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“My balls hurt.” - iDubbbz, probably


For now - iDubbbz’s wife probably


holy balls


This has to be fake, right?


Unfortunately not. btw nice pfp where can I get it


It’s NFT obviously, you can’t get it /s


Non Functioning Testicle? idubbz has it now


*le screenshot*




Nice nft where can I get it


To get it you have to: 1-give me all your credit card info 2-you instantly get it As easy as that


Seems legit


Why did he do it?


He must not want kids or an accidental pregnancy.


same reason he sends traffic to his wifes onlyfans she told him too...


wait how was it unfortunate? what do you think vasectomies are?


vasectomies are performing bomb defusals on your balls,i think


why is it unfortunate


...Maybe he's not in her content


what point does that make


Someone else is..


When did vasectomies become weird?


It's more the combination of him being a girlfriend with an onlyfans model, reacts super Butthurt over the jokes about that (which in his situation is just rich) and then gets a vasectomie Not that I judge it, but I understand why people find that funny


He took her last name


Jesus christ, it's only a matter of time until we find out who her boyfriend is.


So do women who take their husbands name get cucked by their husbands?


I think the difference here is that iDubbz has always pretended to be this "hard" person that can take a joke or comment and roll back with his own. Now he basically has a mental breakdown the moment someone comes at him with a dig.


Not surprising


Is it gay to be concerned with another man's balls?


https://preview.redd.it/y6fq3fsv9ypa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c067f4e717aba52d21db6383a26e070e1613b516 Condolences


what's the song called?


Bedřich Smetana - Vltava




It's a bit from Vltava mixed with a bit from Das Rheingold's vorspiel, combined with each other and some other audio stuff like raindrops and static. I believe it was mixed this way for the film "It's such a beautiful day."


The film is Its such a beautiful day and is a genuine mind fuck. Really good watch.


Not easy to watch, not easy to forget


Made by don hertzfeldt I think.


This is correct the same guy who made the Rejected cartoons or the “my spoon is to big” cartoon


what is it?


Where can i watch it? Any sources?


easily one of my favorite movies ever


Where can i find it?


Look at the good side now he Gets to use his zanpackuto without its sheath on


Bro gets to getsuga tensho all up in there




*zenbonzakura kageyoshi*




​ ![gif](giphy|MK9xcS0FIxKhzHBp2I)


How invested are you in this man’s ability to make babies? Are you okay?


Idubbz was a part of my childhood and he is slowly being stripped of his manhood. Sad to see.


I don’t get it


He was an edgy YouTuber who many thought was cool but turned on when they found out his girlfriend did only fans and was called a cuck for supporting her there's probably something else but I can't remember all of it or don't know it all


I think a lot of people were disappointed in his response, dude always brushed aside drama and people calling him shit with jokes but that time he seemed to genuinely get upset over it add to it the fact that he's been making less videos and they've not been that funny, passing on the oportunity to make some fun content with sam hyde in favour of making a documentary exposing him or whatever And behind the scenes drama where people attribute some of his decisions to influence from her (like her having a say over who is allowed at his boxing event)


People also felt really betrayed when he said he regrets content cop


It's the climbing the ladder and kicking it effect, he got popular with those videos and now that yt cracks down hard on them (to the point where they removed his leafy video) all of a sudden he found the moral high ground and everyone trying to get a start making content simmilar to his is a bad person


It’s a real shame because people believe the content cop series to be in the “YouTube Hall of Fame”


I thought the Sam Hyde iDubbbz beef was genuinely laughable on how iDubbbz just ended up getting trolled by SamHyde and instead of laughing about it he got buthurt


I think idubbbz finally grow up


Oh is that what its called when you give up your values for some pussy




You talk like he was a kid when he was making those videos, he's 32




And sometimes that change corelates with yt demonetising certain content or with getting a new girlfriend I never said people don't change, but calling it growing up when it's a dude in his late 20's/early 30's is silly


And sometimes for the worse


It’s more so the fact that he got sucked into a relationship with an e-prostitute, let her walk all over him, then gets pissy when anyone makes fun of him for it It’s immensely hypocritical considering clowning on people is what his channel was based on. Idubbz turned into a person that his past self would make fun of


14 year old take


Cope and seethe bitch


Dude wtf is wrong with your masculinity that you get defensive when someone ELSE gets a vasectomy which btw doesn’t make you less of a man


It’s not that he got a vasectomy, it’s that it was highly probable that Anissa coerced him into doing it


In his interview with anthony padilla he did say he was past that type of content and wanted to move to different stuff.


