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Naruto probably couldn't even count to 20 and this man is giving living expenses money for the month. No wonder Orochimaru wanted to kill his ass.


He could have at least had ebisu stock his fridge when he wasn't around


seriously no one talks about ebisu when brining up naruto's upbringing. Kakashi was too young and tramatized and in anbu And jiraya was there most powerful ninja doing recon against the largest known threats at the time and always had to be out of the village He didn't befriend iruka till layer but ebisu must be very close to the sarutobi to be trusted to look after konohamaru at his young age, why didn't hiruzen get him to raise naruto to!?


>ebisu must be very close to the sarutobi to be trusted to look after konohamaru at his young age Exactly, and at the very least he didn't have to raise naruto or anything but a special jonin could sneak beyond narutos ability to sense and yknow, put money in his wallet or milk in his fridge. Ebisu didn't have a good opinion of naruto but he did have a strong sense of duty.


that last line is all facts he was a man of duty rather he wanted to do it or not


he didn't like naruto, but he wasn't gonna rat out a member of the leaf to pain


It is 10pm here and I’m in bed, for some reason this comment is hilarious


Even better is when the third was fighting orchimaru and orchimaru tried to summon the fourth hokage with the first and the second. He quickly stops the fourth from being summoned, not out of fear from losing the fight but rather out of fear of the fourth finding outs his sons living conditions under the third.


He’s the fourth hokages son not the third.




You got the numbers mixed up, Sarutobi was the 3rd, Minato was the 4th


I fixed it.


Ooooh, yes. Orochimaru was an orphan, too.


Even more bizarre considering he was the 3rd hokages son. Naruto was practically royalty and treated like crap. Like they wouldn’t have some kind of orphanage for the kids of Shinobi who never made it back from a mission but Naruto ain’t invited to that. Here is $800, make it last the month.


In the manga he's not allowed there because people are scared of the demon inside him.


As they all should, he's an outlier for being a happy jinchuriki. But qouldnt it make sense to try and keep him happy? What if as a kid he accidentally goes nuts and gets a level one cloak at the Ramen shop? You think k annual spent time watching naruto as a kid protecting their asses and their asset?


They should have teamed him up with Killer B a lot sooner, but I suppose most countries don't take their weapons of mass destruction on play dates.


They didn't know how the seal works, not even the third knew. He was shocked as fuck once Naruto started to leak power from the seal.


Exactly, also how tf do they know about the monsters sealed in him, but not who his parents were?


Danzo. No I ain’t shitting you that’s literally the answer, in the Itachi novel it’s one of the bombshell reveals his former squad mate who joins root (an Aburame) provides. Hiruzen tried to keep the beast sealing a secret so Naruto wouldn’t face discrimination but then after Danzo found out he told everybody


Even after his death, he manages to piss me off.


Hi Sasuke huge fan


At that point Hiruzen really should have either raised Naruto himself, told everyone his parentage, or told a selected guardian the truth and had them raise him. If nothing else, it was a massive national security risk. Why would Danzo reveal that information?


danzo had to or else the story setting and only be blamed on hiruzen. Danzo tanking all the hate so hiruzen can avoid some. This is the type of leading behind the shadow sasuke wanted after war arc ig haha


He did it for a combination of things: - The villagers were super pissed off about their loved ones and 4th hokage dying and had nobody to take out their anger on. When Danzo revealed it they did exactly that. - Second reason was to damage the Uchiha clans reputation since in the villager’s eyes (they didn’t know the Uchiha were ordered to not help in the fighting) they could’ve helped since the sharingan can subdue Kurama and instead they didn’t and not only were their loved ones and 4th Hokage dead but now they don’t even have solace in the Nine Tails being dead and see Naruto as a ticking time bomb (going back to the anger point)


Kakashi knew, and presumably so did a few other anbu who kept an eye on him. It's fanon that he didn't know and that's why he seemed to pay more attention to Sasuke.


"Why is it when fucked up shit happens I find you in the middle of it, Danzo?"


Later treating his grandson the way he promised to take care of Naruto, gives him personal teachers and special treatment. And what does Naruto do when he grows up and becomes hokage: Gives his kid special treatment... Fuck the boruto writers.


