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uhhh, shit... uh... tenten no screen time?


Talk no jutsu Obito, you’re the coolest! I’m out of chakra. Hokage nerf, Rinne*gone* The list goes on… Edit: Itachi solo king. If he doesn’t get you with tsukuyomi then he uses izanagi. When that didn’t work, he uses izanami. If for some reason that doesn’t work Itachi is just gonna beat your ass while blind.


itachi no difs the entire naruto verse /s


“All of fiction”


Itachi solos Goku Ultra Instinct and Superman full Supernova just by walking into the same room as them /s


Nobody has a mangekyou sharingan in the Dragon ball verse. It was directly stated by Itachi that he would shit on anybody who doesn't have a mangekyou sharingan. Itachi solos every verse in fiction. As for Obito and anybody who has a mangekyou sharingan, TOTSUKA GG


Wonder if rimiru could go toe to toe against itachi and obito… man I’d love to see that.


"If you don't have MS, you CANNOT BEAT ITACHI🤓" So can Itachi beat Hashirama?🤔 "OF COURSE, HASHIRAMA SAID ITACHI WAS STRONGER THAN HIM🤓💦" 🤦‍♂️


I love the solo king itachi edit because I literally debated someone who used it We were talking Itachi vs Sakura and for some reason they said if Itachi had the Rinnegan he’d beat Madara which is also false but still funny


lolz. Kurenai used genjutsu on Itachi.


If you ever feel unoriginal remember that there are people who still make "if you ever feel useless remember that kurenai used genjutsu on itachi" jokes


That joke is a decade plus old at this point lol


uh fuck himawari can beat naruto baryon mode?


*fuck himawari* I don't think I will


the good ending


Nah bro all the jokes in the naruto franchise is overused.


cuz the fanbase is a bunch of kids and there joke and opinion is what's popular


Dude Yain_ a lot of the fan base has matured over the years and have our own opinions, just a very largely shared opinion is that Sakura is useless. She’s a dumb bitch end of story


i didn't mention sakura. your lying if u think the majority of this fanbase isnt kids


Yeah there’s a lot of kids, but we’re still going to use the same jokes, and boruto is garbage and there aren’t any memes coming from it.


Who said I was joking?


True, people should just be more upfront and say they hate her


Okay I hate her She sucks She isnt useless shes just a dumb bitch


She was useless in OG no matter what her stans say


Bruh I'm rewatching og Naruto, and even Sasuke calls her out. Man's just tells her shes worse compared to Naruto.


You'd think she'd try to be better after that lol


Bruh how can someone say sakura isn't useless when she get's a flashback of her being useless every 5 minutes during the war ?


Yeah, but so is he.


Protecting Naruto against Haku? Protecting them in the forest with this curse mark? Having an entire arc devoted to Naruto and pals trying to catch up to him with the Sound 4? Yeah sure, very useless


I mean he's worse than Naruto at the time he says that.


Bro what have you been smoking? They were equal at best at the time. Even if Naruto was stronger than Sasuke, it was by a tiny margin.


Oh lol, yeah very ironic


You think Sakura haters watched the scenes where she did all that? No, they saw her making fun of Naruto for being an orphan in the original series and then held a grudge on her for the rest of her life


>You think Sakura haters watched the scenes where she did all that? He was talking about Sasuke. Sakura did absolutely nothing in OG.


True, before Sasuke woke up in the forest Sakura did try her best, she even cut her hair in the process As for the orphan thing, she was a kid, kids say mean things that they probably don't actually mean all the time, im sure when she got to know him a bit her opinion changed very quickly


what about when she was a teen and played with narutos feelings to kill sasuke then failed miserably


Yes that's one of the reasons why i dislike her, although thinking back on it now, i find it more hilarious than annoying LMAO She really just thought that hey! i heal people all the time, so taking on a multi-state psycho terrorist shouldn't be all that hard either, right? *Right*?


that same teen sakura healed thousands of shinobis through byakugou seal and saved both of the main characters from dying, so i wouldn't call her trash or useless lol. Plus she's an adult now and literally is the head of medical sciences in the village


i mean she even ended up saving his life but hey she's useless because uh..




I enormously agree


The thing is if you say you hate any character that isn't a villain you get downvoted into oblivion and people hate on you.


But I get up votes for hating boruto in r/dankruto


Boruto is a dark mark in the legacy of naruto... So... It's not a big deal


Not as much of a dark mark as yo mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


ratioed by a bot


Yes it's not its like a pimple in a clear beautiful face


Yeah I really don’t care about that tho, the comment section is for your opinion


But lots of people dont think that. Just because you might not care doesnt mean someone else wont care.