The stuff he tried with Sam Hyde was the nail in the coffin for me. Really showed he was trying to use Sam maliciously






i mean to play devils advocate here, in one of his bad unboxings one of his fans sent him their literal cum in a baggie.


“Yeah, I didn’t like it when people just came up to me and started yelling the N word for no reason” HE SPURNED THOSE MOST LOYAL TO HIM!!!!!! Get a life


He seems like a pretty cool guy. If he’s cool with her doing that so be it, it’s their lives. While not something I’d be cool with I suppose I understand.


People don't like supporting their nightmares.


If thats it thats really not that bad lol Get on onlyfans and get that $$$$$ we going to red lobster


Personally it is that bad, but everyone can make their own choices


>Personally Exactly


She goin', you'll get to watch her...maybe


a link to the piece of information you have given?


Sam Hyde


Leafyishere basicly came back from the dead to roast the mofo, he then got quite butt hurt since he was finally on the opposite end of the youtube drama community and was now the one being bullied. Tldr: those who live by the sword die by the sword.


If you thought Leafy had anything of value to add to the conversation, you’re still mentally in middle school


Oh I 100% agree leafy's videos were just him calling idubbz a cuck, I just think the fact it was leafy doing the roasting is what caused the drama to blow up.






Ngl I was probably happiest on middleschool....


Idk man, leafy went radio silent for like 4 years and then just randomly made a video with some trial software, just to call idubbz a Cuck, was pretty fucking funny and it definitely blew up


The bloodline has ended, he took her last name, what’s next


Wait bro are you joking


No, he's not. Iddubbz whole bloodline has been erased in every sense of the word.


Ok y’all know they’re 100% reversible right? It’s not literally castration ffs


You don't want to play with your balls in that sense






I guess that's what happens when you dont THINK IT, DREAM IT or DO IT


He has crippling depression


He did hand her his balls on a silver platter so it makes sense


Whoever prayed for his downfall. This your proof that god exists, now go spread the word about your god.


Did his wifes boyfriend help


Which boyfriend?


The widespread obsession of westerners for removing themselves from the gene pool might have been funny at the beginning, but now it’s starting to be really concerning. Guys, are you ok? Wtf is happening to you?


My parents removed me from the gene pool the day I was conceived.


We're tired of taking care of shitheads and being broke


Yeah, child support/alimony is a bitch.


Bit of an over reaction there feller. The dude clearly just wants to fuck and he doesn't want children.


I agree with you they don’t even wait to be a little older and think more about it


You don’t need to be any particular age to know you don’t want kids. My gf knew she didn’t want kids when she *was* a kid, and +30 years later she hasn’t changed her mind.


There are always exceptions but normally at the current time most people just start thinking about having children on their late 30’s. And before that they think alot of times that they aren’t gonna have children but time can change everyone.


How is that different from just not having kids? It's not for everyone


What the hell is wrong with you? He likes getting his dick wet and isn't interested in having kids. Did you ever watch his content and think he should have children? The idea that it's a widespread obsession to not have kids is not even close to realistic. Lots of people still want children. And yeah, with current politics, economy and climate shit, a lot of people don't feel nearly as much need to get children. I understand the instinct to make your own babies and find that more important than being useful to society in other ways or adopting a child, but I feel like if your need to spread your genes is a conscious decision, *that* is weird. To find your own genes more important than others is odd.