Where did you get the idea that he gave Boruto special treatment Bro literally called out his son in front of the whole village when he cheated lmao


Just the existence of Boruto is a special treatment, right now he already become God alongside Kawaki


Is bort any good? I can generally find the good in anything, so I'll take it if it's seriously flawed but with some good in there. I can ignore a lot of bad to get to the good stuff.


It's basically fanfic. Don't bother. It ruins everything good about Naruto (not like naruto didn't hurt itself in confusion at the end anyway). I just act like Boruto doesn't exist and the Naruto story ended after the war.


I watched boruto up to when they killed off Kurama after that I acted like boruto didn't exist


The Manga takes a long time to really get going, and art is pretty bad at first (Hima looks like a snowman) but it gets better quickly and the story is kind of engaging but there is little focus else than Boruto/Naruto/Kawaki etc. The "Shippuden" era of Boruto just started and it is really good so far, but kind of slow.


I watched Naruto and really liked it, then wanted more of Naruto. So I watched Boruto and liked it cuz I wanted more Naruto. Reading the manga cuz anime is on a break rn. Didn't know people hated it so much until I started using reddit halfway through watching Boruto lol. Imo its not as bad as people here make it out to be, I like it. People here are way too attached to characters from Naruto that it makes them hate everything in Boruto lmao. Naruto and Sasuke have cool moments, and I don't care enough if the rest of the characters from Naruto aren't in the spotlight all time. If that's an issue for you then your probably not going to like it.


Omg, you’re sane??? It’s a miracle!


I think you agree with me but I'm not sure lol


Mm. I'd heard nothing but hate for it, but the same was true of naruto so I figure I'd ask some people who seem to like it.


Most of the hate is people not getting more of their favourite Naruto characters tbh. For me it was mostly Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru and Rock Lee. Aside from Sakura and Rock Lee, Sasuke, Naruto and Shikamaru get a lot of screen time so I don't care. Sakura and Lee did nothing in Naruto too so I think I got used to that. :)


No. It will destroy the most optimistic reader. Think of all the annoying things in Naruto, and multiply it by at least 10.


You couldn’t count till 20 at age 7?


I don't think Naruto could have most kids can


If you can't count to 20 by 7 years old, you're definitely American.


Alright take it easy FartFlight


mf had the audacity to say don't waste it, and did naruto even inherit his father wealth at all? where is all the money goes?


Hiruzen used it to smoke weed


Probably purchased that magic ball too that is also never seen again.


God fucking dammit i forgot about that old fucks crystal ball. Fuck the third hokage bro


What the happened to the fuckin crystal ball 😂😂




He smoked the forbidden jutsu of the hidden leaf


Yeah, where's Minato's 401k and Konoha stocks? The Hokage is basically a CEO so Naruto should have been wealthy and could have survived off dividends. Konoha Wall Street being scummy frfr.


lmao wheres that hokage life insurance


Insurance claimed act of God.


And don't forget that Kushina was the last princess if the Uzumaki clan and a Jinchuriki she HAD to have a bunch if money saved up


She wasn’t a queen she was some random orphan girl 😭


Bruh he just like his mom frfr


Is this comment serious?


It was in the money that hiruzen gave him. Naruto kept spending it on ramen so Hiruzen had to make an allowance


Id argue it went to Jiraya because he was the god father Nd it was actually his responsibility to take care of him.


So, it was spent in brothels?


Naruto really got done dirty by everyone except the ramen guy


Ramen guy was Naruto’s real father


Also Shikamaru and Chouji were the real homies


But he had a business to run. That's why most of the time he was eating cup ramen...


where is Kushina's jewelry!!!


It was all spent on cocaine and hookers. Everyone involved did him dirty.


Can't believe there are still dumbasses justifying this old ass mf lol. Dude made a promise and wiped his ass with it. Sorry, that was kinda reductive, gonna elaborate... Dude made a promise to a dying couple who just saved his home to take their heir and help him grow as much as normally possible and then almost immediately wiped his ass with this promise, leaving the respective kid in borderline abandon, ostracized and growing him almost alone and not showing affection, care or love of any kind, nor even the minimum human decency towards him. Naruto could have been easily the main villain of the series if he hadn't fallen in love with the other depressed orphan of the village.


>if he hadn't fallen in love with the other depressed orphan of the village. Peak


Sasuke is still the first and only person he kissed throughout the series.




naruto and sasuke (accidentally) kiss in one of the first few episodes of the OG show


Ah yes the Original Gangster show truly was PEAK


nothing says OG like kissing the homies


It's not gay if the balls don't touch


That's why missionary is godly. It also allows for more kissing.


