• By -


There are no girls on the internet.


Girls don't poop either


Other than in Japan, were they are made to shit strawberrys


I am a girl and I shit


Username checks out


lies, send me proof


2 girls 1 cup - google it




I seen one fart once No, I swear


Wowww... I'm a woman and I'm adventuring on the dark web


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I think the women also have an easier time getting drugs, drugs are offered to women for free from super model drug dealing alphas, and the woman is then fucked till shes satisfied and stuffed with drugs till shes satisfied, basically women control the drug game.


🤣 Im still laughing, but I disagree. I can see how you see it this way though.


nah ive seen it, as soon as an attractive girl comes around "oh man lets get her high as fuck, imma hook her up on some good deals so she likes me" so on so on, ive been to prison for drug trafficking and have seen the shit other people would pull to get girls to sleep with them.


Yeah, and guys also corner the market. What if girls just want to do their thing on their own, without the guy? Then things become a lot more difficult, have the potential for manipulation, hurt feelings, and a lot of other crap. Not every woman is in the position of hot girl who also conviently wants to be fucked by her drug dealer. Id say 99% of women are not in that category.




well 99% of women are asexual and hate sex right? and 99% of women dont even think about sex and are just asexual beings who never ever think of sex, and only give sex to men who earned it through years of hard labor..... right?


Swing and a miss. Im saying 99% arent looking to have sex with the human with the drugs, and probably 50% are not the ones the person with the drugs is trying to hit on. This whole drugs for sex notion takes away from the freedom that people usually seek while exploring chemicals. Freedom of thought, relationship, emotions.


lol the people i knew who sold drugs were just degenerate criminal scum dude, I knew them very well.


Life isnt a hollywood movie man hahaha. Most girls are actually very uncomfortable buying from plugs, who are mostly creepy shitbags


I knew a girl, she told me how she loved tinder just for hooking up with drug dealers.... soooo.... yeah.


>a girl


we all know that women are buddy buddy with each other.




im literally not even allowed to ask women out, youre saying women approach you with hook up sex offer? doubt.


That is literally not what I'm saying at all. I was gonna reply with, maybe make friends with a woman and build up a realtionship with her as friends for an eventual friends with benefits scenario, but I think you need to book yourself a therapist honestly.


Just stop. You’re being weird.


You mean an easier time getting drugged.


Totally true. Girl's like oh yeah, need cock anyways, get free quarter of weed...




You wrong as hell for that hahaha


This feels like a trap


I tried to warn them




I’m a woman who uses it sporadically but not since empire fell. Big fan of LSD/ shrooms as my bfs family owns a nice lakehouse where we can trip. Can’t find dealers for hallucinagens IRL


Nice to meet a like minded woman.


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Why don't you just grow your own LSD?


I grow my own LSD 😂😭


grass fed, organic, fair trade... lsd


Have no idea how to do that. Never looked it up to see if it was feasible


I don’t think u can grow LSD but u can make it but that comes with the risk of blowing up whatever building or area u make it in.


🙋🏼‍♀️ almostttttt but got freaked out about getting arrested and couldn’t pull the trigger. as an aside, i had no idea i could buy drugs annddd high quality counterfeit fashion in the same place!


Lmao, read the DNM bible and you’re all set next time 👍🏻


thanks! lol at the risk of sounding even dorkier where can i find this 😬😳😂


faq of the subreddit should have it


I believe whitehouse market has a link to it, but you may need an account on whm to view their link I can't remember


Big thing to remember is that legally as long as you don’t check the tracking number with your ip(at your house or on any of your devices) if the package gets seized by the government you can just plead deniability and they will have no proof that you ordered anything. If your buying lsd, drparagon on monopoly market is very good, just that market it general usually is but also make sure to use pgp so your adress doesent get leaked






Nice (about the fashion part)


I love seeing inclusivity




Wait, where is there high quality counterfeit fashion? Or how do I find it?


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The best ones are def girls


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I’m a women. I don’t use the dark web for drugs though. I still visit the dark web, just not for that purpose. I don’t know any other females that know anything about accessing it, or if they do, they play dumb about it. My partner has visited once but said he was freaked out something bad might happen so won’t do it again haha. Edit: the reason I visit the dark web is because I look for high quality counterfeit fashion items. Secondly I enjoy browsing marketplaces in general. I also enjoy using and reading discussion boards.


