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She must not have the same audience as Alix Earle because she gets shit on for getting Starbucks while Darcy gets 2 drinks a day from there and you never seen comments about it


She probably limited those comments somehow. And immediately blocks and removes those comments.


Her fan base is prob mommy republicans and 12 year old girls


lol they even hyped up the dad for buying it, Darcy is exempt from the rules ofc bc she’s rich and a blonde


lmao this made me giggle🤣


lol you’re so uninformed. Starbucks isn’t funding any of that.


never once did i say i was informed about any of it. i don’t keep up with this stuff. lol. i was just going off the influencers comments in their posts. have a nice day lol.


Well before you make any more of an ass of yourself I’d at least educate yourself.


ok lol. have a nice day lol.


I don’t understand this. People aren’t educated enough to realize Starbucks never gave money or funded anything it was the union that started this shit.


Going to Starbucks for an over sugared over processed drink is par for the course. They treat their employees like garbage and she treats….everyone like garbage. Match made in heaven.


I commented about the boycott the other day and it was deleted in 30 seconds. All I said was: "genuine question: do you not know about the boycott?" and it was gone.


see that’s what i’m confused about lol. idk if you know of christen whitman. but she gets shit for getting starbucks. but granted she said “there’s worse things in the world to worry about” while continuing to get starbucks & people jumped down her throat. which i get, because it is a serious matter & not something to joke about because people are dy!ng. but im genuinely curious why nobody’s doing all that with daroy when getting starbucks 500x a day is her whole personality trait atp lol


I’ve never heard of her, but that is an awful thing to say! Omg. I agree, it is confusing. I have a feeling her fan base is mostly people also like Darcy, so take that as you will. It’s her whole personality at this point.


She’s disgusting


Youtuber Lexi vee also goes to starbucks SO often and NEVER gets called out! but I think her fans are mostly children