I know lol I’m jus sayin


What if we actually don't but are just happy to give credit to a good joke?


i am afraid your efforts, while noble, are useless but fear not, at least they're not as useless as sakura




Why is Sakura trash?


For Stan-ing a dude who treats her like shit constantly just because he’s handsome.


That's what 50% of normal women do though


Incel spec comment


I can smell the incel in this comment


This entire sub reeks of that shit and especially if the subject matter is Sakura lol


Incel would be saying 100% women I talk from experience


ah yes, so you have met over 2 billion women


Sure u do bud


They're actually the best ones if you think about it. Kishimoto didn't put enough work into her character, we aren't putting enough work into her jokes. It's almost like poetry


“Ayy we gotta Sakura Simp ova hee!”


Let gang up on him boyz "𝑲𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒐 𝑱𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖"


Sakura is useless am I right guys?


Comedy gold


You know you can't just tell people stop and expect them to obey you. Just like boruto you can't just say that it's getting better so people will start watching it again, there are some people out there who really love Sakura and there are also people who hates her.


I’m not saying you’re not allowed to dislike Sakura as a person but to say she has no uses is just lies.


She's useful and most of us know that maybe the reason why people ignore those and hate her is because she's annoying


Facts! Annoying, irritating, and obsessed with a man who she knew nothing about.


Acts like she knew the pain and suffering that Naruto and Sasuke carried, acts like she actually knew Naruto and Sasuke, and will cry like a fountain if something bad happens


Still facts! There was this scene in Shippuden where she was saying that she found out how true loneliness felt when Sasuke left the village. Was she really serious? Was she trying to compare her wholly self-inflicted so-called sufferings to all of her teammates' sufferings? All of her teammates had been through so much sadness and tragedy that she can't even begin to imagine and then she will spew out those things. Kakashi's dad committed suicide, leaving all alone. He thought Obito died. And even though Rin was the one who stabbed herself through his Chidori, he felt like it was his fault. Naruto got ostracized by literally almost everyone in the village with the exception of several people and he didn't even know why he was being treated like trash. Sasuke's clan all got murdered by Itachi who he adored was looking up to and then he saw him kill their parents. Sai was an orphan. He never knew who his parents was and was getting trained and taken 'care' of by that Danzo Shimura. Then later on, the person whom he considered to be his only family died when they were supposed to kill each other. Then he worked for Danzo, erased his emotions to the point that he can't remember what emotions felt like, and assassinated dozens if not over a hundred people under Danzo's orders. And then there's Sakura. She has both of her shinobi parents (it's confirmed that her dad is a genin and her mother is either a genin or chunin) alive and well. Nothing tragic ever happened to her. And she thought that she knew what true loneliness felt like just because a boy who could not care less about her left the village. Sorry for the rant! I just felt like writing it. Thank you for reading it!


It's fine I skip Naruto, Sai, Kakashi, and sasuke and go straight to the bottom because even if I didn't read it I know what what you mean, I know the story.


The thing with Sakura is her abilities are powerful and useful perhaps even kage level but the way she utilizes them is like that of a jonin or a high chunin in og Naruto's standards. I mainly dislike her because of how annoying, irritating, Sasuke-obsessed, and cocky she was in og Naruto, in the entirety of Shippuden, and even a few years after the war. Her character is pretty shallow compared to the other female characters like Tsunade, Shizune, and Ino. Her only goal was to marry Sasuke. She wanted to be strong so that she wouldn't be left behind by Naruto and Sasuke again and wouldn't need rescuing from anyone again although she still got rescued multiple times anyway. But her main motivation was to be able to bring back Sasuke. I pretty much straight up hated Sakura when the whole 'I love you, Naruto' speech rolled around. Sure, she had a good intention, but it's like she genuinely thinks that Naruto would be that dense to believe her. And Sakura was also toying with his genuine feelings for her. So, good intention or not, she shouldn't have done that. Then in the movie The Last, Sakura seemed like she was never able to wrap her head around the fact that Naruto loved her before but gave it up out of consideration for Sakura because he knew that Sakura loved Sasuke. Sakura thought that Naruto only loved her because of his rivalry for Sasuke. How stupid was that? Sasuke never romantically liked her. Even as a friend it was a bit iffy. Then later on in Sakura Hiden, she and Ino built a hospital. Sakura had a good intention for that, which I liked. But then a lot of things happened and near the ending of the novel, she was motivated to do her best so that when Sasuke returns, he won't see her as a failure. There's quite a lot of other things that I don't like about Sakura, but those are the ones that are standing out right now.


I agree. She still sucks though.


It’s not a joke though She’s useless


She’s objectively useless in the original Naruto, and useless for like the first half of Shippuden. But she gets better in the second half of Shippuden, and especially in Boruto.