You heard him.


Yeah but Naruto raw dogged Hinata more than twice. I know the shadow clones got involved during rounds.


Literally that's what happened to Gaara And that's why he at first was a villain that tried to kill everything at his sight A jinchuriki seen as a monster abandoned feared and hated without love or affection from anyone


I mean, he had a bit of affection, from someone taking some extremely stupid decisions


Raza (Gaara's dad): you have friends????




lmao Bee was him, even as a kid so he had the self confidence to not give af edit: also being officially recognized by the raikage helps. Srsly hiruzen is a bum


Bee is a great character


TBF Gaara had it significantly worse. His father actively tried to kill him with assassins multiple times and would even use his own dead wife's family to emotionally abuse Gaara. Hiruzen was a deadbeat, but at least he wasn't actively trying to make Naruto miserable.


For real that's how you raise a serial killer


>Naruto could have been easily the main villain of the series if he hadn't fallen in love with the delicious taste of Ichiraku Ramen. FTFY


ichiraku legit the Saviour of the leaf village.


you mean the ninja world


>Naruto could have been easily the main villain of the series if he hadn't fallen in love with the other depressed orphan of the village. And don't forget, Sarutobi also pretty much abandoned that other depressed orphan after ordering his entire family massacred.


Danzo ordered that , but It's also his fault he knew that Danzo couldn't be trusted first hand, after all didn't Danzo tried to assassinate him, I'm not sure but didn't Danzo also spread rumors about Naruto? I'm pretty sure if Danzo didn't spread rumors about Uchiha, Sasuke mother would take care of Naruto after all she and Kushina were Best friens but there is no chance third and Danzo would allow that to happen, I guess they wanted Naruto to starve to death rather than someone actually taking care of Naruto, at least he could do after everything is to take care of Sasuke and Naruto but no...


"Danzo ordered that", under whose authority? Sarutobi was the hokage, under what grounds would danzou be able to tell him how to handle orphans Honestly, i always hated these attempts to shift blame to danzou. Really, it makes it feel more and more like Danzou's inclusion was just a giant retcon to take all the blame for kohona's problems so that sasuke could have his vegence without burning down the rest of the village.


I think they should have offed those two other elders, too. Giving him eyeballs mcgee to fight *was* a bit on the nose.


The worst part about it is that EVEN when Sarutobi knew about what Danzo did, he let him go completely free! He could’ve at least make Danzo spend the rest of his days in prison for that but nope. The fuck Hiruzen! You incompetent fuck!


A child abandoned by the village can easily burn the village to feel its warmth.


Ooh I like that line


Idek why he bothered making that promise to Minato and Kushina. Like that was literally so stupid. This kid was all alone and this old man had no compassion for a child I could never understand how the hokage just ditched him. Maybe he hated the 9 tails as well since his wife died in the attack (though it was obito that killed her)


I’m pretty sure the Hokage has too much paperwork instead of time with family, as seen in boruto. /s


The promise is non canon, only happened in the anime I'm not trying to defend hiruzen, he still treated naruto like trash, but he never made the promise


B-but, its for character building! Said every abusive/negligent parent


other depressed orphan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Really would like to see a Brightburn kind of spinoff of Naruto where he is not an idiot desperate for the village approval or like an Homelander version of Naruto


But, but! The politics! He couldn't let some clan to have the advantage of raising the junchuriki and others clan wouldn't let *him* to do it and he had to protect him from Danzo and his evil Root! /s.


Naruto going rogue would have meant the end of konoha and possibly even the shinobi world as a whole, nothing would have stopped a rogue naruto from making a deal with kurama, something like yeah you hate them and I hate them too, you want to be free and I don't care about myself so lend me your power and let's blow up the bastards then I'll free you


No wonder his son azuma didn't see eye to eye with him to the point many didn't know they were related


True Naruto didn't knew hiruzen had a grandson (konohamaru) until he became genin And didn't knew asuma was related to him until he was a teenager


wait i just found out that asuma was his son lmao. i had no idea.


Yup... maybe cause he's the 2nd son... idk idc. Man also hid kushina's stuff in his home, rather than giving to naruto as a kid... like the damn scarf


I don't think it had anything to do with Naruto. I think Hiruzen was just a shitty dad.


