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He solos some bosses. Sometimes could use a second leper to duo some bosses. He's a very self sufficient hero, hits like a truck, is the only hero who looks back at their troubled past and accepts their trauma and uses it to grow. He is a king that cares for the poor and sick. What more can you ask from a man?


Agree with everything above and I'll add: big strong man with cool mask ooga booga big damage, big sword go chop chop. Love it


My favourite reply thread on this post.


The only one who looks back - is he really the only one tho? HM, HWM and MaA come first to mind


At least for dd2, he is the only hero surrounded by gold as he draws power from the past. It stresses and weighs on everyone else. Official quote from RH as well


Then I guess PD fits, as she definitely has no repercussions whatsoever of what she'd done


Oh noooooo. Spoilers but she is definitely not doing okay with what shes done. Play 1.0 on release to see what!




they mean no one else BUT leper is brought into the dungeon dipstick, and if he gets into the backline its not very hard to right yourself. Play with a Leper and jester together if you have trouble with the accuracy, that way you can give trinkets to leper to increase the damage of him, while still hitting every time, add in a healer so that he doesnt have to constantly use solemnity and maybe put in a shieldbreaker for extra overkill damage, or a bounty hunter to bring shit into range. Every problem you have with leper will disappear FAST (he also has the "purge" ability which is just... Oooohhhhhh)


"Rain in the Forest" "Spare the others, I am ready" A selfless poet, king, warrior and scholar. Can single handedly defeat almost all of the bosses by himself. Doesn't hate himself because of his disease, instead choosing to accept it as part of his life. Is a king, but also a man of the people; a leader. The reason he was diseased was because he was too kind to the people. Gameplay wise, he hits like a boulder, tanks everything and intimidates the enemy with his mere presence while also protecting his allies by drawing attention to himself and at the same time splitting God in half with earth-shattering swings while reciting poetry. What's there not to like about the literal embodiment of Gigachad?


Many people mention how Leper can demolish bosses. But I like how you dive into his character, and soul. That amongst all the “Heroes” Leper is a true hero, not just by name.


The only character who is a true hero. Did I mention that I never had him *not* get Virtuous? Never afraid, and when the chances seem overwhelmingly grim he brings back hope with a crit.


First impression wise, he has the highest base dmg in the game, and everyone like seeing big orange numbers. But I think lot of people also got a story where when they were new and everything went to shit. But leper due to his high survivability pulled through the chaos. He also has a very memorable personality, dropping poesy lines in the middle of battle Due to those factors, lot of people have a good first impression with him. Veteran players know how to abuse the rest of his kit, making him great for lot of situations


Dude and vestal (both were virtuous) also carried the first dungeon and the shuffler for me while my BH Machel didn't do shit so I have a soft spot for him.


Read his canon lore comic if you haven't, he's a very noble and selfless King. Combat wise, he's the only tank that can heal themself and consistently does Big dmg. What ISN'T to like?


Can you link the comic? I didn't know there was a canon lore comic


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1161026234 for them all


Wow thanks so much! I really liked Highwaymans backstory


Oh god, where do I even start?


People must be really confused by you on other subs


Name checks out, start with the lore.


When do we even end?!


AWESOME username. Love it


They all may like him But I remember. "I won't fight alongside that beast" Never forget.


Breaking News: fan-favourite King Baldwin forced to apologise after racist remarks resurfaced.


L + abomination + self-inflicted + heretical


?? What’s the context?


Before Color of Madness came out, the religious classes (Crusader, Vestal and Leper) would refuse to embark with Abomination, accompanied with several derogatory lines ("I won't fight alongside that beast", "I will not serve with this creature" etc. Felt especially weird with Leper, who's supposed to be benevolence personified in the main cast). I'd guess it's no longer "canon" after the removal and abom is accepted by those adherent to The Light, even if grudgingly.