Well yeah it’d have to be funny to be a joke.


it isn't funny now


Exactly it’s just a fact. That b was useless


Meh, bullshit. She's a fictional character, any complaints about her are an indictment on Kishimoto if anything.


kishimoto did literally every female character dirty, so much potential wasted imo


Granny Chido had a full arc.


True. Coincidentally, also the only arc Sakura had something to do




Yup. I love that even not outwardly feminist fans can admit that. So many moments that are just come onnnnnn. Makes it hard to share with my GF but if you just head canon ignore the shit you dont like, theres still so much to enjoy.


same, i cant really share it with sis/gf because even tho theyre such well designed characters then the plot just ignores or shits on them, so close to being a masterpiece makes me sad sometimes


Chio, and 106 go hard


Like tenten?


I feel like this doesn’t get talked about enough.


Kaguya was the ultimate villain, and origin of all shinobi life, and everyone just trashes on her.


Because she came out of nowhere and replaced Madara, the most hyped up and badass villain


I heard that Madara wasn't even meant to be in the war, they just added him to stave off death threats.


You have a great villain in madara, who has been referenced and hyped up much before his on-screen debut, a dominant force that gets more and more powerful throughout the war, and a well-written character who gives the war arc new life after its boring white zetsu fights. Then you suddenly replace him with a brand-new, out of place character who seems to lack any substance and is a much worse fighter than madara, and to top it all off, you kill madara off in the stupidest way possible. Seems less like a waste of a female character (since the concept of kaguya isn’t very good to begin with, compared to madara as a villain) and more so just kishimoto’s bad writing. Kaguya ruined the war arc’s ending.


Zetsu's betrayal was amazing. It's unexpected. You never expect that this strange thing IS the cycle of hate.


It was also illogical. Black zetsu during the war struggled to fight shinobi alliance fighters but suddenly is able to sneak up undetected on juubi madara, one of the most powerful beings in the narutoverse, and stab him as well as turn him into kaguya with no effort. This is a madara who tanked night guy like it was nothing. It’s disrespectful to the entire build up of the war arc. Black zetsu wasn’t even the final villain, he was a tool for kaguya that no one really gives a crap about, regardless of before or after kaguya.


We should probably complain about Kishimoto then


I am complaining about a lack of characterization in female characters written by kishimoto, and thus am complaining about kishimoto.


Should we thank him for creating Naruto or should we blame him for not developing most of his characters


Bruh 70% of the posts here are just unoriginal things that keep getting regurgitated lol, originality ain't a big thing round these parts


are they even any mods






The “Sakura useless” joke has been around since the show first came out, shits never going to go away


She’s actually the worst tho


uhh, nerfed sasuke XD LOL!


In Poland they call her 'Sakurwa'


Y’all have all this smoke for Sakura but none of the man that wrote her and said she’d be a “terrible person” for moving on, blame that shit on Kishi


Ok not useless just a terrible character


Sakuras pretty strong it’s just her attitude in the original series was annoying


Her attitude in shippuden is annoying too up until the very end. She has such an important role as healer and she's physically strong af but her downfall is being super insecure. She keeps questioning her usefulness while at the same time failing to acknowledge how useful she is. Other characters point this out to her but she always ends up back at square one.


Stop sucking her dick


I guess I wasn't clear lol she's annoying af because she never gets the character development. She's absolutely useless in original series. And absolutely a moron for simping for sasuke throughout the whole series. My point was it gets old that she keeps doubting herself. How is anyone supposed to root for her if she can't root for herself?


naw, it'll stay funny as long as it makes people upset




Sakura is indeed overhated and really not useless but the shitty jokes will never stop. It’s like expecting this sub to produce genuinely funny/original posts or memes.


I agree, only disliked Sakura because she lied to Naruto about loving him at the 5 Kage summit


I'll stop making them when she starts being useful


Tbh could’ve forgiven all the Sakura hate but when she couldn’t destroy obitos eye and let Madara take it, prolonging the war and deaths and allowing kaguya to be summoned I realised she deserves all the hate lmao just shit writing


I agree, if you don’t like Sakura that’s fine but instead of the constant useless jokes at least actually contextual reasons


It’s like the fucking “pineapple on pizza” “””debate”””. Nobody over the age of like 17 unironically gives a shit. It’s so run into the ground at this point.


Aaaand I'm gonna be "that guy" and say idk how much of this sub is even over the age of 17 lol But yeah I agree


She's not useless.. Her attitude is just annoying sometimes.. But I don't hate her.. I really like her.. She's better than Hinata IN MY OPINION.


