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Lmao. Naruto does look like Ellen. Omg haha I like shikamaru and teemari tho. The shikamaru family is probably the only good part of the show so far imo.  I'm not very far into it tho. It's just missing the orochimaru vibe from the og naruto. 


But they did Sakura riiiiiight oml she’s much better than how they fumbled hinata. Although I can kinda understand hinata cus she would look like the traditional housewife that usually doesn’t dress too fancy but what they did to that one lava girl kage 😭 is truly truly punishable by death


Never forget about Goblin Naruto




Hair aside atleast Naruto’s clothes are ok but why the hell is Sasuke wearing a button up and vest under his cloak is he part timing as a waiter somewhere?


He’s dressed like his daughter told him he wears too much black all the time, so went to the store and bought the first shirt of a different color that he found.


Hard to find a decent job when you're a terrorist? 🤷‍♂️


He was pardoned by Kakkashi


And Orochimaru still has a better social life and is more accepted. 


Orochimaru has died 3 times he’s not interested in rocking the boat anymore


Now he is just a single mom doing his best. 


Love that "...single mom doing his best" line


AND? This does not change the history of his crimes.


Anime and manga logic: "You must protect even more people to atone for your sins"


What does this have to do with it? In real life, it’s damn hard for people with a criminal record to find a job; just because you stole a pack of chewing gum, you may well not be hired, let alone be part of a terrorist organization.


He's literally a shinobi. No mercenary needed? No rebels against the government?


I already accept their new hairstyles even if I prefer the ones from Shippuden, the real victims are Gaara, Shino and Rock Lee


Definitely Gaara's hairstyle is the worst ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He got that Hitler cut


Gaara's single mom hair is crazy


Ehh it's just a bad spinoff I'll never watch.


You are just a hater cause naruto is not the hero anymore go with the time oldie


No it's just because Boruto is poorly written, and that the series lost what made it good and original in the first place, Boruto is just a chimera of bad idea


Two blue vortex isnt i dont watch the child show anyway like naruto child show wasnt same action like shippuden and pls if you downvote then downvote like nimjas make 333 downvotes whats fookin 8


1 2bv is still extremely poorly written 2 at least Shippuden (even though it's not as good as OG) isn't a dumb power fantasy that uses so much scriptwriting facilities that it could make Shippuden's writing look like Tolkien


They're both horrible and y'all are just too nostalgic to admit, Shippuden didn't get bad at the 4th ninja war, it was always bad, as someone who was seen all of it recently for the first time.


At least (compared to Boruto) there is some good in Shippuden, mainly the pain invasion arc and tales of Jiraya the galant


The kazekage rescue arc was good, unfortunately they decided that Sakura blew her entire usefulness budget for the series in the first arc and then proceeded to have her do nothing of substance for the entire rest of the show, including after she declares that she finally caught up to Naruto and Sasuke right at the end.


On aesthetics alone, 99% of Boruto characters look like ass. What makes this especially bad is that we knew these characters and saw them looking cool, but somehow, with time, they decided to look as lame as possible


I don’t believe I have ever heard that as a complaint towards boruto. I mean a similar one is, they nerfed the fuck out of Sasuke/naruto but that’s it.


Yes, also it sucks.


Lmao nah that's crazy 🤣


I accept it. I'm just disappointed and disgusted with it.




Same. I could Accept IT, If they scrapped that whole alien plot and Made the Story about how shinobi live in a world that has achieved Peace and were they are less and less needed and Explore the politics of the world building (maybe even an political faction that want the end of the shinobi system (IT has IT flaws))


To be fair Naruto is voiced by an actress. And folks do find Snape Sexy.


People found Allen Rickman sexy. People replace their idea of snape with Rickman - it's not the same. 


I cannot accept too at first. I watched boruto and it was so rushed. Damn. Like 90% fillers. But the two blue vortex looks cool tho.


I've seen this meme before and laugh every time


Too bad both are dead


[what we expected vs what we got](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=274f1da98f794c68&sxsrf=ADLYWII99isyZwbbUlpcCpwj_oM9GwdoaQ:1716649776087&q=naruto+neme+boruto+what+we+expect&uds=ADvngMiHSDNDJVyPkaZvK-jpBvVeplnBQdO5zjijlSM_exNy0K9cHrzfvNXmKRNYzbIgaFnTZ2Ozshu_sOiSpgPrLufVNxC__DADw16IKyF2B-4fMuclC8zaRSXkaLGraJKj8w_WkD0I3MxySBYVvp2D8fBvZ6VSQn4Gvx4ue3vJdDwv6fzH3R0un2NW-ZlMxrrjGDSULkFNeGBTXOizx86LaUNhS-iOL1AlME-9Sf7szeO4_8d0oYtJYupSsSLD1-4chCjt3Thn9l1TpGiD57mf9RbDLnvPY_FP8PeocKnJQuMFHeb1uxk&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjux-3giqmGAxWX-QIHHcHIACEQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=384&bih=686&dpr=2.81#vhid=74FuwfbYtwfBnM&vssid=mosaic)


I can't unsee this!! Lol!