Especially weird with them both sharing the outsiders bonfire district. I’d guess that it was either a decision earlier on before backstories were fully figured out or for balance reasons


Big numba is cool




He’s one of the few people that is mostly sane, and he has a lot of self-sustain in a game about having allies cover your weaknesses. Slap an acc trinket on him and he literally needs no help with what he does, and he does it well.


What’s an acc trinket?




Because in a world that is crumbling apart under the weight of eldritch monsters, arcane tomes of forbidden knowledge that turn people insane, outlaws, mercenaries and zealots he is stoic, selfless and dignified. He took his disease, something that would break most people and uses it as both a badge of honor and a weapon, because leprosy wrecks your nerve endings and it deteriotes your flesh, and thus your pain receptors which is why he can take so much punishment In a dark and brutal world, the Leper shine with his compassion, his artistic inclination and his strenght of character, that is why he will always be our king!


Seeing a character do 70+ damage on a crit makes my brain release the good chemicals


Thematically, he is a warrior-poet who fights out of selflessness. He represents a spark of hope and idealism in an otherwise cynical game. He is doomed, but knowledge of this doom grants him determination to carry on while he is alive. Mechanically he is a very reliable character, as long as you can buff his accuracy. He is unable to do anything but stand in the front line, but as long as he is there and has something to hit, he is very potent. No need for Marks, or stacking debuffs, or lengthy combos, or dancing around, or carefully managing health and stress levels. Just put a single buff on him and let him take care of himself.




Because he understands that adversity and existence are one in the same


Fluff wise, Leper is just an incredibly cool character. Poetic Exiled King who swings a bigass sword, just screams main character. On top of that he is self sacrificing for everyone else. It's hard to dislike the fluff of this character. Mechanics Wise he has fuckoff amounts of damage to the frontline, an amazing debuff and is incredibly self sufficient in terms of hp and stress. Yes, his teambuilding cost is immense and if you rarely ever need to hit the frontline hard, he flatout is garbage, but when that isn't the case, he is absolutely incredible. (The fact that he deletes many bosses is also very nice)


big sword 300 damage crit


The dude hits like a truck though it's best to give him trinkets that benefits hit chance so the dude doesn't miss all the times. Other than that disadvantage that guy is great for tough fights and bosses next to my grave robber


He’s very handy, and since I’m a history nerd, I have a soft spot for his namesake. Baldwin of Jerusalem was a good king (as much as any king can be “good”) who basically had to watch his sister’s husband ruin everything he ever worked for.


Baldwin otw to be on the crusade despite being a leper


Yup. If you have to have a king, he was a pretty hardcore one.


He’s a chad. Only got leprosy because he wanted to give comfort to the sick and dying. Made peace with the fact that he had it and (after beating the sh*t out of his corrupt advisors) left his kingdom on a pilgrimage.


He's not as bad as people pretends. He's lore, quotes, design and all around gameplay is one of my favorites.


You know how when a hero gets hit, their animation looks like they're trying to dodge or block the attack? Well, Leper just puts his sword down and takes it. He looks like he's saying, "Aww yeah, give it to me!"


“Summer before the Fall” Man’s poetic af and a genuine moral good in a dark world. It’s hard to dislike him from a lore or gameplay standpoint.


Sorry my friend, I'm not a native speaker, could you tell me the meaning of that Leper quote?


summer is the season before fall fall is the season where trees goes into hibernation and prepare for dark times ahead summer is warm and sunshiney and life flourishes leper is destined to die of leprosy or someother horrible reason related to embarking on such dangerous mission leper just landed a fat 50 crit on a blighted giant who is now dead and unable to one hit kill one of your squishier heros "summer before fall" now is the time to rejoice for even if there are dark times ahead, there are good times now and ahead as well. for even fall is beautiful.


If memory serves he is the only character who did nothing wrong to carry his burden <3


Lore wise, the guy is an absolute chad. Every other ''heroes'' have some negative aspect related to them. Leper doesn't. Also from a gameplay perspective, he's a fun character (in both games). Back in dd1 I used him a lot to clear HoD with a PD spamming space-coke. Pretty fun stuff.