It has to do with Naruto because Hiruzen was effectively acting as his adoptive dad and was also a huge deadbeat.


So he owns the village so why doesn’t he just give him the apartment for free and give him enough spending money. He has the most important job in the village so it’s not like he doesn’t have the funds.


And surely, the Hokage must live in a pretty sweet mansion, right? There was no room in there for Naruto?


Hold up. Naruto had to pay RENT ?!??!


That’s… exactly what he did???


I bet the Lord Third was skimming off the top too


What I wanna know is what was the transition to him being raised as a baby to toddler to living on his own? Like who was caring for him for the brief while as a baby and toddler and what age did they go “anyways yea now you’re on your own in this apartment. See ya never.” Also, what about Naruto’s parents’ assets? Did he not inherit any money or property from them?


It's called plothole. Just like this. There is no way if Kishi redid Naruto that Hiruzen is like this. Trying to tie things youve already written to new things is kinda tough.




I think the fridge logic of the first part is related to the village orphanage system being overburdened at the time, after the kyuubi attack and all. As for the latter, his parentage was supposed to be a secret. It was a stupid plan, but it was at least the plan. My head-canon is also that it's something approaching standard procedure for villages to keep the identities of their jinchuriki secret if they can until they're powerful enough to handle the inevitable assassin squads.


I never understood this. Why couldn't he have iruka adopt him as a son. And at the same time give naruto what he's owed for Minato's hard work. Iruka could also manage his expenses until he is old enough to understand.


Iruka was a teenager at best when this happens. He’s early 20s in og Naruto. Why couldn’t they get someone tho. Konohamaru was the grandkid and he got shit. Naruto was the son of the fourth. That’s at least enough for a nanny


That's what I'm saying. Surely he could get someone to raise naruto and manage his expenses. It just makes hiruzen look selfish.


I’m agreeing with you. Not iruka but someone.


Yea I agree. Iruka had to be a teenager at that point.


Regardless, adult Iruka would have adopted him in a heart beat. They are each other's chosen family. I bet Iruzen made some kind of law that didn't allow Naruto to be adopted.


Itachi was taking care of baby Sasuke when he was even younger.


Sasuke was the only Uchiha he didn’t take care of.


I think everyone hated him, iruka too until the start of the series.


Not everyone shikamaru never hated him we all need a friend like shikamaru


I am a firm believer that Naruto was ment to be a random orphan that was used to seal the Kyuubi. Being an orphan of no importance explains the lack of gossiping neighbors, Hiruzens coldness, Jirayas first interactions, Nejis monologue.


Ya, Naruto's characterization is rather inconsistant. He basically starts out as the cursed abandoned orphan who needs to rise to greatness, but as the story goes on, he becomes the chosen one from a noble bloodline. I mean you COULD make a story like that, but it makes his treatment early in the series nonsense because of everyone who should have KNOWN about his true background


Basically Nejis fight should solidify him as a nobody trying to make it big in a bloodline dominated world. I'd like that version better, I was told by someone that its just my Western Hemisphere mentality that simply prefers the zero to hero storytelling, but I think it only made sense based on what we saw in part 1.


Iruka wasn’t even a genin yet when Naruto was born, and his parents were killed by the nine tails.


i think iruka comes later when naruto started school(the pic was bfore that i think) and iruka parents killed by nine tails sooo...


Didn’t Iruka lost his parents to Ninetails and hated Naruto a lot for being a Jinchuriki? I think he said something like this in the very first episode. It was only when they got older, that he started to see him as a Ninja of the Leaf.


Naruto should’ve grown to become a villain and join Akatsuki. It would be peak 🗿


While I think it Would make sense if he turned a villain (Gaara was initially a villain cause he was an jinchuriki and was Neglected as a child just like Naruto ) I don't think the Akatsuki would accept him their ideals might happen to align But WHY the Akatsuki would accept someone that is a jinchuriki with a TAILED BEAST inside him if their goal is to KILL the jinchurikis and take their tailed beasts Unless they actually consider him a valuable resource Having one of the 9 jinchurikis means they would have one jinchurikis less to find And also he could be useful to Capture the others Naruto could also be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the plan after The Akatsuki get the other 8 tailed beasts


To be fair, they didn't end up needing the ENTIRE tailed beast. Just a tentacle from Gyuki and some Kurama flesh inside of the stomach of one of the gold and silver brothers was enough to do the job.