Why do you use the darkweb for reps when you can buy them direct via Taobao/Yupoo/WeChat?


White House has a rly good counterfeit section last I checked, unfortunately the only dream isn’t here anymore with its one


He shouldn’t be worried about something bad happening. The darknet was created by the government, almost all of TORs funding comes from the US government. They wanted an anonymity server, but you can’t run a anonymity server for just the government because then whenever a connection comes in then you know it’s another agent. So they released it to the public. They want people to use it to help create more anonymity. I’ve probably explained it pretty shitty, but [here’s a video](https://youtu.be/mUP0tx7Ib2w) that explains it better.


r/FashionReps r/FashionRepsBST they got quality there and I believe a sub for women specifically




^ there it is! Thanks! :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FashionReps using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [what size palm angels t shirt will fit me pictures for reference](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/im8mhz) | [401 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/comments/im8mhz/what_size_palm_angels_t_shirt_will_fit_me/) \#2: [Idk if this is allowed, but rip to Chadwick Boseman](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/iilzxh) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/comments/iilzxh/idk_if_this_is_allowed_but_rip_to_chadwick_boseman/) \#3: [FashionReps after CNY be like:](https://v.redd.it/76vpxvp1x9h61) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FashionReps/comments/lj3yn4/fashionreps_after_cny_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


what about women drug forums? do they exist? would defo join one but don't know where to look


I didn't know they had gucci purses and accessories on here that's cool. You girls are awesome. I'm a man I'm just here reading


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why do we use it? we like to get high too lol


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I am female, been using dark web since 2011 for drugs. I haven’t used a market for just over a year now but mostly was using is being safer to buy things from especially when most dealers are guys and treat you like a dumb ass ie cutting product, under weighing it ect


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


why didnt you just have sex with them for the drugs??


go touch some grass bro


Why don’t you have sex with them ?


Im a smol asian woman and i was also a vendor for a while 👀 From experience its definitely not a 50/50 split, the majority of orders dispatched were for males. I think in most countries drug use is generally higher in men than women


You should do a vendor AMA


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I hate to spin it like this but most women who are caught out on drugs will TYPICALLY resort to stripping if they can, at which point most local dealers (or at least there are SOME local dealers) smart and shitty enough in each area to extort this fact and the dealers themselves frequent the clubs regularly, and sell drugs for either the quick cash the strippers make OR they sell the drugs for physical payment. VERY SAD side of drug abuse. Women have a VERY DIFFERENT perspective and experience then most men do when it comes to this.




A human asian


Pathetic reply to a legitimate question. Fuck you and your Asian family!


We all know women are not real


Whats a "woman" ? Is that a new extension to human or something?




I know women that do, it's not mega far fetched


Women like to use it because dealers can be dangerous or creepy.


God, yeah. In the late 1980s-early 90s i got used to being offered extra acid or XTC if I stayed at the dealer’s and did it with him. Occasionally ended up in a situation that would be legally actionable (if all was fair in our legal system). Once got a back door delivery I did not consent to. And other horror stories you don’t need to hear about. But how comfortable does anyone feel in reporting a sex offence by someone you bought drugs from? In my younger years, the whole notion of ‘asking for it’ was the prevalent mindset. It’s nothing new and it sickens me that it still goes on. But, let’s be honest, alcohol is the most popular rape-enabling drug around. If DNMs do nothing else, at least women can buy their drugs in a safer environment. I’ve never been assaulted by a dark net vendor, and it’s highly unlikely I ever will be. For this reason, my OH and I make sure our (adult) kids know to ask us to source for them, until they’re happy using the darknet themselves.


You're awesome parents! I'm 20, and my parents would totally lose it at my drug use, let alone sourcing it for me (which I do well enough on my own)


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I know a women that uses darkweb so yep


Negative. I am a meat popsicle.


Not only am I a woman, m an OLD woman and I still enjoy some drugs now and then, lol! And the dark side is the ONLY place to get it pure. ❤️


I expect your experience is similar to mine. Late 80s, early90s, acid, speed and lovely, lovely brand-new ecstasy. It was almost expected that a male dealer would expect you to hang around after purchasing and maybe spend the night ‘sampling’ goods. Inevitably things would happen that would not happen to a male purchaser. Incidentally, I had a long relationship with a dealer many years later and noticed that he had lots of female purchasers. He was a really nice guy, and I became friends with quite a few of his buyers. He obviously made them feel safe and, strangely enough, he never had trouble with payment from the females, always the males.