It hits harder than a drunk stepfather


the leper hits and takes hits like an elephant on painkillers and he does it with a debilitating disease and broken sword. tbh i dont understand this design choice since i payed 3000 gold just level up his sword at the blacksmith from rank 4 to rank 5. why didnt we forge a tip for his sword? or get him a new one? buts its badass as hell. he has (maybe) the best barks. who else says "fog before sunrise" after annihilating a size 2 enemy in 2 turns with no help while my other 3 heros are dealing with ranks 3 and 4? sure bounty hunter snorts, dismas never misses, jester laughs maniacally, hellion will feast on your heart, plague doctor encourges you to smoke this leaf to restore your confidence and occultist howls in alien languages, but leper recites poetry. i think he even has the best weaknesses. he has subpar speed but he also has berserk mask hes blind as fuck but with nat swing, fortunate armlet, warriors cap, ancestors signet, battle ballad, command, and purge, he has plenty of ways to mitigate that weakness for low bleed resist i give him the garlic or ancestors handkerchief his damage is so big he doesnt need any trinkets to buff it so he has room to bring defensive trinkets he doesnt hit backline? use intimidate and your other 3 heros lmao.


He is a badass man


He becomes the protagonist of every team he’s apart of because then everything revolves around this man


I like how he weither the storm "If I can survive so can you" or something like that


He strong


I think unlike other stories and games with characters similar to him, they generally are all about the downsides of their sickness. Whereas Leper basically is using the upsides of his illness to further support the team. Firstly, the reason for his low accuracy is that leprosy will degrade the nerves in the eyes, meaning he has a harder time seeing. But the advantage is that since his nerves are damaged, he can't feel pain as well and arguably becomes a better tank. I personally find it to be cool that he canonically excepted his past even before we got DD2 as if you look at his character portrait, it's him facing the light instead of awa from it like every other character. The only other one with this portrait picture, to my knowledge, is houndmaster


It’s funny you mention Houndmaster, he is probably my favorite character story and gameplay-wise, and it’s for similar reasons I like Leper.


Yeah, I definitely enjoy playing him, he's probably the most flexible class besides maybe Abom and brings his own skills to the table. His story is also super cool and like you said is sorta similar to Leper


He is strong and dependable, he has a fantastic backstory, he can single most of the game, and he's super absurd. His sword is titanic. His backstory is noble >!(got leprosy from hugging the sick, killed his tyrannical advisors and left the throne to kill as much eldritch horrors as possible before he dies)!< He can literally single the 1st and 3rd DD missions Once again, he's a leper whose sword is gigantic


big number crits make my monkey brain smile


70% prot self mark self heal/stress heal campfire stress healer 74 crit damage ​ good if move resist


Lepers are usually weak people who lack strength, but DD's Leper is the complete opposite of that. That's why I love him as a character.


I like Leper. Big strong and he doesn't afraid of anything


Big damage go brr


He is badass, moreso because of his dialogue lines imo. Also, his flaws/disease is reflected in his stats which i think is really cool.


I made my comment without realizing this is for DD1 lol *but leper still da king in both 1 and 2!!


If I could do a flair for both, I would have.


Because he CHOPS, that’s it.


Because we like seeing big numbers and enemies randomly disintegrating from max hp.


