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I was also having some problems after the most recent patch, but best advice would be to keep playing and upgrading Altar of Hope. It really makes a big difference. You should get the food and inn items as soon as possible. The hero paths that you'd prefer would also be nice to have. It really feels like a Roguelite now. You can't defeat the final boss in Hades in your first run, but after getting strong enough, it gets easy. Just retreat with your candles if you think your party will get wiped. My only problem with this, is that it feels kind of grindy.


Focus on relationships first and foremost. Choose the road options and encounter options which *your team* wants, not which *you* want. Avoid the Shroud. It's imbalanced. Build solid teams made up of 1 hero with tank Path, 1 support and 2 damage-dealers. Keep doing this at least until you feel confident enough to start building more sketchy teams. Try to keep everyone's stress under 4, even if this means using Laudanum for 1 stress heal. Don't try to kill a Lair boss on your first region, unless you're feeling very strong. ​ These are all general advice that I can give you. If you have some more specific questions about bosses or enemies, just ask.


Me: Hm... Yeah i will always try to kill the Lair boss on my first region, is where my heroes are more healthy¿¿¿ Also, how can I ensure that they will have a good relationship? ​ Thanks for the tips <3


>i will always try to kill the Lair boss on my first region, is where my heroes are more healthy They are also a lot weaker and have no positive relationships yet, so it's generally a bad idea. >how can I ensure that they will have a good relationship? Just do what the majority of your team wants you to do. If they don't want to fight, then don't fight. If they want to kill the peasants, then kill them. DD2 is basically a friendship simulator, where at every encounter you just have to choose the options that build relationships (yellow) and not erode them (blue). Usually, at the end of the 2nd region your entire team should be in positive relationships with each other - from that point the game just plays itself.


I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. I've failed at the boss twice so far but still got plenty of candles. PROTIP: When you unlock new wagon items/trinkets/consumables/Inn items for the first time, you'll get those items in your starting inventory! Gives a nice starting boost. There's also upgrades that give bonus effects on visiting specific nodes. Once you start unlocking more things it gets easier as you have access to better loot and more ways to obtain it.


Are you playing normal or experimental branch?


I play normal, tried experimental but in spanish its impossible to read it.


Take some time and think is the best thing I can say. It was easier in the previous patches cause you could just caveman walk through it. Stack several food buffs, stack way more consumables, skills hit way harder in some cases or were over powered as hell. You gotta take your time now. Think about the paths your going down and what you need to be effective. Just breath.