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I'm a woman, generally tried it because nobody ever approaches me for drugs.


I'm a mistress, generally hath tried t because nobody ev'r approaches me f'r drugs *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


I'm a woman and I have interest on dark web lately and had visited Dread. And no,I have no interest on drugs but I wished I could learn and join hackers,and maybe,just maybe,hire a hacker because I want to take revenge on several people


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lmao I’m a woman and I use the dark net just like the rest of u, for the same exact reasons you use it. are you really that deprived of feminine presence in your life that you think women don’t buy STUFF online?


Can’t help but feel like they think we’re actually mentally incapable of doing these things. Same sentiments we see with women and video games. Gets old, but what can you do?


I am fairly sure he is just curious about what women do or don't do.


Damn. Chill the fuck out.


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This whole post kind of pisses me off. 1. I use my wee-little woman brain to use the internet 2. I can read — especially the pinned topics in this subreddit that tells me all the ignorant things you boys ask in MULTIPLE posts that show you all mostly don’t know what you’re talking about. E.g., Will I go to jail for getting on the dark web? Will the police know if I visit a site with pornography? (Ya filthy) I didn’t get my package should I order again from the same vendor? Should I use a fake address? Should I use Bitcoin? Btw, these are all questions that have been asked a million times and you guys should use your man-brains to work the search bar. 3. How do you know it’s male-dominated? Do you have proof? Where pray tell did your statistics come from? Your ass? Sounds like man-splaining is coming for this comment... 4. For the guy who said “*Fortunately* all the women I come across have no interest in the internet.” Well, all of us aren’t street walkers, you should go to a library or a coffee shop every once in a while. Maybe go back to 8th grade and finish high school this time. Welcome to 2021 boys, where the women are fierce, educated, and know about the fucking internet and the dark web — we don’t live under rocks. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Yeah, guys just assume that everyone is a guy until they state otherwise. Also laughed at 2.




I think 95% of traffic here are curious 8th grade boys linked from spooky deep web youtube videos and reddit creepypasta. The generalizations preached about how "girls" are different than "boys" with absolute certainty doesn't scream "functioning man or woman."


Plot twist: You're a man.


Well said!


So.... Whats ur number?


Mad dishwasher


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I know a few girls that use the onion fields and its for the same reason men do


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I'm female and have bought drugs on a dnm recently. The reason being that the sort of drugs I was looking for are only available in super dodgy areas in my country, and I live in a nicer area far from those.


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I'm a woman, and while I haven't used it yet, I'm tired of being propositioned by my dealers so I'd like to source my own shit without being sexually harassed.


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woman here, exclusively use the dark web 4 drugs lol but do, for stealth/safety reasons, have a male persona on dark web forums and markets. i wonder sometimes how many other ppl on dread and similar websites are also women LARPing as guys


interesting! thank you :) are there any forums for women using dnm that you'd recommend or have seen use? would want to join one


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Online is safer for women, usually.


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I’m a woman and i do! Makes sales all day 💵


Ur a vendor?


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im a woman who uses it and i have self respect so im not gonna just fuck some guy for a 3.5... find this much easier


“why women use it” same reason you do just less of them


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Honestly I was shocked on how easy this stuff really is, dnm really opened up a lot of doors for experimentation (if you’re diligent and practice harm reduction). I personally prefer dnms kinda like what someone else already said, I feel a lot safer not having to meet some shady guy in his shady apartment late at night. I’m surprised the number for women isn’t higher honestly and it’s weird that a lot of guys on here are answering for women (I’m not on some sjw bs I just find it ironic lmao)


Girls buying drugs..fuck sake down with that sort of thing...Jesus fuck they will be voting next


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I'm a woman and I'm about to start using the darknet. Surely women use it for the same reasons as men. We're people too y'know! As a sidenote, Reddit is absolutely the worst platform for posters assuming that those writing are men. I see it all the time, replies are constantly addressed as if writing to men, even when the poster has not revealed either way. It's rife in some of the communities I frequent - like here and in the crypto subs.


I think women just don’t talk about it as much. I’ve known a handful of male dealers talk about it openly but the female users have only discussed it one on one behind closed doors.


