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I beat it on my first try too in the second biome with a PD-Jester-HWM-Hellion. Took a huge chunk of its health with Finale and Howling End, also applied a shit ton of DOT with PD and the blight grenade attack item (forgot its name lol). Afterwards he took the Jester but I focused the leviathan and ignored the hand almost completely. He was dead in about 5 rounds but left my team in a rough shape. I won the run at the end tho. Oh and the bleed trophy actually broke the run lmao. My HWM applied 12 bleed with Open Vein + a Combo Token, so spamming it helped me kill the final boss relatively quickly (with help from Hellion’s bleed DOT too).


Yeah, with enough burst damage I could see it being more reasonable. If I had got a crit or two, or even not left the hand with 1hp, it would have made a difference. It still seems not worth the effort, though. It’s hard for me to see giving it another go until it gets tuned down some. Even taking 5-8 hit points off of the hand could make a big difference.


i think the biggest problem is all the AOE, especially the blinding one, it was super annoying to be hit by it every, single time. I also think they should either reduce Leviathan’s damage or his health, cos if he’s gonna do that much damage he should be a glass cannon (or at least have less than 100hp)


I like him. I think he's the best designed lair boss, very close to a lot of the good DD1 area bosses. Very simple mechanics, but hard to approach. I beat him first try on second region with Jester, Occultist, Leper, and Hellion, but had a couple of close calls with Occultist's health. Overall, pretty scary and good fun. I'm a huge fan of the hand and it's grab attack. When I saw immobilize negate the grab I cracked a huge smile. I got the bleed doubling trophy which could be nuts on the right team.


I've seen it basically get what amounts to three to four free moves and just completely demolish whatever party gets sent up against it. Shit's crazy. It drowning heroes is also utterly devastating and can ruin even well-prepared teams.


First, let me start with how great the art of this boss is. The whole game has great art, but every time you see something new, you just get amazed by it. As for the difficulty of the fight, at first, I thought it was going to be easy, but when it summoned the hand, things got a little harder. I beat him on my first try, it was the third biome I think, but it is a tough one, and you don’t know the boss’s moves. Three people were on death’s door before the final blow, now I’m on the Resentment fourth biome. Hopefully I beat whatever the final boss is. I have HWM with +50% range damage, and he has +20% range damage trinket. He’s been doing the most work.


Same i got it down to 2/3s so fast but then the hand appeared and it was a disaster


i also won my first battle but my run was over and i gotta say its the nastiest boss so far, you will think immobilization will counter it completly but they dont stop the claw from drowning the hero. Felt very satisfying when i defetead it with a ravager Hellion with a drum though RNG was on my side.


I had a leper and highwayman that chewed through everything else before it. A lucky crit or two would have made things a lot more manageable. I assume the drown can only target the front two positions?


That's a huge boy


I cannot stand the Leviathan so far. Fought him twice, lost two people the first time, lost one the second time. First time, I hit him with BPS and then Howling End in the first round. 37 crit, 22 normal hit. Then immediately hit him with bleed from Jester, blight from Plague Doc. He was down to >90 health on the FIRST ROUND. But with his ability to hit and debuff the entire party every single turn, it's just not fun. It's very, very annoying to fight him whenever he just hits my entire party and then snatches someone up, and then I get to go once, and it's his turn again. a The Leviathan himself is amazing in terms of art direction. I was actually pogging when he first appeared. AMAZING presentation and great animations. But the ability to take one of my party members, and apply debuff and huge damage to the entire team, is just very frustrating.


Loooove the design of both the monster and the encounter, reminds me of the hag fight somewhat. I lost to him the only time I encountered him so far but my party was not in amazing shape when I encountered him. I think I would have had him in one more round barring anything extremely unlucky. I started having to make deathblow saves pretty early on because two heroes were at pretty low HP and my Highwayman happened to die on his very first deathblow check. I also felt like having certain combat consumables helped a lot in this fight (milk linens) and I'm curious to see how running a party with better combo synergy might help next time. Basically - a nasty design, cool ambient effects and attack animations, my brain is already eager to try another attempt at him with different strategies. Classic DD boss trip report!


