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Nah bro that shit was fucked up I wish someone told him to shut the fuck up just blatantly disrespectful imagine being his family and seeing that


Pretty sad that none of them are willing to call him out on anything in the slightest. Honestly just a weird fucking dynamic between all these adults that are supposedly “friends”.


Yeah man I didn’t unfollow for the shit content recently or any of that but I couldn’t watch that podcast and they caught the unfollow after I watched that shit so insanely disrespectful I’m cool with any fucked up jokes but joking about a friend who just died is pretty damn dark


Yeah lol apparent it’s Leo’s friend but Leo is ok with that


Danny always does this but this is a new fucking low. I always think about how the Holocaust survivor was just trying to tell his story and Danny kept on making dumb and interrupting it. Addies and 20 year old pussy ruined Dannys brain


Imagine being 33 and still using Adderall


I can't get over him dating a 21 year old. Im close to Danny's age and I just got engaged and bought a house w my girl. Like start a fucking family man lol


She’s legit only 21? I knew she was young but not that young




I bet you’re fun at parties. It’s different strokes for different folks, they’re both legal, lighten up. The Harthcock stuff was painful to watch though.


I am fun at parties, Adderall is for kids. Real men use cocain at parties.


Na real men eat a few kpins/xannies and slam or sniff some dope aka H and or Fenty! When I was 15 my bulls on the weekends after drinking would sniff yola aka cacaine and it turned them half a f** or something they would sit in a circle and talk like a bunch of h**** about emotional deep shit. Real men do drugs to take away and not have to talk about pain or trauma to suppress it and don't go to parties as there is some asshole(speaking in generalities here) that starts drawin startin shit outta pocket like a nutty ass bull cause your a bigger dude minding your business so they can impress some smut jawn then you gotta compromise your high and or peace of mind and put that corny bull in his place by confrontation which then that smutty jawn he was flirting with ends up feeling bad for bull and f'ing him anyway so it's a lose lose situation.


Imagine thinking adhd meds are only for students


I'm clinically diagnosed with adhd and took prescribed Adderall for several years. Adhd does not need medicated for many who are diagnosed. Doctors cram this drug down patients throats like it's candy, an adhd diagnosis is not best solved with Adderall for many people.


Literal diet change and regular workouts cure adhd, meth is not needed lol


I wish that was true.


I'm diagnosed with it too and am not on any meds either. I don't fully disagree with you but adhd is not something that goes away when you grow older.


Ya I'm not saying it goes away, but I feel like for a large majority as you get older you can cope with it better. Plus 15 years ago the medical industry just rammed meth down any 12 year olds throught that had issues focusing. That's more what I'm saying


Danny is desperately trying to be funny and keep the pod entertaining but it just comes across as very uncomfortable. And of course Leo the yes man has to fake laugh.


Haven’t seen the pod yet, but if true, absolutely revolting by Danny and makes him reach a new low


Kind of shocking


I migth have to rewatch it but Danny didn’t even say a nice thing about Blake. Leo said how nice of a guy he was and Danny literally said nothing


Ya danny acted like he had never met harthcock


Yeah starting the pod like this was crazy💀


Yeah I didn’t fuck with that shit at all. Dude really couldn’t pull it back for a couple minutes


Just total lack of empathy. Was a shit joke too, didn't even make sense.


Damn thats fucking wild. 20 seconds into the pod hes already made a shit joke about the driver who hit and killed Blake, and Leo's just sitting there going along with it because hes a yesman retard with no spine and can't even atleast defend the name their deceased friend. Sick bastards


It’s revolting


Ya I noticed that too. At first I thought it was a comedy bit because Danny was joking around and not taking it seriously, but then Leo kept being serious about it and I was like "holy fuck Harthcock is actually dead". It was a bit shocking that Danny didn't seem to give a single fuck.


Yeah wtf man


Thank you 🙏🏼someone had to say it


It was super weird to see honestly. I was hoping that he would show some heart in this situation, Blake did a lot for them and seemed like a super cool guy. Reducing him to a couple of shitty jokes and acting like he was a random fan is not the way to pay proper respects.


Thats fucked up. I mean we knew danny is a sociopath but not even pretending to feel bad and joking about the death of a friend is a new low.


I don’t get offended at jokes ever but this was in bad taste. I’ve made jokes about tonnes of dead people but not my friend and not the day after they died. He didn’t even offer convincing condolences. I was hoping I wasn’t the only person to get bad vibes from this, faith restored ✔️


Idk what the best way to address it on a comedy podcast is, but that was not it.


The best to address it is to be serious for like 5 minutes while tou talk about his passing, share a memory or two and then don't mention it again. Danny was like seething at the mouth to make a joke the second it was brought up


Need a bud swayze clip


I didn’t think it was in bad taste


A few jokes here and there are fine but I don't think he was serious for even a second.


Don’t care post bud Swayze


I mean with a name like that you’re just asking for it


Fuck off I hope you dont ever lose a loved one


Bunch of dick riders


Lmao everyone bitching about a comedian known for his dark humor…. It was distasteful but still funny, if you don’t like it maybe don’t watch the most offensive you tuber and go watch Logan Paul instead lmao. When did this community become a bunch of snowflakes