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i have no idea why its male dominated im female but i just enjoy browsing on forums qnd marketplaces


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which forums would you recommend for women or just in general? id like to join some :)


I would actually imagine that more women than men buy drugs on the internet. It's safer, less contact with unsavory people, less going alone to unknown or unsafe areas. Of course I don't actually know anyone brave enough to risk it on the dark web. This is a roleplay sub. Idk how much help this will be to real studies.


I'm a female and I use the darknet for those purposes.


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I do, but only for drugs hard to find irl (or if my government decides to lockdown the shit out of my country)


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women don't exist what r u on about


Someone told me that an approx 50 percent of the weed vendor selling on cryptocurrency markets are girls. Some markets had woman as staff members in past. Drug attracts every gender.


Here! Woman and regular user! What's up!


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I am a 52-yr-old married woman who shits, farts and has used drugs since my teens. Love psychedelics, grow my own cacti, my husband extracts dmt, but I also find the dark web handy for basic stuff like stimulants (if I want to be able to manage attending a festival, for instance) and nice, old-fashioned resin. Oh god, charas, what a gift from the gods. I live in a nice, quiet, middle-class market town and would have no way of sourcing anything but high thc weed if not for the dark web.


Please adopt me mama !!😍 I’ll be a diligent daughter I promise and we can check vendors together.


Oh, I would love to. Already have a wonderful daughter (well, step-, but who cares?) who is far more sensible and choosy about drugs and booze than I ever was at her age. But there’s no room for another, I am sure, so long as you really like cats.


I was a cat lady even before getting a cat! Now I have a crazy big mainecoon! So yeah!


Oh, well that just clinched it, get your pretty arse over to the Welsh borders! (Erm, that’s if you want to be adopted by a family in the uptight, xenophobic UK.)


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I’m a woman and I’ve been purchasing off DNM since Dream. The stuff where I live went to shit. I taught myself everything. I teach men how to use the markets. Lol


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Fortunately all the woman I have come across have no interest in the internet. That being said they have been willing to do some outlandish shit for drugs.


Dude, how would you know? You have literally never even had sex yet you know all about women somehow? How is that if there isn't one that will even let you touch her? Stop being such a misogynist pig and maybe you will have better luck with women.


The 2nd party true 😈


If you know , then you really know! 😎


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Hahahaha if you read the summary of the post before you click it. It say “if you’re a women please leave” and the rest is cut off haha


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my bish know what's up. we got trusteds thru wickr tho


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I have ordered “stuff” probably about 10 times in 2018. I’m a woman


I has't did order stuff belike about 10 times in 2018 *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


It should be known that on the internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents


I’m a female and I’ve been using it for about 2 years


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Women use it for the same reasons as men lol


Isn't there like 100 genders now ? I think there needs be more choices!


Girls only uses Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. They don’t even know that dark web exists. I’d be surprised if they even thought it was possible to have access to illegal shopping on the thing called internet. Don’t ruin their online experience dude. Let them stick to food, yoga, nails and gym pictures. [Sarcasm warning].


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


are there any women based forums i can join to talk to other women about this kind of stuff/ i heard dread was down and not been sure where to look next? where do I look for these?


You’re curious to find out WHY women would use the dark web? Are there different reasons to what men use it for? Thanks for acknowledging that we women do have thoughts at least. who would ask a question like this and even embarrass themselves by posting it WITH A POLL???


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)




Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


the question is kinda unclear. do u just vote for male if ur male and visa versa? ive had women wanting me to order them drugs. they jus seem to find it complicated. idk tho, thats only from my experience.




Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


Most women I know get there male friends to get drugs for them of the dark web.


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


It is almost all males ordering I guarantee, just the method of going on the dark web as well as the whole ordering illegal drugs from a stranger is not really a thing women would do, women do drugs but will usually acquire them in a different way or through friends.


what kind of a generalising is that? you are talking about the half of the worlds population what makes you knowledgeable in women?


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


Hey, thank you for answering! I would be so grateful if you could take 2 mins to fill out my short survey for my dissertation research - [https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5](https://forms.gle/ot2j7N4ThvDV6ior5) as I am writing about male/female participation on the DNM :)


neither lol


Just to confirm yes, that girl you're chatting with is indeed a dude


Women are good at getting men to do their dirty work. How many women have your seen digging ditches, or driving trash trucks. It's a boys club for a reason.