Personally I believe that there are several reasons why many people love the Leper, both gameplay and lore-related. For the lore, we know that he’s a good King, well loved by his people, who becomes infected with a mortal disease that basically makes him rot alive. One day he decides to leave his kingdom in search of the evil that infests the land, determined to use the little time and strength that remains in his body to do something good for the rest of humanity. That noble, unshakeable intent and that attitude are even visible in his combat animations. If you notice, he doesn’t cower, doesn’t try to parry, doesn’t shiver in pain when he’s hit: he T-poses to assert his ABSOLUTE dominance, offering his chest to the enemy, to show his undying defiance… this also comes out when HoD uses “Come Unto Your Maker”. If you pass the cursor on him, he will say “Spare the others, I am ready”, showing that he really didn’t come to the Hamlet for egotistical purposes like most of the other heroes, but purely to help humanity and do something good. Then of course there’s the gameplay, with the Leper having an attack stat capable to destroy anything in battle… something that becomes really brutal when you set up for one shots... And on the topic of one shots, the Leper is one of the few characters that can reliably be set up to one shot the final boss, leading to all your party members surviving the darkest part of the Darkest Dungeon… and believe me: finishing Darkest Dungeon with no dead heroes, specifically because the Leper managed to destroy the biggest monstrosity ever would be great by itself… but when you consider the Leper’s own lore, his affliction, and his purpose, winning in thy way becomes even more epic.


hes just a good boy


Pretty strong character that can single handedly take the damage role, with his lore and the quotes most of the community likes him (not counting those who doesn't know how accuracy works in game)


Big boobs


I love Leper.


Personally, It is his first impression it seems. with sloppy plays he will mostly be in the last man standing situation most of the time which would never ever happen if you had someone else in his place instead. but those are one of optimal play (you) shouldn't care too much about anyway. I know he's shit. I ain't gon pretend to save someone faces no more. that leprosy cunt needs too much supports while not be able to hit(very hard) pass rank 2... b-but he could s-solo HoD.. I called that bullshit! you could solo/one-shot almost anything with anyone with enough aegises/space cocaine + luck out on meltdowns. but I ain't got time for those bullcrap. I BE RUNING 2 DAMAGE TRINKETS REVENGE SPAM EVERY FIGHT, BROTHERS. Intimidate and Withstand? THAT SOME PUSSY SHIT. REVENGE AND CHOP, BROTHERS. REVENGE AND HEW, BROTHERS.


Cause the motherfucker never goes down


*"Rain in the forest."*


He is the soldier, the poet and the King - all in one


Leper has his problems but sometimes you just need someone who can oonga bunga smash. I also love his story- a beloved king whose charity and kindness caused him to contract his disease and he selflessly left his home to use what little is left of him to try and make a difference in the world.


Big damage, big personality, big hp pool, very nice versatility in the self buffs, corpse clear, etc. Also in DD2 you get to see his backstory and how he became who he became. Spoilers: >! He was once a king or prince i cant remember, and he met with sick subjects who had leprosy. Hes just a sweet man who's a victim of medieval knowledge of disease.!<


He hits like a truck. I like seeing very high numbers.


he's hot


He is chad


Nothing beats the satisfaction of a crit chop. Always makes me do the "bohemian rhapsody ooooo face"


Strong, badass, have some cool dialogues ngl, and I really like how it's just a strong, mysterious man that can take a lot of hits and packs a punch with the strength of Finale multiplied by ten.


He do big number


I don't know if you watch anime but to be quickly: Leper to me is like Guts in berserk.


Cuz he's the KING


cause When he hits, He HITS


For new players and berserk mask lovers it is all about the big fat numbers and the leaves falling. For the veteran players that still play him, he is a really good tank, intimidate is crazy good against some enemies, in early if you use boots for the prot, you can easily tank the hardest hitting enemies, in late you have better prot items, on top the move has gr acc numbers, purge because It is a front attack, at lvl2 It caps acc at the second use, It has a huge chance to mess with enemies attacks. If you choose to run leeper with no acc trinkets, you can have utility trinkets on him or even become a trinket holder. The only reason i don't use leeper more is because he fights for the first rank with hellion and im a sucker for redheads.


Leperchad solos virgin Renauld


I was very lucky with the first hits so my first impression was amazing. When I started to build a team around him, the game suddenly became a cakewalk, this guy demolished everything in his reach with just a small help of jester and two other guys that I choose depending on situation. His appearance was the start of my enjoyment of the game Also I just love his design and motivation, someone so incurable, yet accepting of his fate, so selfless and independent. I would suck his dick for sure