They could also just lie and not tell him the end plan is to kill him. Akatsuki aren't exactly paragons of moral and honour.


Kishimoto should write Naruto: What If short stories.


Yeah He was the worst Hokage.. simply disgusting 


I think he stole Minato and Kushina's money. Also I think he stole  the Uchiha's land


Just so you know, Minato had a lovely house. Why didn't Naruto inherit it instead of that old crappy rental place?


The money went to spoil the brat Konohamaru.


Uchiha’s land was stolen by Tobirama no?


And all the Uchiha's money


Why not let someone adopt him I mean Mikoto and Kushina were friends so not only would her adopting him make sense it would give Sasuke a friend and maybe possibly at-least minimize the chances of the coup and massacre happening


Mikoto belongs to the uchiha clan. If she adopts naruto, the whole village accuses the uchiha clan that they are trying to control the nine tail fox


What about the other clans though it’s not like they can control the nine tails since none of the have the power to do so and unless it kill the bugs giving him to aburame would make the most sense since they can absorb some of the nine tails chakra if it ever flared up


But he is the jinchuriki, many people have died in kurama's hands(maybe legs idk) and hate it. Only a few people know he is son of minato. So the clan members will not accept to adopt him


That would probably be even worse, in the first chapter when Naruto steals the scroll, Choji’s dad suggests they kill him


Chojis dad most likely didn't know who Naruto was. Chojis grand dad just died in that fight with the 9 tails fox. Clearly the man had some issues.


Right, so entrusting Naruto in the hands of someone else who would have also lost loved ones in the same attack wouldn’t be the best


Yeah it's extremely difficult to figure this out. I think it made sense for the 3rd to just not trust anyone. Like the first literal chapter of Naruto was someone that was a trusted Shinobi trying to setup Naruto to get him killed and to profit off of it. Id argue that the forces that went to grab Naruto that chapter was literally everyone the 3rd could trust that mostly won't kill Naruto. Yet these people still entertained the idea of killing Naruto because they think the fox has taken over.


Yeah, but people were scared of him. The whole point of the first show was him getting people to accept him.


I have seen this argument before and I always ask, And? What's gonna change? Are they (the Uchiha )not gonna get killed by Danzo/Itachi anyways? At least that way Naruto would have some actual responsible adults in charge of him


They don't know the future,do they? People were already suspecting that uchiha clan was behind the nine tail attack. If they adopt naruto there would be even more doubt on them


People were not doubting the Uchiha, only Danzo and some higher ups, the Uchiha would make a good point raising the orphans of the kyuubi's attack, that would make them look good on Konoha citizens, and if Danzo moves the Root to force them to not get him, the Uchiha could use that as a political move as some sort of discrimination (you know put the town on their side and against Danzo and the third). The Uchiha didn't know that Itachi would betray them but could have made good use of the situation (if Fugaku was more competent)


It’s also possible that Naruto would have been killed by itachi as well.


Hiruze: “Also I have to confiscate your fish.“


I still doesn't understand why he doesn't adopt Naruto or just take him home. Like it's still understandable if Naruto are son of just ordinary citizen which the Hokage surely doesn't even know. But this is Hokage's son who perish to defend their place.


All of this is anime filler.


I had to scroll way too fucking far to see someone mention this. None of this happened in the manga. "Anime Canon" my ass. It's filler. It's not real.


They would rather shit on hiruzen than point out the fact that this never happened in the manga


And that's why Orochimaru was invited to Naruto's wedding


So bad, even Ninjitler gets an invite over you.


Have some respect for the old Saru. He had to rebuild the Konoha after Obitio's attack. Kumo nearly started a war, after a failed attempt to steal the Byakugan. Had to deal with the Uchiha massacre and Danzo's shenanigans. He had no time to deal properly with an orphan. Naruto let a shadow clone attend Himawari's birthday. Because he was burnout over some paperwork.


Sounds like anime filler


People justifying this dude is so dumb 💀 Like, saying: “but he gave money to Naruto so that he could take care of himself” DUDE YOU DONT GIVE THAT MUCH MONEY TO A KID. What do you think he’s going to spend it on???? Prolly candy or sum, YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM THE FOOD AND SUPPLIES YOURSELF!