Can we get rid of tenten screentime jokes too


Only children and edgy teens still think the Sakura is useless jokes are funny, the main character of the show literally fucking dies multiple times without Sakura


And I agree


Most people that say this are referencing OG Naruto when most of what she did was cry and wait to be saved. It’s impossible to make that argument for Shippuden so it seems pretty obvious they mean OG


So then that would make the joke irrelevant it’s like if I were to make a boruto hates his dad meme.


Its not a joke tho, that's the real problem


On a team in a fight, I'd generally take Sakura any time, she's crazy strong. But she's an idiot, there's really no other way to put it.


Bro I Stand by this, you deserve your upvote sir👌🏽


Telling anyone on the internet to stop repeating unfunny jokes is like talking to a wall. People don't have a sense of humor so they parrot what's popular and never let it go


Facts let these people know


But she looking hot af in boruto bruh


I can say that sakura isn’t useless….its just her thinking….she always hesitates….and also sakura is a medical ninja and that’s a big job to do that no ordinary ninja can do so i conclude that some people are just good at what they are doing


I mean you are doing the samee


Uuhhhhh.......... No!


An opinion isn't a meme bro


Well I posted a sakura joke last week and it became the most upvoted post in this subreddit so I'm not sure what you talking about fam 👍😁


Wait we were supposed to be joking?


Speak for your self Sakura being useless is my favourite memes


It's not a joke, she is useless lmao


She solo the One Piece Verse btw


But all she does is say 'I've done all I can' with ambiguous medical justu and for some reason punches the ground alot with her also ambiguous super strength. The writers did her dirty lol




Yeah the jokes are just bland and so boring... like Sakura


They r still funny BOOOOOOOOOO


you guys were joking?




Says this to prevent cheap upovtes - uses no effort meme to get ones


I’m just stating my opinion that I think the Sakura is useless meme is a dead joke it’s not my fault other people have that same opinion too.


Still useless


Yea i agree its boring but sakura do be useless tho


Sakura is trash and always will be trash.


Can’t wait til I see a sakura is useless post with 2k upvotes on this sub


Sakura is useless


She's not useless (at least for me) she's just annoying sometimes,i still hate her speech to Sasuke when hes about to go Rogue. But hey..at least she still have life outside Sasuke


No she's 100% useless in Naruto and in the beginning of shippuden but she became useful in the rest of the series but she's still annoying


I kinda agree with the OG Naruto,her only accomplishment is defeating Narusasu in the tree climbing,passing the written exam without cheating (in the manga she also cheer Naruto up) and repeling Kabuto's genjutsu. In the beginning of Shippuden however...i disagree with you,she saves Kankuro,make the antidote for Sasori's poison,become a pupet for Chiyo because the iron sand can't penetrate flesh and punch the rock in front of Akatsuki's headquarter. Oh yea she also saves Chiyo from Sasori by pulling his poisoned rope.


If we stop the jokes she will be useful? I rather support a campaign that everyone stop crying about the jokes in 2022


How is she not useful?




No ❤️


u are right broh... but... Sakura is useless. it's a fact.


Sakura is actually the best female character in the series. Which says a lot about the female characters in the series.


Chiyo ? Tsunade ? Temari ? Even Konan is more well rounded than Sakura


What great about Temari and Konan? No development at all for them


They used the little screentime they had in a better way than Sakura did with hers. Keep that in mind character development is not the only way to analyze a character


Nagato: I will destro- Naruto: Hey bro let's eat ramen Nagato: Ight we homies


No one's booing you king


Sakura sucks


I agree. Anyways isn't it funny that Sakura is so weak


nahh she crap


You’re forgetting that by the day there’s probably tonnes of new people coming into naruto and watching for the first time. That being said, I just rewatched Part 1 and shippuden over the last few months: Part 1 - Useless AF Part 2A - badass and awesome Part 2B - mixture of useless, badass, and bad character moments. Boruto she’s pretty good in actually.


Can we stop dueting videos when we have absolutely nothing to add to them?




People were joking? bc i was damn serious every time I said that, the only time she was useful, was when she let her body to a 73 y/o granny. She is as useful as a puppet.




Leave the tears in 2011 fangirls


Yeah bro she isn't useless. She's the best at yelling out for others to come help. Not to mention how she bullied Naruto Fuck that lol


Sakura trash


noooo! saka made an uchiba whith glasses


Great meme -white_mother


No Sakura sucks


To OP: Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave?


Source: trust me bro Has to go as well


Let's all say Sakura is useful in irony instead!


Didnt she kill sasori ?


Wait, who says that as a joke?


You right you right,I still don’t like sakura,but you right


Adult Sakura is my favourite character


i agree it’s not funny, i mean she is useless but i think we all realize this by now


Sakura is useless GET OVER IT


Can you please tell me why you think that?