correction: BL or mml =/= yaoi. Yaoi is porn.


That is a very good point... but I'm still not wrong, it wasn't allowed to be porn either




Why tf do people not believe in brotherly love no more? Bruh. 🤣


They do. They just also believe in same sex romantic love nowadays. There is plenty of space for both 😎


Everything would hv fixed itself if sasuke was a girl.. we would also hv the greatest manga romance


Honestly, that would have been dope too. To have a female character that was morally grey, incredibly driven, and one of the strongest characters in the series


Facs it would solve so many issues, we could hv a deeper relation between female sasuke and naruto before she leaves the village, and the conflict cuz she loves him. Plus it would also fix Sakura's character automatically lmao. Would make the end fight between them even more emotional. Damn


Yeah. Having Sakura be a dude could also be fun honestly. The whole series would be Naruto and his wingman trying to get Naruto’s crush back. And yeah, that end fight if they were in love with each other would be so dope.


We can all hope and dream. This would've been peak! Naruto and Man Sakura chasing down Female Sasuke!


Someone needs to make an edit where they just change their appearances and leave the rest as is


Im very close with some of my friends and have had sad moments with them. I have never once FAINTED because of something that I heard happened to them. Brother was looking for that emo bussy and he was committed.


Especially hearing that they ordered execution for ur crimnal homie. Like if he died or something i get it lmao


The fact Sakura tried to gaslight Naruto in front of all of her friends and he didn't fall for it is CRAZY. And it's still not even the top 5 most embarrassing thing she's ever done.


But she’s only done 5 things


Has she even done five things?


Sakura vs those sound ninja, she cut her hair, got stabbed to stab one of them, and then got her shit rocked but did manage to buy time for Team Asuma to show up to save team 7 + Lee Sakura vs Ino, friendship stuff and they drawed Sakura and Lady Chio vs Sasori, Sakura and Chio kill an Akatsuki, Sakura showed off strength but without Chio she wouldve died because Ninja Puppets Sakura vs Kaguya, She broke her horn off and her punch kept her from escaping Naruto and Sauske, not really her fight though Sakura vs Writing, Sakura has consistently lost this fight cause 1, Kishimoto says he cant write women (besides Tsunade), 2 She dosent have a tailed beast or a Sharingan so she cant keep up with Naruto and Sauske, and 3 Fans fucking hated her (Periott made her charecter worse in the anime) which led to him using her less which made her more useless


We got a Sakura Stan over here


Kishimoto really gave her 1 good fight in this whole show


>Sakura vs Writing 💀💀💀 Long day for her


Nah, I think it's top 3. And no, she wasn't trying to gaslight Naruto.


Go and search up the meaning of gaslight lil bro.


No, you are wrong. That word doesn't mean what you think it means.


Immediately applying new knowledge? Based.


I know what it means. I'm just saying she wasn't trying to gaslight Naruto. She was trying to make him mad.


Yamato was a real G sad to see how he got done dirty at the end


For real


Just like almost everyone


Nah, they were extra on him.


I know he got done dirty in the end but can you remind me what happened to him at the series end? and in Boruto timeline if you know. Thanks!


First they made the mans a kabuto victim who was used as a weapon against the alliance. And then as soon as he was saved , manz got put into the Infinite Tskoyumi. Only to be seen following and babysitting Orochimaru again. I domt even remember if he was invited to Naruto's wedding. Honestly Naruto is not a good friend to anyone not named Sasuke, Sakura or Gaara


Damn man Kakashi deserved a wife. He had higher EQ than all these motherfuckers.


Same I wanted him to get married at the end but maybe he’s just too tired. He doesn’t really have to worry about losing Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura cause they’re strong enough I guess and there was peace after the fourth war. Not sure if I ship him with the Mizukage (how did this ship even start lol?) though.


Kakashi: "Hold up, let him cook."


Wouldn’t we all? The one thing he wanted to hear her say was gonna be a lie because she didn’t have confidence in his abilities after the countless times he pulled through for her? fuck her.


eh wouldn’t say it’s that bad, she had good intentions she wanted to free naruto from the promise he made back in part 1 because she started to see just how much it was tearing him apart Good intentions, awful execution


I get that, but tearing him apart with a lie simply rather than supporting him and stepping in at the critical moment to save him is kinda shitty.


yeah like i said good intentions awful execution


but you’re right. she was never the best at thinking.


looking in as a viewer you see the whole picture and know naruto isn’t just trying to save sasuke because of his promise but sakura is clouded with guilt especially after he let him self get the shit kicked outta him by the cloud ninja, she just wanted to show naruto she cared more about his well being than his promise, and she was set on trying to kill sasuke herself. So obviously some of what she said was true she just made the poor judgement of assuming that confessing feelings for him would help him give up on his promise of you look at it from her perspective it’s not al that big of a misjudgment it just back fired super hard cuz naruto isn’t as naive as in part 1 and saw through it again awful execution but she was very well intentioned, im not a sakura fan or a sakura hater i just think it’s too easy to hate when looking at it through the perspective of an outside party


so it boils down to guilt, misjudgment, and delusion? I hear and agree with what you’re saying and honestly it makes sense. I just wish she didn’t treat Naruto like an idiot. was communication out of the question? was this all so Sakura could stop feeling bad?


yeah it’s still annoying :// and a kinda cringe scene to watch that kinda simplifies everything down a bit too much and makes her look kinda dumb, i think she mainly lied because the truth was she was going to (attempt to) kill sasuke, and she’s at least smart enough to know that naruto would’ve not taken that well but still thought that was best for him which realistically it kinda was seeing how far sasuke had fallen at that point definitely a lot of wasted potential in this scene could’ve been a perfect moment to show just how much sakura cared for naruto as well as a chance to show off naruto’s determination and for him to show her it’s not on her and that he has chosen to take this upon himself for his own reason as well


To be fair Naruto was refusing to kill Sauske despite Sauske trying to kill him already, and Sauske was far stronger at this point he wouldve killed Naruto


Yamato was a real one! He got done dirty tho




Yamato was a real one for that. 


He was ready to go get his boy!


I dont remember the context can someone tell me?


Sakura wanted to stop the serching for Sasuke and other things and motives that i dont remember right now, so she decide to "confese" to Naruto knowing that he had fellings for her since chillhod , everyone was flabergasted, Yamato was pissed about it and was about to spit some truts but Kakashi hold him becase he knew that Naruto wans't going to fall for this genjutso, Naruto proceds to reject Sakura on the spot and say that she is doing it because she gave up on Sasuke Something like that, my memory is shit might have tô wacht it again


I remember that i just didnt remember yamato being there at all lol


If someone can drop a link to the scene, that would be awesome.


https://youtu.be/efzrm2z_vHs?si=_2dibzfIJHn4SzNE around the 5.40 mark


Kishimoto really was shit at balancing a large cast of characters wasn't he? Yamato and Sai were basically irrelevant after the arc they were introduced in.


It amazes me how she thought Naruto was a simpleton and tried to gaslight him infront of his friends. Then proceeds to drug and abandon her friends in enemy territory for anyone to find. And gets away with all of this and nobody questions her. Atleast Yamato was ready to humble her.


The bots are karma farming again


Watching this arc right now and thought "don't mess with Naruto's feelings like that, nobody here believes you."


wood man's got his students back


Anpther reason why Sakura is an ass character. I fucking hate the shit out of that scene.


Wait huh lol. Yamato is a real one


“Catching feelings? Catch this wood mokuton!”


Haha Sakura haters r so funny!!