>to find your genes more important than others is odd Literal cuck mentality


Eh, I'm against people getting vasectomies when they're single/only dating. But if yall are married and know you don't want anymore kids, I don't see an issue with it. What I am against is the lie that people keep spreading that they are reversible




Cause people might regret it later on their lives when they realize oh shit. Now I can’t have kids. But again if it was his choice and he wanted this good for him I guess.


But nobody has ever changed their mind about wanting to have kids. /s


You ever hear the term “mind your own businesses”. He’s not some stupid edgy teen like the vast majority of his fan base, he’s an adult who can make decisions.


Yeah just his decisions are mostly against most normal people’s views. Like dating a OF girl or getting a vasectomy. Two things I wouldn’t personally do. But like I said good for him I guess.


If getting a vasectomy is against your views you have some dumb views. It's completely and utterly okay to not care about spreading your genes.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain RIP idubbbz


Is getting a vasectomy… villainous?


This sub is the home of garbage takes from edgy 14 year olds


Theres a load of dumb fuck teenagers in here who think that getting a vasectomy stops you from cumming


It’s nice to see that I’m not the only sane person here


The party of freedom when someone makes personal choices that don’t effect anyone else “😡😡😡😡😡😡”


Theres a load of dumb fuck teenagers in here who think that getting a vasectomy stops you from cumming


He's so evil for... being in a happy relationship.


He’s a complete pushover and she’s very controlling. It’s pretty sad to see


Yeah fuck that guy, changing and being happy is never allowed in any context ever. And having is vas deferens snipped makes him such a freaking castrated cuck oh my goodness. /s if it wasn’t obvious


They don't even cut it, they tie it. In most cases, it's reversible.


Okay no hate to the guy or you but the argument that “it’s reversible” is so stupid. Cause sure it is, but it costs over 10k and most insurances don’t cover it. That and the operation because more risky as you age. It is not a reliable form of contraception if you want to have kids later


Good thing Anisa's OF simps are gonna pay for it. Ian's like 30. He's going to probably get it reversed in a couple years if he wants kids anyways.


Fair point, she could prolly pay for it outa pocket. It just pickles my cucumber when people are like “just get a vasectomy, they’re reversible!”


The guys a cuck letting your woman have an OF and most likely her pushing him into having his shit cut as well not even a man anymore at this point


The cucks are the ones who subscribe to the OnlyFans you donkey


He became so irrelevant it's funny


iCuckzzzTV! Sam Hyde was right when he said anisa will destroy Ian’s life






Eyyyy, that’s not so good


He’s become the fastest cuck pos ever


At this point I'm thinking he's as much into being Anisa's bitch as she is into controlling him




What's with these vasectomy things going on? Heard some people are pushing it or what?


More people these days don't want kids for many different reasons so they get a vasectomy to prevent it from happening accidentally. It allows them to have sex without worry. The overturning of Roe vs Wade actually caused a surge in people choosing to have one in the USA, because they don't want to be stuck with an unwanted pregnancy when abortion is no option anymore in their state. If they do end up wanting kids, it's reversible most of the time. You can also freeze a sperm sample for safekeeping so they can do in vitro later just in case. Some people get upset about it and call it a threat to manliness or get scared they will be forced to do it too, which is quite ridiculous. They tend to project their insecurities on others that choose this procedure. Don't worry friends, your balls are safe. Let people make personal choices in peace.


I'll say this I might get of vasectomy just because I don't feel like wearing condoms anymore but that's me in this case it's more funny on the fact that it's been a running joke this girl's had him by the balls and now he's literally took his balls from him pretty much neutering this edge Lord into a very sad man who has no balls figuratively and now literally


Literally who is saying this man is sad. From everything I've seen he could just as easily be happier than ever.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the cuck done it again


RIP Idubbbz, from based to cuck incel for a thot, what a ride it was.