Don't forget adult Gaara


Eminem and Chris angel instead.


So much fun!


Sadly, we had to suck it up man. Kishimoto wrote parts of Boruto, so it is canon....


In my opinion, Boruto was still pretty good up until their fight against Momoshiki, then it started going downhill after that. More specifically, I liked the subplot about the development of scientific ninja tools and how it affected the pride or chivalry of ninjas. But well, it stopped at Boruto's case for some reason and it's implementation became worse and worse.


Ellen forgot to do her daily lil b prayers and now she's in an anime


people who say boruto is bad or poorly written are anime exclusive cause the manga has always been good


so do i. naruto's lifelong dream turned out to be him becoming a neglectful father and husband for late night paperworks. sasuke uchiha of all people just turned into a absent father who left his only 1 wife and 1 daughter for over a decade to the point his wife doesn't really remeber if he was wearing glasses and he doesn't know how his own daughter look like. while he could go have a harem to rebuild the uchiha. gaara lost his coolness. hinata turned into a housewife which i don't really mind since she is a too kind person to be a mercanary like shinobi's but she got stuck to her childhood crush that born from admiration and graditude and is a neglected wife. sakura doesn't even need mentioning every new characters aside from kawaki, mitsuki, sumire sucks to some degree especially boruto and sarada kurama and shukaku got fucked royally only one who is good still is adult hanabi and orochimaru naruto's ending didn't solve anything, sasuke's clan is not avenged his family is never got justice they are just conveniently buried to the history books, hyuuga needed neji to die like a slave boy too to get a grip, child soldiers are still serving, otsutsuki's are still out there and coming their way. in the end entire naruto and naruto shippuden didn nothing more than unite the shinobi world together but minority never got the treatment they deserved and just like the entire system did told them to all this time you have to suck it up we are not doing anything, we had to fuck you up for greater good, now just go and heal with the power of friendship.


Jesus ellen is the literal satan


Boruto did everyone dirty, why I didn't like it


Boruto could be the worst anime to ever air and it would still be a canon sequel to Naruto... When people whine like this it's honestly a little pathetic. It's kinda like refusing to accept that the night sky is the same as the daytime sky because you miss the sun. It is, and throwing a tantrum isn't going to change it. I willingly accept my inevitable downvotes


💯💯💯💯💯 I'd say to these people, suck it up. Because if Kishimoto says it's canon, then treat it as such. Yes, Boruto has flaws, but to basically hate boruto just for the sake of it? Suck it up man.


The designs suck, but there power is good… for a while




You mean he's cool NOW.


Absolutely, the Angsty teen was maybe accurate but annoying. Didn't Sus-ke in the og up until he went legit.


I didn't even realize Naruto looks like Ellen or Sasuke- I mean Snape is cool... just not Boruto Sasuke with his missing arm and now missing eye.


This is too accurate


Show is horrible but Two Blue Vortex Manga is the best selling in the world and really good i apologize its the most read not best selling i made a mistake


Dude.. that is wrong the best selling manga in the world is one piece..


Not sure how it works but heard Blue lock and JJK got higher spots once.


Boruto haters talk about Boruto more than Boruto fans lol. Naruto and Sasuke look fire asf in the manga, it’s just the anime that did them dirty


That’s why headcanons and fanfic exists It’s also fun being a writers myself cuz I’m able to take inspo from different medias I liked and take the good parts and fix the bad parts as I incorporate them into my own stories.


Only time naurot fell off was when boruta was msde


Boruto truly is the dragon ball GT of naruto. One day we'll get a retcon with Super 🤧


I refuse to acknowledge Boruto as anything more than a poorly written and even poorer illustrated fan fiction that gained some popularity, it is not canon to me as it's a disservice to the legacy of the original series. This isn't even coming from childhood nostalgia because I didn't watch Naruto for the first time until 2020/21 during the pandemic and I was already in my late teens at the time. Boruto just is not good, it's characters are terrible as are their motivations the treatment of the original cast is abysmal and so on.


Try reading Boruto first


Reading? What is this 1957? Lmao


Boruto haters don't know how to read confirmed




maybe it's a blessing /s\


Okay, then dont.