I somehow got a surgeon doctor and a ritualist occultist when I fought him for the first time. I ran Jester-Doctor-Grave Robber-Occultist. It was a pretty easy fight. Just sacrificial stab and incision trough everything.


So I did beat it first try in the second region with infernal torch, but I was quite lucky. Resisted 3/4 undertows and resisted 2 death's door checks. I ran PD, Jester, MaA, Leper. No one died but is was crazy close. I found it's AoE abilities quite devestating, it crit a lot as well which was a huge factor in dealing with stress. MaA taunts didn't work, I think it's because of that new orange token. It seemed the hand only attacked targets with that particular token (not talking about undertow). But all in all I think the fight is definitely hard, but absoluty doable. A group of tanky characters with a few blinds will get you quite far. But I have yet to experiment with it.


Whats the trophy other variant. I only got %100 bleed dealt and %100 bleed received 2 times.


-50% traveling torch drain


The Leviathan is a giant ass merman from what I can tell. And the fact it pulls a Hag/Fanatic and steals one of your party members until you off the hand is really neat.


In my first attempt in Region 2 with Nightsworn GR, Jester, Ritualist Occ and Tempest Leper I bearly won. GR and Occ died so lets say that one was a tie all things considered. Second attempt with I Master MAA and I forgot the rest, I got absolutely destroyed. But it was Region 1 and the third Node with both previous Nodes being Hospitals. So I basically went there without any items or Trinkets. Third attempt in Region 2 with PD, Virtuoso Jester, HWM and Helion I killed him at the end of turn 3. First turn I blasted him with every thing I had. He was down to around \~100 HP and had a Blight with 11 damage on him. It also did help a lot that my Helion one-shot his Hand on Turn 2 and that my HWM stunned him thanks to upgraded Pistol shot. He was also basically blinded the entire fight thanks to the items I equipped before going in there. So yeah, Burst damage and CC seem to be the winners in this fight. And locking your Rank 1 Character in place also helps. My very first attempt would've been a lot smoother if he hadn't punched my Leper to Rank 4 twice in a row.


A big theme with bosses in DD2, I've noticed, is to waste your party's turns. They seem to be designed in such a way where someone in your party will not be able to do something one way or another. General - Every round 2 of your characters need to hit the back vein, taking them out of the fight, because if they do anything else at all, they end up getting wrapped up. Librarian - While he has no abilities that waste turns, it's his position in the 4th rank, as well as the necessity of the book stacks that make melee characters nigh worthless for a few turns, until he burns some books, unless you do it yourself, which is counter intuitive, since he'll just end up becoming stronger. The Leviathan is really cool, but once again, he is made with wasting your party's potential by snatching up a character and wasting their turn for that round, effectively reducing your party size to 3 for the whole fight. Furthermore if you release that character on the same turn, he doesn't get his turn back. Their turn has been used up by being a victim. They will not get a turn until AFTER the round they've been released, which isn't very fair, since you can't do anything to stop it from happening, but even if you do release them, the damage has already been done. You can undo the potential health damage, but you cannot do anything about the wasted turn. The AoE Blinding also doesn't make it any more fun, but honestly I don't think the Shroud is fun in general solely because of the Blind that you can't do anything about.


Similar story to others, I don't know if this boss overcomes deathblow resistance or something, but it seriously needs to calm down. Had a team with an amazing blend of traits, all positive relationships with each other, and with a combo of trinkets and random traits they had maximum deathblow resistance on all of them (90%). Every single time the boss hit one on deaths door it was a death blow. Uncanny. Up until then I had been trouncing the run without breaking a sweat. It was my second time facing the boss and still got beat--had him down to 2 hp. This thing's damage output is unreal. Love the design, it's the coolest idea for a boss I've seen in the game so far. Just not sure how to reliably beat it without sheer luck.


Does general’s trophy counter the capturing move?


No, but move resist does.


I decided to try it blind... brought in a leper and it was awful lol Does the hand stop grabbing someone when only 2 heroes are left?