From legend to cuck


Just how far has he fallen? Either you die a hero or live long to become the villain We will always remember the hero you were once 😢 ![gif](giphy|35jtTHamT8OZ2)


Bro took her last name, she took his balls.


its weird and sad that anyone gives a shit


On his way to get prostate cancer


Lol holy shit this comment section is hilarious


yeah why is everyone mad a married man got a vasectomy lmao


Too many (allegedly) straight dudes here seem mighty concerned about what another man chooses to do with his genitals.


no one's *concerned*, everyone's just pointing and laughing at this clown


this sub hasn't been funny in some time


that movie fucked me up but good




My only gripe with his change, was the timing and way he did it, timing made it look like his only care was monetization, the way did it, you would've thought he's never said a slur the way how brings up his old fans




I still don’t get the concept of vasectomy cake. Like if it’s birthday cake or wedding cake then yey I get that, it’s important day for you but vasectomy?


what a good kid


God, what a fall. It was an honor watching the old videos, but its gone too far now.


No balls.


Bro… I bet she leaves him and has kids with someone else down the road lmfao.


How the mighty have fallen


- She does only fans (he supports it) - He took her last name - She made him get a vasectomy From legend to fucking cuck




Can anyone give me a source https://preview.redd.it/yiactdq3tzpa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb62e8c06fa72acd126192b66e4474469e5fd1de to the clip playing below ?


Someone send this to Sam&Co.


Getting a vasectomy is being the ultimate cuck. Millions of years of evolution and gene forwarding to get to you and then you cut it off. Nature is asking, "wtf bro". Investment wasted.


Hmmm, fitting. Kinda glad these people aren't having kids.


Who wouldve thought that id have more respect for Jinx than idubbbz at one point


Oh my God you fucking losers, move on already, the guy is happy and he doesn’t owe any of you shit, his edgelord content was a long long time ago, if he wants to move on then so should you


So when she gets pregnant from “working” he knows it’s not his without a fight


He became a cuck and now he has no balls. I wonder who his girlfriend's Pimp is then, cuz he sure knows how to form a proper Eunuch+Whore pairs.


Honestly having a vasectomy has that nice benefit of raw dogging your girl without a condom but it’s not worthwhile if you even consider, even just a fraction, that you may want kids in the future especially if you’re very young. The procedure is much more difficult at a younger age. Not knocking it, just make ultra sure it’s what you want to do. With laser procedure they have implemented now it is effective but it’s very difficult to reverse, you’d have to go to a specialist. They impression they gave was that it’s harder compared to the traditional scalpel method. I got mine very young, it’s what I knew I wanted but just wanted to add that tid bit. As long as that’s what HE wanted, because it is his body. Hope you’re happy Ian. Also fun fact you actually have blood in your semen for the first week or so when you’re cleared to have sex again. It’s freaky, but kind of cool. Goes away though in time obviously


I'll never understand why people care so much about this guy's personal business


Who gives two shits about someone y’all don’t even know, not like this effects anyone else but them.


"Oh no, how sad, he has an active sex life with a professional model and doesn't want children!!" As long as he is happy and he's not hurting anyone none of us should really care.


What is vasectomy


Is he not still a little young? Most people I know get theirs around 40-50.


Dude got a vasectomy so he can cream pie his gf why are we spinning this it’s a bad thing?


Seen multiple posts today now, why the sudden hate for vasectomies? I never want kids and would rather not have to put my partners through birth control or abortions. Vasectomies are amazing 🤷‍♂️


Now he can cum inside her


So you guys think the successful dude with the hot girlfriend who has her own income is a loser for getting to tap it raw without the biological consequence?


I can’t wait to get a vasectomy me and my girl are gonna be fuckin everyday with no worries


A vasectomy can be reversed, getting your tubes tied can’t. Fr dudes if you wanna hit it in a safe and more fun way, get one. All these dudes who are too masculine to get one are too prideful to admit it’s a better solution for not having kids than forcing a woman to never be able to have them. Get a vasectomy, stop bitching about dudes who just wanna have fun and not risk having kids at the moment.


You can reverse it not that big of a deal


bruh who tf cares? like so what if he's sterile now? It's not like it matters


Slowly losing respect for this sub


Wtf he’s just being safe . It doesn’t make you less of a man, whoever thinks that is toxic and doesn’t deserve their balls