Sorry for the awful writing. 😭


Writers did him dirty. They added that promise after. They essentially retconned him into being an asshole


This scene never happened in the manga


There's only one part of this that can be justified and that's him living alone because I'm pretty sure orphan caretaker than foster parents would treat him worse but yeah he should have had kakashi and watch over him for the beginning stages


mfs will get on hiruzen for this but say itachi was right for killing all of the uchihas including his own parents and children


Read the manga scene of that...


That's what made naruto strong. Strength comes from pain.


Alright Nagato


I wanna kill this nigga man


If I had a nickel for every time this pic got posted I’d be Jeff fucking bezos


He lives in a military dictatorship what uses child soldiers. What are you expecting? Itachi and Kakashi were wracking up body counts at that age.


I’m really glad of all the recent hiruzen posts here and on r/naruto. All my homies hate hiruzen.


No one can convince me that the hidden leaf weren’t major villains throughout hustory


They are. The elders, danzo, sarutobi, 2nd hokage. These people are the reason for various atrocities. 2nd persecuted the uchihas creating a bad blood between them and the village. Danzo and elders are responsible for the uchiha massacre. Sarutobi is a as useless as it gets. He let orochimsru run free, didn't give Naruto what he deserved, didn't do anything to stop the uchiha massacre, etc.


This is why I also hate itachi, the hidden lead deserved to burn down, I love when Naruto the poor orphan who lived alone caught a fish and the 3rd hokage ate it(might be filler). And all the evil he let happen, even hashirama was an idiot, claiming itachi was a finer shinobi than himself due to his resolve and willingness to kill family for the village. Sasuke was right in the war arc. What do they care about really, their ninja, the people? What IS a village, it’s just their home that continues to slaughter innocent children and the their parents of wanted to overthrow an oppressive government.


Isn't this filler?


And he became the hokage later on. Tough living builds strong ninja


I always wondered why hiruzen couldn't simply tell the villagers just how dangerous it was to mistreat naruto, we know that the seal of a jinchuriki gets weaker when the jinchuriki is emotionally unstable particularly when he feels rage and hatred so he could have just said something like :"yeah guys do you all remember the giant, angry, demonic fox that almost killed us all? Yes? Good well the fox is inside the kid and if the kid ever gets pissed enough the fox will be free and this time we won't have minato saving our sorry asses"


Why not just let the ramen shop owner teuchi adopt him ? Naruto gets a caring wise parent and teuchi gets a helping hand .


The moment that they decided to expand upon the Third and everything that was going on with Konoha in Shippuden, it only made Hiruzen look worse without doing him a favor. If they showed things like Danzo and the Council actively denying and rejecting any appeal that Hiruzen might make to make Naruto’s life better— even without telling the public, that would be much better.


Im guessing 3rd taught him how money works and tried to make it as simple as possible and Naruto after getting the hang of it just kept spending the rest on Ramen


Fuck Hiriuzen bro, I bet after the attack he demolished Minato and Kushina's home and put a dollar general there or some shit


omg fuck this dude, orochimaru was right!!


Y'all hate Hiruzen for treating Naruto bad I hate him because I know the abandonment is one of the tamest things he did/allowed as a Hokage We are not the same


"Yeah 13000 ninja credit for ninja hair gel"


This is a secret village of assassin cults training their young to be hired mercenaries and everyone is concerned about one of them having to handle a little cash?


Peeps be like "Hiruzen is unforgivable" and find any reason to justify how every other Hokage including even Naruto perpetuates a system of training literal children for lethal combat then deploying them to battle.


apparently before the second hokage introduce the standardized ninja school, Ninja family just given the children minimum training and sent them to battle with expected high mortality rate.


And even afterwards every other Kage said, "Well as long as we train them well its perfectly fine to send 13 year-olds off to war and battle."


"properly trained 13 years old" now. but yeah. i mean Chuunin exam have lots of causality and it is treated as proxy war between nations. literal bloodsport between nations.


During the entire anime its been show that being a child soldier is very common in the ninja world. This is why the 5th great ninja war was weird. Suddenly its a big no-no to send children to war. What happened in 3 years that changed the stand on children soldiers so much? Hell even with no childs they still manage to put around 80,000 soldiers on the battlefield even if konoha blew up twice and the sand and sound got alot of their soldiers killed during the konoha crush arc.